static never_inline void soleOutfixBlockExec(const struct RoseEngine *t, struct hs_scratch *scratch) { assert(t); assert(scratch); initSomState(t, (u8 *)scratch->core_info.state); assert(t->outfixEndQueue == 1); assert(!t->amatcherOffset); assert(!t->ematcherOffset); assert(!t->fmatcherOffset); const struct NFA *nfa = getNfaByQueue(t, 0); size_t len = nfaRevAccelCheck(nfa, scratch->core_info.buf, scratch->core_info.len); if (!len) { return; } struct mq *q = scratch->queues; initQueue(q, 0, t, scratch); q->length = len; /* adjust for rev_accel */ nfaQueueInitState(nfa, q); pushQueueAt(q, 0, MQE_START, 0); pushQueueAt(q, 1, MQE_TOP, 0); pushQueueAt(q, 2, MQE_END, scratch->core_info.len); char rv = nfaQueueExec(q->nfa, q, scratch->core_info.len); if (rv && nfaAcceptsEod(nfa) && len == scratch->core_info.len) { nfaCheckFinalState(nfa, q->state, q->streamState, q->length, q->cb, q->som_cb, scratch); } }
static never_inline void soleOutfixStreamExec(struct hs_stream *stream_state, struct hs_scratch *scratch) { assert(stream_state); assert(scratch); const struct RoseEngine *t = stream_state->rose; assert(t->outfixEndQueue == 1); assert(!t->amatcherOffset); assert(!t->ematcherOffset); assert(!t->fmatcherOffset); const struct NFA *nfa = getNfaByQueue(t, 0); struct mq *q = scratch->queues; initQueue(q, 0, t, scratch); if (!scratch->core_info.buf_offset) { nfaQueueInitState(nfa, q); pushQueueAt(q, 0, MQE_START, 0); pushQueueAt(q, 1, MQE_TOP, 0); pushQueueAt(q, 2, MQE_END, scratch->core_info.len); } else { nfaExpandState(nfa, q->state, q->streamState, q->offset, queue_prev_byte(q, 0)); pushQueueAt(q, 0, MQE_START, 0); pushQueueAt(q, 1, MQE_END, scratch->core_info.len); } if (nfaQueueExec(q->nfa, q, scratch->core_info.len)) { nfaQueueCompressState(nfa, q, scratch->core_info.len); } else if (!told_to_stop_matching(scratch)) { scratch->core_info.broken = BROKEN_EXHAUSTED; } }
hwlmcb_rv_t roseHandleChainMatch(const struct RoseEngine *t, struct hs_scratch *scratch, u32 event, u64a top_squash_distance, u64a end, char in_catchup) { assert(event == MQE_TOP || event >= MQE_TOP_FIRST); struct core_info *ci = &scratch->core_info; u8 *aa = getActiveLeafArray(t, scratch->core_info.state); u32 aaCount = t->activeArrayCount; struct fatbit *activeQueues = scratch->aqa; u32 qCount = t->queueCount; const u32 qi = 0; /* MPV is always queue 0 if it exists */ struct mq *q = &scratch->queues[qi]; const struct NfaInfo *info = getNfaInfoByQueue(t, qi); s64a loc = (s64a)end - ci->buf_offset; assert(loc <= (s64a)ci->len && loc >= -(s64a)ci->hlen); if (!mmbit_set(aa, aaCount, qi)) { initQueue(q, qi, t, scratch); nfaQueueInitState(q->nfa, q); pushQueueAt(q, 0, MQE_START, loc); fatbit_set(activeQueues, qCount, qi); } else if (info->no_retrigger) { DEBUG_PRINTF("yawn\n"); /* nfa only needs one top; we can go home now */ return HWLM_CONTINUE_MATCHING; } else if (!fatbit_set(activeQueues, qCount, qi)) { initQueue(q, qi, t, scratch); loadStreamState(q->nfa, q, 0); pushQueueAt(q, 0, MQE_START, 0); } else if (isQueueFull(q)) { DEBUG_PRINTF("queue %u full -> catching up nfas\n", qi); /* we know it is a chained nfa and the suffixes/outfixes must already * be known to be consistent */ if (ensureMpvQueueFlushed(t, scratch, qi, loc, in_catchup) == HWLM_TERMINATE_MATCHING) { DEBUG_PRINTF("terminating...\n"); return HWLM_TERMINATE_MATCHING; } } if (top_squash_distance) { assert(q->cur != q->end); struct mq_item *last = &q->items[q->end - 1]; if (last->type == event && last->location >= loc - (s64a)top_squash_distance) { last->location = loc; goto event_enqueued; } } pushQueue(q, event, loc); event_enqueued: if (q_cur_loc(q) == (s64a)ci->len) { /* we may not run the nfa; need to ensure state is fine */ DEBUG_PRINTF("empty run\n"); pushQueueNoMerge(q, MQE_END, loc); char alive = nfaQueueExec(q->nfa, q, loc); if (alive) { scratch->tctxt.mpv_inactive = 0; q->cur = q->end = 0; pushQueueAt(q, 0, MQE_START, loc); } else { mmbit_unset(aa, aaCount, qi); fatbit_unset(scratch->aqa, qCount, qi); } } DEBUG_PRINTF("added mpv event at %lld\n", loc); scratch->tctxt.next_mpv_offset = 0; /* the top event may result in matches * earlier than expected */ return HWLM_CONTINUE_MATCHING; }