コード例 #1
ファイル: qhelpdbreader.cpp プロジェクト: xjohncz/qt5
bool QHelpDBReader::fileExists(const QString &virtualFolder,
                               const QString &filePath,
                               const QStringList &filterAttributes) const
    if (virtualFolder.isEmpty() || filePath.isEmpty() || !m_query)
        return false;

//SELECT COUNT(a.Name) FROM FileNameTable a, FolderTable b, FileFilterTable c, FilterAttributeTable d WHERE a.FolderId=b.Id AND b.Name='qtdoc' AND a.Name='qstring.html' AND a.FileId=c.FileId AND c.FilterAttributeId=d.Id AND d.Name='qtrefdoc'

    QString query;
    if (filterAttributes.isEmpty()) {
        query = QString(QLatin1String("SELECT COUNT(a.Name) FROM FileNameTable a, FolderTable b "
            "WHERE a.FolderId=b.Id AND b.Name=\'%1\' AND a.Name=\'%2\'")).arg(quote(virtualFolder)).arg(quote(filePath));
    } else {
        query = QString(QLatin1String("SELECT COUNT(a.Name) FROM FileNameTable a, FolderTable b, "
            "FileFilterTable c, FilterAttributeTable d WHERE a.FolderId=b.Id "
            "AND b.Name=\'%1\' AND a.Name=\'%2\' AND a.FileId=c.FileId AND "
            "c.FilterAttributeId=d.Id AND d.Name=\'%3\'"))
        for (int i=1; i<filterAttributes.count(); ++i) {
            query.append(QString(QLatin1String(" INTERSECT SELECT COUNT(a.Name) FROM FileNameTable a, "
                "FolderTable b, FileFilterTable c, FilterAttributeTable d WHERE a.FolderId=b.Id "
                "AND b.Name=\'%1\' AND a.Name=\'%2\' AND a.FileId=c.FileId AND "
                "c.FilterAttributeId=d.Id AND d.Name=\'%3\'"))
    if (m_query->next() && m_query->isValid() && m_query->value(0).toInt())
        return true;
    return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ComponentBase.cpp プロジェクト: TorinYu/coral
IComponent* ComponentBase::getOrCreateInternalComponent(
	const char* componentName, const char* interfaceName, const char* facetName )
	std::string fullTypeName( componentName );

	// get the component if it already exists
	ITypeManager* tm = getSystem()->getTypes();
	IType* type = tm->findType( fullTypeName );
	if( type )
		assert( type->getKind() == TK_COMPONENT );
		return static_cast<IComponent*>( type );

	// otherwise, create the component
	IType* itfType = getType( interfaceName );
	assert( itfType->getKind() == TK_INTERFACE );

	size_t lastDotPos = fullTypeName.rfind( '.' );
	assert( lastDotPos != std::string::npos ); // componentName must be specified with a namespace

	std::string namespaceName( fullTypeName.substr( 0, lastDotPos ) );
	std::string localTypeName( fullTypeName.substr( lastDotPos + 1 ) );

	INamespace* ns = tm->findNamespace( namespaceName );
	assert( ns ); // the namespace should have been created before

	RefPtr<ITypeBuilder> tb = ns->defineType( localTypeName, TK_COMPONENT );
	tb->definePort( facetName, static_cast<IInterface*>( itfType ), true );

	catch( std::exception& )

	type = tb->createType();
	assert( type && type->getKind() == TK_COMPONENT );

	// set the component with a basic reflector
	type->setReflector( BasicReflector::create( type ) );

	return static_cast<IComponent*>( type );
コード例 #3
ファイル: qhelpdbreader.cpp プロジェクト: xjohncz/qt5
QByteArray QHelpDBReader::fileData(const QString &virtualFolder,
                                   const QString &filePath) const
    QByteArray ba;
    if (virtualFolder.isEmpty() || filePath.isEmpty() || !m_query)
        return ba;

    m_query->prepare(QLatin1String("SELECT a.Data FROM FileDataTable a, FileNameTable b, FolderTable c, "
        "NamespaceTable d WHERE a.Id=b.FileId AND (b.Name=? OR b.Name=?) AND b.FolderId=c.Id "
        "AND c.Name=? AND c.NamespaceId=d.Id AND d.Name=?"));
    m_query->bindValue(0, filePath);
    m_query->bindValue(1, QString(QLatin1String("./") + filePath));
    m_query->bindValue(2, virtualFolder);
    m_query->bindValue(3, m_namespace);
    if (m_query->next() && m_query->isValid())
        ba = qUncompress(m_query->value(0).toByteArray());
    return ba;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ExtProxy.cpp プロジェクト: ixc-software/lucksi
    void InterfaceProxy::GenerateNew(FILE *file) const
        QTextStream out(file);
            // begin namespace
            out << GenerateNamespaceName() << "_New";				
            out << "\n{";
            out << "\n";
        out << "    using boost::shared_ptr;\n";

        if (m_class.qualified.contains("::"))
            QByteArray className("::" + m_class.classname); 
            QByteArray namespaceName(m_class.qualified);

            namespaceName.replace(className, ";");
            out << "    using namespace " << namespaceName << '\n';


        QByteArray classCRC = GenerateCrcString();
        Utils::CRC32  crc(GenerateCrcString());

        out << "\n    // CRC string '";
		OutputToHex(out, classCRC);
		out << "'\n";

        // local proxy generated
        out << "\n";        
        out << "\n    ObjLink::RegisterObjectLinkMeta<TIntf, LocalIntfProxy>";
        out << " RM(Utils::CRC32(";
		OutputToHex(out, crc.checksum());
		out << "));";        
        // close namespace
        out << "\n\n}; // End of namespace\n";
コード例 #5
main(int argc,
     char** argv)
    if (argc != 6) {
        std::cout << "This program takes in input glad.h and outputs the include and implementation files for OSMesa OpenGL function and regular OpenGL functions." << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Usage: generateGLIncludes <glad.h path> <output dir path> <namespace name> <baseFileName> <inlcude glad debug symbols>" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Example: generateGLIncludes /Users/alexandre/development/Natron/Global/gladRel/include/glad/glad.h /Users/alexandre/development/Natron/Engine Natron OSGLFunctions 1" << std::endl;

        return 1;

    QFile f(argv[1]);
    if ( !f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ) {
        std::cout << "Could not open " << argv[1] << std::endl;

        return 1;

    // Check that output path exists

    QDir outputDir(argv[2]);
    if ( !outputDir.exists() ) {
        std::cout << argv[2] << " does not seem to be a valid directory" << std::endl;

        return 1;

    QString namespaceName(argv[3]);
    QString baseFilename(argv[4]);
    bool supportGladDebug;
        QString supportDebugSymbolsStr(argv[5]);
        supportGladDebug = (bool)supportDebugSymbolsStr.toInt();
    QString absoluteDirPath = outputDir.absolutePath();
    QString outputHeaderFilename = absoluteDirPath + "/" + baseFilename + ".h";
    QFile of_header(outputHeaderFilename);
    if ( !of_header.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly) ) {
        std::cout << "Could not open " << outputHeaderFilename.toStdString() << std::endl;

        return 1;
    QTextStream ots_header(&of_header);
    QTextStream its(&f);
    QString definesStr;

    std::list<FunctionSignature> signatures;
    QString functionTypedefsStr;
    QString prevLine;
    while ( !its.atEnd() ) {
        // Read each line of glad.h
        QString line = its.readLine();

            // Search for a define
            QString toFind = "#define GL_";
            int found = line.indexOf(toFind);
            if (found != -1) {
                definesStr += line;
                definesStr += "\n";

        // Search for a function
        QString typedefToken("typedef ");
        QString pfnToken("(APIENTRYP PFNGL");
        int foundFuncDef = line.indexOf(typedefToken);
        int foundPNFToken = line.indexOf(pfnToken);
        if ( (foundFuncDef != -1) && (foundPNFToken != -1) ) {
            int pos = foundPNFToken + pfnToken.size();
            int foundFirstEndParenthesis = line.indexOf(')', pos);
            assert(foundFirstEndParenthesis != -1);

            FunctionSignature signature;
            QString lastFuncNameCaps = line.mid(pos, foundFirstEndParenthesis - pos);
            signature.signature = line.mid(foundFirstEndParenthesis);
            // "near" and "far" are defined as macros in windows.h
            signature.signature.replace("GLdouble near, GLdouble far", "GLdouble nearVal, GLdouble farVal");

            signature.returnType = line.mid( foundFuncDef + typedefToken.size(), foundPNFToken - 1 - ( foundFuncDef + typedefToken.size() ) );
            QString funcTypeDefStr = "typedef ";
            funcTypeDefStr += signature.returnType;
            funcTypeDefStr += " (*PFNGL";
            funcTypeDefStr += lastFuncNameCaps;
            funcTypeDefStr += signature.signature;
            funcTypeDefStr += "\n";
            functionTypedefsStr += funcTypeDefStr;

            // Remove the extraneous ; at the end of the signature
            // Also remove the prepending )
            signature.signature.remove(0, 1);
            signature.signature.remove(signature.signature.size() - 1, 1);

            signature.funcPNType = "PFNGL";
            signature.funcPNType += lastFuncNameCaps;

            // extract parameters
                int i = 1; // start after the leading (
                while ( i < signature.signature.size() ) {
                    QString param;
                    while ( signature.signature[i] != QChar(',') && signature.signature[i] != QChar(')') ) {

                    // Now only keep the name of the parameter
                        int j = param.size() - 1;
                        while ( j >= 0 && param[j].isLetterOrNumber() ) {
                        param = param.mid(j + 1);

                    assert( signature.signature[i] == QChar(',') || signature.signature[i] == QChar(')') );
                    ++i; // bypass last character

                    if ( signature.signature[i] == QChar(')') ) {

            // we caught a function typedef before, we expect to read the following #define glXxxx function with the appropriate case
            // in release glad.h, the next line is of the type GLAPI PFNGLCOLOR4FVPROC glad_glColor4fv;
            // the line after that is the one we want #define glColor4fv glad_glColor4fv
            line = its.readLine();
            assert( !its.atEnd() );
            line = its.readLine();

            QString toFind("#define gl");
            int foundDefine = line.indexOf(toFind);
            if (foundDefine == -1) {
                std::cout << "Parser failed to find #define glXXX statement 2 lines after a function typedef, make sure that you are running this program against a release version of glad.h" << std::endl;

                return 1;

            // Check that this is the same symbol
            // Remove the PROC at the end of the func def
            int checkIndex = toFind.size();
            QString symbolStart = line.mid(checkIndex);
            assert( symbolStart.startsWith(lastFuncNameCaps, Qt::CaseInsensitive) );

                int i = 8; // start on the g
                //extract the function name
                while ( i < line.size() && line.at(i) != QChar(' ') ) {
                    signature.funcName.push_back( line.at(i) );

        } // if (foundFuncDef != -1 && foundPNFToken != -1) {

        prevLine = line;

    ots_header <<
        definesStr << "\n"
    ots_header <<
        functionTypedefsStr << "\n"
    writeStartClass(namespaceName, ots_header);

    // Define the singleton
    ots_header <<
        "    static OSGLFunctions<USEOPENGL>& getInstance()\n"
        "    {\n"
        "        static OSGLFunctions<USEOPENGL> instance;\n"
        "        return instance;\n"
        "    }\n"
        "    // load function, implemented in _gl.h and _mesa.h\n"
        "    void load_functions();\n"
        "    // private constructor\n"
        "    OSGLFunctions() { load_functions(); }\n"

    // Declare member functions
    for (std::list<FunctionSignature>::iterator it = signatures.begin(); it != signatures.end(); ++it) {
        ots_header << "    " << it->funcPNType << " _" << it->funcName << ";\n";

    ots_header <<

    ots_header <<

    ots_header <<
        "    // static non MT-safe load function that must be called once to initialize functions\n"
        "    static void load()\n"
        "    {\n"
        "        (void)getInstance();\n"
        "    }\n"
        "    static bool isGPU()\n"
        "    {\n"
        "        return USEOPENGL;\n"
        "    }\n";

    for (std::list<FunctionSignature>::iterator it = signatures.begin(); it != signatures.end(); ++it) {
        QString lineStart = "    static " +  it->returnType + " " + it->funcName;
        QString indentedSig = it->signature;
        indentedSig.replace( ", ", ",\n" + QString(lineStart.size() + 1, ' ') );
        ots_header << "\n" <<
            lineStart << indentedSig << "\n"
            "    {\n";
        if (it->returnType == "void") {
            ots_header << "        ";
        } else {
            ots_header << "        return ";
        ots_header << "getInstance()._" << it->funcName << "(";
        QStringList::const_iterator next = it->parameters.begin();
        if ( !it->parameters.isEmpty() ) {
        for (QStringList::const_iterator it2 = it->parameters.begin(); it2 != it->parameters.end(); ++it2) {
            ots_header << *it2;
            if ( next != it->parameters.end() ) {
                ots_header << ", ";

        ots_header <<
            "    }\n";
    writeEndClass(namespaceName, ots_header);


    writeImplementationCppFile(namespaceName, baseFilename, signatures, absoluteDirPath, "gl", true, supportGladDebug);
    writeImplementationCppFile(namespaceName, baseFilename, signatures, absoluteDirPath, "mesa", false, supportGladDebug);

    return 0;
} // main
コード例 #6
void ClassAnalyzer::parseNamespaces(const QString& code)

    QVector<int> namespacePositions = positions(code, "\\snamespace\\s", true);
    QVector<int> openingCurlyBracketPositions = positions(code, "{");
    QVector<int> closingCurlyBracketPositions = positions(code, "}");

    if (openingCurlyBracketPositions.size() != closingCurlyBracketPositions.size())
        qDebug() << m_currentFile;
        qDebug() << "quantity of opening and closing curly brackets does not match";
        qDebug() << "quantity of opening curly brackets:" << openingCurlyBracketPositions.size();
        qDebug() << "quantity of closing curly brackets:" << closingCurlyBracketPositions.size();

    QVector<int> allCurlyBracketPositions = openingCurlyBracketPositions;


    QMap<int, int> curlyBracketPairs;
    for (int i = 0; i < allCurlyBracketPositions.size(); i++)
        if (openingCurlyBracketPositions.contains(allCurlyBracketPositions[i]))
            int nesting = 1;
            for (int j = i + 1; j < allCurlyBracketPositions.size(); j++)
                if (openingCurlyBracketPositions.contains(allCurlyBracketPositions[j]))

                if (nesting == 0)
                    curlyBracketPairs[allCurlyBracketPositions[i]] = allCurlyBracketPositions[j];

    //qDebug() << curlyBracketPairs;

    for (auto it = namespacePositions.begin(); it != namespacePositions.end(); it++)
        Namespace ns;

        for (auto it2 = curlyBracketPairs.begin(); it2 != curlyBracketPairs.end(); it2++)
            if (it2.key() > *it)
                ns.setName(namespaceName(code, *it, it2.key()));