コード例 #1
unsigned int TreeData::calcSize()
	unsigned int numNodes = 0;
	for (NodeBase::const_dfs_pre_order_iterator nodeIt(m_root->begin_DFS());
			nodeIt != m_root->end_DFS(); ++nodeIt, ++numNodes)
	return numNodes;
コード例 #2
ファイル: medulla.cpp プロジェクト: bluemagic-club/aseba
	Values AsebaNetworkInterface::GetVariable(const QString& node, const QString& variable, const QDBusMessage &message)
		// make sure the node exists
		NodesNamesMap::const_iterator nodeIt(nodesNames.find(node));
		if (nodeIt == nodesNames.end())
			DBusConnectionBus().send(message.createErrorReply(QDBusError::InvalidArgs, QString("node %0 does not exists").arg(node)));
			return Values();
		const unsigned nodeId(nodeIt.value());
		unsigned pos(unsigned(-1));
		unsigned length(unsigned(-1));
		// check whether variable is user-defined
		const UserDefinedVariablesMap::const_iterator userVarMapIt(userDefinedVariablesMap.find(node));
		if (userVarMapIt != userDefinedVariablesMap.end())
			const VariablesMap& userVarMap(userVarMapIt.value());
			const VariablesMap::const_iterator userVarIt(userVarMap.find(variable.toStdWString()));
			if (userVarIt != userVarMap.end())
				pos = userVarIt->second.first;
				length = userVarIt->second.second;
		// if variable is not user-defined, check whether it is provided by this node
		if (pos == unsigned(-1))
			bool ok1, ok2;
			pos = getVariablePos(nodeId, variable.toStdWString(), &ok1);
			length = getVariableSize(nodeId, variable.toStdWString(), &ok2);
			if (!(ok1 && ok2))
				DBusConnectionBus().send(message.createErrorReply(QDBusError::InvalidArgs, QString("variable %0 does not exists in node %1").arg(variable).arg(node)));
				return Values();
		// send request to aseba network
			GetVariables msg(nodeId, pos, length);
		// build bookkeeping for async reply
		RequestData *request = new RequestData;
		request->nodeId = nodeId;
		request->pos = pos;
		request->reply = message.createReply();
		return Values();
コード例 #3
ファイル: medulla.cpp プロジェクト: bluemagic-club/aseba
	bool AsebaNetworkInterface::IsConnected(const QString& node, const QDBusMessage &message) const
		NodesNamesMap::const_iterator nodeIt(nodesNames.find(node));
		if (nodeIt == nodesNames.end())
			DBusConnectionBus().send(message.createErrorReply(QDBusError::InvalidArgs, QString("node %0 does not exists").arg(node)));
			return 0;
		return nodes.find(nodeIt.value())->second.connected;
コード例 #4
std::vector<lemon::ListDigraph::Node> SchedulerCPU::GetSourceNodes(const lemon::ListDigraph& graph) {
	std::vector<lemon::ListDigraph::Node> sources;

	for (lemon::ListDigraph::NodeIt nodeIt(graph); nodeIt != lemon::INVALID; ++nodeIt) {
		size_t numDependencies = countInArcs(graph, nodeIt);
		if (numDependencies == 0) {

	return sources;
コード例 #5
MStatus lrutils::getMetaRootByName(MObject & obj, MString name) {
    MStatus status = MS::kFailure;

    for( MItDependencyNodes nodeIt(MFn::kPluginDependNode);
        !nodeIt.isDone(); nodeIt.next() ) {
        MFnDependencyNode nodeFn( nodeIt.item() );
        if(nodeFn.typeId() == MetaDataManagerNode::id) {
            //Get the plug for the list of metaRoots
            MPlug metaRootsPlug = nodeFn.findPlug(MString("metaRoots"),true,&status);
            MyCheckStatusReturn(status,"findPlug failed");
            //MGlobal::displayInfo( metaRootsPlug.name() );
            //follow its connection to all the plugs on connected metaRoots
            MPlugArray rootPlugs;
            MyCheckStatusReturn(status,"MPlug.connectedTo failed");
            unsigned int numRootPlugs = rootPlugs.length();

            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numRootPlugs; i++) {
                MObject rootNodeObj = rootPlugs[i].node(&status);
                MyCheckStatusReturn(status,"MPlug.node() failed");
                MFnDependencyNode rootNodeFn( rootNodeObj );

                //get the name of the metaRoot node and compare it to the search string
                MString rootName = rootNodeFn.name();
                rootName = rootName.substring(4,rootName.numChars());
                if( rootName == name ) {
                    obj = rootNodeObj;
                    status = MS::kSuccess;

    if(status == MS::kFailure) {
        MGlobal::displayInfo("MetaDataManager node does not exist.\n");        

    return status;
コード例 #6
ファイル: medulla.cpp プロジェクト: bluemagic-club/aseba
	void AsebaNetworkInterface::SetVariable(const QString& node, const QString& variable, const Values& data, const QDBusMessage &message) const
		// make sure the node exists
		NodesNamesMap::const_iterator nodeIt(nodesNames.find(node));
		if (nodeIt == nodesNames.end())
			DBusConnectionBus().send(message.createErrorReply(QDBusError::InvalidArgs, QString("node %0 does not exists").arg(node)));
		const unsigned nodeId(nodeIt.value());
		unsigned pos(unsigned(-1));
		// check whether variable is user-defined
		const UserDefinedVariablesMap::const_iterator userVarMapIt(userDefinedVariablesMap.find(node));
		if (userVarMapIt != userDefinedVariablesMap.end())
			const VariablesMap& userVarMap(userVarMapIt.value());
			const VariablesMap::const_iterator userVarIt(userVarMap.find(variable.toStdWString()));
			if (userVarIt != userVarMap.end())
				pos = userVarIt->second.first;
		// if variable is not user-defined, check whether it is provided by this node
		if (pos == unsigned(-1))
			bool ok;
			pos = getVariablePos(nodeId, variable.toStdWString(), &ok);
			if (!ok)
				DBusConnectionBus().send(message.createErrorReply(QDBusError::InvalidArgs, QString("variable %0 does not exists in node %1").arg(variable).arg(node)));
		SetVariables msg(nodeId, pos, toAsebaVector(data));
コード例 #7
ファイル: NodesManager.cpp プロジェクト: antoinealb/aseba
	void NodesManager::processMessage(const Message* message)
		// check whether the node is known
		NodesMap::iterator nodeIt(nodes.find(message->source));
		if (nodeIt == nodes.end())
			// node is not known, so ignore excepted if the message type 
			// is node present and it is not a known mismatch protocol,
			// in that case, request description...
			if ((message->type == ASEBA_MESSAGE_NODE_PRESENT) &&
				mismatchingNodes.find(message->source) == mismatchingNodes.end())
				GetNodeDescription getNodeDescription(message->source);
			// or if message type is description, in that case, proceed further
			if (message->type != ASEBA_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION)
			// node is known, check if connected...
			if (!nodeIt->second.connected)
				// if not, build complete, set as connected and notify client
				nodeIt->second.connected = true;
				if (nodeIt->second.isComplete())
					// only notify connections of completed known nodes
			// update last seen time
			nodeIt->second.lastSeen = UnifiedTime();
		// if we have a disconnection message
			// FIXME: handle disconnected state
			const Disconnected *disconnected = dynamic_cast<const Disconnected *>(message);
			if (disconnected)
				NodesMap::iterator nodeIt = nodes.find(disconnected->source);
				assert (nodeIt != nodes.end());
		// if we have an initial description
			const Description *description = dynamic_cast<const Description *>(message);
			if (description)
				NodesMap::iterator nodeIt = nodes.find(description->source);
				// We can receive a description twice, for instance if there is another IDE connected
				if (nodeIt != nodes.end() || (mismatchingNodes.find(description->source) != mismatchingNodes.end()))
				// Call a user function when a node protocol version mismatches
				if ((description->protocolVersion < ASEBA_MIN_TARGET_PROTOCOL_VERSION) ||
					(description->protocolVersion > ASEBA_PROTOCOL_VERSION))
					nodeProtocolVersionMismatch(description->source, description->name, description->protocolVersion);
				// create node and copy description into it
				nodes[description->source] = Node(*description);
				checkIfNodeDescriptionComplete(description->source, nodes[description->source]);
		// if we have a named variable description
			const NamedVariableDescription *description = dynamic_cast<const NamedVariableDescription *>(message);
			if (description)
				NodesMap::iterator nodeIt = nodes.find(description->source);
				assert (nodeIt != nodes.end());
				// copy description into array if array is empty
				if (nodeIt->second.namedVariablesReceptionCounter < nodeIt->second.namedVariables.size())
					nodeIt->second.namedVariables[nodeIt->second.namedVariablesReceptionCounter++] = *description;
					checkIfNodeDescriptionComplete(nodeIt->first, nodeIt->second);
		// if we have a local event description
			const LocalEventDescription *description = dynamic_cast<const LocalEventDescription *>(message);
			if (description)
				NodesMap::iterator nodeIt = nodes.find(description->source);
				assert (nodeIt != nodes.end());
				// copy description into array if array is empty
				if (nodeIt->second.localEventsReceptionCounter < nodeIt->second.localEvents.size())
					nodeIt->second.localEvents[nodeIt->second.localEventsReceptionCounter++] = *description;
					checkIfNodeDescriptionComplete(nodeIt->first, nodeIt->second);
		// if we have a native function description
			const NativeFunctionDescription *description = dynamic_cast<const NativeFunctionDescription *>(message);
			if (description)
				NodesMap::iterator nodeIt = nodes.find(description->source);
				assert (nodeIt != nodes.end());
				// copy description into array
				if (nodeIt->second.nativeFunctionReceptionCounter < nodeIt->second.nativeFunctions.size())
					nodeIt->second.nativeFunctions[nodeIt->second.nativeFunctionReceptionCounter++] = *description;
					checkIfNodeDescriptionComplete(nodeIt->first, nodeIt->second);
コード例 #8
void SchedulerCPU::LaunchTasks(const FrameContextEx& context, std::function<jobs::Future<std::any>(const FrameContextEx&, const Pipeline&, lemon::ListDigraph::Node, std::any)> onNode) {
	struct DependencyCounter {
		explicit DependencyCounter(size_t total = 0) {
			this->total = total;
		void Reset() {
			*counter = 0;
		bool operator++() {
			return (counter->fetch_add(1) + 1) == total;

		std::shared_ptr<std::atomic_size_t> counter = std::make_shared<std::atomic_size_t>(0);
		std::size_t total = 0;

	lemon::ListDigraph::NodeMap<DependencyCounter> depCounter(m_pipeline->GetTaskGraph());
	for (lemon::ListDigraph::NodeIt nodeIt(m_pipeline->GetTaskGraph()); nodeIt != lemon::INVALID; ++nodeIt) {
		depCounter[nodeIt] = DependencyCounter{ (size_t)lemon::countInArcs(m_pipeline->GetTaskGraph(), nodeIt) };

	auto stopFlag = std::make_shared<std::atomic_bool>(false);
	auto Traverse = [this, &context, stopFlag, &onNode, &depCounter](lemon::ListDigraph::Node node, std::any passThrough, auto self) -> jobs::Future<void> {
		if (stopFlag->load()) {

		try {
			std::any passToNext = co_await onNode(context, *m_pipeline, node, passThrough);

			std::vector<jobs::Future<void>> childJobs;
			for (lemon::ListDigraph::OutArcIt outArc(m_pipeline->GetTaskGraph(), node); outArc != lemon::INVALID; ++outArc) {
				auto nextNode = m_pipeline->GetTaskGraph().target(outArc);

				if (++depCounter[nextNode]) {
					childJobs.push_back(m_scheduler->Enqueue(self, nextNode, passToNext, self));

			for (auto& childFuture : childJobs) {
				co_await childFuture;
		catch (...) {

	auto sourceNodes = GetSourceNodes(m_pipeline->GetTaskGraph());
	std::vector<jobs::Future<void>> childJobs;
	for (auto sourceNode : sourceNodes) {
		childJobs.push_back(m_scheduler->Enqueue(Traverse, sourceNode, std::any{}, Traverse));

	std::vector<std::exception_ptr> exceptions;
	for (auto& job : childJobs) {
		try {
		catch (...) {
	if (!exceptions.empty()) {
		// Rest of the exceptions is ignored.
		// TODO: throw some aggregate exception?