コード例 #1
 * @brief AdmittanceParamManager::init
 * Initializes this class by starting the reconfig server.
 * @param nh NodeHandle in which the reconfig server is running
void AdmittanceParamManager::init(ros::NodeHandle& nh) {
    // Set up dynamic reconfigure for admittance params
    ros::NodeHandle nh_params(nh, "admittance_params/");
    param_reconfig_server_.reset(new AdmittanceDynamicReconfigServer(param_reconfig_mutex_, nh_params));

    param_reconfig_callback_ = boost::bind(&AdmittanceParamManager::dynamicReconfigCB, this, _1, _2);
コード例 #2
ファイル: control.cpp プロジェクト: oriolorra/rotors_exercise
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	ros::init(argc, argv, "controller");
	ros::NodeHandle nh;
	ros::NodeHandle nh_params("~");
	ROS_INFO("running controller");
    ros::Subscriber imu_sub   = nh.subscribe("/firefly/imu",  1, &imuCallback);
    ros::Subscriber pose_sub  = nh.subscribe("/firefly/fake_gps/pose", 1, &poseCallback);
	ros::Subscriber traj_sub  = nh.subscribe("command/trajectory", 1, &MultiDofJointTrajectoryCallback); 
	current_index = 0; 

	double  x_kp, x_ki, x_kd, y_kp, y_ki, y_kd, z_kp, z_ki, z_kd, yaw_kp, yaw_ki,
			yaw_kd, roll_limit, pitch_limit, yaw_limit, thrust_limit;

    nh_params.param("x_kp", x_kp, 1.0);
	nh_params.param("x_ki", x_ki, 0.0);
	nh_params.param("x_kd", x_kd, 0.0);

    nh_params.param("y_kp", y_kp, 1.0);
	nh_params.param("y_ki", y_ki, 0.0);
	nh_params.param("y_kd", y_kd, 0.0);

    nh_params.param("z_kp", z_kp, 1.0);
	nh_params.param("z_ki", z_ki, 0.0);
	nh_params.param("z_kd", z_kd, 0.0);

    nh_params.param("yaw_kp", yaw_kp, 1.0);
	nh_params.param("yaw_ki", yaw_ki, 0.0);
	nh_params.param("yaw_kd", yaw_kd, 0.0);

    nh_params.param("roll_limit", roll_limit, 0.0);
    nh_params.param("pitch_limit", pitch_limit, 0.0);
    nh_params.param("thrust_limit", thrust_limit, 0.0);
    nh_params.param("yaw_limit", yaw_limit, 0.0);

	// Chose one of the versions below. The first of these topic published determines the control mode.
	ros::Publisher command_pub = nh.advertise<mav_msgs::RollPitchYawrateThrust>("command/roll_pitch_yawrate_thrust", 1);

	// Start the dynamic_reconfigure server
	dynamic_reconfigure::Server<rotors_exercise::ControllerConfig> server;
	dynamic_reconfigure::Server<rotors_exercise::ControllerConfig>::CallbackType f;
  	f = boost::bind(&reconfigure_callback, _1, _2);
	ROS_INFO("Initializing controller ... ");
		Initialize here your controllers 
	ros::Timer timer;
	timer = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.2), timerCallback);  //Timer for debugging  
	// Run the control loop and Fly to x=0m y=0m z=1m
	ROS_INFO("Going to starting position [0,0,1] ...");
	//positionLoop.setPoint(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
	setpoint_pos = tf::Vector3(0.,0.,1.);
	setpoint_yaw = 0.0;

	latest_pose_update_time = ros::Time::now();
		delta_time_pose = (latest_pose.header.stamp - latest_pose_update_time).toSec() ;

		// Check if pose/imu/state data was received
		if ( 
			(latest_pose.header.stamp.nsec > 0.0) 
			((latest_pose.header.stamp - latest_pose_update_time).toSec() > 0.0)
			latest_pose_update_time = latest_pose.header.stamp; 

			//compute distance to next waypoint 
			double distance = sqrt((setpoint_pos[0]-latest_pose.pose.position.x) * (setpoint_pos[0]-latest_pose.pose.position.x) + 
							  (setpoint_pos[1]-latest_pose.pose.position.y) * (setpoint_pos[1]-latest_pose.pose.position.y) +
							  (setpoint_pos[2]-latest_pose.pose.position.z) * (setpoint_pos[2]-latest_pose.pose.position.z) );
			if (distance < 0.5) 

				//there is still waypoints 
				if (current_index < latest_trajectory.poses.size())
					ROS_INFO("Waypoint achieved! Moving to next waypoint");	
					geometry_msgs::PoseStamped wp; 
    				wp = latest_trajectory.poses[current_index];     		
				}else if  (current_index == latest_trajectory.poses.size()) // print once waypoint achieved
					ROS_INFO("Waypoint achieved! No more waypoints. Hovering");	
			// run position loop 

            double now = (double)ros::Time::now().toSec();

            double delta_time = now - latest;

            latest = now;

            //Calculate error for each component
            latest_yaw  = tf::getYaw(latest_pose.pose.orientation);
            ROS_INFO_STREAM("latest yaw:  " << latest_yaw);
            ROS_INFO_STREAM("setpoint_pos:  " << setpoint_pos);
            ROS_INFO_STREAM("latest_pose:  " << latest_pose);

            computeError(setpoint_pos,latest_pose,setpoint_yaw, latest_yaw, error);

            //PROPORCIONAL  Kp*error
            // DONE ON GET COMMANDS

            integral(error, delta_time, integral_limits, integral_error_accumulator);

            derivative(error,delta_time, delta_error, previous_error);

            //Get commands
            x_vel_cmd = x_kp*error[0] + x_ki*integral_error_accumulator[0] + x_kd*delta_error[0];
            y_vel_cmd = y_kp*error[1] + y_ki*integral_error_accumulator[1] + y_kd*delta_error[1];
            z_vel_cmd = z_kp*error[2] + z_ki*integral_error_accumulator[2] + z_kd*delta_error[2];
            yaw_rate = yaw_kp*error[3] + yaw_ki*integral_error_accumulator[3] + yaw_kd*delta_error[3];
			// your desired velocities (or accelerations) should be stored in 
			// x_vel_cmd, 
			// y_vel_cmd, 
			// z_vel_cmd, 
            // yaw_rate wrap around!!!!
            //x_accel_cmd = x_vel_cmd

            // Map velocities (or accelerations) to angles  roll, pitch
            roll_cmd = (x_vel_cmd*sin(latest_yaw) + y_vel_cmd*cos(latest_yaw))/GRAVETAT;
            pitch_cmd = (x_vel_cmd*cos(latest_yaw) + y_vel_cmd*sin(latest_yaw))/GRAVETAT;
            thrust = 1.5*GRAVETAT + 1.5*z_vel_cmd;

            //Rotate TF from WORLD TO BODY FRAME ------ARDRONE
            //tf::Vector3 vector3 (x_vel_cmd , y_vel_cmd, 0.0);
            //vector3 = rotateZ (vector3, -tf::getYaw(latest_pose.pose.orientation));
            //pitch_cmd = vector3[0];
            //roll_cmd = vector3[1];
            //thrust = z_vel_cmd;

			// Saturate your request
            roll_cmd  = (roll_cmd > roll_limit)   ? roll_limit  : ((roll_cmd < -roll_limit)  ? -roll_limit  : roll_cmd);
            pitch_cmd = (pitch_cmd > pitch_limit) ? pitch_limit : ((pitch_cmd < -pitch_limit)? -pitch_limit : pitch_cmd);
            thrust    = (thrust > thrust_limit)   ? thrust_limit: ((thrust < -thrust_limit)  ? -thrust_limit: thrust);
            yaw_rate  = (yaw_rate > yaw_limit)    ? yaw_limit   : ((yaw_rate < -yaw_limit)   ? -yaw_limit   : yaw_rate);
			// Send to the attitude controller:
			// roll angle [rad], pitch angle  [rad], thrust [N][rad/s]           
			mav_msgs::RollPitchYawrateThrust msg;

			msg.header 	  = latest_pose.header; // use the latest information you have.
			msg.roll 	  = -roll_cmd;
			msg.pitch 	  = pitch_cmd;
			msg.thrust.z  = thrust;
			msg.yaw_rate  = yaw_rate;

		ros::Duration(control_loop_period/2.).sleep(); // may be set slower.
	return 0;