static void parse_insert(char *str, int slideid, char origin) { char *s = str; char *w; char *index_entry; short kw; int len; char done = 0; if (str) { record_special(str, slideid, origin); while (*s) { while (*s && !isalpha(*s) && (*s != get_kw())) { s++; } if (*s == get_kw()) { kw = 1; s++; } if (*s) { len = 1; w = s; s++; while (isalnum(*s) || (*s == '\'')) { len++; s++; } if (*s) { *s = '\0'; } else { done = 1; } if (get_mode() & OPT_IFILE) { // Only insert the "word" if found in the list of words // to index. Note that "word" may be a variant of the // real word to index. if ((index_entry = must_index(w, &kw))!= (char *)NULL) { new_word(index_entry, slideid, origin, kw); } } else { if (len >= MIN_WORD_LEN) { if (!must_ignore(w)) { new_word(w, slideid, origin, kw); } } } if (!done) { s++; } } } } }
BOOL CMFCApplication1Dlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { CWnd* temp_time = GetDlgItem(IDC_TIMER); CString t_time; switch (pMsg->message) { case WM_TIMER: //ako traje igra, svakih 0.1 sekundi provjerava da li je "duration" manji od 0, ako je poziva se "game over", ako nije da se "duration" smanji za 0.1 if (game == true) { duration -= 0.1; if (duration < 0) game_over(); t_time.Format(_T("%.1f"), duration); temp_time->SetWindowText(LPCTSTR(t_time)); return false; } case WM_KEYUP: //prepoznavanje stisnute tipke if (pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN) { // poèetak ili reset igre new_game(); CWnd *_help = GetDlgItem(IDC_INST); _help->SetWindowText(_T("")); } else if (pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE) { // izlazak iz igre EndDialog(IDCANCEL); } else if (GetAsyncKeyState(current_word[0]) && game == true) { //provjera da li je pritisnuta tipka jednaka traženom slovu if (current_word.Mid(1).IsEmpty()) { //ako nema više slova poveæava se "score" i postavlja se nova rijeè set_score(); new_word(); } else { //za svako pogoðeno slovo, to slovo se mièe iz prikaza rijeèi i svira zvuk za pogoðeno slovo sound_path.LoadString(IDS_S_WRITE); PlaySound(sound_path, GetModuleHandle(NULL), SND_ASYNC); //zvuk za dobro upisano slovo current_word = current_word.Mid(1); //mièe se prvi znak(slovo) iz rijeèi change_text(); //postavlja se tekst bez prvog znaka } } else if (GetAsyncKeyState('H') && game == false) //kada igra ne traje ako je "H" pritisnut prikazuju se instrukcije za igranje igre { CString res; CString res2; res.LoadString(IDS_M_HELP); res2.LoadString(IDS_M_HELP_T); MessageBox(res, res2); } else if (game == true) //ako igra traje i nije pogoðeno slovo, poziva se "game over" game_over(); return true; } return false; }
word *factor_vm::allot_word(cell name_, cell vocab_, cell hashcode_) { data_root<object> vocab(vocab_,this); data_root<object> name(name_,this); data_root<word> new_word(allot<word>(sizeof(word)),this); new_word->hashcode = hashcode_; new_word->vocabulary = vocab.value(); new_word->name = name.value(); new_word->def = special_objects[OBJ_UNDEFINED]; new_word->props = false_object; new_word->counter = tag_fixnum(0); new_word->pic_def = false_object; new_word->pic_tail_def = false_object; new_word->subprimitive = false_object; new_word->profiling = NULL; new_word->code = NULL; jit_compile_word(new_word.value(),new_word->def,true); if(counting_profiler_p) { code_block *profiling_block = compile_profiling_stub(new_word.value()); new_word->profiling = profiling_block; initialize_code_block(new_word->profiling); } update_word_entry_point(new_word.untagged()); return new_word.untagged(); }
unordered_map<string, unordered_set<string> > build_graph( const unordered_set<string>& dict) { unordered_map<string, unordered_set<string> > adjacency_list; for (const auto& word : dict) { for (size_t i = 0; i < word.size(); ++i) { string new_word(word); for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) { // 防止同字母替换 if (c == new_word[i]) continue; swap(c, new_word[i]); if ((dict.find(new_word) != dict.end())) { auto iter = adjacency_list.find(word); if (iter != adjacency_list.end()) { iter->second.insert(new_word); } else { adjacency_list.insert(pair<string, unordered_set<string >> (word, unordered_set<string>())); adjacency_list[word].insert(new_word); } } swap(c, new_word[i]); // 恢复该单词 } } } return adjacency_list; }
static void declare_scheduler_interface(data_declaration task_decl) { region r = parse_region; location loc = task_decl->ast->location; word task_name; interface_ref task_interface; rp_interface task_uses; int osection; /* We save the task's replacement interface in its interface field... */ if (task_decl->interface) return; /* Build the (uses) 'interface Scheduler as X' ast, declare the interface. */ /* This specific AST structure is assumed in wire_scheduler below */ task_name = new_word(r, loc, str2cstring(r, task_decl->name)); task_interface = new_interface_ref(r, loc, make_scheduler_interfacedef_name(loc), NULL, task_name, NULL, NULL, NULL); osection = current.spec_section; current.spec_section = spec_uses; declare_interface_ref(task_interface, NULL, current.container->env, NULL); current.spec_section = osection; task_decl->interface = task_interface->ddecl; /* Build the 'uses <interface>' AST, add it to the component */ task_uses = new_rp_interface(r, loc, TRUE, CAST(declaration, task_interface)); all_tasks = declaration_chain(CAST(declaration, task_uses), all_tasks); }
/* Divide each of the words in the sentence into one character words, without changing the positions of those characters. */ static void split_words (state *s, sentence *se) { word **words2; int nwords2 = 0; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < se->nwords; i++) nwords2 += strlen (se->words[i]->text); words2 = (word **) calloc (nwords2, sizeof(*words2)); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < se->nwords; i++) { word *ow = se->words[i]; int L = strlen (ow->text); int k; int x = ow->x; int y = ow->y; int sx = ow->start_x; int sy = ow->start_y; int tx = ow->target_x; int ty = ow->target_y; for (k = 0; k < L; k++) { char *t2 = malloc (2); word *w2; int xoff, yoff; t2[0] = ow->text[k]; t2[1] = 0; w2 = new_word (s, se, t2, True); words2[j++] = w2; xoff = (w2->lbearing - ow->lbearing); yoff = (ow->ascent - w2->ascent); w2->x = x + xoff; w2->y = y + yoff; w2->start_x = sx + xoff; w2->start_y = sy + yoff; w2->target_x = tx + xoff; w2->target_y = ty + yoff; x += w2->rbearing; sx += w2->rbearing; tx += w2->rbearing; } free_word (s, ow); se->words[i] = 0; } free (se->words); se->words = words2; se->nwords = nwords2; }
int ladderLength(const string& start, const string &end, const unordered_set<string> &dict) { queue<string> current, next; unordered_set<string> visited; int level = 0; bool found = false; auto state_is_target = [&](const string &s) {return s == end;}; auto state_extend = [&](const string &s) { vector<string> result; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) { string new_word(s); for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) { if (c == new_word[i]) continue; swap(c, new_word[i]); if ((dict.count(new_word) > 0 || new_word == end) && !visited.count(new_word)) { result.push_back(new_word); visited.insert(new_word); } swap(c, new_word[i]); } } return result; }; current.push(start); while (!current.empty() && !found) { ++level; while (!current.empty() && !found) { const string str = current.front(); current.pop(); const auto& new_states = state_extend(str); for (const auto& state : new_states) { next.push(state); if (state_is_target(state)) { found = true; break; } } } swap(next, current); } if (found) return level + 1; else return 0; }
int ladderLength(string start, string end, const unordered_set<string> &dict) { if (start.size() != end.size()) return 0; if (start.empty() || end.empty()) return 0; queue<string> next, current; // 当前层,下一层 unordered_set<string> visited; // 判重 unordered_map<string, string > father; int level = 0; // 层次 bool found = false; current.push(start); while (!current.empty() && !found) { ++level; while (!current.empty() && !found) //处理一层 { const string str(current.front()); current.pop(); for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { string new_word(str); for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) { if (c == new_word[i]) continue; swap(c, new_word[i]);//确保只更换一个一个字母 if (new_word == end) { found = true; //找到了 father[new_word] = str; break; } if (dict.count(new_word) > 0 && !visited.count(new_word))//在dict中并且未visited { next.push(new_word); visited.insert(new_word); father[new_word] = str; } swap(c, new_word[i]); // 恢复该单词 } } } swap(next, current); //!!! 交换两个队列 } if (found) return level + 1; else return 0; }
static word make_scheduler_interfacedef_name(location l) { static bool alloc; static cstring ascstring; if (!alloc) { alloc = TRUE; ascstring = str2cstring(permanent, scheduler_interfacedef_name); } return new_word(parse_region, l, ascstring); }
void CMFCApplication1Dlg::new_game() { //poèetak igre srand(time(NULL)); game = false; //postavlja se indicator "game" na "false" da bi se "score" postavio na nulu set_score(); //"score" se postavlja na 0 game = true; // indicator se postavlja na "true" da kada se postavi rijeè za upisivanje, program provjerava da li je pritisnuta tipka jednaka traženom slovu new_word(); // postavlja se nova rijeè //std::async(std::launch::async, &CMFCApplication1Dlg::timer, this); timer(); //postavlja se timer }
void handle_task_definition(function_decl fdecl) { function_declarator fd; declare_scheduler_interface(fdecl->ddecl); replace_task_with_event(fdecl->modifiers); /* Replace foo with We only bother doing this if the declarator is a valid task declarator (function_declarator with nested identifier_declarator) - if it isn't, we have an error in the form of a misdeclared task. */ /* (we only get here for something which really is a function declaration) */ fd = CAST(function_declarator, fdecl->declarator); if (is_identifier_declarator(fd->declarator)) { data_declaration rundecl; identifier_declarator oldd = CAST(identifier_declarator, fd->declarator); identifier_declarator rund = new_identifier_declarator(parse_region, fd->location, make_scheduler_run_name()); interface_ref_declarator ird = new_interface_ref_declarator(parse_region, fd->location, CAST(declarator, rund), new_word(parse_region, fd->location, oldd->cstring)); fd->declarator = CAST(declarator, ird); /* Update task's declaration object */ rundecl = interface_lookup(fdecl->ddecl->interface, scheduler_run_name); if (!rundecl || rundecl->ftype != function_event) { static int oneerror; if (!oneerror) { oneerror = TRUE; error("task interface `%s' has no event named `%s'", scheduler_interface_name, scheduler_run_name); } } else { /* Don't lose safe flag */ rundecl->safe = fdecl->ddecl->safe; fdecl->ddecl = rundecl; rundecl->definition = CAST(declaration, fdecl); } } }
unordered_set<string> state_extend(const string &s, string endWord, unordered_set<string> &wordList, unordered_set<string>& visited){ unordered_set<string> result; for(size_t i=0; i<s.size(); i++){ string new_word(s); for(char c='a'; c<='z'; c++){ if(c==new_word[i]) continue; swap(c, new_word[i]); if((wordList.find(new_word)!=wordList.end() || new_word==endWord) && visited.find(new_word)==visited.end()){ result.insert(new_word); } swap(c, new_word[i]); } } return result; }
int main(){ FILE *fp; char c, file_name[sizeof(char)], oneword[sizeof(char)]; TreeBase* tree = new_base(compareWords, freeNode, printWordCount); printf("Enter the name of file you wish to see\n> "); scanf("%s", file_name); fp = fopen(file_name,"r"); // Check error if (fp == NULL){ perror("Error while opening the file.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int i = 0; // Read the whole file while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF){ // get charachters from the file until the end // if in is not alphanumeric if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '\0'|| c == '\''))){ oneword[i] = '\0'; // end of the string if (strlen(oneword) > 0){ // Word cannot be empty WordCount* wc = new_word(oneword); insert(tree, wc); i = 0; } } else{ c = tolower(c); // convert all letters in the word to lowercase oneword[i] = c; i++; } } fclose(fp); printTree(tree); int max = maxCount(tree->base); // find most common word counter printf("The most common word \"%s\" occurs %d times\n", mostUsedWord(tree->base, max), max); printf("Total number of characters in all words: %d\n", sumWordLength(tree->base)); printf("Average word length: %d\n", averageWordLength(tree->base)); printf("Total number of words: %d", totalNumOfWords(tree->base)); freeTree(tree); }
// Allocates memory word* factor_vm::allot_word(cell name_, cell vocab_, cell hashcode_) { data_root<object> vocab(vocab_, this); data_root<object> name(name_, this); data_root<word> new_word(allot<word>(sizeof(word)), this); new_word->hashcode = hashcode_; new_word->vocabulary = vocab.value(); new_word->name = name.value(); new_word->def = special_objects[OBJ_UNDEFINED]; new_word->props = false_object; new_word->pic_def = false_object; new_word->pic_tail_def = false_object; new_word->subprimitive = false_object; new_word->entry_point = 0; jit_compile_word(new_word.value(), new_word->def, true); return new_word.untagged(); }
word build_word(region r, const char *cword) { return new_word(r, dummy_location, str2cstring(r, cword)); }
void get_word(int flag) { unsigned int size = 0, n = 0, i = 0; char ans[500]; int frame_n; void *buffer = NULL; frame *frames = NULL; mfcc_frame *mfcc_frames = NULL; voice_signal *signals = NULL; printf("\nFale agora e pressione enter\n"); capture_start(NULL); getchar(); getchar(); capture_stop(&size, &buffer); n = split(buffer, size / 2, &signals); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { frame_n = make_frames_hamming(signals[i].buffer, signals[i].number, &frames); mfcc_frames = malloc(sizeof(mfcc_frame) * frame_n); mfcc_features(frames, frame_n, mfcc_frames); if (!flag) { record(NULL, signals[i].buffer, signals[i].number * 2); printf("Escreva a palavra: "); scanf("%s", (char *)ans); if (!(ans[0] == 'x' && ans[1] == '\0')) { new_word(mfcc_frames, frame_n, (char *)ans); chdir("waves"); char *path = malloc(strlen(ans) + 5); char *ext = ".wav"; memcpy(path, ans, strlen(ans)); memcpy(path + strlen(ans), ext, 5); write_pcm(signals[i].buffer, signals[i].number * 2, path); free(path); chdir(".."); } } else { /*laço de reconhecimento*/ puts("analisando dados..."); word *words = malloc(sizeof(word)); double best = 1e10; char *name = NULL; void **word_adresses; unsigned int n = 0, i = 0, count = 0; if ((n = get_list(words))) { word_adresses = malloc(n * sizeof(void *)); while (words != NULL) { double now = compare(mfcc_frames, frame_n, words->frames, words->n); word_adresses[count++] = words; if (now < best) { best = now; name = words->name; } words = words->next; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) free(word_adresses[i]); free(word_adresses); } if (best < 3.5) printf("%f %s", best, name); } free(mfcc_frames); free(frames); } if (flag) printf("\n"); free(buffer); }
/* Fill the sentence with new words: in "page" mode, fills the page with text; in "scroll" mode, just makes one long horizontal sentence. The sentence might have *no* words in it, if no text is currently available. */ static void populate_sentence (state *s, sentence *se) { int i = 0; int left, right, top, x, y; int space = 0; int line_start = 0; Bool done = False; int array_size = 100; se->move_chars_p = (s->mode == SCROLL ? False : (random() % 3) ? False : True); se->alignment = (random() % 3); recolor (s, se); if (se->words) { for (i = 0; i < se->nwords; i++) free_word (s, se->words[i]); free (se->words); } se->words = (word **) calloc (array_size, sizeof(*se->words)); se->nwords = 0; switch (s->mode) { case PAGE: left = random() % (s->xgwa.width / 3); right = s->xgwa.width - (random() % (s->xgwa.width / 3)); top = random() % (s->xgwa.height * 2 / 3); break; case SCROLL: left = 0; right = s->xgwa.width; top = random() % s->xgwa.height; break; default: abort(); break; } x = left; y = top; while (!done) { char *txt = get_word_text (s); word *w; if (!txt) { if (se->nwords == 0) return; /* If the stream is empty, bail. */ else break; /* If EOF after some words, end of sentence. */ } if (! se->font) /* Got a word: need a font now */ { pick_font (s, se); if (y < se->font->ascent) y += se->font->ascent; space = XTextWidth (se->font, " ", 1); } w = new_word (s, se, txt, !se->move_chars_p); /* If we have a few words, let punctuation terminate the sentence: stop gathering more words if the last word ends in a period, etc. */ if (se->nwords >= 4) { char c = w->text[strlen(w->text)-1]; if (c == '.' || c == '?' || c == '!') done = True; } /* If the sentence is kind of long already, terminate at commas, etc. */ if (se->nwords >= 12) { char c = w->text[strlen(w->text)-1]; if (c == ',' || c == ';' || c == ':' || c == '-' || c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '}') done = True; } if (se->nwords >= 25) /* ok that's just about enough out of you */ done = True; if (s->mode == PAGE && x + w->rbearing > right) /* wrap line */ { align_line (s, se, line_start, x, right); line_start = se->nwords; x = left; y += se->font->ascent; /* If we're close to the bottom of the screen, stop, and unread the current word. (But not if this is the first word, otherwise we might just get stuck on it.) */ if (se->nwords > 0 && y + se->font->ascent > s->xgwa.height) { unread_word (s, w); /* done = True; */ break; } } w->target_x = x + w->lbearing; w->target_y = y - w->ascent; x += w->rbearing + space; se->width = x; if (se->nwords >= (array_size - 1)) { array_size += 100; se->words = (word **) realloc (se->words, array_size * sizeof(*se->words)); if (!se->words) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory (%d words)\n", progname, array_size); exit (1); } } se->words[se->nwords++] = w; } se->width -= space; switch (s->mode) { case PAGE: align_line (s, se, line_start, x, right); if (se->move_chars_p) split_words (s, se); scatter_sentence (s, se); shuffle_words (s, se); break; case SCROLL: aim_sentence (s, se); break; default: abort(); break; } # ifdef DEBUG if (s->debug_p) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: sentence %d:", progname, se->id); for (i = 0; i < se->nwords; i++) fprintf (stderr, " %s", se->words[i]->text); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } # endif }