static void short_usage_sub() { ndb_short_usage_sub("table [blobcolumn..]"); printf("Default is to process all blob columns\n"); printf("(1) Check orphans with --check --dump=out1.txt\n"); printf("(2) Delete orphans with --delete --dump=out2.txt\n"); }
static void short_usage_sub(void) { ndb_short_usage_sub("[tabname1 tabname2 ... tabnameN]"); }
static void short_usage_sub(void) { ndb_short_usage_sub("<table name>[, <table name>[, ...]]"); }
static void short_usage_sub(void) { ndb_short_usage_sub(NULL); }
static void short_usage_sub(void) { ndb_short_usage_sub("[<path to backup files>]"); }
static void short_usage_sub(void) { ndb_short_usage_sub("*.frm ..."); }
static void short_usage_sub(void) { ndb_short_usage_sub("[table [index...]]"); }
static void short_usage_sub(void) { ndb_short_usage_sub("[hostname [port]]"); }
static void short_usage_sub(void) { ndb_short_usage_sub(NULL); ndb_service_print_options("ndb_mgmd"); }