QTM_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QGeoTiledMapPixmapObjectInfo::QGeoTiledMapPixmapObjectInfo(QGeoTiledMapData *mapData, QGeoMapObject *mapObject) : QGeoTiledMapObjectInfo(mapData, mapObject), pixmapItem2(0) { pixmap = static_cast<QGeoMapPixmapObject*>(mapObject); connect(pixmap, SIGNAL(coordinateChanged(QGeoCoordinate)), this, SLOT(coordinateChanged(QGeoCoordinate))); connect(pixmap, SIGNAL(pixmapChanged(QPixmap)), this, SLOT(pixmapChanged(QPixmap))); connect(pixmap, SIGNAL(offsetChanged(QPoint)), this, SLOT(offsetChanged(QPoint))); pixmapItem1 = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(); graphicsItem = pixmapItem1; pixmapChanged(this->pixmap->pixmap()); coordinateChanged(this->pixmap->coordinate()); }
QTM_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QGeoTiledMapCustomObjectInfo::QGeoTiledMapCustomObjectInfo(QGeoTiledMapData *mapData, QGeoMapObject *mapObject) : QGeoTiledMapObjectInfo(mapData, mapObject) { custom = static_cast<QGeoMapCustomObject*>(mapObject); connect(custom, SIGNAL(triggerUpdate()), this, SLOT(updateTriggered())); connect(custom, SIGNAL(graphicsItemChanged(QGraphicsItem*)), this, SLOT(graphicsItemChanged(QGraphicsItem*))); connect(custom, SIGNAL(offsetChanged(QPoint)), this, SLOT(offsetChanged(QPoint))); graphicsItem = 0; graphicsItemChanged(this->custom->graphicsItem()); offsetChanged(this->custom->offset()); }
void QGeoMapCustomObject::setOffset(const QPoint &offset) { if (d_ptr->offset != offset) { d_ptr->offset = offset; emit offsetChanged(offset); } }
void CartesianWidget::setOffset(int offsetX, int offsetY) { m_offsetX = offsetX; m_offsetY = offsetY; emit offsetChanged(m_offsetX, m_offsetY); }
InterpolatingGraph::InterpolatingGraph(QCustomPlot *plot, const DoubleSeries &d, PlotSettings::ScalingMode scalingMode, PlotSettings::ScaleType scaleType) : Graph(plot), series(d), plot(plot), lastUpdate(-1), currentMin(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()), currentMax(std::numeric_limits<double>::min()), currentScalingMode(PlotSettings::NOSCALING), currentScaleType(PlotSettings::LINSCALE) { setObjectName("InterpolatingGraph"); connect(&series, SIGNAL(newData(qint64)), this, SLOT(onNewData(qint64))); connect(&series, SIGNAL(offsetChanged()), this, SLOT(onOffsetChanged())); graph = plot->addGraph(); // Ensure value axis is visible. plot->yAxis->setVisible(true); plot->yAxis->setGrid(true); configureAppearance(graph); initialize(graph, series); rescale(scalingMode, scaleType); updatePlot(scalingMode); }
void SubMenu::setOffset(int offset) { if (m_offset != offset) { m_offset = offset; emit offsetChanged(); } }
/*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeSearchModelBase::setOffset(int offset) { if (m_request.offset() == offset) return; m_request.setOffset(offset); emit offsetChanged(); }
void VideoRendererItem::setOffset(const QPoint &offset) { if (d->offset != offset) { d->offset = offset; emit offsetChanged(d->offset); d->updateGeometry(false); update(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // User clicked Cancel // void AmorDialog::slotCancel() { // restore offset KConfig *config = kapp->config(); KConfigGroupSaver cs(config, "General"); emit offsetChanged(config->readNumEntry("Offset")); reject(); }
void QGalleryQueryRequest::setOffset(int offset) { const int boundedOffset = qMax(0, offset); if (d_func()->offset != boundedOffset) { d_func()->offset = boundedOffset; emit offsetChanged(); } }
void QDeclarativeGalleryQueryModel::setOffset(int offset) { if (m_request.offset() != offset) { m_request.setOffset(offset); deferredExecute(); emit offsetChanged(); } }
void QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::setOffset(const QPointF &offset) { Q_D(QGraphicsDropShadowEffect); if (d->filter->offset() == offset) return; d->filter->setOffset(offset); updateBoundingRect(); emit offsetChanged(offset); }
void AmplitudeWidget::setOffset(double newOffset) { newOffset = bound(newOffset, 0.0, maxOffset()); //if(_offset != newOffset) { _offset = newOffset; _offsetInv = maxOffset() - _offset; emit offsetChanged(_offset); emit offsetInvChanged(offsetInv()); //} }
QTM_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QGeoTiledMapTextObjectInfo::QGeoTiledMapTextObjectInfo(QGeoTiledMapData *mapData, QGeoMapObject *mapObject) : QGeoTiledMapObjectInfo(mapData, mapObject) { text = static_cast<QGeoMapTextObject*>(mapObject); connect(text, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(textChanged(QString))); connect(text, SIGNAL(fontChanged(QFont)), this, SLOT(fontChanged(QFont))); connect(text, SIGNAL(penChanged(QPen)), this, SLOT(penChanged(QPen))); connect(text, SIGNAL(brushChanged(QBrush)), this, SLOT(brushChanged(QBrush))); connect(text, SIGNAL(offsetChanged(QPoint)), this, SLOT(offsetChanged(QPoint))); connect(text, SIGNAL(alignmentChanged(Qt::Alignment)), this, SLOT(alignmentChanged(Qt::Alignment))); textItem = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(); graphicsItem = textItem; penChanged(text->pen()); brushChanged(text->brush()); originChanged(text->origin()); fontChanged(text->font()); textChanged(text->text()); }
void setObject(QGalleryQueryModel *object) { q_ptr = object; QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(resultSetChanged(QGalleryResultSet*)), q_ptr, SLOT(_q_resultSetChanged(QGalleryResultSet*))); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QGalleryAbstractRequest::State)), q_ptr, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QGalleryAbstractRequest::State))); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(finished()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(finished())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(canceled()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(canceled())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(errorChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(errorChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(error(int,QString)), q_ptr, SIGNAL(error(int,QString))); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(galleryChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(galleryChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(sortPropertyNamesChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(sortPropertyNamesChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(autoUpdateChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(autoUpdateChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(offsetChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(offsetChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(limitChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(limitChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(rootTypeChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(rootTypeChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(rootItemChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(rootItemChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(scopeChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(scopeChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(filterChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(filterChanged())); }
int AmplitudeWidget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QGLWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: rangeChanged((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 1: offsetChanged((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 2: offsetInvChanged((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 3: setRange((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 4: setOffset((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; } _id -= 5; } return _id; }
KoShadowConfigWidget::KoShadowConfigWidget( QWidget * parent ) : QWidget( parent ), d( new Private() ) { d->widget.setupUi(this); d->widget.shadowOffset->setValue( 10.0 ); d->widget.shadowAngle->setValue( 45.0 ); d->widget.shadowAngle->setMinimum( 0.0 ); d->widget.shadowAngle->setMaximum( 360.0 ); d->widget.shadowOptions->setEnabled( false ); d->actionShadowColor = new KoColorPopupAction(this); d->widget.shadowColor->setDefaultAction(d->actionShadowColor); connect( d->widget.shadowVisible, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(visibilityChanged()) ); connect( d->widget.shadowVisible, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SIGNAL(shadowVisibilityChanged(bool)) ); connect( d->actionShadowColor, SIGNAL(colorChanged(const KoColor&)), this, SIGNAL(shadowColorChanged(const KoColor&))); connect( d->widget.shadowAngle, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal,bool)), this, SLOT(offsetChanged())); connect( d->widget.shadowOffset, SIGNAL(valueChangedPt(qreal)), this, SLOT(offsetChanged())); }
int Tiled::Internal::ResizeHelper::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: offsetChanged((*reinterpret_cast< const QPoint(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 1: offsetXChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 2: offsetYChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 3: offsetBoundsChanged((*reinterpret_cast< const QRect(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 4: setOldSize((*reinterpret_cast< const QSize(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 5: setNewSize((*reinterpret_cast< const QSize(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 6: setOffset((*reinterpret_cast< const QPoint(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 7: setOffsetX((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 8: setOffsetY((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 9: setNewWidth((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 10: setNewHeight((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; default: ; } _id -= 11; } return _id; }
void TimeLineCells::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { if ( m_eType == TIMELINE_CELL_TYPE::Layers ) { endY = event->pos().y(); emit mouseMovedY( endY - startY ); } int frameNumber = getFrameNumber( event->pos().x() ); //int layerNumber = getLayerNumber( event->pos().y() ); if ( m_eType == TIMELINE_CELL_TYPE::Tracks ) { if ( primaryButton == Qt::MidButton ) { // qMin( max_frame_offset, qMax ( min_frame_offset, draw_frame_offset ) ) frameOffset = qMin( qMax( 0, frameLength - width() / getFrameSize() ), qMax( 0, frameOffset + lastFrameNumber - frameNumber ) ); update(); emit offsetChanged( frameOffset ); } else { if ( timeLine->scrubbing ) { mEditor->scrubTo( frameNumber ); } else { if ( startLayerNumber != -1 && startLayerNumber < mEditor->object()->getLayerCount() ) { Layer *currentLayer = mEditor->object()->getLayer(startLayerNumber); // Did we move to another frame ? // if ( frameNumber != lastFrameNumber ) { // Check if the frame we clicked was selected // if ( canMoveFrame ) { // If it is the case, we move the selected frames in the layer // movingFrames = true; int offset = frameNumber - lastFrameNumber; currentLayer->moveSelectedFrames(offset); mEditor->updateCurrentFrame(); } else if ( canBoxSelect ){ // Otherwise, we do a box select // boxSelecting = true; currentLayer->deselectAll(); currentLayer->setFrameSelected(startFrameNumber, true); currentLayer->extendSelectionTo(frameNumber); } lastFrameNumber = frameNumber; } currentLayer->mouseMove( event, frameNumber ); } } } } timeLine->update(); }
void Fingering::layout() { if (parent()) { Fraction tick = parent()->tick(); const Staff* st = staff(); if (st && st->isTabStaff(tick) && !st->staffType(tick)->showTabFingering()) { setbbox(QRectF()); return; } } TextBase::layout(); rypos() = 0.0; // handle placement below if (autoplace() && note()) { Note* n = note(); Chord* chord = n->chord(); bool voices = chord->measure()->hasVoices(chord->staffIdx()); bool tight = voices && chord->notes().size() == 1 && !chord->beam() && tid() != Tid::STRING_NUMBER; qreal headWidth = n->bboxRightPos(); // update offset after drag qreal rebase = 0.0; if (offsetChanged() != OffsetChange::NONE) rebase = rebaseOffset(); // temporarily exclude self from chord shape setAutoplace(false); if (layoutType() == ElementType::CHORD) { Stem* stem = chord->stem(); Segment* s = chord->segment(); Measure* m = s->measure(); qreal sp = spatium(); qreal md = minDistance().val() * sp; SysStaff* ss = m->system()->staff(chord->vStaffIdx()); Staff* vStaff = chord->staff(); // TODO: use current height at tick if (n->mirror()) rxpos() -= n->ipos().x(); rxpos() += headWidth * .5; if (placeAbove()) { if (tight) { if (chord->stem()) rxpos() -= 0.8 * sp; rypos() -= 1.5 * sp; } else { QRectF r = bbox().translated(m->pos() + s->pos() + chord->pos() + n->pos() + pos()); SkylineLine sk(false); sk.add(r.x(), r.bottom(), r.width()); qreal d = sk.minDistance(ss->skyline().north()); qreal yd = 0.0; if (d > 0.0 && isStyled(Pid::MIN_DISTANCE)) yd -= d + height() * .25; // force extra space above staff & chord (but not other fingerings) qreal top; if (chord->up() && chord->beam() && stem) { top = stem->y() + stem->bbox().top(); } else { Note* un = chord->upNote(); top = qMin(0.0, un->y() + un->bbox().top()); } top -= md; qreal diff = (bbox().bottom() + ipos().y() + yd + n->y()) - top; if (diff > 0.0) yd -= diff; if (offsetChanged() != OffsetChange::NONE) { // user moved element within the skyline // we may need to adjust minDistance, yd, and/or offset bool inStaff = placeAbove() ? r.bottom() + rebase > 0.0 : r.top() + rebase < staff()->height(); rebaseMinDistance(md, yd, sp, rebase, inStaff); } rypos() += yd; } } else { if (tight) { if (chord->stem()) rxpos() += 0.8 * sp; rypos() += 1.5 * sp; } else { QRectF r = bbox().translated(m->pos() + s->pos() + chord->pos() + n->pos() + pos()); SkylineLine sk(true); sk.add(r.x(), r.top(), r.width()); qreal d = ss->skyline().south().minDistance(sk); qreal yd = 0.0; if (d > 0.0 && isStyled(Pid::MIN_DISTANCE)) yd += d + height() * .25; // force extra space below staff & chord (but not other fingerings) qreal bottom; if (!chord->up() && chord->beam() && stem) { bottom = stem->y() + stem->bbox().bottom(); } else { Note* dn = chord->downNote(); bottom = qMax(vStaff->height(), dn->y() + dn->bbox().bottom()); } bottom += md; qreal diff = bottom - (bbox().top() + ipos().y() + yd + n->y()); if (diff > 0.0) yd += diff; if (offsetChanged() != OffsetChange::NONE) { // user moved element within the skyline // we may need to adjust minDistance, yd, and/or offset bool inStaff = placeAbove() ? r.bottom() + rebase > 0.0 : r.top() + rebase < staff()->height(); rebaseMinDistance(md, yd, sp, rebase, inStaff); } rypos() += yd; } } } else if (tid() == Tid::LH_GUITAR_FINGERING) { // place to left of note qreal left = n->shape().left(); if (left - n->x() > 0.0) rxpos() -= left; else rxpos() -= n->x(); } // for other fingering styles, do not autoplace // restore autoplace setAutoplace(true); } else if (offsetChanged() != OffsetChange::NONE) { // rebase horizontally too, as autoplace may have adjusted it rebaseOffset(false); } setOffsetChanged(false); }
void SchedulerJobInstance::setOffset(int offset) { d->offset = offset; emit offsetChanged(); }
void ViewerWindow::on_z_layerOffset_valueChanged(double ) { offsetChanged(); }
void PatternNoteDisplay::setOffset(const int offset) { _offset = offset; emit offsetChanged(); update(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // User changed offset // void AmorDialog::slotOffset(int off) { mConfig.mOffset = off; emit offsetChanged(mConfig.mOffset); }