コード例 #1
ファイル: knife.c プロジェクト: Elohim/FGmud
int knifeGoPoof(){

    object owner;


        owner = environment();


    message( "my_action",
      "%^BOLD%^The knife shimmers then vanishes!%^RESET%^",


        message( "other_action", "%^WHITE%^"+
          owner->GetName()+" jumps in surprise at a "
          "shimmering light emitted from something "+
          nominative(owner)+" was carrying.%^RESET%^",
          environment(owner), owner);		

    return 1;
コード例 #2
int cmd_trip(string str) {
   int dmg;
   object ob, env, tp;
   if (!abil())
     return notify_fail("What?\n");
   env = environment(this_player());
   tp = this_player();
   if (!str) ob = this_player()->query_current_attacker();
   else ob = present(str, env);
   if (!ob || !ob->is_living())
     return notify_fail("You do not see that here.\n");
   if (ob==this_player())
     return notify_fail("You trip and fall down.\n");
     return notify_fail("Hard to trip without a body..\n");
   if (this_player()->query_disable())
     return notify_fail("You are not oriented enough to do this.\n");
   if (environment(this_player())->query_property("no attack"))
     return notify_fail("Greater powers prevent your malice.\n");
   if ((int)this_player()->query_sp() < 20)
     return notify_fail("You are too tired.\n");
   if (ob->query_rest_type() == SIT)
     return notify_fail(ob->query_cap_name()+" is already on the ground!\n");
   if(!this_player()->kill_ob(ob)) {
      write(ob->query_cap_name()+" can't be attacked by you yet.");
      return 1;
   dmg = tp->query_stats("dexterity");
   dmg -= (ob->query_stats("dexterity") / 2);
   if (dmg < random(25)) {
      write("You spin at "+ob->query_cap_name()+" and miss "+nominative(ob)+" and fall to the ground.");
      message("info", tp->query_cap_name()+" spins around on the ground and tries to trip you but misses and falls to the ground.", ob);
      message("info", tp->query_cap_name()+" spins around on the ground and tries to trip "+ob->query_cap_name()+" but misses and falls to the ground.",environment(ob), ({ tp, ob }));
コード例 #3
ファイル: unanchor.c プロジェクト: Elohim/FGmud
mixed cmd(string str) {
    object target;
    int arch = adminp(this_player());
    int ret, curr;

    if(!sizeof(str)) str = "me";
    if(str == "me") str = this_player()->GetKeyName();
    if(!target = present(str, environment(this_player()))){
        if(arch && (target = find_player(str))){
            write("User found.");
        else {
            write("They're not here.");
            return 1;
    if(living(target) && !arch && target != this_player()){
        write("You can only unanchor yourself with this command.");
        return 1;
    if(!(curr = target->GetAnchored())){
        if(target != this_player()) str = nominative(target)+"'s";
        else str = "You're ";
        write(capitalize(str) + " already unanchored.");
        return 1;
    ret = target->SetAnchored(0);
    if(ret == curr){
        write("Nothing happens");
        return 1;
    if(target != this_player()){ 
        tell_object(target, capitalize(this_player()->GetName())+
                " unanchors you.");
    else str = "yourself";
    write("You unanchor "+str+".");
    return 1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: _palmread.c プロジェクト: ehershey/pd
int cmd_palmread(string who) {
  object tp=this_player();
  object tgt;  
  object *inv;
  int skill, i;
  int deaths, age, marriages;
  int kills, quests, str, wis;
  if (!abil()) {
    return 1;
  if (!who) {
    message("info","Read whose palm?",tp);
    return 1;
  if (tp->query_mp() < 30) {
    message("info","Not enough magic.",tp);
    return 1;
  if (tp->query_disable()) {
    message("info","You are busy.",tp);
    return 1;
  if (tp->query_current_attacker()) {
    message("info","You are too busy fighting.",tp);
    return 1;
  if (!tgt) {
    message("info","You don't see "+who+" here.",tp);
    return 1;
  if (!userp(tgt)) {
    message("info","You cannot read the palm of "+tgt->query_cap_name()+".",
    return 1;
  if (tgt->query_current_attacker()) {
    message("info",nominative(tgt)+" is too caught up in battle to show "
      "you "+possessive(tgt)+" palm.",tp);
    return 1;
  // these races either don't have hands, or have some kind of hand
  //   without normal skin on it
  if (tgt->query_race() == "dragon" ||
      tgt->query_race() == "lich" ||
      tgt->query_race() == "raknid") {
    message("info","That creature does not have a palm.",tp);
    return 1;
  // if their hands are both severed we can't read them very well..
  if (member_array("right hand",tgt->query_limbs()) == -1 &&
      member_array("left hand",tgt->query_limbs()) == -1) {
    message("info",nominative(tgt)+" has only stumps where "+possessive(tgt)+
      " hands should be.",tp);
    return 1;
  if (tgt == tp) {
    message("info","You look over your own palm...\n",tp);
    message("info",tp->query_cap_name()+" examines "+possessive(tp)+" palm.",
      environment(tp), tp);
  else {
    message("info","You look over "+tgt->query_cap_name()+"'s palm...\n",tp);
    message("info",tp->query_cap_name()+" examines the palm of your hand.",tgt);
    message("info",tp->query_cap_name()+" examines the palm of "+
      tgt->query_cap_name()+"'s hand.", environment(tp), ({ tgt, tp }) );
コード例 #5
inherit MONSTER;

void set_trap(object to);

void create() {
  mapping inv;
  set_name("weimic hunter");
  set_id(({"weimic","hunter", "weimic hunter"}));
  set_short("weimic hunter");
  set_long("A nomad of the plains, this weimic is clad in "
    "only a leather tunic that marks "+objective(query_gender())+
    "as a hunter. "+nominative(query_gender())+" has a sleek "
    "feline body with sun-bleached yellow fur, and a muscular "
    "human torso.");
  set_property("autobag", "bag");


  set_skill("nature", 250);
  set_skill("stealth", 100);

  set_spells(({"throw spear", "spear", "impale", "spear"}));

  inv = ([