int bytecode_operation_length(uint16_t* codeptr) { int length = opcode_describe(*codeptr)->length; if (*codeptr == CALL_JQ || *codeptr == TAIL_CALL_JQ) { length += codeptr[1] * 2; } return length; }
block gen_op_target(opcode op, block target) { assert(opcode_describe(op)->flags & OP_HAS_BRANCH); assert(target.last); inst* i = inst_new(op); i-> = target.last; return inst_block(i); }
static void inst_free(struct inst* i) { jv_mem_free(i->symbol); block_free(i->subfn); block_free(i->arglist); if (opcode_describe(i->op)->flags & OP_HAS_CONSTANT) { jv_free(i->imm.constant); } jv_mem_free(i); }
int block_has_only_binders(block binders, int bindflags) { bindflags |= OP_HAS_BINDING; for (inst* curr = binders.first; curr; curr = curr->next) { if ((opcode_describe(curr->op)->flags & bindflags) != bindflags) { return 0; } } return 1; }
void dump_operation(struct bytecode* bc, uint16_t* codeptr) { int pc = codeptr - bc->code; printf("%04d ", pc); const struct opcode_description* op = opcode_describe(bc->code[pc++]); printf("%s", op->name); if (op->length > 1) { uint16_t imm = bc->code[pc++]; if (op->op == CALL_JQ || op->op == TAIL_CALL_JQ) { for (int i=0; i<imm+1; i++) { uint16_t level = bc->code[pc++]; uint16_t idx = bc->code[pc++]; jv name; if (idx & ARG_NEWCLOSURE) { idx &= ~ARG_NEWCLOSURE; name = jv_object_get(jv_copy(getlevel(bc,level)->subfunctions[idx]->debuginfo), jv_string("name")); } else { name = jv_array_get(jv_object_get(jv_copy(getlevel(bc,level)->debuginfo), jv_string("params")), idx); } printf(" %s:%d", jv_string_value(name), idx); jv_free(name); if (level) { printf("^%d", level); } } } else if (op->op == CALL_BUILTIN) { int func = bc->code[pc++]; jv name = jv_array_get(jv_copy(bc->globals->cfunc_names), func); printf(" %s", jv_string_value(name)); jv_free(name); } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_BRANCH) { printf(" %04d", pc + imm); } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_CONSTANT) { printf(" "); jv_dump(jv_array_get(jv_copy(bc->constants), imm), 0); } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_VARIABLE) { uint16_t v = bc->code[pc++]; jv name = jv_array_get(jv_object_get(jv_copy(getlevel(bc,imm)->debuginfo), jv_string("locals")), v); printf(" $%s:%d", jv_string_value(name), v); jv_free(name); if (imm) { printf("^%d", imm); } } else { printf(" %d", imm); } } }
static int block_bind_subblock(block binder, block body, int bindflags) { assert(block_is_single(binder)); assert((opcode_describe(binder.first->op)->flags & bindflags) == bindflags); assert(binder.first->symbol); assert(binder.first->bound_by == 0 || binder.first->bound_by == binder.first); binder.first->bound_by = binder.first; int nrefs = 0; for (inst* i = body.first; i; i = i->next) { int flags = opcode_describe(i->op)->flags; if ((flags & bindflags) == bindflags && i->bound_by == 0 && !strcmp(i->symbol, binder.first->symbol)) { // bind this instruction i->bound_by = binder.first; nrefs++; } // binding recurses into closures nrefs += block_bind_subblock(binder, i->subfn, bindflags); // binding recurses into argument list nrefs += block_bind_subblock(binder, i->arglist, bindflags); } return nrefs; }
static int compile(struct locfile* locations, struct bytecode* bc, block b) { int errors = 0; int pos = 0; int var_frame_idx = 0; bc->nsubfunctions = 0; errors += expand_call_arglist(locations, &b); b = BLOCK(b, gen_op_simple(RET)); jv localnames = jv_array(); for (inst* curr = b.first; curr; curr = curr->next) { if (!curr->next) assert(curr == b.last); int length = opcode_describe(curr->op)->length; if (curr->op == CALL_JQ) { for (inst* arg = curr->arglist.first; arg; arg = arg->next) { length += 2; } } pos += length; curr->bytecode_pos = pos; curr->compiled = bc; assert(curr->op != CLOSURE_REF && curr->op != CLOSURE_PARAM); if ((opcode_describe(curr->op)->flags & OP_HAS_VARIABLE) && curr->bound_by == curr) { curr->imm.intval = var_frame_idx++; localnames = jv_array_append(localnames, jv_string(curr->symbol)); } if (curr->op == CLOSURE_CREATE) { assert(curr->bound_by == curr); curr->imm.intval = bc->nsubfunctions++; } if (curr->op == CLOSURE_CREATE_C) { assert(curr->bound_by == curr); int idx = bc->globals->ncfunctions++; bc->globals->cfunc_names = jv_array_append(bc->globals->cfunc_names, jv_string(curr->symbol)); bc->globals->cfunctions[idx] = *curr->imm.cfunc; curr->imm.intval = idx; } } bc->debuginfo = jv_object_set(bc->debuginfo, jv_string("locals"), localnames); if (bc->nsubfunctions) { bc->subfunctions = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct bytecode*) * bc->nsubfunctions); for (inst* curr = b.first; curr; curr = curr->next) { if (curr->op == CLOSURE_CREATE) { struct bytecode* subfn = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct bytecode)); bc->subfunctions[curr->imm.intval] = subfn; subfn->globals = bc->globals; subfn->parent = bc; subfn->nclosures = 0; subfn->debuginfo = jv_object_set(jv_object(), jv_string("name"), jv_string(curr->symbol)); jv params = jv_array(); for (inst* param = curr->arglist.first; param; param = param->next) { assert(param->op == CLOSURE_PARAM); assert(param->bound_by == param); param->imm.intval = subfn->nclosures++; param->compiled = subfn; params = jv_array_append(params, jv_string(param->symbol)); } subfn->debuginfo = jv_object_set(subfn->debuginfo, jv_string("params"), params); errors += compile(locations, subfn, curr->subfn); curr->subfn = gen_noop(); } } } else { bc->subfunctions = 0; } bc->codelen = pos; uint16_t* code = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * bc->codelen); bc->code = code; pos = 0; jv constant_pool = jv_array(); int maxvar = -1; if (!errors) for (inst* curr = b.first; curr; curr = curr->next) { const struct opcode_description* op = opcode_describe(curr->op); if (op->length == 0) continue; code[pos++] = curr->op; assert(curr->op != CLOSURE_REF && curr->op != CLOSURE_PARAM); if (curr->op == CALL_BUILTIN) { assert(curr->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_CREATE_C); assert(!curr->arglist.first); code[pos++] = (uint16_t)curr->imm.intval; code[pos++] = curr->bound_by->imm.intval; } else if (curr->op == CALL_JQ) { assert(curr->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_CREATE || curr->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_PARAM); code[pos++] = (uint16_t)curr->imm.intval; code[pos++] = nesting_level(bc, curr->bound_by); code[pos++] = curr->bound_by->imm.intval | (curr->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_CREATE ? ARG_NEWCLOSURE : 0); for (inst* arg = curr->arglist.first; arg; arg = arg->next) { assert(arg->op == CLOSURE_REF && arg->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_CREATE); code[pos++] = nesting_level(bc, arg->bound_by); code[pos++] = arg->bound_by->imm.intval | ARG_NEWCLOSURE; } } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_CONSTANT) { code[pos++] = jv_array_length(jv_copy(constant_pool)); constant_pool = jv_array_append(constant_pool, jv_copy(curr->imm.constant)); } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_VARIABLE) { code[pos++] = nesting_level(bc, curr->bound_by); uint16_t var = (uint16_t)curr->bound_by->imm.intval; code[pos++] = var; if (var > maxvar) maxvar = var; } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_BRANCH) { assert(curr->>bytecode_pos != -1); assert(curr->>bytecode_pos > pos); // only forward branches code[pos] = curr->>bytecode_pos - (pos + 1); pos++; } else if (op->length > 1) { assert(0 && "codegen not implemented for this operation"); } } bc->constants = constant_pool; bc->nlocals = maxvar + 2; // FIXME: frames of size zero? block_free(b); return errors; }
// Expands call instructions into a calling sequence static int expand_call_arglist(struct locfile* locations, block* b) { int errors = 0; block ret = gen_noop(); for (inst* curr; (curr = block_take(b));) { if (opcode_describe(curr->op)->flags & OP_HAS_BINDING) { if (!curr->bound_by) { locfile_locate(locations, curr->source, "error: %s is not defined", curr->symbol); errors++; // don't process this instruction if it's not well-defined ret = BLOCK(ret, inst_block(curr)); continue; } } block prelude = gen_noop(); if (curr->op == CALL_JQ) { int actual_args = 0, desired_args = 0; // We expand the argument list as a series of instructions switch (curr->bound_by->op) { default: assert(0 && "Unknown function type"); break; case CLOSURE_CREATE: case CLOSURE_PARAM: { block callargs = gen_noop(); for (inst* i; (i = block_take(&curr->arglist));) { assert(opcode_describe(i->op)->flags & OP_IS_CALL_PSEUDO); block b = inst_block(i); switch (i->op) { default: assert(0 && "Unknown type of parameter"); break; case CLOSURE_REF: block_append(&callargs, b); break; case CLOSURE_CREATE: block_append(&prelude, b); block_append(&callargs, gen_op_bound(CLOSURE_REF, b)); break; } actual_args++; } curr->imm.intval = actual_args; curr->arglist = callargs; if (curr->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_CREATE) { for (inst* i = curr->bound_by->arglist.first; i; i = i->next) { assert(i->op == CLOSURE_PARAM); desired_args++; } } break; } case CLOSURE_CREATE_C: { for (inst* i; (i = block_take(&curr->arglist)); ) { assert(i->op == CLOSURE_CREATE); // FIXME block body = i->subfn; i->subfn = gen_noop(); inst_free(i); // arguments should be pushed in reverse order, prepend them to prelude errors += expand_call_arglist(locations, &body); prelude = BLOCK(gen_subexp(body), prelude); actual_args++; } assert(curr->op == CALL_JQ); curr->op = CALL_BUILTIN; curr->imm.intval = actual_args + 1 /* include the implicit input in arg count */; assert(curr->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_CREATE_C); desired_args = curr->bound_by->imm.cfunc->nargs - 1; assert(!curr->arglist.first); break; } } if (actual_args != desired_args) { locfile_locate(locations, curr->source, "error: %s arguments to %s (expected %d but got %d)", actual_args > desired_args ? "too many" : "too few", curr->symbol, desired_args, actual_args); errors++; } } ret = BLOCK(ret, prelude, inst_block(curr)); } *b = ret; return errors; }
block gen_op_var_fresh(opcode op, const char* name) { assert(opcode_describe(op)->flags & OP_HAS_VARIABLE); return block_bind(gen_op_unbound(op, name), gen_noop(), OP_HAS_VARIABLE); }
block gen_op_unbound(opcode op, const char* name) { assert(opcode_describe(op)->flags & OP_HAS_BINDING); inst* i = inst_new(op); i->symbol = strdup(name); return inst_block(i); }
void inst_set_target(block b, block target) { assert(block_is_single(b)); assert(opcode_describe(b.first->op)->flags & OP_HAS_BRANCH); assert(target.last); b.first-> = target.last; }
block gen_op_targetlater(opcode op) { assert(opcode_describe(op)->flags & OP_HAS_BRANCH); inst* i = inst_new(op); i-> = 0; return inst_block(i); }
block gen_const(jv constant) { assert(opcode_describe(LOADK)->flags & OP_HAS_CONSTANT); inst* i = inst_new(LOADK); i->imm.constant = constant; return inst_block(i); }
block gen_op_simple(opcode op) { assert(opcode_describe(op)->length == 1); return inst_block(inst_new(op)); }
jv jq_next(jq_state *jq) { jv cfunc_input[MAX_CFUNCTION_ARGS]; jv_nomem_handler(jq->nomem_handler, jq->nomem_handler_data); uint16_t* pc = stack_restore(jq); assert(pc); int backtracking = !jq->initial_execution; jq->initial_execution = 0; while (1) { uint16_t opcode = *pc; if (jq->debug_trace_enabled) { dump_operation(frame_current(jq)->bc, pc); printf("\t"); const struct opcode_description* opdesc = opcode_describe(opcode); stack_ptr param = 0; if (!backtracking) { int stack_in = opdesc->stack_in; if (stack_in == -1) stack_in = pc[1]; int i; for (i=0; i<stack_in; i++) { if (i == 0) { param = jq->stk_top; } else { printf(" | "); param = *stack_block_next(&jq->stk, param); } if (!param) break; jv_dump(jv_copy(*(jv*)stack_block(&jq->stk, param)), 0); //printf("<%d>", jv_get_refcnt(param->val)); //printf(" -- "); //jv_dump(jv_copy(jq->path), 0); } } else { printf("\t<backtracking>"); } printf("\n"); } if (backtracking) { opcode = ON_BACKTRACK(opcode); backtracking = 0; } pc++; switch (opcode) { default: assert(0 && "invalid instruction"); case LOADK: { jv v = jv_array_get(jv_copy(frame_current(jq)->bc->constants), *pc++); assert(jv_is_valid(v)); jv_free(stack_pop(jq)); stack_push(jq, v); break; } case DUP: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(v)); stack_push(jq, v); break; } case DUP2: { jv keep = stack_pop(jq); jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(v)); stack_push(jq, keep); stack_push(jq, v); break; } case SUBEXP_BEGIN: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(v)); stack_push(jq, v); jq->subexp_nest++; break; } case SUBEXP_END: { assert(jq->subexp_nest > 0); jq->subexp_nest--; jv a = stack_pop(jq); jv b = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, a); stack_push(jq, b); break; } case POP: { jv_free(stack_pop(jq)); break; } case APPEND: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t vidx = *pc++; jv* var = frame_local_var(jq, vidx, level); assert(jv_get_kind(*var) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); *var = jv_array_append(*var, v); break; } case INSERT: { jv stktop = stack_pop(jq); jv v = stack_pop(jq); jv k = stack_pop(jq); jv objv = stack_pop(jq); assert(jv_get_kind(objv) == JV_KIND_OBJECT); if (jv_get_kind(k) == JV_KIND_STRING) { stack_push(jq, jv_object_set(objv, k, v)); stack_push(jq, stktop); } else { print_error(jq, jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Cannot use %s as object key", jv_kind_name(jv_get_kind(k))))); jv_free(stktop); jv_free(v); jv_free(k); jv_free(objv); goto do_backtrack; } break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(RANGE): case RANGE: { uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t v = *pc++; jv* var = frame_local_var(jq, v, level); jv max = stack_pop(jq); if (jv_get_kind(*var) != JV_KIND_NUMBER || jv_get_kind(max) != JV_KIND_NUMBER) { print_error(jq, jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Range bounds must be numeric"))); jv_free(max); goto do_backtrack; } else if (jv_number_value(jv_copy(*var)) >= jv_number_value(jv_copy(max))) { /* finished iterating */ goto do_backtrack; } else { jv curr = jv_copy(*var); *var = jv_number(jv_number_value(*var) + 1); struct stack_pos spos = stack_get_pos(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(max)); stack_save(jq, pc - 3, spos); stack_push(jq, curr); } break; } // FIXME: loadv/storev may do too much copying/freeing case LOADV: { uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t v = *pc++; jv* var = frame_local_var(jq, v, level); if (jq->debug_trace_enabled) { printf("V%d = ", v); jv_dump(jv_copy(*var), 0); printf("\n"); } jv_free(stack_pop(jq)); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(*var)); break; } // Does a load but replaces the variable with null case LOADVN: { uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t v = *pc++; jv* var = frame_local_var(jq, v, level); if (jq->debug_trace_enabled) { printf("V%d = ", v); jv_dump(jv_copy(*var), 0); printf("\n"); } jv_free(stack_pop(jq)); stack_push(jq, *var); *var = jv_null(); break; } case STOREV: { uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t v = *pc++; jv* var = frame_local_var(jq, v, level); jv val = stack_pop(jq); if (jq->debug_trace_enabled) { printf("V%d = ", v); jv_dump(jv_copy(val), 0); printf("\n"); } jv_free(*var); *var = val; break; } case PATH_BEGIN: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jq->path); stack_save(jq, pc - 1, stack_get_pos(jq)); stack_push(jq, jv_number(jq->subexp_nest)); stack_push(jq, v); jq->path = jv_array(); jq->subexp_nest = 0; break; } case PATH_END: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); jv_free(v); // discard value, only keep path int old_subexp_nest = (int)jv_number_value(stack_pop(jq)); jv path = jq->path; jq->path = stack_pop(jq); struct stack_pos spos = stack_get_pos(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(path)); stack_save(jq, pc - 1, spos); stack_push(jq, path); jq->subexp_nest = old_subexp_nest; break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(PATH_BEGIN): case ON_BACKTRACK(PATH_END): { jv_free(jq->path); jq->path = stack_pop(jq); goto do_backtrack; } case INDEX: case INDEX_OPT: { jv t = stack_pop(jq); jv k = stack_pop(jq); path_append(jq, jv_copy(k)); jv v = jv_get(t, k); if (jv_is_valid(v)) { stack_push(jq, v); } else { if (opcode == INDEX) print_error(jq, v); else jv_free(v); goto do_backtrack; } break; } case JUMP: { uint16_t offset = *pc++; pc += offset; break; } case JUMP_F: { uint16_t offset = *pc++; jv t = stack_pop(jq); jv_kind kind = jv_get_kind(t); if (kind == JV_KIND_FALSE || kind == JV_KIND_NULL) { pc += offset; } stack_push(jq, t); // FIXME do this better break; } case EACH: case EACH_OPT: stack_push(jq, jv_number(-1)); // fallthrough case ON_BACKTRACK(EACH): case ON_BACKTRACK(EACH_OPT): { int idx = jv_number_value(stack_pop(jq)); jv container = stack_pop(jq); int keep_going, is_last = 0; jv key, value; if (jv_get_kind(container) == JV_KIND_ARRAY) { if (opcode == EACH || opcode == EACH_OPT) idx = 0; else idx = idx + 1; int len = jv_array_length(jv_copy(container)); keep_going = idx < len; is_last = idx == len - 1; if (keep_going) { key = jv_number(idx); value = jv_array_get(jv_copy(container), idx); } } else if (jv_get_kind(container) == JV_KIND_OBJECT) { if (opcode == EACH || opcode == EACH_OPT) idx = jv_object_iter(container); else idx = jv_object_iter_next(container, idx); keep_going = jv_object_iter_valid(container, idx); if (keep_going) { key = jv_object_iter_key(container, idx); value = jv_object_iter_value(container, idx); } } else { assert(opcode == EACH || opcode == EACH_OPT); if (opcode == EACH) { print_error(jq, jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Cannot iterate over %s", jv_kind_name(jv_get_kind(container))))); } keep_going = 0; } if (!keep_going) { jv_free(container); goto do_backtrack; } else if (is_last) { // we don't need to make a backtrack point jv_free(container); path_append(jq, key); stack_push(jq, value); } else { struct stack_pos spos = stack_get_pos(jq); stack_push(jq, container); stack_push(jq, jv_number(idx)); stack_save(jq, pc - 1, spos); path_append(jq, key); stack_push(jq, value); } break; } do_backtrack: case BACKTRACK: { pc = stack_restore(jq); if (!pc) { return jv_invalid(); } backtracking = 1; break; } case FORK: { stack_save(jq, pc - 1, stack_get_pos(jq)); pc++; // skip offset this time break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(FORK): { uint16_t offset = *pc++; pc += offset; break; } case CALL_BUILTIN: { int nargs = *pc++; jv top = stack_pop(jq); jv* in = cfunc_input; int i; in[0] = top; for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++) { in[i] = stack_pop(jq); } struct cfunction* function = &frame_current(jq)->bc->globals->cfunctions[*pc++]; typedef jv (*func_1)(jv); typedef jv (*func_2)(jv,jv); typedef jv (*func_3)(jv,jv,jv); typedef jv (*func_4)(jv,jv,jv,jv); typedef jv (*func_5)(jv,jv,jv,jv,jv); switch (function->nargs) { case 1: top = ((func_1)function->fptr)(in[0]); break; case 2: top = ((func_2)function->fptr)(in[0], in[1]); break; case 3: top = ((func_3)function->fptr)(in[0], in[1], in[2]); break; case 4: top = ((func_4)function->fptr)(in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3]); break; case 5: top = ((func_5)function->fptr)(in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3], in[4]); break; default: return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("Function takes too many arguments")); } if (jv_is_valid(top)) { stack_push(jq, top); } else { print_error(jq, top); goto do_backtrack; } break; } case CALL_JQ: { jv input = stack_pop(jq); uint16_t nclosures = *pc++; uint16_t* retaddr = pc + 2 + nclosures*2; struct frame* new_frame = frame_push(jq, make_closure(jq, pc), pc + 2, nclosures); new_frame->retdata = jq->stk_top; new_frame->retaddr = retaddr; pc = new_frame->bc->code; stack_push(jq, input); break; } case RET: { jv value = stack_pop(jq); assert(jq->stk_top == frame_current(jq)->retdata); uint16_t* retaddr = frame_current(jq)->retaddr; if (retaddr) { // function return pc = retaddr; frame_pop(jq); } else { // top-level return, yielding value struct stack_pos spos = stack_get_pos(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_null()); stack_save(jq, pc - 1, spos); return value; } stack_push(jq, value); break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(RET): { // resumed after top-level return goto do_backtrack; } } } }
jv jq_next(jq_state *jq) { jv cfunc_input[MAX_CFUNCTION_ARGS]; uint16_t* pc = stack_restore(jq); assert(pc); int backtracking = !jq->initial_execution; jq->initial_execution = 0; while (1) { uint16_t opcode = *pc; if (jq->debug_trace_enabled) { dump_operation(frame_current_bytecode(&jq->frame_stk), pc); printf("\t"); const struct opcode_description* opdesc = opcode_describe(opcode); data_stk_elem* param = 0; int stack_in = opdesc->stack_in; if (stack_in == -1) stack_in = pc[1]; for (int i=0; i<stack_in; i++) { if (i == 0) { param = forkable_stack_peek(&jq->data_stk); } else { printf(" | "); param = forkable_stack_peek_next(&jq->data_stk, param); } if (!param) break; jv_dump(jv_copy(param->val), 0); //printf("<%d>", jv_get_refcnt(param->val)); //printf(" -- "); //jv_dump(jv_copy(jq->path), 0); } if (backtracking) printf("\t<backtracking>"); printf("\n"); } if (backtracking) { opcode = ON_BACKTRACK(opcode); backtracking = 0; } pc++; switch (opcode) { default: assert(0 && "invalid instruction"); case LOADK: { jv v = jv_array_get(jv_copy(frame_current_bytecode(&jq->frame_stk)->constants), *pc++); assert(jv_is_valid(v)); jv_free(stack_pop(jq)); stack_push(jq, v); break; } case DUP: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(v)); stack_push(jq, v); break; } case DUP2: { jv keep = stack_pop(jq); jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(v)); stack_push(jq, keep); stack_push(jq, v); break; } case SUBEXP_BEGIN: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(v)); stack_push(jq, v); jq->subexp_nest++; break; } case SUBEXP_END: { assert(jq->subexp_nest > 0); jq->subexp_nest--; jv a = stack_pop(jq); jv b = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, a); stack_push(jq, b); break; } case POP: { jv_free(stack_pop(jq)); break; } case APPEND: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t vidx = *pc++; frame_ptr fp = frame_get_level(&jq->frame_stk, frame_current(&jq->frame_stk), level); jv* var = frame_local_var(fp, vidx); assert(jv_get_kind(*var) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); *var = jv_array_append(*var, v); break; } case INSERT: { jv stktop = stack_pop(jq); jv v = stack_pop(jq); jv k = stack_pop(jq); jv objv = stack_pop(jq); assert(jv_get_kind(objv) == JV_KIND_OBJECT); if (jv_get_kind(k) == JV_KIND_STRING) { stack_push(jq, jv_object_set(objv, k, v)); stack_push(jq, stktop); } else { print_error(jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Cannot use %s as object key", jv_kind_name(jv_get_kind(k))))); jv_free(stktop); jv_free(v); jv_free(k); jv_free(objv); goto do_backtrack; } break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(RANGE): case RANGE: { uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t v = *pc++; frame_ptr fp = frame_get_level(&jq->frame_stk, frame_current(&jq->frame_stk), level); jv* var = frame_local_var(fp, v); jv max = stack_pop(jq); if (jv_get_kind(*var) != JV_KIND_NUMBER || jv_get_kind(max) != JV_KIND_NUMBER) { print_error(jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Range bounds must be numeric"))); jv_free(max); goto do_backtrack; } else if (jv_number_value(jv_copy(*var)) >= jv_number_value(jv_copy(max))) { /* finished iterating */ goto do_backtrack; } else { jv curr = jv_copy(*var); *var = jv_number(jv_number_value(*var) + 1); stack_save(jq, pc - 3); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(max)); stack_switch(jq); stack_push(jq, curr); } break; } // FIXME: loadv/storev may do too much copying/freeing case LOADV: { uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t v = *pc++; frame_ptr fp = frame_get_level(&jq->frame_stk, frame_current(&jq->frame_stk), level); jv* var = frame_local_var(fp, v); if (jq->debug_trace_enabled) { printf("V%d = ", v); jv_dump(jv_copy(*var), 0); printf("\n"); } jv_free(stack_pop(jq)); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(*var)); break; } case STOREV: { uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t v = *pc++; frame_ptr fp = frame_get_level(&jq->frame_stk, frame_current(&jq->frame_stk), level); jv* var = frame_local_var(fp, v); jv val = stack_pop(jq); if (jq->debug_trace_enabled) { printf("V%d = ", v); jv_dump(jv_copy(val), 0); printf("\n"); } jv_free(*var); *var = val; break; } case PATH_BEGIN: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jq->path); stack_save(jq, pc - 1); stack_switch(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_number(jq->subexp_nest)); stack_push(jq, v); jq->path = jv_array(); jq->subexp_nest = 0; break; } case PATH_END: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); jv_free(v); // discard value, only keep path int old_subexp_nest = (int)jv_number_value(stack_pop(jq)); jv path = jq->path; jq->path = stack_pop(jq); stack_save(jq, pc - 1); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(path)); stack_switch(jq); stack_push(jq, path); jq->subexp_nest = old_subexp_nest; break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(PATH_BEGIN): case ON_BACKTRACK(PATH_END): { jv_free(jq->path); jq->path = stack_pop(jq); goto do_backtrack; } case INDEX: { jv t = stack_pop(jq); jv k = stack_pop(jq); path_append(jq, jv_copy(k)); jv v = jv_get(t, k); if (jv_is_valid(v)) { stack_push(jq, v); } else { print_error(v); goto do_backtrack; } break; } case JUMP: { uint16_t offset = *pc++; pc += offset; break; } case JUMP_F: { uint16_t offset = *pc++; jv t = stack_pop(jq); jv_kind kind = jv_get_kind(t); if (kind == JV_KIND_FALSE || kind == JV_KIND_NULL) { pc += offset; } stack_push(jq, t); // FIXME do this better break; } case EACH: stack_push(jq, jv_number(-1)); // fallthrough case ON_BACKTRACK(EACH): { int idx = jv_number_value(stack_pop(jq)); jv container = stack_pop(jq); int keep_going; jv key, value; if (jv_get_kind(container) == JV_KIND_ARRAY) { if (opcode == EACH) idx = 0; else idx = idx + 1; keep_going = idx < jv_array_length(jv_copy(container)); if (keep_going) { key = jv_number(idx); value = jv_array_get(jv_copy(container), idx); } } else if (jv_get_kind(container) == JV_KIND_OBJECT) { if (opcode == EACH) idx = jv_object_iter(container); else idx = jv_object_iter_next(container, idx); keep_going = jv_object_iter_valid(container, idx); if (keep_going) { key = jv_object_iter_key(container, idx); value = jv_object_iter_value(container, idx); } } else { assert(opcode == EACH); print_error(jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Cannot iterate over %s", jv_kind_name(jv_get_kind(container))))); keep_going = 0; } if (!keep_going) { jv_free(container); goto do_backtrack; } else { stack_save(jq, pc - 1); stack_push(jq, container); stack_push(jq, jv_number(idx)); stack_switch(jq); path_append(jq, key); stack_push(jq, value); } break; } do_backtrack: case BACKTRACK: { pc = stack_restore(jq); if (!pc) { return jv_invalid(); } backtracking = 1; break; } case FORK: { stack_save(jq, pc - 1); stack_switch(jq); pc++; // skip offset this time break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(FORK): { uint16_t offset = *pc++; pc += offset; break; } case CALL_BUILTIN: { int nargs = *pc++; jv top = stack_pop(jq); cfunc_input[0] = top; for (int i = 1; i < nargs; i++) { cfunc_input[i] = stack_pop(jq); } struct cfunction* func = &frame_current_bytecode(&jq->frame_stk)->globals->cfunctions[*pc++]; top = cfunction_invoke(func, cfunc_input); if (jv_is_valid(top)) { stack_push(jq, top); } else { print_error(top); goto do_backtrack; } break; } case CALL_JQ: { uint16_t nclosures = *pc++; uint16_t* retaddr = pc + 2 + nclosures*2; frame_ptr new_frame = frame_push(&jq->frame_stk, make_closure(&jq->frame_stk, frame_current(&jq->frame_stk), pc), retaddr); pc += 2; frame_ptr old_frame = forkable_stack_peek_next(&jq->frame_stk, new_frame); assert(nclosures == frame_self(new_frame)->bc->nclosures); for (int i=0; i<nclosures; i++) { *frame_closure_arg(new_frame, i) = make_closure(&jq->frame_stk, old_frame, pc); pc += 2; } pc = frame_current_bytecode(&jq->frame_stk)->code; break; } case RET: { uint16_t* retaddr = *frame_current_retaddr(&jq->frame_stk); if (retaddr) { // function return pc = retaddr; frame_pop(&jq->frame_stk); } else { // top-level return, yielding value jv value = stack_pop(jq); stack_save(jq, pc - 1); stack_push(jq, jv_null()); stack_switch(jq); return value; } break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(RET): { // resumed after top-level return goto do_backtrack; } } } }