コード例 #1
/* toType* functions with a bonus error message */
void* expectType(lua_State* luaSt, int idx, const char* typeName)
    void* p;

    p = mw_tonamedudata(luaSt, idx, typeName);
    if (!p)
        mw_lua_typecheck(luaSt, idx, LUA_TUSERDATA, typeName);

    return p;
コード例 #2
void handleNamedArgumentTable(lua_State* luaSt, const MWNamedArg* args, int table)
    const MWNamedArg* p;
    char buf[128];
    int item;

    p = args;
    while (p->name)
        lua_pushstring(luaSt, p->name);
        lua_pushvalue(luaSt, -1);  /* Copy the key since lua_gettable pops it */

        lua_gettable(luaSt, table);
        item = lua_gettop(luaSt);

        if (lua_isnil(luaSt, item))
            if (!p->required)
                lua_pop(luaSt, 2);

            if (snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Missing required named argument '%s'", p->name) == sizeof(buf))
                mw_panic("Error message buffer too small for key name '%s'\n", p->name);

            luaL_argerror(luaSt, table, buf);

        /* We do our own type checking and errors to avoid
           Confusing and innaccurate error messages, which suggest the use of the table is wrong. */
        if (!typeEqualOrConversionOK(luaSt, p->type, -1))
            namedArgumentError(luaSt, p, table, item);

        if (p->type == LUA_TUSERDATA) /* We must do another level of checking for the actual type */
            if (!mw_tonamedudata(luaSt, item, p->userDataTypeName))
                namedArgumentError(luaSt, p, table, -1);
        else if (p->type == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA)
            mw_panic("Unhandled named argument type lightuserdata\n");

        setValueFromType(luaSt, p, item);
        lua_pop(luaSt, 2);

    checkExtraArguments(luaSt, args, table);
コード例 #3
NBodyCtx* toNBodyCtx(lua_State* luaSt, int idx)
    return (NBodyCtx*) mw_tonamedudata(luaSt, idx, NBODYCTX_TYPE);