コード例 #1
ファイル: replication_recovery.cpp プロジェクト: i80and/mongo
void ReplicationRecoveryImpl::_applyToEndOfOplog(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                 Timestamp oplogApplicationStartPoint,
                                                 Timestamp topOfOplog) {

    // Check if we have any unapplied ops in our oplog. It is important that this is done after
    // deleting the ragged end of the oplog.
    if (oplogApplicationStartPoint == topOfOplog) {
            << "No oplog entries to apply for recovery. appliedThrough is at the top of the oplog.";
        return;  // We've applied all the valid oplog we have.
    } else if (oplogApplicationStartPoint > topOfOplog) {
        severe() << "Applied op " << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON()
                 << " not found. Top of oplog is " << topOfOplog.toBSON() << '.';

    log() << "Replaying stored operations from " << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON()
          << " (exclusive) to " << topOfOplog.toBSON() << " (inclusive).";

    DBDirectClient db(opCtx);
    auto cursor = db.query(NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace.ns(),
                           QUERY("ts" << BSON("$gte" << oplogApplicationStartPoint)),
                           /*batchSize*/ 0,
                           /*skip*/ 0,
                           /*projection*/ nullptr,

    // Check that the first document matches our appliedThrough point then skip it since it's
    // already been applied.
    if (!cursor->more()) {
        // This should really be impossible because we check above that the top of the oplog is
        // strictly > appliedThrough. If this fails it represents a serious bug in either the
        // storage engine or query's implementation of OplogReplay.
        severe() << "Couldn't find any entries in the oplog >= "
                 << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON() << " which should be impossible.";

    auto firstTimestampFound =
        fassertStatusOK(40291, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(cursor->nextSafe())).getTimestamp();
    if (firstTimestampFound != oplogApplicationStartPoint) {
        severe() << "Oplog entry at " << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON()
                 << " is missing; actual entry found is " << firstTimestampFound.toBSON();

    // Apply remaining ops one at at time, but don't log them because they are already logged.
    UnreplicatedWritesBlock uwb(opCtx);

    while (cursor->more()) {
        auto entry = cursor->nextSafe();
                        SyncTail::syncApply(opCtx, entry, OplogApplication::Mode::kRecovering));
            opCtx, fassertStatusOK(40295, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(entry)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: cluster_aggregate.cpp プロジェクト: ksuarz/mongo
BSONObj ClusterAggregate::aggRunCommand(DBClientBase* conn,
                                        const Namespaces& namespaces,
                                        BSONObj cmd,
                                        int queryOptions) {
    // Temporary hack. See comment on declaration for details.

            "should only be running an aggregate command here",
            str::equals(cmd.firstElementFieldName(), "aggregate"));

    auto cursor = conn->query(namespaces.executionNss.db() + ".$cmd",
                              -1,    // nToReturn
                              0,     // nToSkip
                              NULL,  // fieldsToReturn
            str::stream() << "aggregate command didn't return results on host: "
                          << conn->toString(),
            cursor && cursor->more());

    BSONObj result = cursor->nextSafe().getOwned();

    if (ErrorCodes::SendStaleConfig == getStatusFromCommandResult(result)) {
        throw RecvStaleConfigException("command failed because of stale config", result);

    auto executorPool = grid.getExecutorPool();
    result = uassertStatusOK(storePossibleCursor(HostAndPort(cursor->originalHost()),
    return result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: oplogreader.cpp プロジェクト: ksuarz/mongo
Status OplogReader::_compareRequiredOpTimeWithQueryResponse(const OpTime& requiredOpTime) {
    auto containsMinValid = more();
    if (!containsMinValid) {
        return Status(
            "remote oplog does not contain entry with optime matching our required optime");
    auto doc = nextSafe();
    const auto opTime = fassertStatusOK(40351, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(doc));
    if (requiredOpTime != opTime) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                      str::stream() << "remote oplog contain entry with matching timestamp "
                                    << opTime.getTimestamp().toString()
                                    << " but optime "
                                    << opTime.toString()
                                    << " does not "
                                       "match our required optime");
    if (requiredOpTime.getTerm() != opTime.getTerm()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                      str::stream() << "remote oplog contain entry with term " << opTime.getTerm()
                                    << " that does not "
                                       "match the term in our required optime");
    return Status::OK();
void ReplicationCoordinatorExternalStateImpl::cleanUpLastApplyBatch(OperationContext* txn) {
    if (_storageInterface->getInitialSyncFlag(txn)) {
        return;  // Initial Sync will take over so no cleanup is needed.

    const auto deleteFromPoint = _storageInterface->getOplogDeleteFromPoint(txn);
    const auto appliedThrough = _storageInterface->getAppliedThrough(txn);

    const bool needToDeleteEndOfOplog = !deleteFromPoint.isNull() &&
        // This version should never have a non-null deleteFromPoint with a null appliedThrough.
        // This scenario means that we downgraded after unclean shutdown, then the downgraded node
        // deleted the ragged end of our oplog, then did a clean shutdown.
        !appliedThrough.isNull() &&
        // Similarly we should never have an appliedThrough higher than the deleteFromPoint. This
        // means that the downgraded node deleted our ragged end then applied ahead of our
        // deleteFromPoint and then had an unclean shutdown before upgrading. We are ok with
        // applying these ops because older versions wrote to the oplog from a single thread so we
        // know they are in order.
        !(appliedThrough.getTimestamp() >= deleteFromPoint);
    if (needToDeleteEndOfOplog) {
        log() << "Removing unapplied entries starting at: " << deleteFromPoint;
        truncateOplogTo(txn, deleteFromPoint);
    _storageInterface->setOplogDeleteFromPoint(txn, {});  // clear the deleteFromPoint

    if (appliedThrough.isNull()) {
        // No follow-up work to do.

    // Check if we have any unapplied ops in our oplog. It is important that this is done after
    // deleting the ragged end of the oplog.
    const auto topOfOplog = fassertStatusOK(40290, loadLastOpTime(txn));
    if (topOfOplog >= appliedThrough) {
        return;  // We've applied all the valid oplog we have.

    log() << "Replaying stored operations from " << appliedThrough << " (exclusive) to "
          << topOfOplog << " (inclusive).";

    DBDirectClient db(txn);
    auto cursor = db.query(rsOplogName,
                           QUERY("ts" << BSON("$gte" << appliedThrough.getTimestamp())),
                           /*batchSize*/ 0,
                           /*skip*/ 0,
                           /*projection*/ nullptr,

    // Check that the first document matches our appliedThrough point then skip it since it's
    // already been applied.
    if (!cursor->more()) {
        // This should really be impossible because we check above that the top of the oplog is
        // strictly > appliedThrough. If this fails it represents a serious bug in either the
        // storage engine or query's implementation of OplogReplay.
        severe() << "Couldn't find any entries in the oplog >= " << appliedThrough
                 << " which should be impossible.";
    auto firstOpTimeFound = fassertStatusOK(40291, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(cursor->nextSafe()));
    if (firstOpTimeFound != appliedThrough) {
        severe() << "Oplog entry at " << appliedThrough << " is missing; actual entry found is "
                 << firstOpTimeFound;

    // Apply remaining ops one at at time, but don't log them because they are already logged.
    const bool wereWritesReplicated = txn->writesAreReplicated();
    ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { txn->setReplicatedWrites(wereWritesReplicated); });

    while (cursor->more()) {
        auto entry = cursor->nextSafe();
        fassertStatusOK(40294, SyncTail::syncApply(txn, entry, true));
            txn, fassertStatusOK(40295, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(entry)));