void CurlDownload::writeDataToFile(const char* data, int size) { if (m_tempPath.isEmpty()) m_tempPath = openTemporaryFile("download", m_tempHandle); if (m_tempHandle != invalidPlatformFileHandle) writeToFile(m_tempHandle, data, size); }
void ConfigTabAppearance::onThemeModified(const QByteArray &bytes) { QTemporaryFile tmpfile; if ( !openTemporaryFile(&tmpfile, ".ini") ) return; tmpfile.write(bytes); tmpfile.flush(); QSettings settings(tmpfile.fileName(), QSettings::IniFormat); loadTheme(settings); }
bool ItemEditor::start() { // create temp file QTemporaryFile tmpfile; const auto suffix = getFileSuffixFromMime(m_mime); if ( !openTemporaryFile(&tmpfile, suffix) ) { log("Failed to create temporary file for external editor", LogError); return false; } const auto fileName = tmpfile.fileName(); // write text to temp file tmpfile.write(m_data); // Close file before launching editor (this is required on Windows). tmpfile.setAutoRemove(false); tmpfile.close(); // monitor file m_info.setFile(fileName); m_lastmodified = m_info.lastModified(); m_lastSize = m_info.size(); m_timer->start(500); connect( m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ItemEditor::onTimer ); // create editor process m_editor = new QProcess(this); connectProcessFinished(m_editor, this, &ItemEditor::close); connectProcessError(m_editor, this, &ItemEditor::onError); // use native path for filename to edit const auto nativeFilePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators( m_info.absoluteFilePath() ); const auto cmd = m_editorcmd.arg('"' + nativeFilePath + '"'); // execute editor m_editor->start(cmd, QIODevice::ReadOnly); m_editor->closeWriteChannel(); m_editor->closeReadChannel(QProcess::StandardOutput); return m_editor->waitForStarted(10000); }
void NetscapePluginStream::deliverDataToFile(const char* bytes, int length) { if (m_fileHandle == invalidPlatformFileHandle && m_filePath.isNull()) { // Create a temporary file. m_filePath = openTemporaryFile("WebKitPluginStream", m_fileHandle); // We failed to open the file, stop the stream. if (m_fileHandle == invalidPlatformFileHandle) { stop(NPRES_NETWORK_ERR); return; } } if (!length) return; int byteCount = writeToFile(m_fileHandle, bytes, length); if (byteCount != length) { // This happens only rarely, when we are out of disk space or have a disk I/O error. closeFile(m_fileHandle); stop(NPRES_NETWORK_ERR); } }
void PluginStream::startStream() { ASSERT(m_streamState == StreamBeforeStarted); const KURL& responseURL = m_resourceResponse.url(); // Some plugins (Flash) expect that javascript URLs are passed back decoded as this is the // format used when requesting the URL. if (protocolIsJavaScript(responseURL)) m_stream.url = fastStrDup(decodeURLEscapeSequences(responseURL.string()).utf8().data()); else m_stream.url = fastStrDup(responseURL.string().utf8().data()); CString mimeTypeStr = m_resourceResponse.mimeType().utf8(); long long expectedContentLength = m_resourceResponse.expectedContentLength(); if (m_resourceResponse.isHTTP()) { Vector<UChar> stringBuilder; String separator(": "); String statusLine = makeString("HTTP ", String::number(m_resourceResponse.httpStatusCode()), " OK\n"); stringBuilder.append(statusLine.characters(), statusLine.length()); HTTPHeaderMap::const_iterator end = m_resourceResponse.httpHeaderFields().end(); for (HTTPHeaderMap::const_iterator it = m_resourceResponse.httpHeaderFields().begin(); it != end; ++it) { stringBuilder.append(it->first.characters(), it->first.length()); stringBuilder.append(separator.characters(), separator.length()); stringBuilder.append(it->second.characters(), it->second.length()); stringBuilder.append('\n'); } m_headers = String::adopt(stringBuilder).utf8(); // If the content is encoded (most likely compressed), then don't send its length to the plugin, // which is only interested in the decoded length, not yet known at the moment. // <rdar://problem/4470599> tracks a request for -[NSURLResponse expectedContentLength] to incorporate this logic. String contentEncoding = m_resourceResponse.httpHeaderField("Content-Encoding"); if (!contentEncoding.isNull() && contentEncoding != "identity") expectedContentLength = -1; } m_stream.headers = m_headers.data(); m_stream.pdata = 0; m_stream.ndata = this; m_stream.end = max(expectedContentLength, 0LL); m_stream.lastmodified = m_resourceResponse.lastModifiedDate(); m_stream.notifyData = m_notifyData; m_transferMode = NP_NORMAL; m_offset = 0; m_reason = WebReasonNone; // Protect the stream if destroystream is called from within the newstream handler RefPtr<PluginStream> protect(this); // calling into a plug-in could result in re-entrance if the plug-in yields // control to the system (rdar://5744899). prevent this by deferring further // loading while calling into the plug-in. if (m_loader) m_loader->setDefersLoading(true); NPError npErr = m_pluginFuncs->newstream(m_instance, (NPMIMEType)mimeTypeStr.data(), &m_stream, false, &m_transferMode); if (m_loader) m_loader->setDefersLoading(false); // If the stream was destroyed in the call to newstream we return if (m_reason != WebReasonNone) return; if (npErr != NPERR_NO_ERROR) { cancelAndDestroyStream(npErr); return; } m_streamState = StreamStarted; if (m_transferMode == NP_NORMAL) return; m_path = openTemporaryFile("WKP", m_tempFileHandle); // Something went wrong, cancel loading the stream if (!isHandleValid(m_tempFileHandle)) cancelAndDestroyStream(NPRES_NETWORK_ERR); }
void WebMemorySampler::initializeTempLogFile() { m_sampleLogFilePath = openTemporaryFile(processName(), m_sampleLogFile); writeHeaders(); }