double ogs_op(real *u, int op, const gs_data *data) { double t = 0; local_condense(u,op,data->local_cm); #ifdef MPI t = nonlocal(u,op,data->nlinfo,data->comm); #endif local_uncondense(u,data->local_cm); return t; }
void cljp_coarsening(Mat depends_on, IS *pCoarse) { const int debug = 0; //create a vector of the weights. Vec w; MatGetVecs(depends_on, PETSC_NULL, &w); VecZeroEntries(w); //Get my local matrix size PetscInt start; PetscInt end; MatGetOwnershipRange(depends_on, &start, &end); //TODO: replace with something that doesn't require re-creating the matrix structure. //Initialize all the weights { Mat influences; MatTranspose(depends_on, &influences); { RawGraph influences_raw(influences); assert(influences_raw.local_nrows() == end-start); //Initialize the weight vector with \norm{S^T_i} + \sigma(i) PetscScalar *local_weights; VecGetArray(w, &local_weights); for (int local_row=0; local_row < influences_raw.local_nrows(); local_row++) { local_weights[local_row] = influences_raw.ia(local_row+1)-influences_raw.ia(local_row) + frand(); } VecRestoreArray(w, &local_weights); } MatDestroy(influences); } //VecView(w, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD); //-------------------------------------------------------------- //Prepare the scatters needed for the independent set algorithm. IS all_local_nodes; describe_partition(depends_on, &all_local_nodes); NonlocalCollection nonlocal(depends_on, all_local_nodes); ISDestroy(all_local_nodes); //while we are here, get the matrix + graph nodes that we need. Mat extended_depend_mat; get_matrix_rows(depends_on, nonlocal.nodes, &extended_depend_mat); // Vec used only for display purposes enum NodeType {UNKNOWN=-1, FINE, COARSE}; Vec node_type; VecDuplicate(w, &node_type); VecSet(node_type, UNKNOWN); Vec w_nonlocal; VecDuplicate(nonlocal.vec, &w_nonlocal); Vec node_type_nonlocal; VecDuplicate(w_nonlocal, &node_type_nonlocal); VecSet(node_type_nonlocal, UNKNOWN); Vec is_not_independent; VecDuplicate(w, &is_not_independent); Vec is_not_independent_nonlocal; VecDuplicate(w_nonlocal, &is_not_independent_nonlocal); VecScatterBegin(nonlocal.scatter, w, w_nonlocal, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD); VecScatterEnd(nonlocal.scatter, w, w_nonlocal, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD); Vec w_update_nonlocal; VecDuplicate(w_nonlocal, &w_update_nonlocal); //get ready to find all the coarse and fine points typedef std::set<PetscInt> IntSet; IntSet unknown; //initialize the unknown set with all points that are local to this processor. for (int ii=start; ii<end; ii++) { unknown.insert(ii); } //we use MPI_INT here because we need to allreduce it with MPI_LAND int all_points_partitioned=0; int inc = 0; { RawGraph dep_nonlocal_raw(extended_depend_mat); //while not done while(!all_points_partitioned) { //Start: non-local weights, non-local coarse points if (debug) { LTRACE(); char fname[] = "weightsXXX"; char selection_graph[] = "selectionXXX"; sprintf(fname, "weights%03d", inc); sprintf(selection_graph, "selection%03d", inc); inc++; /* PetscViewer view; PetscViewerBinaryMatlabOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, fname, &view); PetscViewerBinaryMatlabOutputVecDA(view, "z", w, user->da); PetscViewerBinaryMatlabDestroy(view); PetscViewerBinaryMatlabOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, selection_graph, &view); PetscViewerBinaryMatlabOutputVecDA(view, "z", node_type, user->da); PetscViewerBinaryMatlabDestroy(view); //*/ } //Pre: non-local weights, non-local coarse points //find the independent set. //By using ADD_VALUES in a scattter, we can perform //a boolean OR across procesors. //is_not_independent[*] = false VecSet(is_not_independent_nonlocal, 0); //for all unknown points P { RawVector node_type_nonlocal_raw(node_type_nonlocal); RawVector w_nonlocal_raw(w_nonlocal); RawVector is_not_independent_nonlocal_raw(is_not_independent_nonlocal); FOREACH(P, unknown) { //get weight(P) PetscScalar weight_P =[*P]); //for all dependencies K of P (K st P->K) for (PetscInt ii=0; ii<dep_nonlocal_raw.nnz_in_row([*P]); ii++) { PetscInt K = dep_nonlocal_raw.col([*P], ii); //skip if K is fine/coarse /* Notice that we don't have to consider the independent set we've been generating here. By construction, if K is in the independent set, then P cannot be in the independent set. */ if ([K]) != UNKNOWN) { continue; } //skip if P->K is marked if (dep_nonlocal_raw.is_marked([*P], ii)) { continue; } //get weight(K) PetscScalar weight_K =[K]); if (weight_K <= weight_P) { //is_not_independent(K) = true[K]) = 1; } else { // (weight(P) < weight_K)[*P]) = 1; } } } } if (debug) {LTRACE();} //VecView(is_not_independent_nonlocal, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD); //reconstruct is_not_independent vector with a ADD_VALUES, which //performs boolean OR VecSet(is_not_independent, 0); VecScatterBegin(nonlocal.scatter, is_not_independent_nonlocal, is_not_independent, ADD_VALUES, SCATTER_REVERSE); VecScatterEnd(nonlocal.scatter, is_not_independent_nonlocal, is_not_independent, ADD_VALUES, SCATTER_REVERSE); IntSet new_coarse_points; { RawVector is_not_independent_raw(is_not_independent); //for all unknown points P FOREACH(P, unknown) { //if (!is_not_independent(P)) if (*P) == 0) { new_coarse_points.insert(*P); if (debug) {SHOWVAR(*P, d);} } } } //Post: new coarse points (independent set) if (debug) {LTRACE();} //Pre: independent set { RawVector node_type_raw(node_type); // for each independent point FOREACH(I, new_coarse_points) { //mark that point as coarse*I) = COARSE; unknown.erase(*I); } } //Post: updated coarse local if (debug) {LTRACE();} //Pre: updated coarse local //scatter changes to other processors VecScatterBegin(nonlocal.scatter, node_type, node_type_nonlocal, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD); VecScatterEnd(nonlocal.scatter, node_type, node_type_nonlocal, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD); //Post: updated coarse non-local if (debug) {LTRACE();} //Pre: updated coarse non-local, new local coarse points VecSet(w_update_nonlocal, 0); { RawVector node_type_nonlocal_raw(node_type_nonlocal); RawVector w_update_nonlocal_raw(w_update_nonlocal); //for all new coarse points C FOREACH(C, new_coarse_points) { //for all K st C->K for(PetscInt ii=0; ii<dep_nonlocal_raw.nnz_in_row([*C]); ii++) { //mark (C->K) dep_nonlocal_raw.mark([*C], ii); PetscInt K = dep_nonlocal_raw.col([*C], ii); //if K is unknown if ([K]) == UNKNOWN) { //measure(K)--[K]) -= 1; } } } //for all unknown points I FOREACH(I, unknown) { IntSet common_coarse; //for all (J->K) for (PetscInt kk=0; kk<dep_nonlocal_raw.nnz_in_row([*I]); kk++) { if (!dep_nonlocal_raw.is_marked([*I], kk)) { //if K is coarse PetscInt K = dep_nonlocal_raw.col([*I], kk); if ([K]) == COARSE) { //mark K as common coarse common_coarse.insert(K); //mark (J->K) if unmarked dep_nonlocal_raw.mark([*I], kk); } } } //for all unmarked (I->J) for (PetscInt jj=0; jj<dep_nonlocal_raw.nnz_in_row([*I]); jj++) { if (!dep_nonlocal_raw.is_marked([*I], jj)) { //for all (J->K), marked or no PetscInt J = dep_nonlocal_raw.col([*I], jj); for(PetscInt kk=0; kk<dep_nonlocal_raw.nnz_in_row([J]); kk++) { //if K is in layer or ghost layer and common-coarse PetscInt K = dep_nonlocal_raw.col([J], kk); if (is_member(K, common_coarse)) { //mark (I->J) dep_nonlocal_raw.mark([*I], jj); //measure(J)--[J]) -= 1; } } } } } }