int main() { { // pack, unpack my_class my("John Smith", 42); my.a = 123; my.set_b("ABC"); my.set_c("DEF"); std::stringstream ss; msgpack::pack(ss, my); print(ss.str()); msgpack::unpacked unp; msgpack::unpack(unp, ss.str().data(), ss.str().size()); msgpack::object obj = unp.get(); std::cout << obj << std::endl; assert(<my_class>() == my); } { // create object with zone my_class my("John Smith", 42); my.set_b("ABC"); my.set_c("DEF"); msgpack::zone z; msgpack::object obj(my, z); std::cout << obj << std::endl; assert(<my_class>() == my); } }
void message_parse(struct message *m, unsigned char *packet) { unsigned char *buf; int i; if(packet == 0 || m == 0) return; // keep all our mem in one (aligned) block for easy freeing #define my(x,y) while(m->_len&7) m->_len++; x = (void*)(m->_packet + m->_len); m->_len += y; // header stuff bit crap m->_buf = buf = packet; m->id = net2short(&buf); if(buf[0] & 0x80) m->header.qr = 1; m->header.opcode = (buf[0] & 0x78) >> 3; if(buf[0] & 0x04) m->header.aa = 1; if(buf[0] & 0x02) m-> = 1; if(buf[0] & 0x01) m->header.rd = 1; if(buf[1] & 0x80) m->header.ra = 1; m->header.z = (buf[1] & 0x70) >> 4; m->header.rcode = buf[1] & 0x0F; buf += 2; m->qdcount = net2short(&buf); if(m->_len + (sizeof(struct question) * m->qdcount) > MAX_PACKET_LEN - 8) { m->qdcount = 0; return; } m->ancount = net2short(&buf); if(m->_len + (sizeof(struct resource) * m->ancount) > MAX_PACKET_LEN - 8) { m->ancount = 0; return; } m->nscount = net2short(&buf); if(m->_len + (sizeof(struct resource) * m->nscount) > MAX_PACKET_LEN - 8) { m->nscount = 0; return; } m->arcount = net2short(&buf); if(m->_len + (sizeof(struct resource) * m->arcount) > MAX_PACKET_LEN - 8) { m->arcount = 0; return; } // process questions my(m->qd, sizeof(struct question) * m->qdcount); for(i=0; i < m->qdcount; i++) { _label(m, &buf, &(m->qd[i].name)); m->qd[i].type = net2short(&buf); m->qd[i].rr_class = net2short(&buf); } // process rrs my(m->an, sizeof(struct resource) * m->ancount); my(m->ns, sizeof(struct resource) * m->nscount); my(m->ar, sizeof(struct resource) * m->arcount); if(! _rrparse(m,m->an,m->ancount,&buf)) m->ancount = 0; // some error in parsing, set those counts to 0 if(! _rrparse(m,m->ns,m->nscount,&buf)) m->nscount = 0; if(! _rrparse(m,m->ar,m->arcount,&buf)) m->arcount = 0; }
void my(vector<int> now,TreeNode * node,int sum){ if(!node->left && !node->right && node->val==sum){ now.push_back(node->val); result.push_back(now); } else{ now.push_back(node->val); if(node->left) my(now,node->left,sum-node->val); if(node->right) my(now,node->right,sum-node->val); } }
void SBShapelet::SBShapeletImpl::fillXImage(ImageView<double> im, double x0, double dx, int izero, double y0, double dy, int jzero) const { dbg<<"SBShapelet fillXImage\n"; dbg<<"x = "<<x0<<" + i * "<<dx<<", izero = "<<izero<<std::endl; dbg<<"y = "<<y0<<" + j * "<<dy<<", jzero = "<<jzero<<std::endl; const int m = im.getNCol(); const int n = im.getNRow(); double* ptr = im.getData(); const int skip = im.getNSkip(); assert(im.getStep() == 1); x0 /= _sigma; dx /= _sigma; y0 /= _sigma; dy /= _sigma; tmv::Matrix<double> mx(m,n); for (int i=0; i<m; ++i,x0+=dx) mx.row(i).setAllTo(x0); tmv::Matrix<double> my(m,n); for (int j=0; j<n; ++j,y0+=dy) my.col(j).setAllTo(y0); tmv::Matrix<double> val(m,n); fillXValue(val.view(),mx,my); typedef tmv::VIt<double,1,tmv::NonConj> It; It valit = val.linearView().begin(); for (int j=0; j<n; ++j,ptr+=skip) { for (int i=0; i<m; ++i) *ptr++ = *valit++; } }
vector<vector<int> > pathSum(TreeNode *root, int sum) { if(!root) return result; vector<int> now; my(now,root,sum); return result; }
TEST(BitMap, intersects__unaligned) { BitMapMemory mx(aligned_size); BitMapMemory my(aligned_size); BitMapView x = mx.make_view(unaligned_size, even_bits); BitMapView y = my.make_view(unaligned_size, zero_bits); EXPECT_FALSE(x.intersects(y)); // Check that adding a bit beyond the end of y doesn't count. { BitMapView aligned_x = BitMapView(mx.memory(), aligned_size); BitMapView aligned_y = BitMapView(my.memory(), aligned_size); const idx_t index = aligned_size - 2; STATIC_ASSERT(unaligned_size <= index); ASSERT_TRUE(; WithBitSet wbs(aligned_y, index); EXPECT_FALSE(x.intersects(y)); } // Check that adding a bit in the final partial word does count. { idx_t index = unaligned_size - 2; ASSERT_LE(BitMap::word_align_down(unaligned_size), index); ASSERT_TRUE(; WithBitSet wbs(y, index); EXPECT_TRUE(x.intersects(y)); } }
geometry_msgs::Pose JacoPose::constructPoseMsg() { geometry_msgs::Pose pose; tf::Quaternion position_quaternion; // TODO: QUICK FIX, bake this as a quaternion: tf::Matrix3x3 mx( 1, 0, 0, 0, cos(ThetaX), -sin(ThetaX), 0, sin(ThetaX), cos(ThetaX)); tf::Matrix3x3 my( cos(ThetaY), 0, sin(ThetaY), 0, 1, 0, -sin(ThetaY), 0, cos(ThetaY)); tf::Matrix3x3 mz( cos(ThetaZ), -sin(ThetaZ), 0, sin(ThetaZ), cos(ThetaZ), 0, 0, 0, 1); tf::Matrix3x3 mg = mx * my * mz; mg.getRotation(position_quaternion); // NOTE: This doesn't work, as angles reported by the API are not fixed. // position_quaternion.setRPY(ThetaX, ThetaY, ThetaZ); tf::quaternionTFToMsg(position_quaternion, pose.orientation); pose.position.x = X; pose.position.y = Y; pose.position.z = Z; return pose; }
TEST(BitMap, contains__unaligned) { BitMapMemory mx(aligned_size); BitMapMemory my(aligned_size); BitMapView x = mx.make_view(unaligned_size, even_bits); BitMapView y = my.make_view(unaligned_size, even_bits); // Check that a missing bit beyond the end of x doesn't count. { BitMapView aligned = BitMapView(mx.memory(), aligned_size); const idx_t index = aligned_size - 2; STATIC_ASSERT(unaligned_size <= index); WithBitClear wbc(aligned, index); EXPECT_TRUE(x.contains(y)); } // Check that a missing bit in the final partial word does count. { idx_t index = unaligned_size - 2; ASSERT_LE(BitMap::word_align_down(unaligned_size), index); WithBitClear wbc(x, index); EXPECT_FALSE(x.contains(y)); } }
int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { int buff[1]; my(); // buff[2] = (int)why_here; printf( "main\n" ); return 0; }
// Returns the blended SQT transform wsTransform wsTransform::blend(const wsTransform& other, f32 blendFactor) const { WS_PROFILE(); wsTransform my( wsLerp(scale, other.scale, blendFactor), rotation.blend(other.rotation, blendFactor), wsLerp(translationX, other.translationX, blendFactor), wsLerp(translationY, other.translationY, blendFactor), wsLerp(translationZ, other.translationZ, blendFactor) ); return my; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); MyCallback my(0,Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); my.setGeometry(200,200,100,500);; return app.exec(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DatPanel::squize() { QString mx("1"), my("1"), mz("1"); if(sizesDialog(tr("UDAV - Squeeze data"), tr("Enter step of saved points. For example, '1' save all, '2' save each 2nd point, '3' save each 3d and so on."), tr("X-direction"), tr("Y-direction"), tr("Z-direction"), mx, my, mz)) { mglData *d = dynamic_cast<mglData *>(var); if(d) d->Squeeze(mx.toInt(), my.toInt(), mz.toInt()); refresh(); updateDataItems(); } }
TEST(BitMap, contains__aligned) { BitMapMemory mx(aligned_size); BitMapMemory my(aligned_size); BitMapView x = mx.make_view(aligned_size, even_bits); BitMapView y = my.make_view(aligned_size, even_bits); EXPECT_TRUE(x.contains(y)); WithBitClear wbc(x, aligned_size / 2); EXPECT_FALSE(x.contains(y)); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DatPanel::create() { QString mx, my("1"), mz("1"); if(sizesDialog(tr("UDAV - Clear data"), tr("Enter new data sizes"), tr("X-size"), tr("Y-size"), tr("Z-size"), mx, my, mz)) { mglData *d = dynamic_cast<mglData *>(var); if(d) d->Create(mx.toInt(), my.toInt(), mz.toInt()); mglDataC *c = dynamic_cast<mglDataC *>(var); if(c) c->Create(mx.toInt(), my.toInt(), mz.toInt()); refresh(); updateDataItems(); } }
TEST(BitMap, intersects__aligned) { BitMapMemory mx(aligned_size); BitMapMemory my(aligned_size); BitMapView x = mx.make_view(aligned_size, even_bits); BitMapView y = my.make_view(aligned_size, zero_bits); EXPECT_FALSE(x.intersects(y)); ASSERT_TRUE( / 2)); WithBitSet wbs(y, aligned_size / 2); EXPECT_TRUE(x.intersects(y)); }
static void rect( int p, mapevalenviron& mapenv, evalcontext* ecntxt ) { int i, j, p2, p3; realtyp mid; realtyp d1, d2; real2typ xy; p2 = p + p; p3 = p2 + p; for( i = 0; !ecntxt->cycles->error && i < fracsizx; i += p2 ) for( j = p; !ecntxt->cycles->error && j < fracsizy; j += p2 ) { xy.r2[0] = (realtyp)i/fracsizx; xy.r2[1] = (realtyp)j/fracsizy; mid = 0.0; mid += *adrarar( i , my( j + p) ); mid += *adrarar( i , my( j - p) ); mid += *adrarar( mx( i + p ), j ); mid += *adrarar( mx( i - p ), j ); mid *= 0.25; mid += normrand( 0.0, stdm( i, j, mapenv, ecntxt ), rndvl ); if ( mid > lmax ) lmax = mid; else if ( mid < lmin ) lmin = mid; if ( fracbump && p == 1 ) { d1 = *adrarar( mx( i + 1 ), j ) - mid; d2 = *adrarar( i ,my( j + 1 ) ) - mid; if ( d1 > dmax ) dmax = d1; else if ( d1 < dmin ) dmin = d1; if ( d2 > dmax ) dmax = d2; else if ( d2 < dmin ) dmin = d2; } *adrarar( i, j ) = (float)mid; } for( i = p; !ecntxt->cycles->error && i < fracsizx; i += p2 ) for( j = 0; !ecntxt->cycles->error && j < fracsizy; j += p2 ) { xy.r2[0] = (realtyp)i/fracsizx; xy.r2[1] = (realtyp)j/fracsizy; mid = 0.0; mid += *adrarar( i , my( j + p) ); mid += *adrarar( i , my( j - p) ); mid += *adrarar( mx( i + p ), j ); mid += *adrarar( mx( i - p ), j ); mid *= 0.25; mid += normrand( 0.0, stdm( i, j, mapenv, ecntxt ), rndvl ); if ( mid > lmax ) lmax = mid; else if ( mid < lmin ) lmin = mid; if ( fracbump && p == 1 ) { d1 = *adrarar( mx( i + 1 ), j ) - mid; d2 = *adrarar( i ,my( j + 1 ) ) - mid; if ( d1 > dmax ) dmax = d1; else if ( d1 < dmin ) dmin = d1; if ( d2 > dmax ) dmax = d2; else if ( d2 < dmin ) dmin = d2; } *adrarar( i, j ) = (float)mid; } }
int main() { { // pack, unpack my_class my("John Smith", 42); std::stringstream ss; msgpack::pack(ss, my); print(ss.str()); msgpack::object_handle oh = msgpack::unpack(ss.str().data(), ss.str().size()); msgpack::object obj = oh.get(); std::cout << obj << std::endl; assert(<my_class>() == my); } { // create object with zone my_class my("John Smith", 42); msgpack::zone z; msgpack::object obj(my, z); std::cout << obj << std::endl; assert(<my_class>() == my); } }
static void diag( int p, mapevalenviron& mapenv, evalcontext* ecntxt ) { int i, j, p2, p3; realtyp mid; p2 = p + p; p3 = p2 + p; for( i = p; !ecntxt->cycles->error && i < fracsizx; i += p2 ) for( j = p; !ecntxt->cycles->error && j < fracsizy; j += p2 ) { mid = 0.0; mid += *adrarar( mx( i + p ), my( j + p) ); mid += *adrarar( mx( i - p ), my( j + p) ); mid += *adrarar( mx( i + p ), my( j - p) ); mid += *adrarar( mx( i - p ), my( j - p) ); mid *= 0.25; mid += normrand( 0.0, stdm( i, j, mapenv, ecntxt ), rndvl ); if ( mid > lmax ) lmax = mid; else if ( mid < lmin ) lmin = mid; *adrarar( i, j ) = (float)mid; } }
AxisRotate::AxisRotate(const QImage &im, const int newW, const int newH): image(im) { mx.fill(0.0); my.fill(0.0); mz.fill(0.0); per.fill(0.0); minusTran.fill(0.0); tran.fill(0.0); minusTran(0,0) = minusTran(1,1) = minusTran(2,2) = minusTran(3,3) = tran(0,0) = tran(1,1) = tran(2,2) = tran(3,3) = 1.0; mx(0,0)=mx(1,1)=mx(2,2)=mx(3,3)=1.0; my(0,0)=my(1,1)=my(2,2)=my(3,3)=1.0; mz(0,0)=mz(1,1)=mz(2,2)=mz(3,3)=1.0; move(0,0)=move(1,1)=move(2,2)=move(3,3)=1.0; move(0,3)=newW/2-im.width()/2; move(1,3)=newH/2-im.height()/2; minusTran(0,3) = im.width()/2.0; minusTran(1,3) = im.height()/2.0; //minusTran(2,3) = 0; nw = newW; nh = newH; tran(0,3) = -im.width() /2.0; tran(1,3) = -im.height()/2.0; //tran(2,3) = 0; per(0,0) = per(1,1) = per(3,3) = 1.0; per(3,2) = 1.0/-200.0; rotatedImage = NULL; }
Vector Camera::rotateAxisAngle( Vector v, Vector n, float a) { float co = cos(a); float si = sin(a); Vector o; Vector mx( n.X*n.X*(1.0f-co)+co, n.X*n.Y*(1.0f-co)-n.Z*si,n.X*n.Z*(1.0f-co)+n.Y*si ); Vector my( n.X*n.Y*(1.0f-co)+n.Z*si, n.Y*n.Y*(1.0f-co)+co, n.Y*n.Z*(1.0f-co)-n.X*si ); Vector mz( n.X*n.Z*(1.0f-co)-n.Y*si, n.Z*n.Y*(1.0f-co)+n.X*si, n.Z*n.Z*(1.0f-co)+co); o.X =; o.Y =; o.Z =; return o; }
QImage *AxisRotate::setY(int y) { double ry = static_cast<double>(y)*M_PI/180.0; my(1,1) = my(3,3) = 1; my(0,0) = my(2,2) = cos(ry); my(0,2) = sin(ry); my(2,0) = -sin(ry); return translate(); }
void PlanetAtmosphereNode::findVisible( Camera*cam, RenderQueue& display, a_vector<LightNode*>& light ) { if(!m_controller->m_use_atmosphere || !cam->isInFrustrum(m_globalBbox)) return; PlanetModel* model = m_controller->m_model; m_controller->m_cam_position = cam->getPosition(); vec4 my(0,0,0,1); my = m_transform->modelMatrix()*my; m_controller->m_cam_position = m_controller->m_cam_position-vec3(my); m_controller->m_cam_dist = length(m_controller->m_cam_position); display.push_back(this,RenderQueue::TRenderType::TYPE_BLEND); SceneNode::findVisible(cam,display,light); }
void TestWakeups() { tbb::task_scheduler_init my(tbb::task_scheduler_init::deferred); if( tbb::task_scheduler_init::default_num_threads() <= NUM_TASKS ) my.initialize(NUM_TASKS*2); Harness::SpinBarrier barrier(NUM_TASKS); REMARK("Missing wake-up: affinity_partitioner\n"); tbb::affinity_partitioner aff; for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_REPEATS; ++i) tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, NUM_TASKS), Functor(barrier), aff); REMARK("Missing wake-up: simple_partitioner\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_REPEATS; ++i) tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, NUM_TASKS), Functor(barrier), tbb::simple_partitioner()); REMARK("Missing wake-up: auto_partitioner\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_REPEATS; ++i) tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, NUM_TASKS), Functor(barrier)); // auto }
int main(){ my(1); printf("-----------------------\n"); test(); //test2(); printf("-----------------------\n"); test3(); printf("-----------------------\n"); test4(); printf("-----------------------\n"); testswap(); printf("-----------------------\n"); test5(); printf("-----------------------\n"); test6(); return 0; }
int test_main(int, char *[]) { /* BOOST_CHECK(Com::traits<Com::object< ::IUnknown> >::variant_type_id==::VT_UNKNOWN); BOOST_CHECK(Com::traits<Com::object< ::IDispatch> >::variant_type_id==::VT_DISPATCH); BOOST_CHECK(Com::traits<Com::object<IMy> >::variant_type_id==::VT_UNKNOWN); BOOST_CHECK(Com::traits<Com::object<IDMy> >::variant_type_id==::VT_DISPATCH); BOOST_CHECK(Com::traits<Com::object<IDMy2> >::variant_type_id==::VT_DISPATCH); */ Com::iunknown P; BOOST_CHECK(P.QueryInterface<My_IDMy>()==My::IDMy()); Com::iunknown P1(new MyBase<Com::iunknown::interface_type>()); BOOST_CHECK(P1.QueryInterface<IUnknown>()!=Com::iunknown()); My::IDMy my(new DMy()); BOOST_CHECK(my.A()==2005); return 0; }
void SBShapelet::SBShapeletImpl::fillXImage(ImageView<double> im, double x0, double dx, double dxy, double y0, double dy, double dyx) const { dbg<<"SBShapelet fillXImage\n"; dbg<<"x = "<<x0<<" + i * "<<dx<<" + j * "<<dxy<<std::endl; dbg<<"y = "<<y0<<" + i * "<<dyx<<" + j * "<<dy<<std::endl; const int m = im.getNCol(); const int n = im.getNRow(); double* ptr = im.getData(); const int skip = im.getNSkip(); assert(im.getStep() == 1); x0 /= _sigma; dx /= _sigma; dxy /= _sigma; y0 /= _sigma; dy /= _sigma; dyx /= _sigma; tmv::Matrix<double> mx(m,n); tmv::Matrix<double> my(m,n); typedef tmv::VIt<double,1,tmv::NonConj> It; It xit = mx.linearView().begin(); It yit = my.linearView().begin(); for (int j=0; j<n; ++j,x0+=dxy,y0+=dy) { double x = x0; double y = y0; for (int i=0; i<m; ++i,x+=dx,y+=dyx) { *xit++ = x; *yit++ = y; } } tmv::Matrix<double> val(m,n); fillXValue(val.view(),mx,my); It valit = val.linearView().begin(); for (int j=0; j<n; ++j,ptr+=skip) { for (int i=0; i<m; ++i) *ptr++ = *valit++; } }
RcppExport SEXP msdcpp(SEXP xx, SEXP yy, SEXP mmx, SEXP mmy) { BEGIN_RCPP Rcpp::NumericVector x(xx); Rcpp::NumericVector y(yy); Rcpp::NumericVector mx(mmx); Rcpp::NumericVector my(mmy); int n = x.size(); double sumx = 0; double sumy = 0; double tmp_ri = 0; // What is tmp_ri? int i; // counting variable used within the loop for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { double tx = x[i] - mx[0]; double ty = y[i] - my[0]; tmp_ri += pow(tx, 2) + pow(ty, 2); } return Rcpp::NumericVector::create(1/(double)(n-1) * tmp_ri); END_RCPP }
void Display::OnAbout() { about my(IDD_DIALOG2); my.DoModal(); }
void bvh_parser(const char *bvh_dir) { FILE *bvh = fopen(bvh_dir,"r"); if(bvh == NULL) { printf("[open file error] %s\n",bvh_dir); return; } //declarition char buffer[256]; myStack my(MAX_JOINT+1); //initialization joint_num = 0; joint_end = 0; channels_num = 0; memset(parent_of,-1,sizeof(parent_of)); memset(is_end,0,sizeof(is_end)); parent_of[1] = 0; //hierarchy construct while( fscanf(bvh,"%s",buffer) != EOF ) { if( strcmp(buffer,"{") == 0 ) { my.push(joint_num); } else if( strcmp(buffer,"}") == 0 ) { int c =; my.pop(); if(c == 1) { //back to root break; } parent_of[ c ] =; } else if( strcmp(buffer,"OFFSET") == 0 ) { fscanf(bvh,"%lf%lf%lf",&joint_hiry[joint_num].offset[0],\ &joint_hiry[joint_num].offset[1],\ &joint_hiry[joint_num].offset[2]); } else if( strcmp(buffer,"CHANNELS") == 0) { fscanf(bvh,"%d",&joint_hiry[joint_num].channel); channels_num += joint_hiry[joint_num].channel; for(int i = 0;i < joint_hiry[joint_num].channel; i++) { fscanf(bvh,"%s",buffer); //x = 0, y = 1, z = 2 //position rotation | rotation if( buffer[0] == 'X') { joint_hiry[joint_num].channels[i] = 0; } else if( buffer[0] == 'Y' ) { joint_hiry[joint_num].channels[i] = 1; } else if( buffer[0] == 'Z') { joint_hiry[joint_num].channels[i] = 2; } } } else if( strcmp(buffer,"JOINT") == 0 || strcmp(buffer,"ROOT") == 0 || strcmp(buffer,"End") == 0) { fscanf(bvh,"%s",joint_hiry[++joint_num].joint_name); if(buffer[0] == 'E') { is_end[joint_num] = true; joint_end++; } } }; //end of construction fscanf(bvh,"%s",buffer);fscanf(bvh,"%s",buffer); fscanf(bvh,"%d",&frame_num); fscanf(bvh,"%s",buffer);fscanf(bvh,"%s",buffer); fscanf(bvh,"%lf",&frame_time); int col = 6 + (joint_num - joint_end - 1)*3; assert(col == channels_num); assert(frame_num < MAX_FRAME); assert(joint_num < MAX_JOINT); for(int i = 0;i < frame_num;i++) { for(int j = 0;j < channels_num;j++) { fscanf(bvh,"%lf",&mat[i][j]); } } fclose( bvh ); bvh = 0; }
void Graph::readfile(){ clock_t time=clock(); //ifstream my("E:/xmark.txt"); ifstream my("E:/uniprot150m.txt"); //ifstream my("E:/test.txt"); //方法一 /* my>>vexNum; int f1,f2; while (!my.eof()) { my>>f1>>f2; if( { break; } //cout<<f1<<" "<<f2<<endl; } time=clock()-time; cout<<"success! use time :"<<time<<endl; my.close(); */ //方法二 /* if (my) { clock_t time=clock(); string t; my.seekg(0,my.end); int length=my.tellg(); my.seekg(0,my.beg); char * buffer =new char[length]; //memset(buffer,0,length*sizeof(char)); memset(buffer,0,length); cout<<"reading "<<length<<endl;,length); //sprintf(buffer,buffer+'\n'); if (my) { t=buffer; //cout<<"success"<<endl; }else{ t=buffer; // cout<<"fail!"<<endl; } int pos1=0,pos2=0; pos2=t.find("\n",0); istringstream vv(t.substr(pos1,pos2)); vv>>vexNum; cout<<"number of vex "<<vexNum<<endl; initArcNode(); string start,end; int s,e; while(t.find("\n",pos2)!=-1){ pos1=t.find(" ",pos2++); start=t.substr(pos2,pos1-pos2); //cout<<start<<endl; pos2=t.find("\n",pos2); end=t.substr(++pos1,pos2-pos1); //cout<<end<<endl; //cout<<start<<" "<<end<<" "; istringstream ss(start); ss>>s; istringstream ee(end); ee>>e; dirGraph(s,e); } //cout<<t<<endl; //cout<<t.find("\n",0); time=clock()-time; cout<<" use time "<<time<<endl; } */ }