コード例 #1
ファイル: newuser.c プロジェクト: sergi/re-alpine
 * Display a new user or new version message.
new_user_or_version(struct pine *ps)
    char	  **shown_text;
    int		    cmd = MC_NONE;
    int             first_time_alpine_user = 0;
    char	   *error = NULL;
    HelpType	    text;
    SCROLL_S	    sargs;
    STORE_S	   *store;
    HANDLE_S	   *handles = NULL, *htmp;
    gf_io_t	    pc;
    char           *vers = ps->vers_internal;

    first_time_alpine_user = (ps->first_time_user
			      || (ps->pine_pre_vers
				  && isdigit((unsigned char) ps->pine_pre_vers[0])
				  && ps->pine_pre_vers[1] == '.'
				  && isdigit((unsigned char) vers[0])
				  && vers[1] == '.'
				  && ps->pine_pre_vers[0] < '5'	/* it was Pine */
				  && vers[0] >= '5'));		/* Alpine */

    text = ps->first_time_user    ? new_user_greeting :
            first_time_alpine_user ? new_alpine_user_greeting : new_version_greeting;

    shown_text = text;

     * Set it if the major revision number
     * (the first after the dot) has changed.
    ps->phone_home = (first_time_alpine_user
		      || (ps->pine_pre_vers
			  && isdigit((unsigned char) ps->pine_pre_vers[0])
			  && ps->pine_pre_vers[1] == '.'
			  && isdigit((unsigned char) ps->pine_pre_vers[2])
			  && isdigit((unsigned char) vers[0])
			  && vers[1] == '.'
			  && isdigit((unsigned char) vers[2])
			  && strncmp(ps->pine_pre_vers, vers, 3) < 0));

     * At this point, shown_text is a charstarstar with html
     * Turn it into a charstar with digested html

	if((store = so_get(CharStar, NULL, EDIT_ACCESS)) != NULL){
	    gf_set_so_writec(&pc, store);

					     ps->ttyo->screen_cols, non_messageview_margin(),
					     &handles, NULL, GFHP_LOCAL_HANDLES));

	    error = gf_pipe(helper_getc, pc);


		struct key_menu km;
		struct key	keys[24];

		for(htmp = handles; htmp; htmp = htmp->next)
		  if(htmp->type == URL
		     && htmp->h.url.path
		     && (htmp->h.url.path[0] == 'x'
			 || htmp->h.url.path[0] == '#'))
		    htmp->force_display = 1;

		/* This is mostly here to get the curses variables
		 * for line and column in sync with where the
		 * cursor is on the screen. This gets warped when
		 * the composer is called because it does it's own
		 * stuff

		memset(&sargs, 0, sizeof(SCROLL_S));
		sargs.text.text	   = so_text(store);
		sargs.text.src	   = CharStar;
		sargs.text.desc	   = "greeting text";
		sargs.text.handles = handles;
		sargs.bar.title	   = "GREETING TEXT";
		sargs.bar.style	   = TextPercent;
		sargs.proc.tool	   = nuov_processor;
		sargs.help.text	   = main_menu_tx;
		sargs.help.title   = "MAIN PINE HELP";
		sargs.resize_exit  = 1;
		sargs.keys.menu	   = &km;
		km		   = nuov_keymenu;
		km.keys		   = keys;
		memcpy(&keys[0], nuov_keymenu.keys,
		       (nuov_keymenu.how_many * 12) * sizeof(struct key));

		    km.keys[NUOV_EXIT].label = "Exit this greeting";
		    km.keys[NUOV_EXIT].bind.nch = 1;
		    km.keys[NUOV_EXIT].label	= "[Exit this greeting]";
		    km.keys[NUOV_EXIT].bind.nch = 3;
		    clrbitn(NUOV_VIEW, sargs.keys.bitmap);

		  clrbitn(NUOV_RELNOTES, sargs.keys.bitmap);

		cmd = scrolltool(&sargs);


		  FOOTER_ROWS(ps_global) = 1;



    while(cmd == MC_RESIZE);
コード例 #2
ファイル: remote.c プロジェクト: RsrchBoy/dpkg-alpine
rd_prompt_about_forged_remote_data(int reason, REMDATA_S *rd, char *extra)
    char      tmp[2000];
    char     *unknown = "<unknown>";
    int       rv = -1;
    char *foldertype, *foldername, *special;

    foldertype = (rd && rd->t.i.special_hdr && !strucmp(rd->t.i.special_hdr, REMOTE_ABOOK_SUBTYPE)) ? "address book" : (rd && rd->t.i.special_hdr && !strucmp(rd->t.i.special_hdr, REMOTE_PINERC_SUBTYPE)) ? "configuration" : "data";
    foldername = (rd && rd->rn) ? rd->rn : unknown;
    special = (rd && rd->t.i.special_hdr) ? rd->t.i.special_hdr : unknown;

    dprint((1, "rd_check_out_forged_remote_data:\n"));
    dprint((1, " reason=%d\n", reason));
    dprint((1, " folder_type=%s\n", foldertype ? foldertype : "?"));
    dprint((1, " remotename=%s\n\n", foldername ? foldername : "?"));

    if(rd && rd->flags & USER_SAID_NO)
      return rv;

    if(reason == -2){
	dprint((1, "The special header \"%s\" is missing from the last message in the folder.\nThis indicates that something is wrong.\nYou should probably answer \"No\"\nso that you don't use the corrupt data.\nThen you should investigate further.\n", special ? special : "?"));
    else if(reason == -1){
	dprint((1,  "The last message in the folder contains \"Received\" headers.\nThis usually indicates that the message was put there by the mail\ndelivery system. Alpine does not add those Received headers.\nYou should probably answer \"No\" so that you don't use the corrupt data.\nThen you should investigate further.\n"));
    else if(reason == 0){
	dprint((1, "The special header \"%s\" in the last message\nin the folder has an unexpected value (%s)\nafter it. This could indicate that something is wrong.\nThis value should not normally be put there by Alpine.\nHowever, since there are no Received lines in the message we choose to\nbelieve that everything is ok and we will proceed.\n",
		special ? special : "?", (extra && *extra) ? extra : "?"));
    else if(reason == 1){
	dprint((1, "The special header \"%s\" in the last message\nin the folder has an unexpected value (1)\nafter it. It appears that it may have been put there by an Pine\nwith a version number less than 4.50.\nSince there are no Received lines in the message we choose to believe that\nthe header was added by an old Pine and we will proceed.\n",
		special ? special : "?"));
    else if(reason > 1){
	dprint((1, "The special header \"%s\" in the last message\nin the folder has an unexpected value (%s)\nafter it. This is the right sort of value that Alpine would normally put there,\nbut it doesn't match the value from the first message in the folder.\nThis may indicate that something is wrong.\nHowever, since there are no Received lines in the message we choose to\nbelieve that everything is ok and we will proceed.\n",
		special ? special : "?", (extra && *extra) ? extra : "?"));

    if(reason >= 0){
	 * This check should not really be here. We have a cookie that
	 * has the wrong value so something is possibly wrong.
	 * But we are worried that old pines will put the bad value in
	 * there (which they will) and then the questions will bother
	 * users and mystify them. So we're just going to pretend the user
	 * said Yes in this case, and we'll try to fix the cookie.
	 * We still catch Received lines and use that or the complete absence
	 * of a special header as indicators of trouble.
	rd->flags |= USER_SAID_YES;

	SCROLL_S  sargs;
	STORE_S  *in_store, *out_store;
	gf_io_t   pc, gc;
	HANDLE_S *handles = NULL;
	int       the_answer = 'n';

	if(!(in_store = so_get(CharStar, NULL, EDIT_ACCESS)) ||
	   !(out_store = so_get(CharStar, NULL, EDIT_ACCESS)))
	  goto try_wantto;

	/* TRANSLATORS: the first %s is the folder type, it may be address book or
	   configuration. The second %s is the folder name. Of course, the HTML
	   tags should be left as is. */
	snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), _("<HTML><P>The data in the remote %s folder<P><CENTER>%s</CENTER><P>looks suspicious. The reason for the suspicion is<P><CENTER>"),
		foldertype, foldername);
	tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	so_puts(in_store, tmp);

	if(reason == -2){
	    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), _("header \"%s\" is missing</CENTER><P>The special header \"%s\" is missing from the last message in the folder. This indicates that something is wrong. You should probably answer \"No\" so that you don't use the corrupt data. Then you should investigate further."),
		    special, special);
	    tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	    so_puts(in_store, tmp);
	else if(reason == -1){
	    so_puts(in_store, _("\"Received\" headers detected</CENTER><P>The last message in the folder contains \"Received\" headers. This usually indicates that the message was put there by the mail delivery system. Alpine does not add those Received headers. You should probably answer \"No\" so that you don't use the corrupt data. Then you should investigate further."));
	else if(reason == 0){
	    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), _("Unexpected value for header \"%s\"</CENTER><P>The special header \"%s\" in the last message in the folder has an unexpected value (%s) after it. This probably indicates that something is wrong. This value would not normally be put there by Alpine. You should probably answer \"No\" so that you don't use the corrupt data. Then you should investigate further."),
		    special, special, (extra && *extra) ? extra : "?");
	    tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	    so_puts(in_store, tmp);
	else if(reason == 1){
	    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), _("Unexpected value for header \"%s\"</CENTER><P>The special header \"%s\" in the last message in the folder has an unexpected value (1) after it. It appears that it may have been put there by a Pine with a version number less than 4.50. If you believe that you have changed this data with an older Pine more recently than you've changed it with this version of Alpine, then you can probably safely answer \"Yes\". If you do not understand why this has happened, you should probably answer \"No\" so that you don't use the corrupt data. Then you should investigate further."),
		    special, special);
	    tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	    so_puts(in_store, tmp);
	else if(reason > 1){
	    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), _("Unexpected value for header \"%s\"</CENTER><P>The special header \"%s\" in the last message in the folder has an unexpected value (%s) after it. This is the right sort of value that Alpine would normally put there, but it doesn't match the value from the first message in the folder. This may indicate that something is wrong. Unless you understand why this has happened, you should probably answer \"No\" so that you don't use the corrupt data. Then you should investigate further."),
		    special, special, (extra && *extra) ? extra : "?");
	    tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	    so_puts(in_store, tmp);

	so_seek(in_store, 0L, 0);
					 ps_global->ttyo->screen_cols, non_messageview_margin(),
					 &handles, NULL, GFHP_LOCAL_HANDLES));
	gf_set_so_readc(&gc, in_store);
	gf_set_so_writec(&pc, out_store);
	gf_pipe(gc, pc);

	memset(&sargs, 0, sizeof(SCROLL_S));
	sargs.text.handles  = handles;
	sargs.text.text     = so_text(out_store);
	sargs.text.src      = CharStar;
	sargs.bar.title     = _("REMOTE DATA FORGERY WARNING");
	sargs.proc.tool     = rd_answer_forge_warning;
	sargs.proc.data.p   = (void *)&the_answer;
	sargs.keys.menu     = &forge_keymenu;


	if(the_answer == 'y'){
	    rv = 1;
	    rd->flags |= USER_SAID_YES;
	else if(rd)
	  rd->flags |= USER_SAID_NO;

	ps_global->mangled_screen = 1;
	ps_global->painted_body_on_startup = 0;
	ps_global->painted_footer_on_startup = 0;
	char *p = tmp;

	snprintf(p, sizeof(tmp), _("\nThe data in the remote %s folder\n\n   %s\n\nlooks suspicious. The reason for the suspicion is\n\n   "),
		foldertype, foldername);
	tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	p += strlen(p);

	if(reason == -2){
	    snprintf(p, sizeof(tmp)-(p-tmp), _("header \"%s\" is missing\n\nThe special header \"%s\" is missing from the last message\nin the folder. This indicates that something is wrong.\nYou should probably answer \"No\" so that you don't use the corrupt data.\nThen you should investigate further.\n\n"),
		    special, special);
	    tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	else if(reason == -1){
	    snprintf(p, sizeof(tmp)-(p-tmp), _("\"Received\" headers detected\n\nThe last message in the folder contains \"Received\" headers.\nThis usually indicates that the message was put there by the\nmail delivery system. Alpine does not add those Received headers.\nYou should probably answer \"No\" so that you don't use the corrupt data.\nThen you should investigate further.\n\n"));
	    tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	else if(reason == 0){
	    snprintf(p, sizeof(tmp)-(p-tmp), _("Unexpected value for header \"%s\"\n\nThe special header \"%s\" in the last message in the folder\nhas an unexpected value (%s) after it. This probably\nindicates that something is wrong. This value would not normally be put\nthere by Alpine. You should probably answer \"No\" so that you don't use\nthe corrupt data. Then you should investigate further.\n\n"),
		    special, special, (extra && *extra) ? extra : "?");
	    tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	else if(reason == 1){
	    snprintf(p, sizeof(tmp)-(p-tmp), _("Unexpected value for header \"%s\"\n\nThe special header \"%s\" in the last message in the folder\nhas an unexpected value (1) after it. It appears that it may have been\nput there by a Pine with a version number less than 4.50.\nIf you believe that you have changed this data with an older Pine more\nrecently than you've changed it with this version of Alpine, then you can\nprobably safely answer \"Yes\". If you do not understand why this has\nhappened, you should probably answer \"No\" so that you don't use the\ncorrupt data. Then you should investigate further.\n\n"),
		    special, special);
	    tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	else if(reason > 1){
	    snprintf(p, sizeof(tmp)-(p-tmp), _("Unexpected value for header \"%s\"\n\nThe special header \"%s\" in the last message in the folder\nhas an unexpected\nvalue (%s) after it. This is\nthe right sort of value that Alpine would normally put there, but it\ndoesn't match the value from the first message in the folder. This may\nindicate that something is wrong. Unless you understand why this has happened,\nyou should probably answer \"No\" so that you don't use the\ncorrupt data. Then you should investigate further.\n\n"),
		    special, special, (extra && *extra) ? extra : "?");
	    tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';

	p += strlen(p);
	snprintf(p, sizeof(tmp)-(p-tmp), _("Suspicious data in \"%s\": Continue anyway "),
		(rd && rd->t.i.special_hdr) ? rd->t.i.special_hdr
					    : unknown);
	tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	if(want_to(tmp, 'n', 'x', NO_HELP, WT_NORM) == 'y'){
	    rv = 1;
	    rd->flags |= USER_SAID_YES;
	else if(rd)
	  rd->flags |= USER_SAID_NO;

    if(rv < 0)
      q_status_message1(SM_ORDER, 1, 3, _("Can't open remote %s"),
			(rd && rd->rn) ? rd->rn : "<noname>");
