コード例 #1
ファイル: TestEqlbDist.cpp プロジェクト: pchakraborty/plbpd
int main() {
    auto lbmodel = std::make_unique<LBModel>("D2Q9");
    float rholocal = 1.0f;
    std::array<float, 3> ulocal = {0.5, 0.5, -0.5};
    std::vector<float> nlocal(lbmodel->get_num_directions(), 0.0f);

    // Get eqlb dist
    auto eqlbdist = std::make_unique<EqlbDist>(lbmodel.get());
    (*eqlbdist)(rholocal, ulocal, nlocal);

    // Expected value of eqlb dist
    std::vector<float> nexpected = {
        -0.05555555597, 0.277777791, -0.05555555597, -0.05555555597,
         0.277777791, -0.003472222248, -0.003472222248, 0.2048611194,

    // Error
    auto err = 0.0f;
    for (auto k = 0; k < 9; ++k) {
        auto tmp = nexpected[k] - nlocal[k];
        err += tmp*tmp;
    assert(err == 0.0f);
コード例 #2
ファイル: ChargeRegulator.cpp プロジェクト: BrianMoths/lammps
  //  apply_charged_surfaces
  void ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge::apply_local_forces()
    double * q = lammpsInterface_->atom_charge();

    double penalty = poissonSolver_->penalty_coefficient();
    if (penalty <= 0.0) throw ATC_Error("ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic::apply_charged_surfaces expecting non zero penalty");

    double dx[3];
    const DENS_MAT & xa((interscaleManager_->per_atom_quantity("AtomicCoarseGrainingPositions"))->quantity());

// WORKSPACE - most are static
    SparseVector<double> dv(nNodes_); 
    vector<SparseVector<double> > derivativeVectors;
    const SPAR_MAT_VEC & shapeFunctionDerivatives((interscaleManager_->vector_sparse_matrix("InterpolateGradient"))->quantity());

    DenseVector<INDEX> nodeIndices;
    DENS_VEC nodeValues;

    NODE_TO_XF_MAP::const_iterator inode;
    for (inode = nodeXFMap_.begin(); inode != nodeXFMap_.end(); inode++) {
      int node = inode->first;
      DENS_VEC xI = (inode->second).first;
      double qI = (inode->second).second;
      double phiI = nodalChargePotential_[node];
      for (int i = 0; i < nlocal(); i++) {
        int atom = (atc_->internal_to_atom_map())(i);
        double qa = q[atom];
        if (qa != 0) { 
          double dxSq = 0.;
          for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
            dx[j] = xa(i,j) - xI(j);
            dxSq += dx[j]*dx[j];
          if (dxSq < rCsq_) { 
            // first apply pairwise coulombic interaction
            if (!useSlab_) { 
              double coulForce = qqrd2e_*qI*qa/(dxSq*sqrtf(dxSq));
              for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
                _atomElectricalForce_(i,j) += dx[j]*coulForce; }
            // second correct for FE potential induced by BCs
            // determine shape function derivatives at atomic location
            // and construct sparse vectors to store derivative data
            for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
              for (int k = 0; k < nodeIndices.size(); k++) {
                derivativeVectors[j](nodeIndices(k)) = nodeValues(k); }
            // compute greens function from charge quadrature
            SparseVector<double> shortFePotential(nNodes_); 
            // compute electric field induced by charge
            DENS_VEC efield(nsd_);
            for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
              efield(j) = -.1*dot(derivativeVectors[j],shortFePotential); }
            // apply correction in atomic forces
            double c = qV2e_*qa;
            for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
              if ((!useSlab_) || (j==nsd_)) { 
                _atomElectricalForce_(i,j) -= c*efield(j);