コード例 #1
ファイル: test_group.c プロジェクト: Kvasshtain/uos-embedded
void uos_init (void)
	mutex_group_t *g;

	srand15 (time(0));
	timer_init (&timer, KHZ, 10);

	 * Create a group of three locks A, B and C.
	g = mutex_group_init (group, sizeof(group));
	mutex_group_add (g, &A);
	mutex_group_add (g, &B);
	mutex_group_add (g, &C);
	mutex_group_add (g, &timer.decisec);
	mutex_group_listen (g);

	 * Create three tasks: one listener and two senders.
	 * One sender has higher priority, and another - lower priority
	 * than listener.
	task_create (main_waiter, (void*) g, "waiter",   2, waiter, sizeof (waiter));
	task_create (main_sender, (void*) 1, "sender10", 1, sender1, sizeof (sender1));
	task_create (main_sender, (void*) 3, "sender30", 3, sender3, sizeof (sender3));
コード例 #2
ファイル: tcp-user.c プロジェクト: Kvasshtain/uos-embedded
 * Send len>0 bytes.
 * Return a number ob transmitted bytes, or -1 on error.
tcp_write (tcp_socket_t *s, const void *arg, unsigned short len)
	tcp_debug ("tcp_write(s=%p, arg=%p, len=%u)\n",
		(void*) s, arg, len);
	mutex_lock (&s->lock);

	if (s->state != SYN_SENT && s->state != SYN_RCVD &&
	    s->state != ESTABLISHED /*&& s->state != CLOSE_WAIT*/) {
		mutex_unlock (&s->lock);
		tcp_debug ("tcp_write() called in invalid state\n");
		return -1;
	if (len == 0) {
		mutex_unlock (&s->lock);
		return -1;
	mutex_group_t *g = 0;
	ARRAY (group, sizeof(mutex_group_t) + 2 * sizeof(mutex_slot_t));

	while (tcp_enqueue (s, (void*) arg, len, 0, 0, 0) == 0) {
		/* Не удалось поставить пакет в очередь - мало памяти. */
		if (! g) {
			memset (group, 0, sizeof(group));
			g = mutex_group_init (group, sizeof(group));
			mutex_group_add (g, &s->lock);
			mutex_group_add (g, &s->ip->timer->decisec);
			mutex_group_listen (g);
		/* Каждые 100 мсек делаем повторную попытку. */
		mutex_unlock (&s->lock);
		mutex_group_wait (g, 0, 0);
		mutex_lock (&s->lock);

		/* Проверим, не закрылось ли соединение. */
		if (s->state != SYN_SENT && s->state != SYN_RCVD &&
		    s->state != ESTABLISHED /*&& s->state != CLOSE_WAIT*/) {
			mutex_unlock (&s->lock);
			if (g)
				mutex_group_unlisten (g);
			return -1;
	mutex_unlock (&s->lock);
	if (g)
		mutex_group_unlisten (g);

	mutex_lock (&s->ip->lock);
	tcp_output (s);
	mutex_unlock (&s->ip->lock);
	return len;
コード例 #3
void uos_init (void)
	/* Configure 16 Mbyte of external Flash memory at nCS3. */
	MC_CSCON3 = MC_CSCON_WS (4);		/* Wait states  */

	/* Выделяем место для динамической памяти */
	extern unsigned __bss_end[];
	/* Динамическая память в SDRAM */
	if (((unsigned) __bss_end & 0xF0000000) == 0x80000000)
		mem_init (&pool, (unsigned) __bss_end, 0x82000000);
		mem_init (&pool, (unsigned) __bss_end, 0xa2000000);
	/* Динамическая память в CRAM */
	extern unsigned _estack[];
	mem_init (&pool, (unsigned) __bss_end, (unsigned) _estack - 256);

	timer_init (&timer, KHZ, 20);

	 * Create a group of two locks: timer and eth.
	mutex_group_t *g = mutex_group_init (group, sizeof(group));
	mutex_group_add (g, &eth->netif.lock);
	mutex_group_add (g, &timer.decisec);

	arp = arp_init (arp_data, sizeof(arp_data), &ip);
	ip_init (&ip, &pool, 70, &timer, arp, g);

	 * Create interface eth0
	const unsigned char my_macaddr[] = { 0, 9, 0x94, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3 };
	eth_init (eth, "eth0", 80, &pool, arp, my_macaddr);

	unsigned char my_ip[] = { 172, 0, 0, 18 };
	route_add_netif (&ip, &route, my_ip, 24, &eth->netif);
	h_udp_task = task_create (udp_task, 0, "udp", 65,	stack_udp, sizeof (stack_udp));
コード例 #4
ファイル: test-tcp.c プロジェクト: Kvasshtain/uos-embedded
void uos_init (void)
	printf (&debug, "\nCPU speed is %d MHz\n", KHZ/1000);

	/* Используем только внутреннюю память.
	 * Оставляем 256 байтов для задачи "idle". */
	extern unsigned __bss_end[], _estack[];
	mem_init (&pool, (unsigned) __bss_end, (unsigned) _estack - 256);

	timer_init (&timer, KHZ, 50);
	gpanel_init (&display, &font_fixed6x8);
	gpanel_clear (&display, 0);
	puts (&display, "Testing TCP.\r\n");

	 * Create a group of two locks: timer and eth.
	mutex_group_t *g = mutex_group_init (group, sizeof(group));
	mutex_group_add (g, &eth.netif.lock);
	mutex_group_add (g, &timer.decisec);

	arp = arp_init (arp_data, sizeof(arp_data), &ip);
	ip_init (&ip, &pool, 70, &timer, arp, g);

	 * Create interface eth0
	const unsigned char my_macaddr[] = { 0, 9, 0x94, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3 };
	k5600bg1_init (&eth, "eth0", 80, &pool, arp, my_macaddr);

	unsigned char my_ip[] = { 192, 168, 20, 222 };
	route_add_netif (&ip, &route, my_ip, 24, &eth.netif);

	task_create (tcp_task, 0, "tcp", 20,
		stack_tcp, sizeof (stack_tcp));
//	task_create (poll_task, 0, "poll", 1,
//		stack_poll, sizeof (stack_poll));
	task_create (console_task, 0, "cons", 10,
		stack_console, sizeof (stack_console));
コード例 #5
ファイル: tcp-user.c プロジェクト: alexrayne/uos-embedded
 * Send len>0 bytes.
 * Return a number ob transmitted bytes, or -1 on error.
tcp_write (tcp_socket_t *s, const void *arg, unsigned short len)
	tcp_debug ("tcp_write(s=%p, arg=%p, len=%u)\n",
		(void*) s, arg, len);

	if (!tcp_socket_is_state(s, TCP_STATES_TRANSFER)) {
		tcp_debug ("tcp_write() called in invalid state\n");
		return -1;
	if (len == 0) {
		return -1;
	mutex_group_t *g = 0;
	ARRAY (group, sizeof(mutex_group_t) + 2 * sizeof(mutex_slot_t));

	const char* ptr = (const char*)arg;
	unsigned left = len;
	while (left > 0){

	    int sent = tcp_enqueue (s, ptr, len, 0);
	    left    -= sent;
        ptr     += sent;

        if (left == 0)

        if (mutex_is_my(&s->lock))
        mutex_unlock (&s->lock);
        tcp_output_poll (s);
        tcp_output_poll (s);
        mutex_unlock (&s->lock);
#       endif

        /* Не удалось поставить пакет в очередь - мало памяти. */
        if (! g) {
            memset (group, 0, sizeof(group));
            g = mutex_group_init (group, sizeof(group));
            mutex_group_add (g, &s->lock);
            mutex_group_add (g, &s->ip->timer->decisec);
            mutex_group_listen (g);
        /* Каждые 100 мсек делаем повторную попытку. */
        mutex_group_wait (g, 0, 0);
        /* Проверим, не закрылось ли соединение. */
        if (!tcp_socket_is_state(s, TCP_STATES_TRANSFER)) {
            if (g)
                mutex_group_unlisten (g);
            return -1;

	if (g)
		mutex_group_unlisten (g);

        mutex_unlock (&s->lock);
        tcp_output (s);
        tcp_output (s);
        mutex_unlock (&s->lock);
#       endif
	return len;
コード例 #6
void main_task (void *data)
	buf_t *p, *r;
	unsigned char addr [4], *output;
	unsigned short port;
#if 1
	mutex_group_t *g;

	debug_printf ("\n\n*** Testing SNMP on UART 1 ***\n\n");

	arp = arp_init (arp_data, sizeof(arp_data), 0);

	 * Create a group of two locks: timer and eth.
	g = mutex_group_init (group, sizeof(group));
	mutex_group_add (g, &eth.netif.lock);
	mutex_group_add (g, &timer.decisec);
	ip = mem_alloc (&pool, sizeof (*ip));
	ip_init (ip, &pool, 70, &timer, arp, g);
	arp->ip = ip;

	 * Create interface eth0 /
	/* Reset чипа CS8900A заведен на порт G3.
	 * Он в прямой логике, надо подать туда 0. */
	outb_far (0x08, DDRG);
	clearb_far (3, PORTG);

	/* Добавляем один wait state, т.к. иначе cs8900 не успевает. */
	setb (SRW, MCUCR);
	cs8900_init (&eth, "eth0", 80, &pool, arp);
	route_add_netif (ip, &route, "\220\316\265\373", 24, &eth.netif);

	 * Add default route to
	route_add_gateway (ip, &default_route, "\0\0\0\0", 0, "\220\316\265\376");
	if (! default_route.netif)
		debug_printf ("test_snmp: no interface for default route!\n");

	snmp_init (&snmp, &pool, ip, snmp_tab, sizeof(snmp_tab),

	udp_socket (&sock, ip, 161);
	debug_printf ("test_snmp: mem available = %u bytes\n",
		mem_available (&pool));

	for (;;) {
		p = udp_recvfrom (&sock, addr, &port);
		debug_printf ("test_snmp: mem available = %u bytes\n",
			mem_available (&pool));

		r = buf_alloc (&pool, 1500, 50);
		if (! r) {
			debug_printf ("test_snmp: out of memory!\n");
			buf_free (p);

		output = snmp_execute (&snmp, p->payload, p->len, r->payload,
			r->len, addr);
		buf_free (p);
		if (! output) {
			buf_free (r);

		buf_add_header (r, - (output - r->payload));
		udp_sendto (&sock, r, addr, port);
コード例 #7
void uos_init (void)
	mutex_group_t *g;

	/* Baud 9600. */
	uart_init (&uart, 0, PRIO_UART, KHZ, 9600);
	timer_init (&timer, KHZ, 50);
	watchdog_alive ();

	/* Configure control pins. */
	control_link_led (0);
        gpio_config (PIN_DCD, 1);               /* P0 - output */
        gpio_config (PIN_CTS, 1);		/* P4 - output */
        gpio_config (PIN_LINK, 1);              /* P16 - output */
        gpio_config (PIN_DSR, 1);		/* P21 - output */

	mem_init (&pool, RAM_START, RAM_START + RAM_SIZE);
	watchdog_alive ();

	/* Configure Ethernet. */
	eth = mem_alloc (&pool, sizeof (eth_t));
	if (! eth) {
		debug_printf ("No memory for eth_t\n");
		uos_halt (1);

	 * Create a group of two locks: timer and eth.
	g = mutex_group_init (group, sizeof(group));
	mutex_group_add (g, &eth->netif.lock);
	mutex_group_add (g, &timer.decisec);
	ip = mem_alloc (&pool, sizeof (*ip));
	if (! ip) {
		debug_printf ("No memory for ip_t\n");
		uos_halt (1);
	arp = arp_init (arp_data, sizeof(arp_data), ip);
	ip_init (ip, &pool, PRIO_IP, &timer, arp, g);

	 * Create interface eth0 /
	eth_init (eth, "eth0", PRIO_ETH_RX, PRIO_ETH_TX, &pool, arp);
	route_add_netif (ip, &route, (unsigned char*) "\220\316\265\274",
		24, &eth->netif);

	/* Configure HDLC. */
	hdlc = mem_alloc (&pool, sizeof (hdlc_t));
	if (! hdlc) {
		debug_printf ("No memory for hdlc_t\n");
		uos_halt (1);
	hdlc_init (hdlc, 0, "hdlc0", PRIO_HDLC_RX, PRIO_HDLC_TX,
		&pool, KHZ * 1000);
	hdlc->callback_receive = receive_hdlc;

	stack_console = mem_alloc (&pool, CONSOLE_STACKSZ);
	assert (stack_console != 0);
	task_create (main_console, 0, "console", PRIO_CONSOLE,
		stack_console, CONSOLE_STACKSZ);

	stack_poll = mem_alloc (&pool, POLL_STACKSZ);
	assert (stack_poll != 0);
	task_create (main_poll, 0, "poll", PRIO_POLL,
		stack_poll, POLL_STACKSZ);

	stack_telnet = mem_alloc (&pool, TELNET_STACKSZ);
	assert (stack_telnet != 0);
	task_create (main_telnet, 0, "telnet", PRIO_TELNET,
		stack_telnet, TELNET_STACKSZ);