コード例 #1
void AbstractNavigationContext::addHtml(QString html) {
  QRegExp newLineRegExp("<br>|<br */>");
  foreach(const QString& line, splitAndKeep(html, newLineRegExp)) {
    m_currentText +=  line;
    if(line.indexOf(newLineRegExp) != -1) {
      if(m_currentLine == m_currentPositionLine) {
        m_currentText += "<font color=\"#880088\"> <a name = \"currentPosition\" >" + Qt::escape("<->") + "</a> </font>";
コード例 #2
TikzCommandList TikzCommandInserter::getChildCommands()
	TikzCommandList commandList;
	QList<TikzCommand> commands;

	commandList.title = tr(xml.attributes().value("title").toString().toLatin1().data());

	QString name;
	QString description;
	QString insertion;
	QString highlightString;
	QString type;
	QRegExp newLineRegExp("([^\\\\])\\\\n"); // newlines are the "\n" not preceded by a backslash as in "\\node"
	QRegExp descriptionRegExp("<([^<>]*)>"); // descriptions are between < and >

	while (xml.readNextStartElement())
		if (xml.name() == "item")
			name = tr(xml.attributes().value("name").toString().toLatin1().data());
			description = xml.attributes().value("description").toString();
			insertion = xml.attributes().value("insert").toString();
			highlightString = xml.attributes().value("highlight").toString();
			type = xml.attributes().value("type").toString();

			if (description.contains(QLatin1String("\\n"))) // minimize the number of uses of QRegExp
				description.replace(newLineRegExp, QLatin1String("\\1\n")); // replace newlines, these are the "\n" not preceded by a backslash as in "\\node"
				description.replace(newLineRegExp, QLatin1String("\\1\n")); // do this twice to replace all newlines
			description.replace(QLatin1String("\\\\"), QLatin1String("\\"));
			// translate options in the description:
			QString tempDescription;
			for (int pos = 0, oldPos = 0; pos >= 0;)
				oldPos = pos;
				pos = descriptionRegExp.indexIn(description, pos);
				tempDescription += description.midRef(oldPos, pos - oldPos + 1);
				if (pos >= 0)
					tempDescription += tr(descriptionRegExp.cap(1).toLatin1().data());
					pos += descriptionRegExp.matchedLength() - 1;
			if (!tempDescription.isEmpty())
				description = tempDescription;

			if (insertion.contains(QLatin1String("\\n"))) // minimize the number of uses of QRegExp
				insertion.replace(newLineRegExp, QLatin1String("\\1\n")); // replace newlines, these are the "\n" not preceded by a backslash as in "\\node"
				insertion.replace(newLineRegExp, QLatin1String("\\1\n")); // do this twice to replace all newlines
			insertion.replace(QLatin1String("\\\\"), QLatin1String("\\"));

			if (name.isEmpty())
				name = description;
				description.remove('&'); // we assume that if name.isEmpty() then an accelerator is defined in description
				if (name.isEmpty())
					name = insertion;
			if (description.isEmpty())
				description = insertion;
			if (type.isEmpty())
				type = '0';

			commands << newCommand(name, description, insertion, highlightString, xml.attributes().value("dx").toString().toInt(), xml.attributes().value("dy").toString().toInt(), type.toInt());
			xml.skipCurrentElement(); // allow to read the next start element on the same level: this skips reading the current end element which would cause xml.readNextStartElement() to evaluate to false
		else if (xml.name() == "separator")
			commands << newCommand("", "", "", "", 0, 0, 0);
			xml.skipCurrentElement(); // same as above
		else if (xml.name() == "section")
			commands << newCommand("", "", "", "", 0, 0, -1); // the i-th command with type == -1 corresponds to the i-th submenu (assumed in getMenu())
			commandList.children << getChildCommands();
	commandList.commands = commands;

	return commandList;