コード例 #1
ファイル: rollCntrl.c プロジェクト: KeesGuijt/MatrixPilot
void hoverRollCntrl(void)
    int16_t rollNavDeflection;
    union longww gyroRollFeedback;

    if (state_flags._.pitch_feedback)
        if (settings._.AileronNavigation && state_flags._.GPS_steering)
            rollNavDeflection = (tofinish_line > hover.HoverNavMaxPitchRadius/2) ? navigate_determine_deflection('h') : 0;
            rollNavDeflection = 0;
        gyroRollFeedback.WW = __builtin_mulus(hoverrollkd , omegaAccum[1]);
        rollNavDeflection = 0;
        gyroRollFeedback.WW = 0;
    roll_control = rollNavDeflection -(int32_t)gyroRollFeedback._.W1;
コード例 #2
void helicalTurnCntrl(void)
	union longww accum;
	int16_t pitchAdjustAngleOfAttack;
	int16_t rollErrorVector[3];
	int16_t rtlkick;
	int16_t desiredPitch;
	int16_t steeringInput;
	int16_t desiredTiltVector[3];
	int16_t desiredRotationRateGyro[3];
	uint16_t airSpeed;
	union longww desiredTilt;
	int16_t desiredPitchVector[2];
	int16_t desiredPerpendicularPitchVector[2];
	int16_t actualPitchVector[2];
	int16_t pitchDot;
	int16_t pitchCross;
	int16_t pitchError;
	int16_t pitchEarthBodyProjection[2];
	int16_t angleOfAttack;
#ifdef TestGains
	state_flags._.GPS_steering = 0;   // turn off navigation
	state_flags._.pitch_feedback = 1; // turn on stabilization
	airSpeed = 981; // for testing purposes, an airspeed is needed
	airSpeed = air_speed_3DIMU;

	// determine the desired turn rate as the sum of navigation and fly by wire.
	// this allows the pilot to override navigation if needed.
	steeringInput = 0 ; // just in case no airframe type is specified or radio is off
	if (udb_flags._.radio_on == 1)
		if (AILERON_INPUT_CHANNEL != CHANNEL_UNUSED)  // compiler is smart about this
			steeringInput = udb_pwIn[ AILERON_INPUT_CHANNEL ] - udb_pwTrim[ AILERON_INPUT_CHANNEL ];
			steeringInput = REVERSE_IF_NEEDED(AILERON_CHANNEL_REVERSED, steeringInput);
			steeringInput = udb_pwIn[ RUDDER_INPUT_CHANNEL ] - udb_pwTrim[ RUDDER_INPUT_CHANNEL ];
			steeringInput = REVERSE_IF_NEEDED(RUDDER_CHANNEL_REVERSED, steeringInput);
			steeringInput = 0;

		// use aileron channel if it is available, otherwise use rudder
		if (AILERON_INPUT_CHANNEL != CHANNEL_UNUSED)  // compiler is smart about this
			steeringInput = udb_pwIn[AILERON_INPUT_CHANNEL] - udb_pwTrim[AILERON_INPUT_CHANNEL];
			steeringInput = REVERSE_IF_NEEDED(AILERON_CHANNEL_REVERSED, steeringInput);
			// unmix the Vtail
			steeringInput = (-rudderInput + elevatorInput);
			steeringInput = 0;

		// delta wing must have an aileron input, so use that
		// unmix the elevons
		steeringInput = REVERSE_IF_NEEDED(ELEVON_VTAIL_SURFACES_REVERSED, ((elevatorInput - aileronInput)));

	if (steeringInput > MAX_INPUT) steeringInput = MAX_INPUT;
	if (steeringInput < - MAX_INPUT) steeringInput = - MAX_INPUT;

	// note that total steering is the sum of pilot input and waypoint navigation,
	// so that the pilot always has some say in the matter

	accum.WW = __builtin_mulsu(steeringInput, turngainfbw) /(2*MAX_INPUT);

	if ((settings._.AileronNavigation || settings._.RudderNavigation) && state_flags._.GPS_steering)
		accum.WW +=(int32_t) navigate_determine_deflection('t');

	if (accum.WW >(int32_t) 2*(int32_t) RMAX - 1) accum.WW =(int32_t) 2*(int32_t) RMAX - 1;
	if (accum.WW <  -(int32_t) 2*(int32_t) RMAX + 1) accum.WW = -(int32_t) 2*(int32_t) RMAX + 1;

	desiredTurnRateRadians = accum._.W0;

	// compute the desired tilt from desired turn rate and air speed
	// range for acceleration is plus minus 4 times gravity
	// range for turning rate is plus minus 4 radians per second

	// desiredTilt is the ratio(-rmat[6]/rmat[8]), times RMAX/2 required for the turn
	// desiredTilt = desiredTurnRate * airSpeed / gravity
	// desiredTilt = RMAX/2*"real desired tilt"
	// desiredTurnRate = RMAX/2*"real desired turn rate", desired turn rate in radians per second
	// airSpeed is air speed centimeters per second
	// gravity is 981 centimeters per second per second 

	desiredTilt.WW = - __builtin_mulsu(desiredTurnRateRadians, airSpeed);

	// limit the lateral acceleration to +- 4 times gravity, total wing loading approximately 4.12 times gravity

	if (desiredTilt.WW > (int32_t)2 * (int32_t)RMAX - 1)
		desiredTilt.WW = (int32_t)2 * (int32_t)RMAX - 1;
		accum.WW = __builtin_mulsu(-desiredTilt._.W0, GRAVITYCMSECSEC);
		accum.WW /= airSpeed;
		desiredTurnRateRadians = accum._.W0;
	else if (desiredTilt.WW < -(int32_t)2 * (int32_t)RMAX + 1)
		desiredTilt.WW = -(int32_t)2 * (int32_t)RMAX + 1;
		accum.WW = __builtin_mulsu(-desiredTilt._.W0, GRAVITYCMSECSEC);
		accum.WW /= airSpeed;
		desiredTurnRateRadians = accum._.W0;

	// Compute the amount of lift needed to perform the desired turn
	// Tests show that the best estimate of lift is obtained using
	// actual values of rmat[6] and rmat[8], and the commanded value of their ratio
	estimatedLift = wingLift(rmat[6], rmat[8], desiredTilt._.W0);

	// compute angle of attack and elevator trim based on relative wing loading.
	// relative wing loading is the ratio of wing loading divided by the stall wing loading, as a function of air speed
	// both angle of attack and trim are computed by a linear approximation as a function of relative loading:
	// y = (2m)*(x/2) + b, y is either angle of attack or elevator trim.
	// x is relative wing loading. (x/2 is computed instead of x)
	// 2m and b are determined from values of angle of attack and trim at stall speed, normal and inverted.
	// b =  (y_normal + y_inverted) / 2.
	// 2m = (y_normal - y_inverted).

	// If airspeed is greater than stall speed, compute angle of attack and elevator trim,
	// otherwise set AoA and trim to zero.

	if (air_speed_3DIMU > STALL_SPEED_CM_SEC)
		// compute "x/2", the relative wing loading
		relativeLoading = relativeWingLoading(estimatedLift, air_speed_3DIMU);

		// multiply x/2 by 2m for angle of attack
		accum.WW = __builtin_mulss(AOA_SLOPE, relativeLoading);
		// add mx to b
		angleOfAttack = AOA_OFFSET + accum._.W1;

		// project angle of attack into the earth frame
		accum.WW =(__builtin_mulss(angleOfAttack, rmat[8])) << 2;
		pitchAdjustAngleOfAttack = accum._.W1;

		// similarly, compute elevator trim
		accum.WW = __builtin_mulss(ELEVATOR_TRIM_SLOPE, relativeLoading);
		elevatorLoadingTrim = ELEVATOR_TRIM_OFFSET + accum._.W1;
		angleOfAttack = 0;
		pitchAdjustAngleOfAttack = 0;
		elevatorLoadingTrim = 0;
//	SetAofA(angleOfAttack); // removed by helicalTurns

	// convert desired turn rate from radians/second to gyro units

	accum.WW = (((int32_t)desiredTurnRateRadians) << 4);  // desired turn rate in radians times 16 to provide resolution for the divide to follow
	accum.WW = accum.WW / RADSTOGYRO; // at this point accum._.W0 has 2 times the required gyro signal for the turn.

	// compute desired rotation rate vector in body frame, scaling is same as gyro signal

	VectorScale(3, desiredRotationRateGyro, &rmat[6], accum._.W0); // this operation has side effect of dividing by 2

	// compute desired rotation rate vector in body frame, scaling is in RMAX/2*radians/sec

	VectorScale(3, desiredRotationRateRadians, &rmat[6], desiredTurnRateRadians); // this produces half of what we want
	VectorAdd(3, desiredRotationRateRadians, desiredRotationRateRadians, desiredRotationRateRadians); // double

	// incorporate roll into desired tilt vector

	desiredTiltVector[0] = desiredTilt._.W0;
	desiredTiltVector[1] =  0;
	desiredTiltVector[2] = RMAX/2; // the divide by 2 is to account for the RMAX/2 scaling in both tilt and rotation rate
	vector3_normalize(desiredTiltVector, desiredTiltVector); // make sure tilt vector has magnitude RMAX

	// incorporate pitch into desired tilt vector
	// compute return to launch pitch down kick for unpowered RTL
	if (!udb_flags._.radio_on && state_flags._.GPS_steering)
		rtlkick = RTLKICK;
		rtlkick = 0;

	// Compute Matt's glider pitch adjustment
	fractional aspd_pitch_adj = gliding_airspeed_pitch_adjust();

	// Compute total desired pitch
	desiredPitch = - rtlkick + aspd_pitch_adj + pitchAltitudeAdjust;
	desiredPitch = - rtlkick + pitchAltitudeAdjust;

	// Adjustment for inverted flight
	if (!canStabilizeInverted() || !desired_behavior._.inverted)
		// normal flight
		desiredTiltVector[1] =  - desiredPitch - pitchAdjustAngleOfAttack;
		// inverted flight
		desiredTiltVector[0] = - desiredTiltVector[0];
		desiredTiltVector[1] = - desiredPitch - pitchAdjustAngleOfAttack - INVNPITCH; // only one of the adjustments is not zero
		desiredTiltVector[2] = - desiredTiltVector[2];

	vector3_normalize(desiredTiltVector, desiredTiltVector); // make sure tilt vector has magnitude RMAX

	// compute roll error

	VectorCross(rollErrorVector, &rmat[6], desiredTiltVector); // compute tilt orientation error
	if (VectorDotProduct(3, &rmat[6], desiredTiltVector) < 0) // more than 90 degree error
		vector3_normalize(rollErrorVector, rollErrorVector); // for more than 90 degrees, make the tilt error vector parallel to desired axis, with magnitude RMAX
	tiltError[1] = rollErrorVector[1];

	// compute pitch error

	// start by computing the projection of earth frame pitch error to body frame

	pitchEarthBodyProjection[0] = rmat[6];
	pitchEarthBodyProjection[1] = rmat[8];

	// normalize the projection vector and compute the cosine of the actual pitch as a side effect 

	actualPitchVector[1] =(int16_t) vector2_normalize(pitchEarthBodyProjection, pitchEarthBodyProjection);

	// complete the actual pitch vector

	actualPitchVector[0] = rmat[7];

	// compute the desired pitch vector

	desiredPitchVector[0] = - desiredPitch;
	desiredPitchVector[1] = RMAX;
	vector2_normalize(desiredPitchVector, desiredPitchVector);

	// rotate desired pitch vector by 90 degrees to be able to compute cross product using VectorDot

	desiredPerpendicularPitchVector[0] = desiredPitchVector[1];
	desiredPerpendicularPitchVector[1] = - desiredPitchVector[0];

	// compute pitchDot, the dot product of actual and desired pitch vector
	// (the 2* that appears in several of the following expressions is a result of the Q2.14 format)

	pitchDot = 2*VectorDotProduct(2, actualPitchVector, desiredPitchVector);

	// compute pitchCross, the cross product of the actual and desired pitch vector

	pitchCross = 2*VectorDotProduct(2, actualPitchVector, desiredPerpendicularPitchVector);

	if (pitchDot > 0)
		pitchError = pitchCross;
		if (pitchCross > 0)
			pitchError = RMAX;
			pitchError = - RMAX;

	// multiply the normalized rmat[6], rmat[8] vector by the pitch error
	VectorScale(2, pitchEarthBodyProjection, pitchEarthBodyProjection, pitchError);
	tiltError[0] =   2*pitchEarthBodyProjection[1];
	tiltError[2] = - 2*pitchEarthBodyProjection[0];

	// compute the rotation rate error vector
	VectorSubtract(3, rotationRateError, omegaAccum, desiredRotationRateGyro);