コード例 #1
*	@fn			nm_uart_reconfigure
*	@brief		Reconfigures the UART interface
*	@param [in]	ptr
*				Pointer to a DWORD containing baudrate at this moment.
*	@return		M2M_SUCCESS in case of success and M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL in case of failure
*	@author		Viswanathan Murugesan
*	@date		22 OCT 2014
*	@version	1.0
sint8 nm_uart_reconfigure(void *ptr)
	tstrNmUartDefault strUart;
	sint8 s8Ret = M2M_SUCCESS;
	uint8 b[HDR_SZ+1];

	/*write reg*/
	b[0] = 0xa5;
	b[1] = 5;
	b[2] = 0;
	b[3] = 0;
	b[4] = 0;
	b[5] = 0;
	b[6] = 0;
	b[7] = 0;
	b[8] = 0;
	b[9] = (uint8)((*(unsigned long *)ptr) & 0x000000ff);
	b[10] = (uint8)(((*(unsigned long *)ptr) & 0x0000ff00)>>8);
	b[11] = (uint8)(((*(unsigned long *)ptr) & 0x00ff0000)>>16);
	b[12] = (uint8)(((*(unsigned long *)ptr) & 0xff000000)>>24);

	b[2] = get_cs(&b[1],HDR_SZ);


	strUart.pu8Buf = b;
	strUart.u16Sz = sizeof(b);

	if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_W, &strUart))
		M2M_ERR("write error\n");
		s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
			//check for the ack from the SAMD21 for the packet reception.
			strUart.u16Sz = 1;
			if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_R, &strUart))
				s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
			if(b[0] == 0xAC)
				M2M_DBG("Successfully sent the UART reconfigure command\n");
				M2M_ERR("write error\n");
				s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;

	return s8Ret;
コード例 #2
*	@fn		nm_i2c_write_block
*	@brief	Write block of data
*	@param [in]	u32Addr
*				Start address
*	@param [in]	puBuf
*				Pointer to the buffer holding the data to be written
*	@param [in]	u16Sz
*				Number of bytes to write. The buffer size must be >= u16Sz
*	@return	M2M_SUCCESS in case of success and M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL in case of failure
*	@author	M. Abdelmawla
*	@date	11 July 2012
*	@version	1.0
sint8 nm_i2c_write_block(uint32 u32Addr, uint8 *pu8Buf, uint16 u16Sz)
	uint8 au8Buf[7];
	tstrNmI2cSpecial strI2c;
	sint8 s8Ret = M2M_SUCCESS;

	au8Buf[0] = 0x12;
	au8Buf[1] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 24);
	au8Buf[2] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 16);
	au8Buf[3] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 8);
	au8Buf[4] = (uint8)(u32Addr);
	au8Buf[5] = (uint8)(u16Sz >> 8);
	au8Buf[6] = (uint8)(u16Sz);

	strI2c.pu8Buf1 = au8Buf;
	strI2c.pu8Buf2 = pu8Buf;
	strI2c.u16Sz1 = sizeof(au8Buf);
	strI2c.u16Sz2 = u16Sz;

	if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_W_SPECIAL, &strI2c))
		M2M_ERR("write error\n");
		s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;

	return s8Ret;
コード例 #3
*	@fn		nm_i2c_write_reg
*	@brief	write register
*	@param [in]	u32Addr
*				Register address
*	@param [in]	u32Val
*				Value to be written to the register
*	@return	M2M_SUCCESS in case of success and M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL in case of failure
*	@author	M. Abdelmawla
*	@date	11 July 2012
*	@version	1.0
sint8 nm_i2c_write_reg(uint32 u32Addr, uint32 u32Val)
	tstrNmI2cDefault strI2c;
	uint8 b[16];
	sint8 s8Ret = M2M_SUCCESS;

	if(u32Addr < 0xff) { /* clockless i2c */
		b[0] = 0x19;
		b[1] = (uint8)(u32Addr);
		b[2] = (uint8)(u32Val);
		strI2c.u16Sz = 3;
	} else {
		b[0] = 0x90;
		b[1] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 24);
		b[2] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 16);
		b[3] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 8);
		b[4] = (uint8)u32Addr;
		b[5] = 0x04;
		b[6] = (uint8)u32Val;
		b[7] = (uint8)(u32Val >> 8);
		b[8] = (uint8)(u32Val >> 16);
		b[9] = (uint8)(u32Val >> 24);
		strI2c.u16Sz = 10;

	strI2c.pu8Buf = b;

	if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_W, &strI2c))
		M2M_ERR("write error\n");
		s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;

	return s8Ret;
コード例 #4
*	@fn		nm_i2c_read_reg_with_ret
*	@brief	Read register with error code return
*	@param [in]	u32Addr
*				Register address
*	@param [out]	pu32RetVal
*				Pointer to u32 variable used to return the read value
*	@return	M2M_SUCCESS in case of success and M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL in case of failure
*	@author	M. Abdelmawla
*	@date	11 July 2012
*	@version	1.0
 sint8 nm_i2c_read_reg_with_ret(uint32 u32Addr, uint32* pu32RetVal)
	uint8 b[6];
	uint8 rsz;
	tstrNmI2cDefault strI2c;
	sint8 s8Ret = M2M_SUCCESS;

	if(u32Addr < 0xff) { /* clockless i2c */
		b[0] = 0x09;
		b[1] = (uint8)(u32Addr);
		rsz = 1;
		strI2c.u16Sz = 2;
	} else {
		b[0] = 0x80;
		b[1] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 24);
		b[2] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 16);
		b[3] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 8);
		b[4] = (uint8)(u32Addr);
		b[5] = 0x04;
		rsz = 4;
		strI2c.u16Sz = 6;

	strI2c.pu8Buf = b;

	if(M2M_SUCCESS == nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_W, &strI2c))
		strI2c.u16Sz = rsz;
		if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_R, &strI2c))
			//M2M_ERR("read error\n");
			s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
		M2M_ERR("failed to send cfg bytes\n");
		s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;

	if (rsz == 1) {
		*pu32RetVal = b[0];
	} else {
		*pu32RetVal = b[0] | ((uint32)b[1] << 8) | ((uint32)b[2] << 16) | ((uint32)b[3] << 24);
	return s8Ret;
コード例 #5
*	@fn			nm_uart_sync_cmd
*	@brief		Check COM Port
*	@return		M2M_SUCCESS in case of success and M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL in case of failure
*	@author		Dina El Sissy
*	@date		13 AUG 2012
*	@version	1.0
sint8 nm_uart_sync_cmd(void)
	tstrNmUartDefault strUart;
	sint8 s8Ret = -1;
	uint8 b [HDR_SZ+1];
	uint8 rsz;
	uint8 onchip = 0;

	/*read reg*/
	b[0] = 0x12;

	rsz = 1;
	strUart.pu8Buf = b;
	strUart.u16Sz = 1;

	if(M2M_SUCCESS == nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_W, &strUart))
		strUart.u16Sz = rsz;
		if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_R, &strUart))
			s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
		M2M_ERR("failed to send cfg bytes\n");
		s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
	if (b[0] == 0x5a)
		s8Ret = 0;
		onchip = 1;
		M2M_INFO("Built-in WINC1500 UART Found\n");
	else if(b[0] == 0x5b)
		s8Ret = 0;
		onchip = 0;
		M2M_INFO("WINC1500 Serial Bridge Found\n");
	/*TODO: this should be the way we read the register since the cortus is little endian*/
	/**pu32RetVal = b[0] | ((uint32)b[1] << 8) | ((uint32)b[2] << 16) | ((uint32)b[3] << 24);*/
	if(s8Ret == M2M_SUCCESS)
		s8Ret = (sint8)onchip;
	return s8Ret;
コード例 #6
*	@fn		nm_i2c_read_block
*	@brief	Read block of data
*	@param [in]	u32Addr
*				Start address
*	@param [out]	puBuf
*				Pointer to a buffer used to return the read data
*	@param [in]	u16Sz
*				Number of bytes to read. The buffer size must be >= u16Sz
*	@return	M2M_SUCCESS in case of success and M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL in case of failure
*	@author	M. Abdelmawla
*	@date	11 July 2012
*	@version	1.0
sint8 nm_i2c_read_block(uint32 u32Addr, uint8 *pu8Buf, uint16 u16Sz)
	tstrNmI2cDefault strI2c;
	uint8 au8Buf[7];
	sint8 s8Ret = M2M_SUCCESS;

	au8Buf[0] = 0x02;
	au8Buf[1] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 24);
	au8Buf[2] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 16);
	au8Buf[3] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 8);
	au8Buf[4] = (uint8)(u32Addr >> 0);
	au8Buf[5] = (uint8)(u16Sz >> 8);
	au8Buf[6] = (uint8)(u16Sz);

	strI2c.pu8Buf = au8Buf;
	strI2c.u16Sz = sizeof(au8Buf);

	if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_W, &strI2c))
		M2M_ERR("write error\n");
		s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
		strI2c.pu8Buf = pu8Buf;
		strI2c.u16Sz = u16Sz;

		if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_R, &strI2c))
			M2M_ERR("read error\n");
			s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;

	return s8Ret;
コード例 #7
*	@fn			nm_uart_write_block
*	@brief		Write block of data
*	@param [in]	u32Addr
*				Start address
*	@param [in]	puBuf
*				Pointer to the buffer holding the data to be written
*	@param [in]	u16Sz
*				Number of bytes to write. The buffer size must be >= u16Sz
*	@return		M2M_SUCCESS in case of success and M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL in case of failure
*	@author		Dina El Sissy
*	@date		13 AUG 2012
*	@version	1.0
sint8 nm_uart_write_block(uint32 u32Addr, uint8 *puBuf, uint16 u16Sz)
	tstrNmUartDefault strUart;
	sint8 s8Ret = M2M_SUCCESS;
	static uint8 au8Buf[HDR_SZ+1];

	au8Buf[0] = 0xa5;
	au8Buf[1] = 3;
	au8Buf[2] = 0;
	au8Buf[3] = (uint8)(u16Sz & 0x00ff);
	au8Buf[4] = (uint8)((u16Sz & 0xff00)>>8);
	au8Buf[5] = (uint8)(u32Addr & 0x000000ff);
	au8Buf[6] = (uint8)((u32Addr & 0x0000ff00)>>8);
	au8Buf[7] = (uint8)((u32Addr & 0x00ff0000)>>16);
	au8Buf[8] = (uint8)((u32Addr & 0xff000000)>>24);
	au8Buf[9] = 0;
	au8Buf[10] = 0;
	au8Buf[11] = 0;
	au8Buf[12] = 0;

	au8Buf[2] = get_cs(&au8Buf[1],HDR_SZ);

	strUart.pu8Buf = au8Buf;
	strUart.u16Sz = sizeof(au8Buf);

	if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_W, &strUart))
		M2M_ERR("write error\n");
		s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
			//check for the ack from the SAMD21 for the packet reception.
			strUart.u16Sz = 1;
			if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_R, &strUart))
				s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
			if(au8Buf[0] == 0xAC)
				M2M_DBG("Successfully sent the block Write command\n");
				strUart.pu8Buf = puBuf;
				strUart.u16Sz = u16Sz;

				if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_W, &strUart))
					M2M_ERR("write error\n");
					s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
					//check for the ack from the SAMD21 for the payload reception.
					strUart.pu8Buf = au8Buf;
					strUart.u16Sz = 1;
					if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_R, &strUart))
						s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
					if(au8Buf[0] == 0xAC)
						M2M_DBG("Successfully sent the data payload\n");
						M2M_ERR("write error\n");
						s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
				M2M_ERR("write error (Error sending the block write command)\n");
				s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
			strUart.pu8Buf = puBuf;
			strUart.u16Sz = u16Sz;

			if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_W, &strUart))
				M2M_ERR("write error\n");
				s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
	return s8Ret;
コード例 #8
 sint8 nm_uart_read_reg_with_ret(uint32 u32Addr, uint32* pu32RetVal)
	tstrNmUartDefault strUart;
	sint8 s8Ret = M2M_SUCCESS;
	uint8 b [HDR_SZ+1];
	uint8 rsz;

	/*read reg*/
	b[0] = 0xa5;
	b[1] = 0;
	b[2] = 0;
	b[3] = 0;
	b[4] = 0;
	b[5] = (uint8)(u32Addr & 0x000000ff);
	b[6] = (uint8)((u32Addr & 0x0000ff00)>>8);
	b[7] = (uint8)((u32Addr & 0x00ff0000)>>16);
	b[8] = (uint8)((u32Addr & 0xff000000)>>24);
	b[9] = 0;
	b[10] = 0;
	b[11] = 0;
	b[12] = 0;

	b[2] = get_cs(&b[1],HDR_SZ);

	rsz = 4;
	strUart.pu8Buf = b;
	strUart.u16Sz = sizeof(b);

	if(M2M_SUCCESS == nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_W, &strUart))
			strUart.u16Sz = 1;
			if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_R, &strUart))
				s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
			if(b[0] == 0xAC)
				M2M_DBG("Successfully sent the command\n");
				strUart.u16Sz = rsz;
				if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_R, &strUart))
					s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
				s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
			strUart.u16Sz = rsz;
			if(M2M_SUCCESS != nm_bus_ioctl(NM_BUS_IOCTL_R, &strUart))
				s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
		M2M_ERR("failed to send cfg bytes\n");
		s8Ret = M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
	/*TODO: this should be the way we read the register since the cortus is little endian*/
	/**pu32RetVal = b[0] | ((uint32)b[1] << 8) | ((uint32)b[2] << 16) | ((uint32)b[3] << 24);*/

	*pu32RetVal = ((uint32)b[0] << 24) | ((uint32)b[1] << 16) | ((uint32)b[2] << 8) | b[3];

	return s8Ret;