static Object * implements_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { Implements *implements; AttributeNode attr; Connection *conn; Object *obj; if (implements_font == NULL) implements_font = font_getfont("Courier"); implements = g_malloc(sizeof(Implements)); conn = &implements->connection; obj = (Object *) implements; obj->type = &implements_type; obj->ops = &implements_ops; connection_load(conn, obj_node); connection_init(conn, 4, 0); implements->circle_diameter = 1.0; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "diameter"); if (attr != NULL) implements->circle_diameter = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr)); implements->text = NULL; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text"); if (attr != NULL) implements->text = data_string(attribute_first_data(attr)); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text_pos"); if (attr != NULL) data_point(attribute_first_data(attr), &implements->text_pos); implements->text_width = font_string_width(implements->text, implements_font, IMPLEMENTS_FONTHEIGHT); implements-> = HANDLE_MOVE_TEXT; implements->text_handle.type = HANDLE_MINOR_CONTROL; implements->text_handle.connect_type = HANDLE_NONCONNECTABLE; implements->text_handle.connected_to = NULL; obj->handles[2] = &implements->text_handle; implements-> = HANDLE_CIRCLE_SIZE; implements->circle_handle.type = HANDLE_MINOR_CONTROL; implements->circle_handle.connect_type = HANDLE_NONCONNECTABLE; implements->circle_handle.connected_to = NULL; obj->handles[3] = &implements->circle_handle; implements->properties_dialog = NULL; implements_update_data(implements); return (Object *)implements; }
static DiaObject * bus_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { Bus *bus; Connection *conn; LineBBExtras *extra; DiaObject *obj; AttributeNode attr; DataNode data; int i; bus = g_malloc0(sizeof(Bus)); conn = &bus->connection; obj = &conn->object; extra = &conn->extra_spacing; obj->type = &bus_type; obj->ops = &bus_ops; connection_load(conn, obj_node); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "bus_handles"); bus->num_handles = 0; if (attr != NULL) bus->num_handles = attribute_num_data(attr); connection_init(conn, 2 + bus->num_handles, 0); data = attribute_first_data(attr); bus->handles = g_malloc(sizeof(Handle *)*bus->num_handles); bus->parallel_points = g_malloc(sizeof(Point)*bus->num_handles); for (i=0;i<bus->num_handles;i++) { bus->handles[i] = g_new0(Handle,1); bus->handles[i]->id = HANDLE_BUS; bus->handles[i]->type = HANDLE_MINOR_CONTROL; bus->handles[i]->connect_type = HANDLE_CONNECTABLE_NOBREAK; bus->handles[i]->connected_to = NULL; data_point(data, &bus->handles[i]->pos); obj->handles[2+i] = bus->handles[i]; data = data_next(data); } bus->line_color = color_black; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &bus->line_color); extra->start_trans = extra->end_trans = extra->start_long = extra->end_long = LINE_WIDTH/2.0; bus_update_data(bus); return &bus->connection.object; }
/* *NOT A CALLBACK* --> Must be called by inherited class (see aadldata.c) */ void aadlbox_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, DiaContext *ctx, Aadlbox *aadlbox) { AttributeNode attr; DataNode composite, data; Aadl_type type; gchar *declaration; Aadlport *port; ConnectionPoint *connection; int i, num; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "aadlbox_ports"); composite = attribute_first_data(attr); num = attribute_num_data(attr); for (i=0; i<num; i++) { Point p; attr = composite_find_attribute(composite, "point"); data_point(attribute_first_data(attr), &p, ctx); attr = composite_find_attribute(composite, "port_type"); type = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); attr = composite_find_attribute(composite, "port_declaration"); declaration = data_string(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); port = g_new0(Aadlport,1); port->handle = g_new0(Handle,1); port->type = type; port->declaration = declaration; aadlbox_add_port(aadlbox, &p, port); composite = data_next(composite); } attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "aadlbox_connections"); num = attribute_num_data(attr); data = attribute_first_data(attr); for (i=0; i<num; i++) { Point p; data_point(data, &p, ctx); connection = g_new0(ConnectionPoint,1); aadlbox_add_connection(aadlbox, &p, connection); data = data_next(data); } object_load_props(&aadlbox->element.object,obj_node, ctx); }
static DiaObject * textobj_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, DiaContext *ctx) { Textobj *textobj; DiaObject *obj; AttributeNode attr; Point startpoint = {0.0, 0.0}; textobj = g_malloc0(sizeof(Textobj)); obj = &textobj->object; obj->type = &textobj_type; obj->ops = &textobj_ops; object_load(obj, obj_node, ctx); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text"); if (attr != NULL) { textobj->text = data_text(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); } else { DiaFont* font = dia_font_new_from_style(DIA_FONT_MONOSPACE,1.0); textobj->text = new_text("", font, 1.0, &startpoint, &color_black, ALIGN_CENTER); dia_font_unref(font); } attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "valign"); if (attr != NULL) textobj->vert_align = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); else if (version == 0) { textobj->vert_align = VALIGN_FIRST_LINE; } /* default visibility must be off to keep compatibility */ textobj->fill_color = attributes_get_background(); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "fill_color"); if (attr) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &textobj->fill_color, ctx); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "show_background"); if (attr) textobj->show_background = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); else textobj->show_background = FALSE; object_init(obj, 1, 0); obj->handles[0] = &textobj->text_handle; textobj-> = HANDLE_TEXT; textobj->text_handle.type = HANDLE_MAJOR_CONTROL; textobj->text_handle.connect_type = HANDLE_CONNECTABLE; textobj->text_handle.connected_to = NULL; textobj_update_data(textobj); return &textobj->object; }
static DiaObject * flow_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, DiaContext *ctx) { Flow *flow; AttributeNode attr; Connection *conn; DiaObject *obj; LineBBExtras *extra; flow = g_malloc0(sizeof(Flow)); conn = &flow->connection; obj = &conn->object; extra = &conn->extra_spacing; obj->type = &flow_type; obj->ops = &flow_ops; connection_load(conn, obj_node, ctx); connection_init(conn, 3, 0); flow->text = NULL; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text"); if (attr != NULL) flow->text = data_text(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); else { /* pathologic */ DiaFont *font = dia_font_new_from_style(DIA_FONT_SANS, FLOW_FONTHEIGHT); flow->text = new_text("", font, FLOW_FONTHEIGHT, &obj->position, &color_black, ALIGN_CENTER); dia_font_unref(font); } attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "type"); if (attr != NULL) flow->type = (FlowType)data_int(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); flow-> = HANDLE_MOVE_TEXT; flow->text_handle.type = HANDLE_MINOR_CONTROL; flow->text_handle.connect_type = HANDLE_NONCONNECTABLE; flow->text_handle.connected_to = NULL; flow->text_handle.pos = flow->text->position; obj->handles[2] = &flow->text_handle; extra->start_long = extra->end_long = extra->start_trans = FLOW_WIDTH/2.0; extra->end_trans = MAX(FLOW_WIDTH, FLOW_ARROWLEN) / 2.0; flow->textpos = flow->text->position; flow_update_data(flow); return &flow->connection.object; }
static DiaObject * function_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { Function *pkg; AttributeNode attr; Element *elem; DiaObject *obj; int i; pkg = g_malloc0(sizeof(Function)); elem = &pkg->element; obj = &elem->object; obj->type = &function_type; obj->ops = &function_ops; element_load(elem, obj_node); pkg->text = NULL; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text"); if (attr != NULL) pkg->text = data_text(attribute_first_data(attr)); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "is_wish"); if (attr != NULL) pkg->is_wish = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr)); else pkg->is_wish = FALSE; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "is_user"); if (attr != NULL) pkg->is_user = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr)); else pkg->is_user = FALSE; element_init(elem, 8, NUM_CONNECTIONS); for (i=0;i<NUM_CONNECTIONS;i++) { obj->connections[i] = &pkg->connections[i]; pkg->connections[i].object = obj; pkg->connections[i].connected = NULL; } pkg->connections[8].flags = CP_FLAGS_MAIN; pkg->element.extra_spacing.border_trans = pkg->text ? pkg->text->height : FUNCTION_FONTHEIGHT / FUNCTION_BORDERWIDTH_SCALE/2.0; function_update_data(pkg); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { obj->handles[i]->type = HANDLE_NON_MOVABLE; } return &pkg->element.object; }
static Object * message_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { Message *message; AttributeNode attr; Connection *conn; Object *obj; if (message_font == NULL) message_font = font_getfont("Helvetica"); message = g_malloc(sizeof(Message)); conn = &message->connection; obj = (Object *) message; obj->type = &message_type; obj->ops = &message_ops; connection_load(conn, obj_node); connection_init(conn, 3, 0); message->text = NULL; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text"); if (attr != NULL) message->text = data_string(attribute_first_data(attr)); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text_pos"); if (attr != NULL) data_point(attribute_first_data(attr), &message->text_pos); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "type"); if (attr != NULL) message->type = (MessageType)data_int(attribute_first_data(attr)); if (message->text) message->text_width = font_string_width(message->text, message_font, MESSAGE_FONTHEIGHT); else message->text_width = 0; message-> = HANDLE_MOVE_TEXT; message->text_handle.type = HANDLE_MINOR_CONTROL; message->text_handle.connect_type = HANDLE_NONCONNECTABLE; message->text_handle.connected_to = NULL; obj->handles[2] = &message->text_handle; message_update_data(message); return (Object *)message; }
Object *render_object_load(ObjectNode obj_node, const RenderObjectDescriptor *desc) { RenderObject *rend_obj; Element *elem; Object *obj; AttributeNode attr; int i; Point startpoint = {0.0, 0.0}; rend_obj = g_malloc(sizeof(RenderObject)); elem = &rend_obj->element; obj = &elem->object; obj->type = desc->obj_type; obj->ops = &rendobj_ops; element_load(elem, obj_node); rend_obj->desc = desc; rend_obj->magnify = 1.0; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "magnify"); if (attr != NULL) rend_obj->magnify = data_real( attribute_first_data(attr) ); if (desc->use_text) { attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text"); if (attr != NULL) rend_obj->text = data_text( attribute_first_data(attr) ); else rend_obj->text = new_text("", font_getfont("Courier"), 1.0, &startpoint, &color_black, ALIGN_CENTER); } element_init(elem, 8, desc->num_connection_points); rend_obj->connections = g_new(ConnectionPoint, desc->num_connection_points); for (i=0;i<desc->num_connection_points;i++) { obj->connections[i] = &rend_obj->connections[i]; rend_obj->connections[i].object = obj; rend_obj->connections[i].connected = NULL; } rendobj_update_data(rend_obj); return (Object *)rend_obj; }
static Object * generalization_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { Generalization *genlz; AttributeNode attr; OrthConn *orth; Object *obj; if (genlz_font == NULL) { genlz_font = font_getfont("Courier"); } genlz = g_new(Generalization, 1); orth = &genlz->orth; obj = (Object *) genlz; obj->type = &generalization_type; obj->ops = &generalization_ops; orthconn_load(orth, obj_node); genlz->name = NULL; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "name"); if (attr != NULL) genlz->name = data_string(attribute_first_data(attr)); genlz->stereotype = NULL; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "stereotype"); if (attr != NULL) genlz->stereotype = data_string(attribute_first_data(attr)); genlz->text_width = 0.0; genlz->properties_dialog = NULL; if (genlz->name != NULL) { genlz->text_width = font_string_width(genlz->name, genlz_font, GENERALIZATION_FONTHEIGHT); } if (genlz->stereotype != NULL) { genlz->text_width = MAX(genlz->text_width, font_string_width(genlz->stereotype, genlz_font, GENERALIZATION_FONTHEIGHT)); } generalization_update_data(genlz); return (Object *)genlz; }
static DiaObject * participation_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version,DiaContext *ctx) { AttributeNode attr; Participation *participation; OrthConn *orth; DiaObject *obj; participation = g_new0(Participation, 1); orth = &participation->orth; obj = &orth->object; obj->type = &participation_type; obj->ops = &participation_ops; orthconn_load(orth, obj_node, ctx); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "total"); if (attr != NULL) participation->total = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); participation_update_data(participation); return &participation->orth.object; }
gboolean prop_list_load(GPtrArray *props, DataNode data_node, DiaContext *ctx) { guint i; gboolean ret = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < props->len; i++) { Property *prop = g_ptr_array_index(props,i); AttributeNode attr = object_find_attribute(data_node, prop->descr->name); DataNode data = attr ? attribute_first_data(attr) : NULL; if ((!attr || !data) && prop->descr->flags & PROP_FLAG_OPTIONAL) { prop->experience |= PXP_NOTSET; continue; } if ((!attr) || (!data)) { dia_context_add_message(ctx, _("No attribute '%s' (%p) or no data (%p) in this attribute"), prop->descr->name,attr,data); prop->experience |= PXP_NOTSET; ret = FALSE; continue; } prop->ops->load(prop,attr,data,ctx); } return ret; }
static Object * participation_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { AttributeNode attr; Participation *participation; OrthConn *orth; Object *obj; participation = g_new(Participation, 1); orth = &participation->orth; obj = (Object *) participation; obj->type = &participation_type; obj->ops = &participation_ops; orthconn_load(orth, obj_node); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "total"); if (attr != NULL) participation->total = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr)); participation->properties_dialog = NULL; participation_update_data(participation); return (Object *)participation; }
static Object * constraint_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { Constraint *constraint; AttributeNode attr; Connection *conn; Object *obj; if (constraint_font == NULL) constraint_font = font_getfont("Courier"); constraint = g_malloc(sizeof(Constraint)); conn = &constraint->connection; obj = (Object *) constraint; obj->type = &constraint_type; obj->ops = &constraint_ops; connection_load(conn, obj_node); connection_init(conn, 3, 0); constraint->text = NULL; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text"); if (attr != NULL) constraint->text = data_string(attribute_first_data(attr)); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text_pos"); if (attr != NULL) data_point(attribute_first_data(attr), &constraint->text_pos); constraint->text_width = font_string_width(constraint->text, constraint_font, CONSTRAINT_FONTHEIGHT); constraint-> = HANDLE_MOVE_TEXT; constraint->text_handle.type = HANDLE_MINOR_CONTROL; constraint->text_handle.connect_type = HANDLE_NONCONNECTABLE; constraint->text_handle.connected_to = NULL; obj->handles[2] = &constraint->text_handle; constraint->properties_dialog = NULL; constraint_update_data(constraint); return (Object *)constraint; }
static DiaObject * beziergon_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, DiaContext *ctx) { Beziergon *beziergon; BezierShape *bez; DiaObject *obj; AttributeNode attr; beziergon = g_malloc0(sizeof(Beziergon)); bez = &beziergon->bezier; obj = &bez->object; obj->type = &beziergon_type; obj->ops = &beziergon_ops; beziershape_load(bez, obj_node, ctx); beziergon->line_color = color_black; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &beziergon->line_color, ctx); beziergon->line_width = 0.1; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, PROP_STDNAME_LINE_WIDTH); if (attr != NULL) beziergon->line_width = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); beziergon->inner_color = color_white; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "inner_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &beziergon->inner_color, ctx); beziergon->show_background = TRUE; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "show_background"); if (attr != NULL) beziergon->show_background = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); beziergon->line_style = LINESTYLE_SOLID; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_style"); if (attr != NULL) beziergon->line_style = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); beziergon->line_join = LINEJOIN_MITER; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_join"); if (attr != NULL) beziergon->line_join = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); beziergon->dashlength = DEFAULT_LINESTYLE_DASHLEN; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "dashlength"); if (attr != NULL) beziergon->dashlength = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); beziergon_update_data(beziergon); return &beziergon->bezier.object; }
static Object * state_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { State *state; Element *elem; Object *obj; int i; AttributeNode attr; state = g_malloc(sizeof(State)); elem = &state->element; obj = (Object *) state; obj->type = &state_type; obj->ops = &state_ops; element_load(elem, obj_node); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text"); if (attr != NULL) state->text = data_text(attribute_first_data(attr)); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "type"); if (attr != NULL) state->state_type = data_int(attribute_first_data(attr)); element_init(elem, 8, 8); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { obj->connections[i] = &state->connections[i]; state->connections[i].object = obj; state->connections[i].connected = NULL; } state_update_data(state); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { obj->handles[i]->type = HANDLE_NON_MOVABLE; } return (Object *)state; }
static DiaObject * wanlink_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version,DiaContext *ctx) { WanLink *wanlink; Connection *conn; DiaObject *obj; AttributeNode attr; DataNode data; wanlink = g_malloc0(sizeof(WanLink)); conn = &wanlink->connection; obj = (DiaObject *) wanlink; obj->type = &wanlink_type; obj->ops = &wanlink_ops; connection_load(conn, obj_node, ctx); connection_init(conn, 2, 0); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "width"); if (attr != NULL) { data = attribute_first_data(attr); wanlink->width = data_real(data, ctx); } wanlink->line_color = color_black; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &wanlink->line_color, ctx); /* both colors where black at the time this was hardcoded ... */ wanlink->fill_color = color_black; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "fill_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &wanlink->fill_color, ctx); wanlink_update_data (wanlink); return obj; }
static DiaObject * dependency_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { DiaObject *obj = object_load_using_properties(&dependency_type, obj_node,version,filename); if (version == 0) { AttributeNode attr; /* In old objects with no autorouting, set it to false. */ attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "autorouting"); if (attr == NULL) ((OrthConn*)obj)->autorouting = FALSE; } return obj; }
static DiaObject * compfeat_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version,DiaContext *ctx) { DiaObject *obj = object_load_using_properties(&compfeat_type, obj_node,version,ctx); if (version == 0) { AttributeNode attr; /* In old objects with no autorouting, set it to false. */ attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "autorouting"); if (attr == NULL) ((OrthConn*)obj)->autorouting = FALSE; } return obj; }
static DiaObject * largepackage_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { DiaObject *obj = object_load_using_properties(&largepackage_type, obj_node,version,filename); AttributeNode attr; /* For compatibility with previous dia files. If no line_width, use * LARGEPACKAGE_BORDERWIDTH, that was the previous line width. */ attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, PROP_STDNAME_LINE_WIDTH); if (attr == NULL) ((LargePackage*)obj)->line_width = LARGEPACKAGE_BORDERWIDTH; return obj; }
static DiaObject * usecase_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version,DiaContext *ctx) { DiaObject *obj = object_load_using_properties(&usecase_type, obj_node,version,ctx); AttributeNode attr; /* For compatibility with previous dia files. If no line_width, use * USECASE_LINEWIDTH, that was the previous line width. */ attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, PROP_STDNAME_LINE_WIDTH); if (attr == NULL) ((Usecase*)obj)->line_width = USECASE_LINEWIDTH; return obj; }
void polyconn_load(PolyConn *poly, ObjectNode obj_node, DiaContext *ctx) /* NOTE: Does object_init() */ { int i; AttributeNode attr; DataNode data; DiaObject *obj = &poly->object; object_load(obj, obj_node, ctx); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "poly_points"); if (attr != NULL) poly->numpoints = attribute_num_data(attr); else poly->numpoints = 0; object_init(obj, poly->numpoints, 0); data = attribute_first_data(attr); poly->points = g_malloc(poly->numpoints*sizeof(Point)); for (i=0;i<poly->numpoints;i++) { data_point(data, &poly->points[i], ctx); data = data_next(data); } obj->handles[0] = g_malloc(sizeof(Handle)); obj->handles[0]->connect_type = HANDLE_CONNECTABLE; obj->handles[0]->connected_to = NULL; obj->handles[0]->type = HANDLE_MAJOR_CONTROL; obj->handles[0]->id = HANDLE_MOVE_STARTPOINT; obj->handles[poly->numpoints-1] = g_malloc(sizeof(Handle)); obj->handles[poly->numpoints-1]->connect_type = HANDLE_CONNECTABLE; obj->handles[poly->numpoints-1]->connected_to = NULL; obj->handles[poly->numpoints-1]->type = HANDLE_MAJOR_CONTROL; obj->handles[poly->numpoints-1]->id = HANDLE_MOVE_ENDPOINT; for (i=1;i<poly->numpoints-1;i++) { obj->handles[i] = g_malloc(sizeof(Handle)); setup_handle(obj->handles[i], PC_HANDLE_CORNER); } polyconn_update_data(poly); }
static DiaObject *transition_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version,DiaContext *ctx) { DiaObject *obj = object_load_using_properties(¨_transition_type, obj_node,version,ctx); if (version == 0) { AttributeNode attr; /* In old objects with no autorouting, set it to false. */ attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "autorouting"); if (attr == NULL) ((OrthConn*)obj)->autorouting = FALSE; } if (version < 2) { /* Versions prior to 2 have the arrowheads inverted */ ((Transition*)obj)->direction_inverted = TRUE; } return obj; }
ConnPointLine * connpointline_load(DiaObject *obj,ObjectNode obj_node, const gchar *name, int default_nc,int *realconncount) { ConnPointLine *cpl; int nc = default_nc; AttributeNode attr; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, name); if (attr != NULL) nc = data_int(attribute_first_data(attr)); cpl = connpointline_create(obj,nc); if (realconncount) (*realconncount) += cpl->num_connections; return cpl; /* NOT this ! return cpl_inplacecreate(obj, load_int(obj_node,name,default_nc), realconncount); */ }
static Object * smallpackage_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { SmallPackage *pkg; AttributeNode attr; Element *elem; Object *obj; int i; pkg = g_malloc(sizeof(SmallPackage)); elem = &pkg->element; obj = (Object *) pkg; obj->type = &smallpackage_type; obj->ops = &smallpackage_ops; element_load(elem, obj_node); pkg->text = NULL; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text"); if (attr != NULL) pkg->text = data_text(attribute_first_data(attr)); element_init(elem, 8, 8); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { obj->connections[i] = &pkg->connections[i]; pkg->connections[i].object = obj; pkg->connections[i].connected = NULL; } smallpackage_update_data(pkg); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { obj->handles[i]->type = HANDLE_NON_MOVABLE; } return (Object *) pkg; }
Boolequation * load_boolequation(ObjectNode obj_node, const gchar *attrname, const gchar *defaultvalue, DiaFont *font, real fontheight, Color *color) { gchar *value = NULL; Boolequation *booleq; AttributeNode attr; booleq = boolequation_create(NULL,font,fontheight,color); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node,attrname); if (attr) value = data_string(attribute_first_data(attr)); else if (defaultvalue) value = g_strdup (defaultvalue); if (value) boolequation_set_value(booleq,value); g_free(value); return booleq; }
static DiaObject * box_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, DiaContext *ctx) { Box *box; Element *elem; DiaObject *obj; int i; AttributeNode attr; box = g_malloc0(sizeof(Box)); elem = &box->element; obj = &elem->object; obj->type = &box_type; obj->ops = &box_ops; element_load(elem, obj_node, ctx); box->border_width = 0.1; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "border_width"); if (attr != NULL) box->border_width = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); box->border_color = color_black; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "border_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &box->border_color, ctx); box->inner_color = color_white; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "inner_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &box->inner_color, ctx); box->show_background = TRUE; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "show_background"); if (attr != NULL) box->show_background = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); box->line_style = LINESTYLE_SOLID; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_style"); if (attr != NULL) box->line_style = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); box->dashlength = DEFAULT_LINESTYLE_DASHLEN; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "dashlength"); if (attr != NULL) box->dashlength = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); box->line_join = LINEJOIN_MITER; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_join"); if (attr != NULL) box->line_join = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); box->corner_radius = 0.0; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "corner_radius"); if (attr != NULL) box->corner_radius = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); box->aspect = FREE_ASPECT; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "aspect"); if (attr != NULL) box->aspect = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); element_init(elem, 8, NUM_CONNECTIONS); for (i=0;i<NUM_CONNECTIONS;i++) { obj->connections[i] = &box->connections[i]; box->connections[i].object = obj; box->connections[i].connected = NULL; } box->connections[8].flags = CP_FLAGS_MAIN; box_update_data(box); return &box->element.object; }
static DiaObject * zigzagline_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, DiaContext *ctx) { Zigzagline *zigzagline; OrthConn *orth; DiaObject *obj; AttributeNode attr; zigzagline = g_malloc0(sizeof(Zigzagline)); orth = &zigzagline->orth; obj = &orth->object; obj->type = &zigzagline_type; obj->ops = &zigzagline_ops; orthconn_load(orth, obj_node, ctx); zigzagline->line_color = color_black; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &zigzagline->line_color, ctx); zigzagline->line_width = 0.1; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, PROP_STDNAME_LINE_WIDTH); if (attr != NULL) zigzagline->line_width = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); zigzagline->line_style = LINESTYLE_SOLID; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_style"); if (attr != NULL) zigzagline->line_style = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); zigzagline->line_join = LINEJOIN_MITER; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_join"); if (attr != NULL) zigzagline->line_join = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); zigzagline->line_caps = LINECAPS_BUTT; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_caps"); if (attr != NULL) zigzagline->line_caps = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); load_arrow(obj_node, &zigzagline->start_arrow, "start_arrow", "start_arrow_length", "start_arrow_width", ctx); load_arrow(obj_node, &zigzagline->end_arrow, "end_arrow", "end_arrow_length", "end_arrow_width", ctx); zigzagline->dashlength = DEFAULT_LINESTYLE_DASHLEN; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "dashlength"); if (attr != NULL) zigzagline->dashlength = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); zigzagline->corner_radius = 0.0; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "corner_radius"); if (attr != NULL) zigzagline->corner_radius = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); zigzagline_update_data(zigzagline); return &zigzagline->orth.object; }
static DiaObject * ellipse_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version,DiaContext *ctx) { Ellipse *ellipse; Element *elem; DiaObject *obj; int i; AttributeNode attr; ellipse = g_malloc0(sizeof(Ellipse)); elem = &ellipse->element; obj = &elem->object; obj->type = &fc_ellipse_type; obj->ops = &ellipse_ops; element_load(elem, obj_node, ctx); ellipse->border_width = 0.1; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "border_width"); if (attr != NULL) ellipse->border_width = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); ellipse->border_color = color_black; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "border_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &ellipse->border_color, ctx); ellipse->inner_color = color_white; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "inner_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &ellipse->inner_color, ctx); ellipse->show_background = TRUE; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "show_background"); if (attr != NULL) ellipse->show_background = data_boolean( attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); ellipse->line_style = LINESTYLE_SOLID; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_style"); if (attr != NULL) ellipse->line_style = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); ellipse->dashlength = DEFAULT_LINESTYLE_DASHLEN; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "dashlength"); if (attr != NULL) ellipse->dashlength = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); ellipse->padding = default_properties.padding; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "padding"); if (attr != NULL) ellipse->padding = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); ellipse->text = NULL; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "text"); if (attr != NULL) ellipse->text = data_text(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); else ellipse->text = new_text_default(&obj->position, &ellipse->border_color, ALIGN_CENTER); /* old default: only growth, manual shrink */ ellipse->text_fitting = TEXTFIT_WHEN_NEEDED; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, PROP_STDNAME_TEXT_FITTING); if (attr != NULL) ellipse->text_fitting = data_enum(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); element_init(elem, 8, NUM_CONNECTIONS); for (i=0;i<NUM_CONNECTIONS;i++) { obj->connections[i] = &ellipse->connections[i]; ellipse->connections[i].object = obj; ellipse->connections[i].connected = NULL; ellipse->connections[i].flags = 0; } ellipse->connections[16].flags = CP_FLAGS_MAIN; ellipse_update_data(ellipse, ANCHOR_MIDDLE, ANCHOR_MIDDLE); return &ellipse->element.object; }
static DiaObject * image_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename) { EImage *image; Element *elem; DiaObject *obj; int i; AttributeNode attr; char *diafile_dir; Diagram *dia; GList *list; image = g_malloc0(sizeof(EImage)); elem = &image->element; obj = &elem->object; obj->type = &eimage_type; obj->ops = &eimage_ops; element_load(elem, obj_node); image->border_width = 0.1; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "border_width"); if (attr != NULL) image->border_width = data_real( attribute_first_data(attr) ); image->border_color = color_black; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "border_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &image->border_color); image->line_style = LINESTYLE_SOLID; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "line_style"); if (attr != NULL) image->line_style = data_enum( attribute_first_data(attr) ); image->dashlength = DEFAULT_LINESTYLE_DASHLEN; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "dashlength"); if (attr != NULL) image->dashlength = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr)); image->draw_border = TRUE; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "draw_border"); if (attr != NULL) image->draw_border = data_boolean( attribute_first_data(attr) ); image->keep_aspect = TRUE; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "keep_aspect"); if (attr != NULL) image->keep_aspect = data_boolean( attribute_first_data(attr) ); image->keep_orig_aspect = TRUE; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "keep_orig_aspect"); if (attr != NULL) image->keep_orig_aspect = data_boolean( attribute_first_data(attr) ); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "file"); if (attr != NULL) { image->file = data_filename( attribute_first_data(attr) ); } else { image->file = g_strdup(""); } attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "embed_id"); if (attr) { image->embed_id = dtree_conv_longname_from_xml(data_string(attribute_first_data(attr))); } else { image->embed_id = get_default_embed_id("embed_image"); } register_embed_id(image->embed_id); element_init(elem, 8, NUM_CONNECTIONS); for (i=0;i<NUM_CONNECTIONS;i++) { obj->connections[i] = &image->connections[i]; image->connections[i].object = obj; image->connections[i].connected = NULL; } image->connections[8].flags = CP_FLAGS_MAIN; image->image = NULL; if (strcmp(image->file, "")!=0) { diafile_dir = get_directory(filename); if (g_path_is_absolute(image->file)) { /* Absolute pathname */ image->image = dia_image_load(image->file); if (image->image == NULL) { /* Not found as abs path, try in same dir as diagram. */ char *temp_string; const char *image_file_name = image->file; const char *psep; psep = strrchr(image->file, G_DIR_SEPARATOR); /* try the other G_OS as well */ if (!psep) psep = strrchr(image->file, G_DIR_SEPARATOR == '/' ? '\\' : '/'); if (psep) image_file_name = psep + 1; temp_string = g_build_filename(diafile_dir, image_file_name, NULL); image->image = dia_image_load(temp_string); if (image->image != NULL) { /* Found file in same dir as diagram. */ message_warning(_("The image file '%s' was not found in that directory.\n" "Using the file '%s' instead\n"), image->file, temp_string); g_free(image->file); image->file = temp_string; } else { g_free(temp_string); image->image = dia_image_load((char *)image_file_name); if (image->image != NULL) { char *tmp; /* Found file in current dir. */ message_warning(_("The image file '%s' was not found in that directory.\n" "Using the file '%s' instead\n"), image->file, image_file_name); tmp = image->file; image->file = g_strdup(image_file_name); g_free(tmp); } else { message_warning(_("The image file '%s' was not found.\n"), image_file_name); } } } } else { /* Relative pathname: */ char *temp_string; temp_string = g_build_filename (diafile_dir, image->file, NULL); image->image = dia_image_load(temp_string); if (image->image != NULL) { /* Found file in same dir as diagram. */ g_free(image->file); image->file = temp_string; } else { g_free(temp_string); image->image = dia_image_load(image->file); if (image->image == NULL) { /* Didn't find file in current dir. */ message_warning(_("The image file '%s' was not found.\n"), image->file); } } } g_free(diafile_dir); } /* update mtime */ { struct stat st; if (g_stat (image->file, &st) != 0) st.st_mtime = 0; image->mtime = st.st_mtime; } image_update_data(image); obj->node = NULL; list = dia_open_diagrams(); while (list != NULL) { dia = (Diagram *)list->data; if (!g_strcmp0(dia->filename,filename)) { obj->node = dtree_set_data_by_longname(DIA_DIAGRAM_DATA(dia)->dtree, image->embed_id,&image->element.object); } list = g_list_next(list); } return &image->element.object; }
static DiaObject * compound_load (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, DiaContext *ctx) { Compound * comp; DiaObject * obj; AttributeNode attr; DataNode data; gint i, num_handles; comp = g_new0 (Compound, 1); obj = &comp->object; /* load the objects position and bounding box */ object_load (obj, obj_node, ctx); /* init the object */ obj->type = &compound_type; obj->ops = &compound_ops; /* load the object's handles and its positions */ attr = object_find_attribute (obj_node, "comp_points"); g_assert (attr != NULL); num_handles = attribute_num_data (attr); g_assert (num_handles >= 3); /* allocate space for object handles and connectionpoints point arrays */ object_init (obj, num_handles, 1); data = attribute_first_data (attr); /* init our mount_point */ setup_mount_point (&comp->mount_point, obj, NULL); data_point (data, &comp->mount_point.pos, ctx); obj->connections[0] = &comp->mount_point; /* now init the handles */ comp->num_arms = num_handles-1; comp->handles = g_new0 (Handle, num_handles); setup_handle (&comp->handles[0], HANDLE_MOUNT_POINT, HANDLE_MAJOR_CONTROL, HANDLE_NONCONNECTABLE); comp->handles[0].pos = comp->mount_point.pos; obj->handles[0] = &comp->handles[0]; data = data_next (data); for (i = 1; i < num_handles; i++) { obj->handles[i] = &comp->handles[i]; setup_handle (obj->handles[i], HANDLE_ARM, HANDLE_MINOR_CONTROL, HANDLE_CONNECTABLE_NOBREAK); data_point (data, &obj->handles[i]->pos, ctx); data = data_next (data); } /* load remainding properties */ attr = object_find_attribute (obj_node, PROP_STDTYPE_LINE_WIDTH); if (attr == NULL) comp->line_width = 0.1; else comp->line_width = data_real (attribute_first_data (attr), ctx); attr = object_find_attribute (obj_node, "line_colour"); if (attr == NULL) comp->line_color = color_black; else data_color (attribute_first_data (attr), &comp->line_color, ctx); compound_update_data (comp); compound_sanity_check (comp, "Loaded"); return &comp->object; }