template <typename Func> static void EnumSceneCollections(Func &&cb) { char path[512]; os_glob_t *glob; int ret = GetConfigPath(path, sizeof(path), "obs-studio/basic/scenes/*.json"); if (ret <= 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get config path for scene " "collections"); return; } if (os_glob(path, 0, &glob) != 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to glob scene collections"); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < glob->gl_pathc; i++) { const char *filePath = glob->gl_pathv[i].path; if (glob->gl_pathv[i].directory) continue; BPtr<char> fileData = os_quick_read_utf8_file(filePath); if (!fileData) continue; obs_data_t *data = obs_data_create_from_json(fileData); std::string name = obs_data_get_string(data, "name"); /* if no name found, use the file name as the name * (this only happens when switching to the new version) */ if (name.empty()) { name = strrchr(filePath, '/') + 1; name.resize(name.size() - 5); } obs_data_release(data); if (!cb(name.c_str(), filePath)) break; } os_globfree(glob); }
static bool confirm_service_file(void *param, struct file_download_data *file) { if (astrcmpi(file->name, "services.json") == 0) { obs_data_t *data; int format_version; data = obs_data_create_from_json((char*)file->buffer.array); if (!data) return false; format_version = (int)obs_data_get_int(data, "format_version"); obs_data_release(data); if (format_version != RTMP_SERVICES_FORMAT_VERSION) return false; } UNUSED_PARAMETER(param); return true; }
static bool update_remote_files(void *param, obs_data_t *remote_file) { struct update_info *info = param; struct file_update_data data = { .name = obs_data_get_string(remote_file, "name"), .version = (int)obs_data_get_int(remote_file, "version") }; enum_files(info->cache_package, newer_than_cache, &data); if (!data.newer && data.found) return true; if (!do_relative_http_request(info, info->remote_url, data.name)) return true; if (info->callback) { struct file_download_data download_data; bool confirm; download_data.name = data.name; download_data.version = data.version; download_data.buffer.da = info->file_data.da; confirm = info->callback(info->param, &download_data); info->file_data.da = download_data.buffer.da; if (!confirm) { info("Update file '%s' (version %d) rejected", data.name, data.version); return true; } } write_file_data(info, info->temp, data.name); replace_file(info->temp, info->cache, data.name); info("Successfully updated file '%s' (version %d)", data.name, data.version); return true; } static void update_save_metadata(struct update_info *info) { struct dstr path = { 0 }; if (!info->etag_remote) return; dstr_copy(&path, info->cache); dstr_cat(&path, "meta.json"); obs_data_t *data; data = obs_data_create(); obs_data_set_string(data, "etag", info->etag_remote); obs_data_save_json(data, path.array); obs_data_release(data); } static void update_remote_version(struct update_info *info, int cur_version) { int remote_version; long response_code; if (!do_http_request(info, info->url, &response_code)) return; if (response_code == 304) return; if (!info->file_data.array || info->file_data.array[0] != '{') { warn("Remote package does not exist or is not valid json"); return; } update_save_metadata(info); info->remote_package = obs_data_create_from_json( (char*)info->file_data.array); if (!info->remote_package) { warn("Failed to initialize remote package json"); return; } remote_version = (int)obs_data_get_int(info->remote_package, "version"); if (remote_version <= cur_version) return; write_file_data(info, info->temp, "package.json"); info->remote_url = obs_data_get_string(info->remote_package, "url"); if (!info->remote_url) { warn("No remote url in package file"); return; } /* download new files */ enum_files(info->remote_package, update_remote_files, info); replace_file(info->temp, info->cache, "package.json"); info("Successfully updated package (version %d)", remote_version); return; }