コード例 #1
/* Read an arbitrarily long line of text from STREAM into LINEBUFFER.
 * Consider lines to be terminated by DELIMITER.
 * Keep the delimiter.
 * Do not NUL-terminate; Therefore the stream can contain NUL bytes, and
 * the length (including the delimiter) is returned in linebuffer->length.
 * Return NULL when stream is empty or upon error.
 * Otherwise, return LINEBUFFER.
struct LineBuffer *readlinebuffer(struct LineBuffer *linebuffer, MY_FILE *stream, char delimiter)
    int c;
    char *buffer = linebuffer->buffer;
    char *p = linebuffer->buffer;
    char *end = buffer + linebuffer->size;

    if(my_feof(stream)) return NULL;

        c = my_fgetc(stream);

        if(c == EOF)
            // Return NULL when stream is empty or upon error
            if(p == buffer || my_ferror(stream)) return NULL;
            // append DELIMITER if it's the last line of a file that ends in a character other than DELIMITER.
            if(p[-1] != delimiter) c = delimiter;

        // Check if we need to allocate more space
        if(p == end)
            size_t oldsize = linebuffer->size;
            linebuffer->size += BUFF_SIZE_INC;
            buffer = realloc(buffer, linebuffer->size);
            p = buffer + oldsize;
            linebuffer->buffer = buffer;
            end = buffer + linebuffer->size;

        *p++ = c;
    while(c != delimiter);

    linebuffer->length = p - buffer;
    return linebuffer;
コード例 #2
int encfile(struct my_FILE* fin, struct aes *ctx)
{   unsigned char   inbuf[16], outbuf[16];
    long int        flen;
    unsigned long   i=0, l=0;

    fillrand(outbuf, 16);             /* set an IV for CBC mode           */
    flen = fin->size;
//    fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END);        /* get the length of the file       */
//    fgetpos(fin, (fpos_t*)&flen);   /* and then reset to start          */
//    fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_SET);

//    fwrite(outbuf, 1, 16, fout);    /* write the IV to the output       */
    fillrand(inbuf, 1);             /* make top 4 bits of a byte random */
    l = 15;                         /* and store the length of the last */
                                    /* block in the lower 4 bits        */
    inbuf[0] = ((char)flen & 15) | (inbuf[0] & ~15);

    _Pragma( "loopbound min 1961 max 1961" )
    while(!my_feof(fin))               /* loop to encrypt the input file   */
    {                                  /* input 1st 16 bytes to buf[1..16] */
        i = my_fread(inbuf + 16 - l, 1, l, fin);  /*  on 1st round byte[0] */
                                                  /* is the length code    */
        if(i < l) break;               /* if end of the input file reached */

        _Pragma( "loopbound min 16 max 16" )
        for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i)        /* xor in previous cipher text      */
            inbuf[i] ^= outbuf[i];

        encrypt(inbuf, outbuf, ctx);   /* and do the encryption            */

//        if(fwrite(outbuf, 1, 16, fout) != 16) {
//          printf("Error writing to output file: %s\n", fn);
//          return -7;
//        }
                                    /* in all but first round read 16   */
        l = 16;                     /* bytes into the buffer            */

    /* except for files of length less than two blocks we now have one  */
    /* byte from the previous block and 'i' bytes from the current one  */
    /* to encrypt and 15 - i empty buffer positions. For files of less  */
    /* than two blocks (0 or 1) we have i + 1 bytes and 14 - i empty    */
    /* buffer position to set to zero since the 'count' byte is extra   */

    if(l == 15)                         /* adjust for extra byte in the */
        ++i;                            /* in the first block           */

    if(i)                               /* if bytes remain to be output */
        _Pragma( "loopbound min 6 max 6" )
        while(i < 16)                   /* clear empty buffer positions */
          inbuf[i++] = 0;

        _Pragma( "loopbound min 16 max 16" )
        for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i)         /* xor in previous cipher text  */
            inbuf[i] ^= outbuf[i]; 

        encrypt(inbuf, outbuf, ctx);    /* encrypt and output it        */

//        if(fwrite(outbuf, 1, 16, fout) != 16) {
//          printf("Error writing to output file: %s\n", fn);
//          return -8;
//        }
    return 0;