bool CommandTimeFilter::run() { osmium::io::Reader reader(m_input_file); osmium::io::Header header = reader.header(); header.set("generator", m_generator); osmium::io::Writer writer(m_output_file, header, m_output_overwrite); osmium::io::OutputIterator<osmium::io::Writer> out(writer); typedef osmium::io::InputIterator<osmium::io::Reader, osmium::Object> object_iterator; object_iterator object_it(reader); object_iterator object_end; typedef osmium::DiffIterator<object_iterator> diff_iterator; std::copy_if( diff_iterator(object_it, object_end), diff_iterator(object_end, object_end), out, [this](const osmium::DiffObject& d){ return ((d.end_time() == 0 || d.end_time() > m_from) && d.start_time() <= m_to) && (m_from != m_to || d.curr().visible()); }); out.flush(); writer.close(); return true; }
/** If clipboard has mime type application/x-uml-clip2, Pastes the data from the clipboard into the current Doc */ bool UMLClipboard::pasteClip2(QMimeSource* data) { UMLDoc *doc = UMLApp::app()->getDocument(); UMLListViewItemList itemdatalist; UMLObjectList objects; objects.setAutoDelete(false); UMLViewList views; IDChangeLog* idchanges = 0; bool result = UMLDrag::decodeClip2(data, objects, itemdatalist, views); if(!result) { return false; } UMLObject *obj = 0; UMLObjectListIt object_it(objects); idchanges = doc->getChangeLog(); if(!idchanges) { return false; } while ( (obj=object_it.current()) != 0 ) { ++object_it; if(!doc->assignNewIDs(obj)) { kDebug()<<"UMLClipboard: error adding umlobject"<<endl; return false; } } UMLView * pView = 0; UMLViewListIt view_it( views ); while ( ( pView =view_it.current()) != 0 ) { ++view_it; if( !doc->addUMLView( pView ) ) { return false; } } UMLListView *listView = UMLApp::app()->getListView(); UMLListViewItem* item = 0; UMLListViewItem* itemdata = 0; UMLListViewItemListIt it(itemdatalist); while ( (itemdata=it.current()) != 0 ) { item = listView->createItem(*itemdata, *idchanges); if(!item) { return false; } if(itemdata -> childCount()) { if(!pasteChildren(item, idchanges)) { return false; } } ++it; } return result; }
/** * For use when the user selects only UMLObjects from the * ListView but no diagrams to be copied */ void UMLDragData::setUMLDataClip1(UMLObjectList& objects) { QDomDocument domDoc; QDomElement xmiclip = domDoc.createElement(QLatin1String("xmiclip")); domDoc.appendChild(xmiclip); QDomElement objectsTag = domDoc.createElement(QLatin1String("umlobjects")); xmiclip.appendChild(objectsTag); UMLObjectListIt object_it(objects); UMLObject* obj = 0; while (object_it.hasNext()) { obj =; obj->saveToXMI(domDoc, objectsTag); } setData(QLatin1String("application/x-uml-clip1"), domDoc.toString().toUtf8()); }
/** * For use when the user selects UML Object and Diagrams * from the ListView to be copied */ void UMLDragData::setUMLDataClip2(UMLObjectList& objects, UMLViewList& diagrams) { QDomDocument domDoc; QDomElement xmiclip = domDoc.createElement(QLatin1String("xmiclip")); domDoc.appendChild(xmiclip); QDomElement objectsTag = domDoc.createElement(QLatin1String("umlobjects")); xmiclip.appendChild(objectsTag); UMLObjectListIt object_it(objects); UMLObject* obj = 0; while (object_it.hasNext()) { obj =; obj->saveToXMI(domDoc, objectsTag); } QDomElement viewsTag = domDoc.createElement(QLatin1String("umlviews")); xmiclip.appendChild(viewsTag); foreach(UMLView* view, diagrams) { view->umlScene()->saveToXMI(domDoc, viewsTag); }
/** If clipboard has mime type application/x-uml-clip4, Pastes the data from the clipboard into the current Doc */ bool UMLClipboard::pasteClip4(QMimeSource* data) { UMLDoc *doc = UMLApp::app()->getDocument(); UMLObjectList objects; objects.setAutoDelete(false); UMLWidgetList widgets; widgets.setAutoDelete(false); AssociationWidgetList assocs; assocs.setAutoDelete(false); IDChangeLog* idchanges = 0; Uml::Diagram_Type diagramType; if( !UMLDrag::decodeClip4(data, objects, widgets, assocs, diagramType) ) { return false; } if( diagramType != UMLApp::app()->getCurrentView()->getType() ) { if( !checkPasteWidgets(widgets) ) { assocs.setAutoDelete(true); assocs.clear(); return false; } } UMLObjectListIt object_it(objects); idchanges = doc->getChangeLog(); if(!idchanges) { return false; } //make sure the file we are pasting into has the objects //we need if there are widgets to be pasted UMLObject* obj = 0; while ( (obj=object_it.current()) != 0 ) { ++object_it; if(!doc->assignNewIDs(obj)) { return false; } } //now add any widget we are want to paste bool objectAlreadyExists = false; UMLView *currentView = UMLApp::app()->getCurrentView(); currentView->beginPartialWidgetPaste(); UMLWidget* widget =0; UMLWidgetListIt widget_it(widgets); while ( (widget=widget_it.current()) != 0 ) { ++widget_it; Uml::IDType oldId = widget->getID(); Uml::IDType newId = idchanges->findNewID(oldId); if (currentView->findWidget(newId)) { kError() << "UMLClipboard::pasteClip4: widget (oldID=" << ID2STR(oldId) << ", newID=" << ID2STR(newId) << ") already exists in target view." << endl; widgets.remove(widget); delete widget; objectAlreadyExists = true; } else if (! currentView->addWidget(widget, true)) { currentView->endPartialWidgetPaste(); return false; } } //now paste the associations AssociationWidget* assoc; AssociationWidgetListIt assoc_it(assocs); while ( (assoc=assoc_it.current()) != 0 ) { ++assoc_it; if (!currentView->addAssociation(assoc, true)) { currentView->endPartialWidgetPaste(); return false; } } //Activate all the pasted associations and widgets currentView->activate(); currentView->endPartialWidgetPaste(); /* UMLListView *listView = UMLApp::app()->getListView(); UMLListViewItem* item = 0; UMLListViewItem* itemdata = 0; UMLListViewItemListIt it(itemdatalist); while ( (itemdata=it.current()) != 0 ) { item = listView->createItem(*itemdata, *idchanges); if(!item) { return false; } if(itemdata -> childCount()) { if(!pasteChildren(item, idchanges)) { return false; } } ++it; }*/ if (objectAlreadyExists) { pasteItemAlreadyExists(); } return true; }