コード例 #1
void  MainCaitra::createGraph(vector<SearchGraphNode> v) {

    map<int, int> recombination;
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
        int id = v[i].hypo->GetId();

        int toState;
        int forward = v[i].forward;
        float fscore = v[i].fscore;

        if(id == 0){
            State newState = State(forward, fscore, fscore);

        const Hypothesis *prevHypo = v[i].hypo->GetPrevHypo();
        int fromState = prevHypo->GetId();
        float backwardScore = v[i].hypo->GetScore();
        float transitionScore = (v[i].hypo->GetScore() - prevHypo->GetScore());

        int recombined = -1;
        if (v[i].recombinationHypo != NULL)
            recombined = v[i].recombinationHypo->GetId();

        string out = v[i].hypo->GetCurrTargetPhrase().GetStringRep(StaticData::Instance().GetOutputFactorOrder());

        if (recombined >= 0) {
            recombination[ id ] = recombined;
            toState = recombined;
        else {
            toState = id;

        vector<Word> o = tokenize( out, backwardScore + fscore );
        Transition newTransition( toState, transitionScore, o);
        int thisKey = hypId2stateId[ fromState ];
        states[ thisKey ].transitions.push_back( newTransition );

        if (recombined == -1) {

            State newState(forward, fscore, backwardScore+fscore );
            states.push_back( newState );
            hypId2stateId[ id ] = stateId2hypId.size();
            stateId2hypId.push_back( id );



    for(int state=0; state<states.size(); state++) {
        int forward = states[state].forward;
        if (recombination.count(forward)) {
            forward = recombination[ forward ];
        states[state].forward = hypId2stateId[ forward ];
        for ( transIter transition = states[state].transitions.begin(); transition != states[state].transitions.end(); transition++ ) {
            transition->to_state = hypId2stateId[ transition->to_state ];

    transitionsSize = v.size();

    TRACE_ERR("graph has " << states.size() << " states, pruned down from " << v.size() << "\n");

コード例 #2
ファイル: hmm_impl.hpp プロジェクト: dblalock/mlpack-ios
void HMM<Distribution>::Train(const std::vector<arma::mat>& dataSeq)
  // We should allow a guess at the transition and emission matrices.
  double loglik = 0;
  double oldLoglik = 0;

  // Maximum iterations?
  size_t iterations = 1000;

  // Find length of all sequences and ensure they are the correct size.
  size_t totalLength = 0;
  for (size_t seq = 0; seq < dataSeq.size(); seq++)
    totalLength += dataSeq[seq].n_cols;

    if (dataSeq[seq].n_rows != dimensionality)
      Log::Fatal << "HMM::Train(): data sequence " << seq << " has "
          << "dimensionality " << dataSeq[seq].n_rows << " (expected "
          << dimensionality << " dimensions)." << std::endl;

  // These are used later for training of each distribution.  We initialize it
  // all now so we don't have to do any allocation later on.
  std::vector<arma::vec> emissionProb(transition.n_cols,
  arma::mat emissionList(dimensionality, totalLength);

  // This should be the Baum-Welch algorithm (EM for HMM estimation). This
  // follows the procedure outlined in Elliot, Aggoun, and Moore's book "Hidden
  // Markov Models: Estimation and Control", pp. 36-40.
  for (size_t iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++)
    // Clear new transition matrix and emission probabilities.
    arma::mat newTransition(transition.n_rows, transition.n_cols);

    // Reset log likelihood.
    loglik = 0;

    // Sum over time.
    size_t sumTime = 0;

    // Loop over each sequence.
    for (size_t seq = 0; seq < dataSeq.size(); seq++)
      arma::mat stateProb;
      arma::mat forward;
      arma::mat backward;
      arma::vec scales;

      // Add the log-likelihood of this sequence.  This is the E-step.
      loglik += Estimate(dataSeq[seq], stateProb, forward, backward, scales);

      // Now re-estimate the parameters.  This is the M-step.
      //   T_ij = sum_d ((1 / P(seq[d])) sum_t (f(i, t) T_ij E_i(seq[d][t]) b(i,
      //           t + 1)))
      //   E_ij = sum_d ((1 / P(seq[d])) sum_{t | seq[d][t] = j} f(i, t) b(i, t)
      // We store the new estimates in a different matrix.
      for (size_t t = 0; t < dataSeq[seq].n_cols; t++)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < transition.n_cols; j++)
          if (t < dataSeq[seq].n_cols - 1)
            // Estimate of T_ij (probability of transition from state j to state
            // i).  We postpone multiplication of the old T_ij until later.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < transition.n_rows; i++)
              newTransition(i, j) += forward(j, t) * backward(i, t + 1) *
                  emission[i].Probability(dataSeq[seq].unsafe_col(t + 1)) /
                  scales[t + 1];

          // Add to list of emission observations, for Distribution::Estimate().
          emissionList.col(sumTime) = dataSeq[seq].col(t);
          emissionProb[j][sumTime] = stateProb(j, t);

    // Assign the new transition matrix.  We use %= (element-wise
    // multiplication) because every element of the new transition matrix must
    // still be multiplied by the old elements (this is the multiplication we
    // earlier postponed).
    transition %= newTransition;

    // Now we normalize the transition matrix.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < transition.n_cols; i++)
      transition.col(i) /= accu(transition.col(i));

    // Now estimate emission probabilities.
    for (size_t state = 0; state < transition.n_cols; state++)
      emission[state].Estimate(emissionList, emissionProb[state]);

    Log::Debug << "Iteration " << iter << ": log-likelihood " << loglik
        << std::endl;

    if (std::abs(oldLoglik - loglik) < tolerance)
      Log::Debug << "Converged after " << iter << " iterations." << std::endl;

    oldLoglik = loglik;