static int _hsmci_shutdown (SIM_HBA *hba) { CONFIG_INFO *cfg; SIM_MMC_EXT *ext; hsmci_ext_t *hsmci; uintptr_t base; ext = (SIM_MMC_EXT *)hba->ext; cfg = (CONFIG_INFO *)&hba->cfg; hsmci = (hsmci_ext_t *)ext->handle; base = hsmci->base; /* Reset and disable controller */ WRITE32 (MCI_CR, SWRST|PWSDIS); delay (100); WRITE32 (MCI_CR, MCIDIS | PWSDIS); /* Indicate we are done with DMA lib */ dmac_fini(hsmci->dmac_dev); munmap_device_memory ((void *)pioa_pdsr, 4); munmap_device_memory ((void *)hsmci->base, cfg->MemLength[0]); munmap_device_io (hsmci->pio_base, AT91SAM9G45_PIO_SIZE); munmap_device_io (hsmci->pmc_base, PMC_SIZE); free(hsmci); return (MMC_SUCCESS); }
void omap3_dinit(void *hdl) { omap3_spi_t *dev = hdl; /* * unmap the register, detach the interrupt */ InterruptDetach(dev->iid_spi); munmap_device_io(dev->vbase, OMAP3_SPI_REGLEN); /* * Disable EDMA */ if (dev->edma) { omap3_edma_disablespi(dev); InterruptDetach(dev->iid_edma); omap3_edma_detach (dev); munmap_device_memory((void *)dev->edmavbase, DM6446_EDMA_SIZE); munmap(dev->dmabuf, OMAP3_SPI_MAXDMALEN); ConnectDetach(dev->edma_coid); } ConnectDetach(dev->coid); ChannelDestroy(dev->chid); free(hdl); }
static err_t gpio_destory(Drive_Gpio *t) { Drive_Gpio *cthis = ( Drive_Gpio *)t ; cthis->disableIrq( cthis); GPIOModuleDisable( cthis->gpio_vbase); InterruptDetach( cthis->irq_id); munmap_device_io( cthis->gpio_vbase, AM335X_GPIO_SIZE); lw_oopc_delete( cthis); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void omap_fini(void *hdl) { omap_dev_t *dev = hdl; out16(dev->regbase + OMAP_I2C_CON, 0); out16(dev->regbase + OMAP_I2C_IE, 0); InterruptDetach(dev->iid); ConnectDetach(dev->coid); ChannelDestroy(dev->chid); munmap_device_io (dev->regbase, dev->reglen); free (hdl); }
int get_chip_type() { uintptr_t port = mmap_device_io( 4, OMAP_CONTROL_ID_CODE); if (port == MAP_DEVICE_FAILED) { return 0; } uint32_t chip_type = in32(port); if (chip_type == OMAP5430_CONTROL_ID_CODE || chip_type == OMAP5432_CONTROL_ID_CODE){ rm_l4per_uart1_context = RM_L4PER_UART1_CONTEXT_OMAP5; rm_l4per_uart2_context = RM_L4PER_UART2_CONTEXT_OMAP5; rm_l4per_uart3_context = RM_L4PER_UART3_CONTEXT_OMAP5; rm_l4per_uart4_context = RM_L4PER_UART4_CONTEXT_OMAP5; } munmap_device_io(port, 4); return 1; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt = 0, verbose = 0, pin = -1, direction = -1, gpio_module = -1; int cmd = -1; extern char *optarg; // Handle commandline arguments // -m gpio_module The GPIO module. Can be a value from 1 to 6 // -p pin The GPIO pin you want to set // -d direction The direction of the GPIO pin. Can be: 0 (=write)|1(=read) // -c command Action to perform. Can be: set|reset|read while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "m:p:d:c:v")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'm': gpio_module = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) gpio_module = -1; break; case 'p': pin = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) pin = -1; break; case 'd': direction = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if (errno != 0 || direction > 1) direction = -1; if (strcmp(optarg, "write") == 0) direction = 0; else if (strcmp(optarg, "read") == 0) direction = 1; else direction = -1; case 'c': if (strcmp(optarg, "set") == 0) cmd = 0; else if (strcmp(optarg, "reset") == 0) cmd = 1; else if (strcmp(optarg, "read") == 0) cmd = 2; else cmd = -1; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; default: break; } } if (gpio_module != -1 && pin != -1 && direction != -1 && cmd != -1) { /* enable this thread to execute i/o functions... */ ThreadCtl(_NTO_TCTL_IO, 0); //ptr = mmap_device_memory( 0, OMAP35XX_GPIO_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_NOCACHE, 0, gpio_base[gpio_module - 1]); ptr = mmap_device_io(OMAP35XX_GPIO_SIZE, gpio_base[gpio_module - 1]); ctrl_ptr = mmap_device_io(OMAP35XX_GPIO_SIZE, CONTROL_PADCONF_MMC2_CLK); if ( (void*)ptr == MAP_FAILED ) { perror( "mmap_device_memory for physical address failed"); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } printf("ctrl_ptr %x\n",in32(ctrl_ptr)); //out32(ctrl_ptr, 0x01040000); gpio_set_direction(pin, direction); if (cmd == 0) gpio_set(pin); if (cmd == 1) gpio_reset(pin); if (cmd == 2) printf("0x%x\n",gpio_read(direction, pin)); //munmap_device_memory(gpio_base[gpio_module - 1], OMAP35XX_GPIO_SIZE); munmap_device_io(gpio_base[gpio_module - 1], OMAP35XX_GPIO_SIZE); munmap_device_io(CONTROL_PADCONF_MMC2_CLK, OMAP35XX_GPIO_SIZE); return 0; } else { printf("Illigal commandline options provided, type 'use %s' on the commandline for usage information:\n", argv[0]); return -1; } }
void *omap3_init(void *hdl, char *options) { omap3_spi_t *dev; uintptr_t base; int i; uint32_t reg; dev = calloc(1, sizeof(omap3_spi_t)); if (dev == NULL) return NULL; //Set defaults dev->pbase = OMAP3_SPI1_BASE; dev->irq_spi = OMAP3_SPI_SPI1_INTR; dev->clock = OMAP3_SPI_INPUT_CLOCK; dev->channel_num = 1; dev->force = 0; dev->edmapbase = DM816x_EDMA_BASE; dev->irq_edma = 0; /* We use interrupt of receive channel */ dev->edma = 0; dev->num_cs = 1; dev->cs_delay = 0; dev->edma_tx_chid = dev->edma_rx_chid = -1; if (omap3_options(dev, options)) goto fail0; /* * Map in SPI registers */ if ((base = mmap_device_io(OMAP3_SPI_REGLEN, dev->pbase)) == (uintptr_t)MAP_FAILED) goto fail0; dev->vbase = base; /* Reset the SPI interface * and wait for the reset to complete */ set_port(base + OMAP3_MCSPI_SYS_CONFIG, OMAP3_MCSPI_CONFIG_SOFT_RESET, OMAP3_MCSPI_CONFIG_SOFT_RESET); while ( !(in32(base + OMAP3_MCSPI_SYS_CONFIG) & 1)) { nanospin_ns(20); } /*Set Master mode -- single channel mode*/ out32((base + OMAP3_MCSPI_MODCTRL_OFFSET), (in32(base + OMAP3_MCSPI_MODCTRL_OFFSET) & OMAP3_MCSPI_MODCTRL_MASTER_SEL)|OMAP3_MCSPI_MODCTRL_MULTI_CH_SEL); /* * Calculate all device configuration here */ for (i = 0; i < dev->num_cs; i++){ //we have just one device defined in the driver till now.... devctrl[i] = omap3_cfg(dev, &devlist[i].cfg); if(dev->force){ /* if we need to set the default CSx level to other than defaul low, we need to kick it*/ out32((base + OMAP3_MCSPI_CH1_CONFIG_OFFSET + 0x14 * i), devctrl[i]|SPI_COMM_TX_RX <<12); set_port(base + OMAP3_MCSPI_CH1_CTRL_OFFSET+0x14*i, OMAP3_MCSPI_CHANNEL_ENABLE, OMAP3_MCSPI_CHANNEL_ENABLE); /* force CS */ set_port((base + OMAP3_MCSPI_CH1_CONFIG_OFFSET + 0x14*i),OMAP3_MCSPI_FORCE_MODE_ONE, OMAP3_MCSPI_FORCE_MODE_ONE); delay(1); /*un force CS */ set_port((base + OMAP3_MCSPI_CH1_CONFIG_OFFSET + 0x14*i),OMAP3_MCSPI_FORCE_MODE_ONE, 0); set_port(base + OMAP3_MCSPI_CH1_CTRL_OFFSET+0x14*i, OMAP3_MCSPI_CHANNEL_ENABLE, 0); } } /* * Attach SPI interrupt */ if (omap3_attach_intr(dev)) goto fail1; dev->spi.hdl = hdl; /* Clear the appropriate Interrupts if any*/ reg= in32(base + OMAP3_MCSPI_IRQ_STATUS_OFFSET) ; out32((base + OMAP3_MCSPI_IRQ_STATUS_OFFSET), reg); if (dev->edma) { if (omap3_init_edma(dev)) dev->edma=0; /* * Attach SDMA interrupt */ if (omap3_edma_attach_intr(dev)){ printf("%s(%d): omap3_edma_attach_intr failed\n", __func__, __LINE__); goto fail2; } } return dev; fail2: munmap_device_memory ((void *)dev->edmavbase, DM6446_EDMA_SIZE); fail1: munmap_device_io(dev->vbase, OMAP3_SPI_REGLEN); fail0: free(dev); return NULL; }
int hsmci_init (SIM_HBA *hba) { CONFIG_INFO *cfg; SIM_MMC_EXT *ext; hsmci_ext_t *hsmci = NULL; uintptr_t base; ext = (SIM_MMC_EXT *)hba->ext; cfg = (CONFIG_INFO *)&hba->cfg; hba->verbosity = 4; if (!ext->opts) { slogf (_SLOGC_SIM_MMC, _SLOG_ERROR, "MMC: missing board-specific options\n"); goto ARGSERR; } if ((hsmci = calloc(1, sizeof(hsmci_ext_t))) == NULL) { slogf (_SLOGC_SIM_MMC, _SLOG_ERROR, "MMC: alloc memory failed\n"); goto ERR; } cfg->MemLength[0] = 0x1000; cfg->NumMemWindows = 1; cfg->MemBase[0] = cfg->IOPort_Base[0]; base = (uintptr_t)mmap_device_memory(NULL, cfg->MemLength[0], PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_NOCACHE, MAP_SHARED, cfg->MemBase[0]); if (base == (uintptr_t)MAP_FAILED) { slogf (_SLOGC_SIM_MMC, _SLOG_ERROR, "MMC: mmap_device_memory failed\n"); goto ERR; } hsmci->clock = 133000000; hsmci->base = base; hsmci->hba = hba; ext->handle = hsmci; ext->clock = hsmci->clock; ext->detect = _hsmci_detect; ext->powerup = _hsmci_powerup; ext->powerdown = _hsmci_powerdown; ext->cfg_bus = _hsmci_cfg_bus; ext->set_clock = _hsmci_clock; ext->set_blksz = _hsmci_block_size; ext->interrupt = _hsmci_interrupt; ext->command = _hsmci_command; ext->setup_dma = _hsmci_setup_dma; ext->dma_done = _hsmci_dma_done; ext->setup_pio = _hsmci_setup_pio; ext->pio_done = _hsmci_pio_done; ext->shutdown = _hsmci_shutdown; /* Parse options */ hsmci->port = -1; hsmci->blksz = BLK_LENGTH; hsmci->slot = 0; /* Hardcode DMAC controller base address according to G45 datasheet * since this driver is specifically for G45 SoC */ hsmci->dbase = DMAC_BASE; if (!ext->opts) goto ARGSERR; if (hsmci_args(hba, ext->opts) == -1) goto ARGSERR; /* * Set Src/Dst Request peripheral identifier SRC_PER/DST_PER * handshaking interface # according to Table 41-1 DMA Channel Definition * According to datasheet Table 35-2, the I/O line of mci0_da0 is pa2. * According to datasheet Table 35-2, the I/O line of mci1_da0 is pa23. */ if (hsmci->port == 0) { hsmci->dintf = 0; hsmci->da0_mask = (1<<2); } else { hsmci->dintf=13; hsmci->da0_mask = (1<<23); } /* Map G45 PIOA for polling busy signal */ pioa_pdsr = (uint32_t *)mmap_device_memory(NULL, 4, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_NOCACHE, MAP_SHARED, PIOA_PDSR); if (pioa_pdsr == (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED) { slogf (_SLOGC_SIM_MMC, _SLOG_ERROR, "MMC: mmap_device_memory failed\n"); goto ERR; } if ( (uintptr_t) MAP_FAILED == ( hsmci->pio_base = mmap_device_io( AT91SAM9G45_PIO_SIZE, AT91SAM9G45_PIOD_BASE ) ) ) { slogf( _SLOGC_SIM_MMC, _SLOG_ERROR, "MMC: mmap_device_io for PIOD_PDSR failed" ); goto ERR; } /* Configure CD and WP PIO */ InterruptDisable(); #define CFG_PIO(reg) out32( hsmci->pio_base + (reg), AT91SAM9G45_MCI_PIO_BITS ) CFG_PIO( AT91SAM9G45_PIO_PER ); /* Ensable PIO */ CFG_PIO( AT91SAM9G45_PIO_ODR ); /* Disable output */ CFG_PIO( AT91SAM9G45_PIO_IFDR ); /* Disable glitch input filter */ CFG_PIO( AT91SAM9G45_PIO_CODR ); /* Clear output data */ CFG_PIO( AT91SAM9G45_PIO_IDR ); /* Disable interrupt */ CFG_PIO( AT91SAM9G45_PIO_MDDR ); /* Disable multi-driver */ CFG_PIO( AT91SAM9G45_PIO_PUER ); /* Enable pull-up */ CFG_PIO( AT91SAM9G45_PIO_OWDR ); /* Output write disable */ #undef CFG_PIO InterruptEnable(); /* Configure capacity of controller */ ext->hccap |= MMC_HCCAP_BW1 | MMC_HCCAP_BW4 | MMC_HCCAP_DMA | MMC_HCCAP_BW8 | MMC_HCCAP_HS; // Use the flag MMC_HCCAP_NOCD_BUSY to inform the MMCSD stack that this hardware has R1B bug // ext->hccap |= MMC_HCCAP_BW1 | MMC_HCCAP_BW4 | MMC_HCCAP_DMA | MMC_HCCAP_BW8 | MMC_HCCAP_HS | MMC_HCCAP_NOCD_BUSY; /* Disable the controller and soft reset */ WRITE32(MCI_CR, SWRST | PWSDIS); delay (100); WRITE32(MCI_CR, MCIDIS | PWSDIS); /* Disable DMA */ WRITE32(MCI_DMA, (READ32(MCI_DMA) & (~(DMAEN)))); /* Enable the controller */ WRITE32(MCI_CR, MCIEN | PWSDIS); WRITE32(MCI_IDR, 0xffffffff); /* Set Timeout to Max */ WRITE32(MCI_DTOR, 0x7f); /* Use the lowest baudrate */ WRITE32 (MCI_MR, 0xff | WRPROOF| RDPROOF); hsmci->dmac_dev = dmac_init(hsmci); if (hsmci->dmac_dev == NULL) { slogf (_SLOGC_SIM_MMC, _SLOG_ERROR, "MMC: dmafuncs init FAILED\n"); goto ERR; } hsmci->dmac_dev->io_addr = cfg->MemBase[0] + MCI_FIFO; hsmci->dmac_dev->blksz = hsmci->blksz; /* Select slot, set bus to 1 bit */ WRITE32 (MCI_SDCR, hsmci->slot); if (!cfg->Description[0]) strncpy(cfg->Description, "Atmel HSMCI ", sizeof(cfg->Description)); if ( (uintptr_t) MAP_FAILED == ( hsmci->pmc_base = mmap_device_io(PMC_SIZE, PMC_BASE) ) ) { slogf( _SLOGC_SIM_MMC, _SLOG_ERROR, "MMC: mmap_device_io for PMC failed" ); goto ERR; } return (MMC_SUCCESS); ARGSERR: printf("\nImproper board-specific options used. Accepting args: \n"); printf(" port=# The MCI port been used (0 or 1)\n"); printf("NOTE:\n"); printf(" 1. The args are seperated by colon ':'\n"); printf("Example:\n"); printf("at91sam9g45 port 0: devb-mmcsd-at91sam9g45 mmcsd ioport=0xFFF80000,irq=11,bs=port=0\n"); printf("at91sam9g45 port 1: devb-mmcsd-at91sam9g45 mmcsd ioport=0xFFFD0000,irq=29,bs=port=1\n"); ERR: if (hsmci) { munmap_device_memory ((void *)hsmci->base, (uint32_t)cfg->MemLength[0]); if (hsmci->pio_base) munmap_device_io (hsmci->pio_base, AT91SAM9G45_PIO_SIZE); free (hsmci); } if (pioa_pdsr != (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED) munmap_device_memory ((void *)pioa_pdsr, 4); return (MMC_FAILURE); }
void Board_Close(void) { munmap_device_io(BIO_SIZE,0x300); }
//#define CM_PER_GPIO1_CLKCTRL (0xAC) // This register manages the GPIO1 clocks. Section //#define CM_PER_GPIO2_CLKCTRL (0xB0) // This register manages the GPIO2 clocks. Section //#define CM_PER_GPIO3_CLKCTRL (0xB4) // This register manages the GPIO3 clocks. Section //#define CM_PER_GPIO4_CLKCTRL (0xB8) // This register manages the GPIO4 clocks. Section void GPIO0ModuleClkConfig(void) { static char invo_count = 0; uintptr_t prcm_base,cm_wkup_regs; uint32_t val; if( invo_count) //第二次调用直接退出 return; invo_count ++; prcm_base=mmap_device_io(CM_PRCM_SIZE,PRCM_BASE); cm_wkup_regs=prcm_base+0x400; /* Writing to MODULEMODE field of CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL register. */ out32(cm_wkup_regs+CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL,CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE); /* Waiting for MODULEMODE field to reflect the written value. */ while(CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE != (in32(cm_wkup_regs + CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL) & CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE)); /* ** Writing to OPTFCLKEN_GPIO0_GDBCLK field of CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL ** register. */ val=in32(cm_wkup_regs + CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL); val|=CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL_OPTFCLKEN_GPIO0_GDBCLK; out32(cm_wkup_regs + CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL,val); /* Waiting for OPTFCLKEN_GPIO0_GDBCLK field to reflect the written value. */ while(CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL_OPTFCLKEN_GPIO0_GDBCLK != (in32(cm_wkup_regs + CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL) & CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL_OPTFCLKEN_GPIO0_GDBCLK)); /* Verifying if the other bits are set to required settings. */ /* ** Waiting for IDLEST field in CM_WKUP_CONTROL_CLKCTRL register to attain ** desired value. */ while((CM_WKUP_CONTROL_CLKCTRL_IDLEST_FUNC << CM_WKUP_CONTROL_CLKCTRL_IDLEST_SHIFT) != (in32(cm_wkup_regs + CM_WKUP_CONTROL_CLKCTRL) & CM_WKUP_CONTROL_CLKCTRL_IDLEST)); /* ** Waiting for CLKACTIVITY_L3_AON_GCLK field in CM_L3_AON_CLKSTCTRL ** register to attain desired value. */ while(CM_WKUP_CM_L3_AON_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_L3_AON_GCLK != (in32(cm_wkup_regs + CM_WKUP_CM_L3_AON_CLKSTCTRL) & CM_WKUP_CM_L3_AON_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_L3_AON_GCLK)); /* ** Waiting for IDLEST field in CM_WKUP_L4WKUP_CLKCTRL register to attain ** desired value. */ while((CM_WKUP_L4WKUP_CLKCTRL_IDLEST_FUNC << CM_WKUP_L4WKUP_CLKCTRL_IDLEST_SHIFT) != (in32(cm_wkup_regs + CM_WKUP_L4WKUP_CLKCTRL) & CM_WKUP_L4WKUP_CLKCTRL_IDLEST)); /* ** Waiting for CLKACTIVITY_L4_WKUP_GCLK field in CM_WKUP_CLKSTCTRL register ** to attain desired value. */ while(CM_WKUP_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_L4_WKUP_GCLK != (in32(cm_wkup_regs + CM_WKUP_CLKSTCTRL) & CM_WKUP_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_L4_WKUP_GCLK)); /* ** Waiting for CLKACTIVITY_L4_WKUP_AON_GCLK field in CM_L4_WKUP_AON_CLKSTCTRL ** register to attain desired value. */ while(CM_WKUP_CM_L4_WKUP_AON_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_L4_WKUP_AON_GCLK != (in32(cm_wkup_regs + CM_WKUP_CM_L4_WKUP_AON_CLKSTCTRL) & CM_WKUP_CM_L4_WKUP_AON_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_L4_WKUP_AON_GCLK)); /* Writing to IDLEST field in CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL register. */ while((CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL_IDLEST_FUNC << CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL_IDLEST_SHIFT) != (in32(cm_wkup_regs + CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL) & CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL_IDLEST)); /* ** Waiting for CLKACTIVITY_GPIO0_GDBCLK field in CM_WKUP_GPIO0_CLKCTRL ** register to attain desired value. */ while(CM_WKUP_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_GPIO0_GDBCLK != (in32(cm_wkup_regs + CM_WKUP_CLKSTCTRL) & CM_WKUP_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_GPIO0_GDBCLK)); munmap_device_io(prcm_base, CM_PRCM_SIZE); }