コード例 #1
ファイル: stats.cpp プロジェクト: deepworks/smartplus
///Approximation of a normal distribution
double normal_distrib(const double &x, const double &mean, const double &dev){
	double x_norm = (x-mean)/dev;
	if (x_norm < 0.){
		return (1. - normal_distrib(-1.*x_norm, 0., 1.));
	else {
		double k = 1.0/(1.0 + 0.2316419*x_norm);
		double k_sum = k*(0.319381530 + k*(-0.356563782 + k*(1.781477937 + k*(-1.821255978 + 1.330274429*k))));
		return (1.0 - (1.0/(sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-0.5*x_norm*x_norm) * k_sum);
コード例 #2
ファイル: scan.cpp プロジェクト: aginika/mapping
void addNoise(pcl17::PointCloud<pcl17::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud, double noise_std)

  boost::mt19937 rng(static_cast<unsigned int> (std::time(0)));
  boost::normal_distribution<float> normal_distrib(0.0f, noise_std * noise_std);
  boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::normal_distribution<float> > gaussian_rng(rng, normal_distrib);

  for (size_t cp = 0; cp < cloud->points.size(); cp++)
    cloud->points[cp].z += gaussian_rng();

コード例 #3
 * argv[1] = path to training ply file
 * argv[2] = hypothesis id
 * argv[3] = path to omap save directory
 * argv[4] = vpx
 * argv[5] = vpy
 * argv[6] = vpz
 * argv[7] = vp_id
int build_omap_main(int argc, char **argv)
	std::cout << "Starting oMap build process..." << std::endl;

	if(argc < 4)
		throw std::runtime_error("A directory to save the confMat.txt is required...\n");
	if(argc < 3)
		throw std::runtime_error("Hypothesis id is required as second argument...\n");
	if(argc < 2)
		throw std::runtime_error("A ply file is required as a first argument...\n");

	// Get directory paths and hypothesis id
	std::string ply_file_path( argv[1] );
	std::string hyp_id( argv[2] );
	std::string save_dir_path( argv[3] );
	std::string vision_module_path("/home/bharath/GRASP_Code/ns_shared/penn_nbv_slam/vision_module");

	// Form the output filename
	std::stringstream omap_file_path;
	if(argc > 4){
		omap_file_path << save_dir_path << "/confMatorg_" << hyp_id << "_" << argv[7] << ".txt";
		omap_file_path << save_dir_path << "/confMatorg_" << hyp_id << ".txt";
	std::ofstream outfile ( omap_file_path.str().c_str(), ofstream::app );

		throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open conf mat save file...\n");

	// Import the sensor locations
	int num_vp;
	int dim_vp = 3;

	Eigen::MatrixXd vp_positions;

	num_vp = 1;
	vp_positions.resize( num_vp, dim_vp );
	double vpx = std::atof(argv[4]);
	double vpy = std::atof(argv[5]);
	double vpz = std::atof(argv[6]);
	vp_positions << vpx, vpy, vpz;

	// Construct and initialize the virtual kinect
	int coord = 1;		// 0 = obj coord, 1 = optical sensor coord, 2 = standard sensor coord
	bool add_noise = false;
	vkin_offline vko( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), Eigen::Vector4d(0,0,0,1),
					  coord, false, add_noise );
	vko.init_vkin( ply_file_path );
	Eigen::Vector3d target(0,0,0);

	// Construct and start a vocabulary tree
	vtree_user vt("/load", vision_module_path + "/data", vision_module_path + "/../data/cloud_data/");

	// noise
	boost::mt19937 rng(time(0));
	boost::normal_distribution<double> normal_distrib(0.0, 1.0);
	boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::normal_distribution<double> > gaussian_rng( rng, normal_distrib );

	double vp_noise_param = 0.04;	// standard deviation in position
	double tp_noise_param = 0.015;	// standard deviation in target
	int num_rep = 20;
		for(int vp = 0; vp < num_vp; ++vp)
			for(int r = 0; r < num_rep; ++r)
				// get cloud copy
				Eigen::Vector3d noise_vp;
				noise_vp.x() = vp_positions(vp,0) + vp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();
				noise_vp.y() = vp_positions(vp,1) + vp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();
				noise_vp.z() = vp_positions(vp,2) + vp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();

				Eigen::Vector3d noise_tp;
				noise_tp.x() = target.x() + tp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();
				noise_tp.y() = target.y() + tp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();
				noise_tp.z() = target.z() + tp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();

				pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr noise_cloud_ptr = vko.sense( noise_vp, noise_tp );
				//add noise
				addNoise( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), noise_cloud_ptr, gaussian_rng );
				std::pair<float,std::string> vp_score = vt.top_match( noise_cloud_ptr->getMatrixXfMap() );

				// append vp and vp_score to the file
				outfile << argv[1]<<" "<<argv[7] << " " << vp_score.second << " " << vp_score.first << std::endl;


	return 0;
コード例 #4
 * argv[1] = path to training ply file
 * argv[2] = hypothesis id
 * argv[3] = path to omap save directory
 * argv[4] = vpx
 * argv[5] = vpy
 * argv[6] = vpz
 * argv[7] = vp_id
int build_omap_main(int argc, char **argv)
    std::cout << "Starting oMap build process..." << std::endl;

    if(argc < 4)
        throw std::runtime_error("A directory to save the oMap_hyp.txt is required...\n");
    if(argc < 3)
        throw std::runtime_error("Hypothesis id is required as second argument...\n");
    if(argc < 2)
        throw std::runtime_error("A ply file is required as a first argument...\n");

    // Get directory paths and hypothesis id
    std::string ply_file_path( argv[1] );
    std::string hyp_id( argv[2] );
    std::string save_dir_path( argv[3] );
    std::string node_id("build_omap");
    std::string vision_module_path(ros::package::getPath("vision_module"));

    // Form the output filename
    std::stringstream omap_file_path;
    if(argc > 4) {
        omap_file_path << save_dir_path << "/oMap_" << hyp_id << "_" << argv[7] << ".txt";
        node_id.append( hyp_id + argv[7] );
    else {
        omap_file_path << save_dir_path << "/oMap_" << hyp_id << ".txt";
        node_id.append( hyp_id );
    std::ofstream outfile ( omap_file_path.str().c_str(), ofstream::app );

        throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open omap save file...\n");

    // Import the sensor locations
    int num_vp;
    int dim_vp = 3;

    Eigen::MatrixXd vp_positions;

    if(argc > 4) {
        num_vp = 1;
        vp_positions.resize( num_vp, dim_vp );
        double vpx = std::atof(argv[4]);
        double vpy = std::atof(argv[5]);
        double vpz = std::atof(argv[6]);
        vp_positions << vpx, vpy, vpz;
    } else {
        std::string vp_file_path(vision_module_path + "/data/omap_vps.txt");
        io_utils::file2matrix( vp_file_path, vp_positions, dim_vp );
        num_vp = vp_positions.rows();

    // Construct and initialize the virtual kinect
    int coord = 1;		// 0 = obj coord, 1 = optical sensor coord, 2 = standard sensor coord
    bool add_noise = false;
    vkin_offline vko( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), Eigen::Vector4d(0,0,0,1),
                      coord, false, add_noise );
    vko.init_vkin( ply_file_path );
    Eigen::Vector3d target(0,0,0);

    // Construct and start a vocabulary tree
    vtree_user vt("/load", vision_module_path + "/data", vision_module_path + "/../data/cloud_data");

    // noise
    boost::mt19937 rng(time(0));
    boost::normal_distribution<double> normal_distrib(0.0, 1.0);
    boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::normal_distribution<double> > gaussian_rng( rng, normal_distrib );

    double vp_noise_param = 0.01;	// standard deviation in position
    double tp_noise_param = 0.005;	// standard deviation in target
    double occ_dev = 0.005;	// occlussion cutoff threshold in the sensor frame

    int num_rep = 2;
    for(int vp = 0; vp < num_vp; ++vp)
        // get a noiseless scan in the sensor frame
        //pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cld_ptr = vko.sense( vp_positions.row(vp).transpose(), target );

        for(int r = 0; r < num_rep; ++r)
            // get cloud copy
            //pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr noise_cloud_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
            //copyPointCloud( *cld_ptr, *noise_cloud_ptr );
            Eigen::Vector3d noise_vp;
            noise_vp.x() = vp_positions(vp,0) + vp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();
            noise_vp.y() = vp_positions(vp,1) + vp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();
            noise_vp.z() = vp_positions(vp,2) + vp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();

            Eigen::Vector3d noise_tp;
            noise_tp.x() = target.x() + tp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();
            noise_tp.y() = target.y() + tp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();
            noise_tp.z() = target.z() + tp_noise_param*gaussian_rng();

            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cld_ptr = vko.sense( noise_vp, noise_tp );

            // get occluded pcds
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cld_ptr_1 (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr l_cld_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr r_cld_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr t_cld_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr b_cld_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr lr_cld_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tb_cld_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

            pcl::copyPointCloud(*cld_ptr, *cld_ptr_1);
            pcl::copyPointCloud(*cld_ptr, *l_cld_ptr);
            pcl::copyPointCloud(*cld_ptr, *r_cld_ptr);
            pcl::copyPointCloud(*cld_ptr, *t_cld_ptr);
            pcl::copyPointCloud(*cld_ptr, *b_cld_ptr);
            pcl::copyPointCloud(*cld_ptr, *lr_cld_ptr);
            pcl::copyPointCloud(*cld_ptr, *tb_cld_ptr);

            // occlude the other two clouds too
            occlude_pcd(cld_ptr, 0, -3*occ_dev, 3*occ_dev);	// left-right
            occlude_pcd(cld_ptr_1, 1, -3*occ_dev, 3*occ_dev); // top-bottom

            occlude_pcd(l_cld_ptr, 0, -occ_dev, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
            occlude_pcd(r_cld_ptr, 0, -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), occ_dev);
            occlude_pcd(t_cld_ptr, 1, -occ_dev, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
            occlude_pcd(b_cld_ptr, 1, -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), occ_dev);
            occlude_pcd(lr_cld_ptr, 0, -2.5*occ_dev, 2.5*occ_dev);
            occlude_pcd(tb_cld_ptr, 1, -2.5*occ_dev, 2.5*occ_dev);

            //add noise
            addNoise( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), cld_ptr, gaussian_rng );
            addNoise( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), cld_ptr_1, gaussian_rng );
            addNoise( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), l_cld_ptr, gaussian_rng );
            addNoise( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), r_cld_ptr, gaussian_rng );
            addNoise( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), t_cld_ptr, gaussian_rng );
            addNoise( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), b_cld_ptr, gaussian_rng );
            addNoise( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), lr_cld_ptr, gaussian_rng );
            addNoise( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), tb_cld_ptr, gaussian_rng );

            pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval<pcl::PointXYZ> stat;
            stat.setInputCloud( noise_cloud_ptr );
            stat.filter( *noise_cloud_ptr );

            // Record scores
            std::pair<float,std::string> vp_score = vt.top_match( cld_ptr->getMatrixXfMap() );
            std::pair<float,std::string> vp_score_1 = vt.top_match( cld_ptr_1->getMatrixXfMap() );
            std::pair<float,std::string> vp_score_l = vt.top_match( l_cld_ptr->getMatrixXfMap() );
            std::pair<float,std::string> vp_score_r = vt.top_match( r_cld_ptr->getMatrixXfMap() );
            std::pair<float,std::string> vp_score_t = vt.top_match( t_cld_ptr->getMatrixXfMap() );
            std::pair<float,std::string> vp_score_b = vt.top_match( b_cld_ptr->getMatrixXfMap() );
            std::pair<float,std::string> vp_score_lr = vt.top_match( lr_cld_ptr->getMatrixXfMap() );
            std::pair<float,std::string> vp_score_tb = vt.top_match( tb_cld_ptr->getMatrixXfMap() );

            // append vp and vp_score to the file
            if(argc > 4)
                outfile << argv[7] << " " << vp_score.second << " " << vp_score.first << std::endl;
                outfile << argv[7] << " " << vp_score_1.second << " " << vp_score_1.first << std::endl;
                outfile << argv[7] << " " << vp_score_l.second << " " << vp_score_l.first << std::endl;
                outfile << argv[7] << " " << vp_score_r.second << " " << vp_score_r.first << std::endl;
                outfile << argv[7] << " " << vp_score_t.second << " " << vp_score_t.first << std::endl;
                outfile << argv[7] << " " << vp_score_b.second << " " << vp_score_b.first << std::endl;
                outfile << argv[7] << " " << vp_score_lr.second << " " << vp_score_lr.first << std::endl;
                outfile << argv[7] << " " << vp_score_tb.second << " " << vp_score_tb.first << std::endl;
                outfile << vp << " " << vp_score.second << " " << vp_score.first << std::endl;
                outfile << vp << " " << vp_score_1.second << " " << vp_score_1.first << std::endl;
                outfile << vp << " " << vp_score_l.second << " " << vp_score_l.first << std::endl;
                outfile << vp << " " << vp_score_r.second << " " << vp_score_r.first << std::endl;
                outfile << vp << " " << vp_score_t.second << " " << vp_score_t.first << std::endl;
                outfile << vp << " " << vp_score_b.second << " " << vp_score_b.first << std::endl;
                outfile << vp << " " << vp_score_lr.second << " " << vp_score_lr.first << std::endl;
                outfile << vp << " " << vp_score_tb.second << " " << vp_score_tb.first << std::endl;

            // save clouds for inspection
            if((vp == 0) && (r == 0))
            	pcl::PCDWriter writer;
            	std::string pcd_file_path ("/media/natanaso/Data/Stuff/Research/code_develop_area/cpp_test_pkg/data/l_occ1.pcd");
            	writer.writeASCII( pcd_file_path.c_str(), *l_cld_ptr );

            	pcd_file_path = "/media/natanaso/Data/Stuff/Research/code_develop_area/cpp_test_pkg/data/r_occ1.pcd";
            	writer.writeASCII( pcd_file_path.c_str(), *r_cld_ptr );

            	pcd_file_path = "/media/natanaso/Data/Stuff/Research/code_develop_area/cpp_test_pkg/data/t_occ1.pcd";
            	writer.writeASCII( pcd_file_path.c_str(), *t_cld_ptr );

            	pcd_file_path = "/media/natanaso/Data/Stuff/Research/code_develop_area/cpp_test_pkg/data/b_occ1.pcd";
            	writer.writeASCII( pcd_file_path.c_str(), *b_cld_ptr );

            	pcd_file_path = "/media/natanaso/Data/Stuff/Research/code_develop_area/cpp_test_pkg/data/lr_occ1.pcd";
            	writer.writeASCII( pcd_file_path.c_str(), *lr_cld_ptr );

            	pcd_file_path = "/media/natanaso/Data/Stuff/Research/code_develop_area/cpp_test_pkg/data/tb_occ1.pcd";
            	writer.writeASCII( pcd_file_path.c_str(), *tb_cld_ptr );

            	pcd_file_path = "/media/natanaso/Data/Stuff/Research/code_develop_area/cpp_test_pkg/data/orig1.pcd";
            	writer.writeASCII( pcd_file_path.c_str(), *cld_ptr );


    return 0;