int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { orbManager = new ORBManager(argc, argv); MyDevice myDevice(orbManager, "My Device Adapter", "blah", 68); orbManager->run(); return 0; }
int main() { ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath("example.dmap"); ChimeraTK::Device myDevice("MY_DEVICE");; /* * The device contains a register called CLOCKS in the BOARD section. * It contains 4 values for 4 different clocks. */ ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<double> clocks = myDevice.getOneDRegisterAccessor<double>("BOARD/CLOCKS"); std::cout << "The clocks register has " << clocks.getNElements() << " elements." << std::endl; /* * Read data for the whole register from the hardware */; /* * The OneDRegisterAccessor behaves like a std::vector, incl. [] operator * and iterators. */ for(size_t i = 0; i < clocks.getNElements(); ++i) { clocks[i] = 42 + i; } std::cout << "Clocks are"; for(auto clockValue : clocks) { std::cout << " " << clockValue; } std::cout << std::endl; /* * Write all values of the CLOCKS register to the hardware. */ clocks.write(); myDevice.close(); return 0; }