コード例 #1
void DataTreeView::nodeAdded( serialization::Node* a_pNode,serialization::Node* a_pParentNode)
    o_connect(a_pNode, loaded(), this, nodeLoaded());
    o_connect(a_pNode, aboutToBeUnloaded(), this, nodeAboutToBeUnloaded());
    string name = nameOf(typeOf<serialization::Node>()).c_str();
    // m_pDataBase->setNodeAttributeValue(a_pNode, m_uiNameAttributeIndex, name);
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: dam2k/liborient
int main() {
	orientdb *oh;
	orientdb_con *oc;
	struct timeval tv;
	int rc;
	char str[O_ERR_MAXLEN];
	long x;
	oh = o_new();
	o_debug_setlevel(oh, ORIENT_DEBUG);
	o_debug_sethook(oh, &my_debug);
	//rc = o_prepare_connection(oh, ORIENT_PROTO_BINARY, "", "2424");
	rc = o_prepare_connection(oh, ORIENT_PROTO_BINARY, "", "2424");
	if (rc != O_OK) {
		o_strerr(rc, str, O_ERR_MAXLEN); 
		fprintf(stderr, "Error preparing connections (%i): %s\n", rc, str);
		return rc;
	// this user will be used to execute administrative commands to orientdb
	rc = o_prepare_user(oh, ORIENT_ADMIN, "root", "test");
	// this user will be used on database open to execute commands to the db
	rc = o_prepare_user(oh, ORIENT_USER, "admin", "admin");
	// set a connection timeout of 5 seconds
	tv.tv_sec = 5;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	// try to create the connection with orientdb. NULL if a problem is encountered 
	oc = o_connect(oh, &tv, 0);
	if (!oc) {
		return 1;
	// set a connection timeout of 5 seconds
	tv.tv_sec = 15;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	//rc = bin_dbopen(oh, oc, &tv, 0, "demo");
	rc = o_bin_dbopen(oh, oc, &tv, 0, "test");
	tv.tv_sec = 15;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	x = o_bin_dataclustercount(oh, oc, &tv, 0, 6);
	fprintf(stderr, "Cluster count: %ld\n", x);
	tv.tv_sec = 15;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	rc = o_bin_dbclose(oh, oc, &tv, 0);
	o_close(oh, oc);
	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: dam2k/liborient
int main() {
	orientdb *oh;
	orientdb_con *oc;
	struct timeval tv;
	int rc;
	char str[O_ERR_MAXLEN];
	long position;
	int i;
	oh = o_new();
	o_debug_setlevel(oh, ORIENT_DEBUG);
	//o_debug_setlevel(oh, ORIENT_CRITICAL);
	o_debug_sethook(oh, &my_debug);
	//rc = o_prepare_connection(oh, ORIENT_PROTO_BINARY, "", "2424");
	rc = o_prepare_connection(oh, ORIENT_PROTO_BINARY, "", "2424");
	if (rc != O_OK) {
		o_strerr(rc, str, O_ERR_MAXLEN); 
		fprintf(stderr, "Error preparing connections (%i): %s\n", rc, str);
		return rc;
	// this user will be used to execute administrative commands to orientdb
	rc = o_prepare_user(oh, ORIENT_ADMIN, "root", "test");
	// this user will be used on database open to execute commands to the db
	rc = o_prepare_user(oh, ORIENT_USER, "admin", "admin");
	// set a connection timeout of 5 seconds
	tv.tv_sec = 5;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	// try to create the connection with orientdb. NULL if a problem is encountered 
	oc = o_connect(oh, &tv, 0);
	if (!oc) {
		return 1;
	// set a connection timeout of 5 seconds
	tv.tv_sec = 15;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	rc = o_bin_dbopen(oh, oc, &tv, 0, "test");
	tv.tv_sec = 15;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	// initialize a new document with the classname called "Class"
	if (!odoc) {
		fprintf(stderr, "RECORD_CREATE: problem initializating document\n");
		tv.tv_sec = 5;
		tv.tv_usec = 0;
		rc = o_bin_dbclose(oh, oc, &tv, 0);
		o_close(oh, oc);
		return 0;
	odoc_setraw(odoc, "nully:,shorty:10s,inty:20,embeddeddocy:(stringyembeddy:\"Hello world!! This is a string\",intyembeddy:12345),binny:_SGVsbG8gd29ybGQhISBUaGlzIGlzIGEgc3RyaW5n_,collecty:[]", strlen("nully:,shorty:10s,inty:20,embeddeddocy:(stringyembeddy:\"Hello world!! This is a string\",intyembeddy:12345),binny:_SGVsbG8gd29ybGQhISBUaGlzIGlzIGEgc3RyaW5n_,collecty:[]"));
	tv.tv_sec = 3;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	position = o_bin_recordcreate(oh, oc, &tv, 0, 6, odoc, O_RECORD_DOC, O_RECSYNC);
	fprintf(stderr, "RECORD_CREATE: %ld\n", position);
	tv.tv_sec = 10;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	rc = o_bin_dbclose(oh, oc, &tv, 0);
	o_close(oh, oc);
	return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: dam2k/liborient
int main() {
	orientdb *oh;
	orientdb_con *oc;
	struct timeval tv;
	int rc;
	char str[O_ERR_MAXLEN];
	short cluster_id;
	long cluster_position;
	// create the orientdb object
	oh = o_new();
	// setup debug hook, so that my_debug() finction will be invoked each time the library has to say something useful
	o_debug_setlevel(oh, ORIENT_DEBUG);
	o_debug_sethook(oh, &my_debug);
	// prepare the connection to the database (no real connection will be made)
	rc = o_prepare_connection(oh, ORIENT_PROTO_BINARY, "", "2424");
	if (rc != O_OK) {
		o_strerr(rc, str, O_ERR_MAXLEN); 
		fprintf(stderr, "Error preparing connections (%i): %s\n", rc, str);
		return rc;
	// this user will be used to execute administrative commands to orientdb
	rc = o_prepare_user(oh, ORIENT_ADMIN, "root", "test");
	// this user will be used on database open to execute commands to the db
	rc = o_prepare_user(oh, ORIENT_USER, "admin", "admin");
	// set a connection timeout of 5 seconds
	tv.tv_sec = 5;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	// try to create the connection with orientdb. NULL if a problem is encountered 
	oc = o_connect(oh, &tv, 0);
	if (!oc) {
		return 1;
	// set a timeout of 10 seconds
	tv.tv_sec = 10;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	// Open a database named "test"
	rc = o_bin_dbopen(oh, oc, &tv, 0, "test");
	// set a timeout of 15 seconds
	tv.tv_sec = 15;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	// simulating a record id like #6:0
	cluster_id = 6;
	cluster_position = 0;
	// get the document from the database
	odoc = o_bin_recordload(oh, oc, &tv, 0, cluster_id, cluster_position, "*:-1");
	if (!odoc) {
		fprintf(stderr, "RECORD_LOAD: problem getting record\n");
		tv.tv_sec = 5;
		tv.tv_usec = 0;
		rc = o_bin_dbclose(oh, oc, &tv, 0);
		o_close(oh, oc);
		return 0;
	fprintf(stderr, "RECORD_LOAD: got a document: %s\n", odoc_getraw(odoc, NULL));
	// free the returned document when you no longer need it
	tv.tv_sec = 5;
	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	rc = o_bin_dbclose(oh, oc, &tv, 0);
	o_close(oh, oc);
	return 0;