コード例 #1
ファイル: j.plug.out.cpp プロジェクト: EQ4/JamomaMax
PlugOutPtr PlugOutNew(SymbolPtr msg, AtomCount argc, AtomPtr argv)
    PlugOutPtr	self = PlugOutPtr(object_alloc(sPlugOutClass));
	TTValue		v;
	TTErr		err;

    if (self) {
		v.set(0, TT("plugtastic.output"));
		v.set(1, 2);
		err = TTObjectBaseInstantiate(TT("audio.object"), (TTObjectBasePtr*)&self->audioGraphObject, v);

		v = TTPtr(self->audioGraphObject);

		object_obex_store((void*)self, _sym_dumpout, (object*)outlet_new(self, NULL));
		self->audioGraphOutlet = outlet_new(self, "audio.connect");
		self->qelem = qelem_new(self, (method)PlugOutQFn);
		object_obex_lookup(self, GENSYM("#P"), &self->patcher);
		self->pluginName = object_attr_getsym(self->patcher, _sym_name);
		self->pluginVersion = GENSYM("1.0");
		self->pluginVersionHex = GENSYM("0x00010000");
		self->pluginManufacturer = GENSYM("Plugtastic");
		self->pluginManufacturerCode = GENSYM("74Ob");
		self->pluginID = GENSYM("ftmp");
		attr_args_process(self, argc, argv);
	return self;
コード例 #2
t_osc_bndl_u *ocontext_processPatcher(t_object *patcher)
	t_osc_bndl_u *patcher_bndl = osc_bundle_u_alloc();
	if(patcher == NULL){
		// return empty bundle---this is intentional
		return patcher_bndl;
	long nattrs = 0;
	t_symbol **attrs = NULL;
	object_attr_getnames(patcher, &nattrs, &attrs);
	for(int i = 0; i < nattrs; i++){
		t_atom *av = NULL;
		long ac = 0;
		object_attr_getvalueof(patcher, attrs[i], &ac, &av);
		if(av && ac){
			long addresslen = strlen(attrs[i]->s_name) + 2;
			char address[addresslen];
			snprintf(address, addresslen, "/%s", attrs[i]->s_name);
			t_osc_msg_u *msg = NULL;
			if(ac == 1 && atom_gettype(av) == A_OBJ){
				//printf("%s has object: %p %p\n", address, patcher, atom_getobj(av));
				t_osc_bndl_u *b = ocontext_processPatcher(atom_getobj(av));
					msg = osc_message_u_allocWithAddress(address);
					osc_message_u_appendBndl_u(msg, b);
					osc_bundle_u_addMsg(patcher_bndl, msg);
				omax_util_maxAtomsToOSCMsg_u(&msg, gensym(address), ac, av);
					osc_bundle_u_addMsg(patcher_bndl, msg);

	t_symbol *maxclass = object_attr_getsym(patcher, gensym("maxclass"));
	if(maxclass && maxclass == gensym("jpatcher")){
		patcher = jpatcher_get_parentpatcher(patcher);
		t_osc_bndl_u *parent_bndl = ocontext_processPatcher(patcher);

		t_osc_msg_u *msg = osc_message_u_allocWithAddress("/parent");
		osc_message_u_appendBndl_u(msg, parent_bndl);
		osc_bundle_u_addMsg(patcher_bndl, msg);

	return patcher_bndl;
コード例 #3
void return_makesend(t_return *x)
	t_atom		a;
	char		osc[512];
	t_symbol*	module_name = object_attr_getsym(x->common.hub, _sym_name);

	if (module_name && module_name != _sym_nothing) {
		strcpy(osc, module_name->s_name);
		strcat(osc, "/");
		strcat(osc, x->common.attr_name->s_name);
		atom_setsym(&a, gensym(osc));
		x->send = (t_object*)object_new_typed(_sym_box, jps_jcom_send, 1, &a);
		defer_low(x, (method)return_makesend, 0, 0, 0);
コード例 #4
ファイル: cc.c プロジェクト: CNMAT/CNMAT-Externs
void cc_edclose(t_cc *x, char **text, long size){
	t_symbol *path = object_attr_getsym(x->ed, gensym("filepath"));
	x->ed = NULL;
		if(path == gensym("")){
		char *ptr = path->s_name;
		while(*ptr != ':'){
		strcpy(x->cfile_fullpath, ptr);
		//post("%s cfile: %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, x->cfile_fullpath);
		x->have_valid_filename = 1;
		cc_get_basename(x->cfile_fullpath, x->basename);
		sprintf(x->ofile_fullpath, "%s/%s.o", x->build_path, x->basename);
		sprintf(x->dfile_fullpath, "%s/%s.dylib", x->build_path, x->basename);
		sprintf(x->logfile_fullpath, "%s/%s.log", x->build_path, x->basename);
コード例 #5
// Registering with the jcom.hub object
t_object *jcom_core_subscribe(t_object *x, t_symbol *name, t_object *container, t_symbol *object_type)
	t_object	*patcher = container;
	t_object	*box;
	t_symbol	*objclass = NULL;
	t_object	*hub = NULL;
	box = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_firstobject);
	while (box) {
		objclass = object_attr_getsym(box, _sym_maxclass);
		if (objclass == jps_jcom_hub) {
			hub = object_attr_getobj(box, _sym_object);
			object_method(hub, jps_subscribe, name, x, object_type);
			return hub;
		box = object_attr_getobj(box, _sym_nextobject);
	patcher = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_parentpatcher);
	if (patcher)
		goto again5;

	return NULL;
コード例 #6
ファイル: jcom.hub.cpp プロジェクト: alexarje/JamomaModular
// TODO: When running in the debugger, it seems like we are iterating through this function a whole bunch of times!
// Can we put it in a qelem or something so that it only gets called once? [TAP]
// But actually, maybe it is just a Max 4.6 funky Runtime thing?  Let's take a look again when we get to Max 5
void hub_examine_context(t_hub *x)
	AtomCount	argc = 0;
	AtomPtr		argv = NULL;
	SymbolPtr	context = jamoma_patcher_getcontext(x->container);

	// Try to get OSC Name of module from an argument
	jamoma_patcher_getargs(x->container, &argc, &argv);	// <-- this call allocates memory for argv
		x->osc_name = atom_getsym(argv+(argc-1));
		x->osc_name = _sym_nothing;
	// Try to get OSC Name of module from scripting name
	if(x->osc_name == _sym_nothing)
		x->osc_name = jamoma_patcher_getvarname(x->container);

	// In this case we overwrite whatever happened above
	if(context == gensym("toplevel")){
		x->osc_name = gensym("/editing_this_module");
		x->editing = true;
		t_object*	patcher = jamoma_object_getpatcher((t_object*)x);
		t_object*	box = object_attr_getobj(patcher, jps_box);
		t_object*	ui = NULL;
		t_symbol*	objclass = NULL;
		x->editing = false;		
		ui = object_attr_getobj(patcher, gensym("firstobject"));
			objclass = object_attr_getsym(ui, gensym("maxclass"));
			if(objclass == gensym("jcom.ui"))
			ui = object_attr_getobj(ui, gensym("nextobject"));
			t_rect	boxRect;
			t_rect	uiRect;
			if(context == gensym("bpatcher")){
				object_attr_get_rect(ui, _sym_presentation_rect, &uiRect);
				object_attr_get_rect(box, _sym_patching_rect, &boxRect);
				boxRect.width = uiRect.width;
				boxRect.height = uiRect.height;
				object_attr_set_rect(box, _sym_patching_rect, &boxRect);

				object_attr_get_rect(box, _sym_presentation_rect, &boxRect);
				boxRect.width = uiRect.width;
				boxRect.height = uiRect.height;
				object_attr_set_rect(box, _sym_presentation_rect, &boxRect);
			else if(context == gensym("subpatcher")){
				object_attr_get_rect(ui, _sym_presentation_rect, &uiRect);
				object_attr_get_rect(patcher, _sym_defrect, &boxRect);
				boxRect.width = uiRect.width;
				boxRect.height = uiRect.height;
				object_attr_set_rect(patcher, _sym_defrect, &boxRect);				
				object_attr_setchar(patcher, _sym_toolbarvisible, 0);				

	object_attr_setsym(x, _sym_name, x->osc_name);

	qelem_unset(x->init_qelem);		// clear the last thing to make sure we don't call into this a bunch of times
	qelem_set(x->init_qelem);		// flag the queue for initialization
コード例 #7
ファイル: jcom.hub.cpp プロジェクト: alexarje/JamomaModular
void *hub_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	short			i;
	long			attrstart = attr_args_offset(argc, argv);
	t_hub			*x = (t_hub *)object_alloc(s_hub_class);
	t_symbol		*name = _sym_nothing;
	t_atom			a[2];
	if(attrstart && argv)
		atom_arg_getsym(&name, 0, attrstart, argv);
		t_object*	patcher = jamoma_object_getpatcher((t_object*)x);
		t_symbol*	filepath = object_attr_getsym(patcher, _sym_filepath);
		char		pathstr[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
		char*		filename = 0;
		strncpy_zero(pathstr, filepath->s_name, MAX_PATH_CHARS);
		filename = strrchr(pathstr, '.');
		if(filename) {
			*filename = 0;	// strip the suffix by setting '.' to terminating NULL char
			filename = strrchr(pathstr, '/');
			if (filename) {
				// Our module name is the patchers name since the patcher is typically located
				// at /some/where/nameToUseForModule.maxpat
				filename++; // get rid of slash
				name = gensym(filename);
				name = gensym(pathstr);
		} else {
			// We are an unnamed jcom.hub inserted into an unsaved max patcher which has
			// no '.' in it's filename.  Just leave as untitled, at least until it is saved.
			name = gensym("Untitled");
		for(i=k_num_outlets; i > 0; i--)
			x->outlets[i-1] = outlet_new(x, 0);
		object_obex_store((void *)x, _sym_dumpout, (t_object *)x->outlets[k_outlet_dumpout]);
		x->init_qelem = qelem_new(x, (method)hub_qfn_init);

		// set default attributes
		x->attr_name = name;
		x->osc_name = _sym_nothing;
		x->attr_type = jps_control;
		x->attr_description = _sym_nothing;
		x->attr_algorithm_type = jps_default;		// poly for audio, jitter for video, control for control
		x->attr_size = jps_1U_half;
		x->attr_inspector = 0;
		x->using_wildcard = false;
		x->in_object = NULL;						// module MUST have a jcom.in object
		x->out_object = NULL;						// the jcom.out object is optional
		x->gui_object = NULL;						// jcom.remote in the gui
		x->num_parameters = 0;
		for(i=0; i<MAX_NUM_CHANNELS; i++)
			x->meter_object[i] = NULL;
		x->preset = new presetList;					// begin with no presets
		x->subscriber = new subscriberList;			// ... and no subscribers
		attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);			// handle attribute args
		x->jcom_send = NULL;
		x->jcom_receive = NULL;
		atom_setsym(a, jps_jcom_remote_fromModule);
		x->jcom_send = (t_object*)object_new_typed(_sym_box, jps_jcom_send, 1, a);
		atom_setsym(a, jps_jcom_remote_toModule);
		x->jcom_receive = (t_object*)object_new_typed(_sym_box, jps_jcom_receive, 1, a);
		object_method(x->jcom_receive, jps_setcallback, &hub_receive_callback, x);
			atom_setsym(a, gensym("notifications"));
			g_jcom_send_notifications = (t_object*)object_new_typed(_sym_box, jps_jcom_send, 1, a);
		x->container = jamoma_object_getpatcher((t_object*)x);
		// The following must be deferred because we have to interrogate our box,
		// and our box is not yet valid until we have finished instantiating the object.
		// Trying to use a loadbang method instead is also not fully successful (as of Max 5.0.6)
		defer_low(x, (method)hub_examine_context, 0, 0, 0);
	return x;
コード例 #8
ファイル: jsusfx_max.cpp プロジェクト: OpenDAWN/jsusfx
void *jsusfx_new(t_symbol *notused, long argc, t_atom *argv) {
	if ( argc < 1 || atom_gettype(argv) != A_SYM ) {
		error("jsusfx~: missing script name");
		return NULL;
	t_jsusfx *x = reinterpret_cast<t_jsusfx *>(object_alloc(jsusfx_class));
	t_symbol *s = atom_getsym(argv);
    t_fourcc filetype = 'TEXT', outtype;
    short path;
    char filename[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
    strcpy(filename, s->s_name);
    if (locatefile_extended(filename, &path, &outtype, &filetype, 1)) {
        t_object *mypatcher;
        object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &mypatcher);
        t_symbol *checkExists = object_attr_getsym(mypatcher, gensym("filepath"));
        if ( checkExists->s_name[0] == 0 ) {
            error("jsusfx~: patch needs to be saved in order to create new jsusfx script file");
            return NULL;
        path = path_getdefault();
        t_fourcc type = 'TEXT';
        t_filehandle ref;

        if ( path_createsysfile(filename, path, type, &ref) ) {
            error("jsusfx~: unable to create file");
            return NULL;

        char initText[] = "@sample\nspl0=1\nspl1=-1\n";
        t_handle h = sysmem_newhandle(0);
        if ( sysfile_writetextfile(ref, h, TEXT_LB_NATIVE) ) {
            error("jsusfx~: unable to write file");
            return NULL;
    strcpy(x->scriptname, filename);
    x->path = path;
    char fullpath[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
    path_toabsolutesystempath(path, filename, fullpath);
    std::ifstream is(fullpath);
	if ( ! is.is_open() ) {
		error("jsusfx~: error opening file %s", fullpath);
		return NULL;
    x->bypass = false;
    dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, 2);
    x->outlet1 = outlet_new((t_object *)x, NULL);
	outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal");
    outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal");
	x->m_editor = NULL;
    JsusFxMax *fx = new JsusFxMax();
    x->fx = fx;

    /*if ( argc >= 2 && atom_gettype(argv+1) == A_LONG ) {
		x->fx->normalizeSliders = atom_getlong(argv+1);
	} else {
        x->fx->normalizeSliders = 1;
    post("normalizer sl %x", x->fx->normalizeSliders);*/
	return (x);
コード例 #9
void max_jit_openni_XMLConfig_read(t_max_jit_openni *x, t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv)
	long i;
	t_atom OutAtoms[2];	
	short filePathID;
	long fileType = 'TEXT', outType;
	char filename[MAX_FILENAME_CHARS];
	char fullyQualifiedPathname[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
	XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK;
#ifdef _DEBUG
	t_object *mypatcher;
	t_symbol *mypatcherpath;

	if (object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &mypatcher) != MAX_ERR_NONE)
		LOG_ERROR("error getting patcher for jit.openni");
	mypatcherpath = object_attr_getsym(mypatcher, gensym("filepath"));
	if ((mypatcherpath) && (mypatcherpath != gensym(""))) 	// if I use _sym_nothing rather than gensym("") then I get linker error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __common_symbols
		LOG_COMMENT2("The patcher path is %s", mypatcherpath->s_name);
		LOG_COMMENT("error getting filepath symbol for max.jit.openni");

	if (argc == 0) // if no argument supplied, ask for file
		if (open_dialog(filename, &filePathID, &outType, &fileType, 1))
			// non-zero: user cancelled or error
			LOG_DEBUG("error getting XML config file from dialog box for max.jit.openni");
			atom_setsym(OutAtoms, gensym("<none>"));
			atom_setlong(OutAtoms + 1, 0);
			max_jit_obex_dumpout(x, gensym("read"), 2, OutAtoms);
	else if ((argc != 1) || (atom_gettype(argv) != A_SYM))
		LOG_DEBUG("read must have only one symbol argument");
		atom_setsym(OutAtoms, gensym("<none>"));
		atom_setlong(OutAtoms + 1, 0);
		max_jit_obex_dumpout(x, gensym("read"), 2, OutAtoms);
	else // we have exactly one symbol argument
		strncpy_zero(filename, atom_getsym(argv)->s_name, MAX_FILENAME_CHARS);
		if (locatefile_extended(filename, &filePathID, &outType, &fileType, 1))
			LOG_DEBUG2("Could not find file", atom_getsym(argv)->s_name);
			atom_setsym(OutAtoms, atom_getsym(argv));
			atom_setlong(OutAtoms + 1, 0);
			max_jit_obex_dumpout(x, gensym("read"), 2, OutAtoms);

	//Load file
	atom_setsym(OutAtoms, gensym(filename));
	if (path_topathname(filePathID, filename, fullyQualifiedPathname) == 0)
		LOG_DEBUG2("asking Jitter object to load file %s", fullyQualifiedPathname);
		jit_object_method(max_jit_obex_jitob_get(x), gensym("init_from_xml"), gensym(fullyQualifiedPathname), &nRetVal);
		if (nRetVal)
			atom_setlong(OutAtoms + 1, 0);
			atom_setlong(OutAtoms + 1, 1);
		max_jit_obex_dumpout(x, gensym("read"), 2, OutAtoms);
		atom_setlong(OutAtoms + 1, 0);
		max_jit_obex_dumpout(x, gensym("read"), 2, OutAtoms);
