int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { sm_set_program_name(argv[0]); const char*input_filename; const char*output_pattern_op; struct option* ops = options_allocate(3); options_string(ops, "in", &input_filename, "stdin", "input file (JSON)"); options_string(ops, "out", &output_pattern_op, "./ld_split^02d.json", "output pattern; printf() pattern, but write '^' instead of '%'"); if(!options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s : splits a JSON file into many files." "\n\nOptions:\n", argv[0]); options_print_help(ops, stderr); return -1; } /* Substitute "$" with "%" */ char output_pattern[256]; strcpy(output_pattern, output_pattern_op); char *f = output_pattern; while(*f) { if(*f=='^') *f='%'; f++; } fputs(output_pattern, stderr); FILE * input_stream = open_file_for_reading(input_filename); int count = 0; JO jo; while( (jo = json_read_stream(input_stream)) ) { char filename[1000]; sprintf(filename, output_pattern, count); if(!count) { } sm_debug("Writing to file (%s) %s\n", output_pattern, filename); FILE * f = open_file_for_writing(filename); if(!f) return -1; fputs(json_object_to_json_string(jo), f); jo_free(jo); fclose(f); count++; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { sm_set_program_name(argv[0]); int period; int phase; const char*input_filename; const char*output_filename; struct csm_option* ops = csm_options_allocate(3); csm_options_int(ops, "period", &period, 1, "Period of objects to extract."); csm_options_int(ops, "phase", &phase, 0, "Phase (=0 starts with the first object)"); csm_options_string(ops, "in", &input_filename, "stdin", "input file (JSON)"); csm_options_string(ops, "out", &output_filename, "stdout", "output file (JSON)"); if(!csm_options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s : decimates a JSON stream." "\n\ncsm_options:\n", argv[0]); csm_options_print_help(ops, stderr); return -1; } if(period < 1) { sm_error("Period must be >= 1.\n"); return 2; } FILE * input_stream = open_file_for_reading(input_filename); FILE *output_stream = open_file_for_writing(output_filename); if(!input_stream || !output_stream) return -1; int count = 0; while(1) { JO jo = json_read_stream(input_stream); if(!jo) { if(feof(input_stream)) break; sm_error("Malformed JSON\n"); return -1; } if( (count - phase) % period == 0) { const char * s = json_object_to_json_string(jo); fputs(s,output_stream); fputs("\n",output_stream); } jo_free(jo); count++; } return 0; }
/* -------------- Entry Point ----------- */ unsigned long calculate_crc_for_file( FileDesc *file) { short refnum; unsigned long crc; refnum= open_file_for_reading(file); if(refnum!=NONE) { crc= calculate_crc_for_opened_file(refnum); close_file(refnum); } return crc; }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { sm_set_program_name(argv[0]); options_banner("ld_purify: Makes sure that the file format is valid. \n * Sets valid=0 if reading is outside interval "); struct ld_purify_params p; struct option* ops = options_allocate(20); options_double(ops, "threshold_min", &p.threshold_min, 0.01, "Sets valid=0 if readings are less than this threshold."); options_double(ops, "threshold_max", &p.threshold_max, 79.0, "Sets valid=0 if readings are more than this threshold."); options_string(ops, "in", &p.file_input, "stdin", "Input file "); options_string(ops, "out", &p.file_output, "stdout", "Output file "); if(!options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) { options_print_help(ops, stderr); return -1; } FILE * in = open_file_for_reading(p.file_input); if(!in) return -3; FILE * out = open_file_for_writing(p.file_output); if(!out) return -2; LDP ld; int count = -1; while( (ld = ld_from_json_stream(in))) { purify(ld, p.threshold_min, p.threshold_max); if(!ld_valid_fields(ld)) { sm_error("Wait, we didn't purify enough (#%d in file)\n", count); continue; } ld_write_as_json(ld, out); ld_free(ld); } return 0; }
boolean setup_for_replay_from_file( FileDesc *file, unsigned long map_checksum) { boolean successful= FALSE; #pragma unused(map_checksum) replay.recording_file_refnum= open_file_for_reading(file); if(replay.recording_file_refnum > 0) { replay.valid= TRUE; replay.have_read_last_chunk = FALSE; replay.game_is_being_replayed = TRUE; assert(!replay.resource_data); replay.resource_data= NULL; replay.resource_data_size= 0l; replay.film_resource_offset= NONE; read_file(replay.recording_file_refnum, sizeof(struct recording_header), &replay.header); /* Set to the mapfile this replay came from.. */ if(use_map_file(replay.header.map_checksum)) { replay.fsread_buffer= (char *)malloc(DISK_CACHE_SIZE); assert(replay.fsread_buffer); if(!replay.fsread_buffer) alert_user(fatalError, strERRORS, outOfMemory, memory_error()); replay.location_in_cache= NULL; replay.bytes_in_cache= 0; replay.replay_speed= 1; #ifdef DEBUG_REPLAY open_stream_file(); #endif successful= TRUE; } else { /* Tell them that this map wasn't found. They lose. */ alert_user(infoError, strERRORS, cantFindReplayMap, 0); } } return successful; }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { sm_set_program_name(argv[0]); int nth; const char*input_filename; const char*output_filename; struct csm_option* ops = csm_options_allocate(3); csm_options_int(ops, "nth", &nth, 0, "Index of object to extract."); csm_options_string(ops, "in", &input_filename, "stdin", "input file (JSON)"); csm_options_string(ops, "out", &output_filename, "stdout", "output file (JSON)"); if(!csm_options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s : extracts n-th JSON object from stream." "\n\ncsm_options:\n", argv[0]); csm_options_print_help(ops, stderr); return -1; } FILE * input_stream = open_file_for_reading(input_filename); FILE *output_stream = open_file_for_writing(output_filename); if(!input_stream || !output_stream) return -1; int i; for(i=0;i<nth;i++) { if(!json_stream_skip(input_stream)) { sm_error("Could not skip %d-th object\n", i); return -2; } } JO jo = json_read_stream(input_stream); if(!jo) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read %d-th object (after skipping %d)\n", nth, i); return -2; } fputs(json_object_to_json_string(jo), output_stream); fputs("\n", output_stream); return 0; }
static int corpus_read_next_sent_file(char **trans) { FILE *fp; lineiter_t *li; /* open the current file */ fp = open_file_for_reading(DATA_TYPE_SENT); li = lineiter_start_clean(fp); if (li == NULL) { E_ERROR("Unable to read data in sent file %s\n", mk_filename(DATA_TYPE_SENT, cur_ctl_path)); return S3_ERROR; } *trans = strdup(li->buf); lineiter_free(li); fclose(fp); return S3_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { sm_set_program_name(argv[0]); csm_options_banner("ld_noise: Adds noise to readings in a scan"); struct ld_noise_params p; struct csm_option* ops = csm_options_allocate(20); csm_options_double(ops, "discretization", &p.discretization, 0.0, "Size of discretization (disabled if 0)"); csm_options_double(ops, "sigma", &p.sigma, 0.0, "Std deviation of gaussian noise (disabled if 0)"); csm_options_int(ops, "lambertian", &p.lambertian, 0, "Use lambertian model cov = sigma^2 / cos(beta^2) where beta is the incidence. Need have alpha or true_alpha."); csm_options_int(ops, "seed", &p.seed, 0, "Seed for random number generator (if 0, use GSL_RNG_SEED env. variable)."); csm_options_string(ops, "in", &p.file_input, "stdin", "Input file "); csm_options_string(ops, "out", &p.file_output, "stdout", "Output file "); if(!csm_options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "A simple program for adding noise to sensor scans.\n\nUsage:\n"); csm_options_print_help(ops, stderr); return -1; } FILE * in = open_file_for_reading(p.file_input); if(!in) return -3; FILE * out = open_file_for_writing(p.file_output); if(!out) return -2; gsl_rng_env_setup(); gsl_rng * rng = gsl_rng_alloc (gsl_rng_ranlxs0); if(p.seed != 0) gsl_rng_set(rng, (unsigned int) p.seed); LDP ld; int count = 0; while( (ld = ld_from_json_stream(in))) { if(!ld_valid_fields(ld)) { sm_error("Invalid laser data (#%d in file)\n", count); continue; } int i; for(i=0;i<ld->nrays;i++) { if(!ld->valid[i]) continue; double * reading = ld->readings + i; if(p.sigma > 0) { double add_sigma = p.sigma; if(p.lambertian) { int have_alpha = 0; double alpha = 0; if(!is_nan(ld->true_alpha[i])) { alpha = ld->true_alpha[i]; have_alpha = 1; } else if(ld->alpha_valid[i]) { alpha = ld->alpha[i];; have_alpha = 1; } else have_alpha = 0; if(have_alpha) { /* Recall that alpha points outside the surface */ double beta = (alpha+M_PI) - ld->theta[i]; add_sigma = p.sigma / cos(beta); } else { sm_error("Because lambertian is active, I need either true_alpha[] or alpha[]"); ld_write_as_json(ld, stderr); return -1; } } *reading += gsl_ran_gaussian(rng, add_sigma); if(is_nan(ld->readings_sigma[i])) { ld->readings_sigma[i] = add_sigma; } else { ld->readings_sigma[i] = sqrt(square(add_sigma) + square(ld->readings_sigma[i])); } } if(p.discretization > 0) *reading -= fmod(*reading , p.discretization); } ld_write_as_json(ld, out); ld_free(ld); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char ** argv) { sm_set_program_name(argv[0]); struct ld_exp_tro1_params p; options_banner(banner); struct option* ops = options_allocate(10); options_double(ops, "max_xy_error", &p.max_xy_error, 10.0, "Maximum error for x,y (m)"); options_double(ops, "max_theta_error_deg", &p.max_theta_error_deg, 10.0, "Maximum error for orientation (deg)"); options_int (ops, "seed", &p.seed, 0, "Seed for random number generator (if 0, use GSL_RNG_SEED env. variable)."); options_int(ops, "num_per_scan", &p.num_per_scan, 10, "Number of trials for each scan."); options_string(ops, "in", &p.file_input, "stdin", "Input file "); options_string(ops, "out1", &p.file_output1, "stdout", "Output file for first scan"); options_string(ops, "out2", &p.file_output2, "stdout", "Output file for second scan"); options_int(ops, "debug", &p.debug, 0, "Shows debug information"); if(!options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) { options_print_help(ops, stderr); return -1; } sm_debug_write(p.debug); gsl_rng_env_setup(); gsl_rng * rng = gsl_rng_alloc (gsl_rng_ranlxs0); if(p.seed != 0) gsl_rng_set(rng, (unsigned int) p.seed); /* Open the two output files (possibly the same one) */ FILE * in = open_file_for_reading(p.file_input); if(!in) return -3; FILE * out1 = open_file_for_writing(p.file_output1); if(!out1) return -2; FILE * out2; if(!strcmp(p.file_output1, p.file_output2)) { out1 = out2; } else { out2 = open_file_for_writing(p.file_output2); if(!out2) return -2; } /* Read laser data from input file */ LDP ld; int count=0; while( (ld = ld_read_smart(in))) { count++; if(!ld_valid_fields(ld)) { sm_error("Invalid laser data (#%d in file)\n", count); continue; } for(int n=0; n < p.num_per_scan; n++) { ld->true_pose[0] = 0; ld->true_pose[1] = 0; ld->true_pose[2] = 0; ld->odometry[0] = 0; ld->odometry[1] = 0; ld->odometry[2] = 0; ld_write_as_json(ld, out1); ld->odometry[0] = 2*(gsl_rng_uniform(rng)-0.5) * p.max_xy_error; ld->odometry[1] = 2*(gsl_rng_uniform(rng)-0.5) * p.max_xy_error; ld->odometry[2] = 2*(gsl_rng_uniform(rng)-0.5) * deg2rad(p.max_theta_error_deg); ld_write_as_json(ld, out2); } ld_free(ld); } return 0; }
int log2pdf(log2pdf_params *p) { /** First of all, we read the entire map into memory */ FILE *input_file = open_file_for_reading(p->input_filename); if(!input_file) return 0; LDP*scans; int nscans; if(!ld_read_some_scans_distance(input_file, &scans, &nscans, p->use_reference, p->distance_xy, deg2rad(p->distance_th_deg) ) ){ sm_error("Could not read map from file '%s'.\n", p->input_filename); return 0; } if(nscans == 0) { sm_error("I could not read any scan from file '%s'.\n", p->input_filename); return 0; } sm_debug("Read map: %d scans in total.\n", nscans); /** Let's find the bounding box for the map */ double bb_min[2], bb_max[2]; double offset[3] = {0,0,0}; lda_get_bounding_box(scans, nscans, bb_min, bb_max, offset, p->use_reference, p->laser.horizon); bb_min[0] -= p->padding; bb_min[1] -= p->padding; bb_max[0] += p->padding; bb_max[1] += p->padding; sm_debug("Bounding box: %f %f -- %f %f.\n", bb_min[0], bb_min[1], bb_max[0], bb_max[1]); /* Create PDF surface and setup paper size and transformations */ int max_width_points = p->dimension; int max_height_points = p->dimension; cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; if(!create_pdf_surface(p->output_filename, max_width_points, max_height_points, bb_min, bb_max, &surface, &cr)) return 0; /* Draw pose path */ if(p->pose_path.draw) { cairo_save(cr); cr_set_style(cr, &(p->pose_path)); cr_lda_draw_pose_path(cr, scans, nscans, p->use_reference); if(nscans > 0 && p->laser.pose.draw) { cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.3, 0.0, 1.0); double *pose0 = ld_get_reference_pose(scans[0], p->use_reference); cairo_arc(cr, pose0[0], pose0[1], p->start_pose_width, 0.0, 2*M_PI); cairo_fill(cr); } cairo_restore(cr); } /* Draw map */ int k; for(k=0;k<nscans;k++) { LDP ld = scans[k]; double *pose = ld_get_reference_pose(ld, p->use_reference); if(!pose) continue; double offset[3] = {0,0, deg2rad(p->offset_theta_deg) }; double world_pose[3]; oplus_d(offset, pose, world_pose); cairo_save(cr); cr_set_reference(cr, world_pose); cr_ld_draw(cr, ld, &(p->laser)); cairo_restore(cr); } cairo_show_page (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); return 1; }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { sm_set_program_name(argv[0]); const char *in_filename; const char *ref_filename; const char *out_filename; const char *ref_field_string; ld_reference ref_field; const char *out_field_string; ld_reference out_field; struct option* ops = options_allocate(15); options_string(ops, "in", &in_filename, "stdin", "scan matching log"); options_string(ops, "ref", &ref_filename, "ref.log", "slam log"); options_string(ops, "out", &out_filename, "stdout", "output file"); options_string(ops, "ref_field", &ref_field_string, "estimate", "What field to find in ref."); options_string(ops, "out_field", &out_field_string, "true_pose", "What field to copy to."); if(!options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) { fprintf(stderr, " This program works on two logs: A and B. " "For each scan in A, the program searches for the scan in B having the same timestamp. " "Then, the true_pose field in B is copied to the scan form A, and it is written to the output.\n"); options_print_help(ops, stderr); return -1; } ref_field = ld_string_to_reference(ref_field_string); out_field = ld_string_to_reference(out_field_string); FILE * in_stream = open_file_for_reading(in_filename); FILE * ref_stream = open_file_for_reading(ref_filename); FILE * out_stream = open_file_for_writing(out_filename); if(!in_stream || !ref_stream || !out_stream) return -1; LDP ld_in; while((ld_in = ld_read_smart(in_stream))) { int matched = 0; while(1) { LDP ld_ref = ld_read_smart(ref_stream); if(!ld_ref) break; if(same_scan(ld_in, ld_ref)) { matched = 1; const double *ref_pose = ld_get_reference_pose(ld_ref, ref_field); double *out_pose = ld_get_reference_pose_silent(ld_in, out_field); copy_d(ref_pose, 3, out_pose); ld_write_as_json(ld_in, out_stream); fputs("\n", out_stream); break; } ld_free(ld_ref); } if(!matched) { sm_error("Could not match %s. \n", short_desc(ld_in)); if(feof(ref_stream)) { sm_error("..because ref stream has ended.\n"); break; } continue; } ld_free(ld_in); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char*argv[]) { sm_set_program_name(argv[0]); struct sm_params params; struct sm_result result; struct option* ops = options_allocate(100); options_string(ops, "in", &p.file_in, "stdin", "Input file "); options_string(ops, "out", &p.file_out, "stdout", "Output file "); options_string(ops, "out_stats", &p.file_out_stats, "", "Output file (stats) "); options_string(ops, "file_jj", &p.file_jj, "", "File for journaling -- if left empty, journal not open."); options_int(ops, "algo", &p.algo, 0, "Which algorithm to use (0:(pl)ICP 1:gpm-stripped 2:HSM) "); options_int(ops, "debug", &p.debug, 0, "Shows debug information"); options_int(ops, "recover_from_error", &p.recover_from_error, 0, "If true, tries to recover from an ICP matching error"); p.format = 0; /* options_int(ops, "format", &p.format, 0, "Output format (0: log in JSON format, 1: log in Carmen format (not implemented))");*/ sm_options(¶ms, ops); if(!options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "\n\nUsage:\n"); options_print_help(ops, stderr); return -1; } sm_debug_write(p.debug); /* Open input and output files */ FILE * file_in = open_file_for_reading(p.file_in); if(!file_in) return -1; FILE * file_out = open_file_for_writing(p.file_out); if(!file_out) return -1; if(strcmp(p.file_jj, "")) { FILE * jj = open_file_for_writing(p.file_jj); if(!jj) return -1; jj_set_stream(jj); } FILE * file_out_stats = 0; if(strcmp(p.file_out_stats, "")) { file_out_stats = open_file_for_writing(p.file_out_stats); if(!file_out_stats) return -1; } /* Read first scan */ LDP laser_ref; if(!(laser_ref = ld_read_smart(file_in))) { sm_error("Could not read first scan.\n"); return -1; } if(!ld_valid_fields(laser_ref)) { sm_error("Invalid laser data in first scan.\n"); return -2; } /* For the first scan, set estimate = odometry */ copy_d(laser_ref->odometry, 3, laser_ref->estimate); spit(laser_ref, file_out); int count=-1; LDP laser_sens; while( (laser_sens = ld_read_smart(file_in)) ) { count++; if(!ld_valid_fields(laser_sens)) { sm_error("Invalid laser data in (#%d in file).\n", count); return -(count+2); } params.laser_ref = laser_ref; params.laser_sens = laser_sens; /* Set first guess as the difference in odometry */ if( any_nan(params.laser_ref->odometry,3) || any_nan(params.laser_sens->odometry,3) ) { sm_error("The 'odometry' field is set to NaN so I don't know how to get an initial guess. I usually use the difference in the odometry fields to obtain the initial guess.\n"); sm_error(" laser_ref->odometry = %s \n", friendly_pose(params.laser_ref->odometry) ); sm_error(" laser_sens->odometry = %s \n", friendly_pose(params.laser_sens->odometry) ); sm_error(" I will quit it here. \n"); return -3; } double odometry[3]; pose_diff_d(laser_sens->odometry, laser_ref->odometry, odometry); double ominus_laser[3], temp[3]; ominus_d(params.laser, ominus_laser); oplus_d(ominus_laser, odometry, temp); oplus_d(temp, params.laser, params.first_guess); /* Do the actual work */ switch(p.algo) { case(0): sm_icp(¶ms, &result); break; case(1): sm_gpm(¶ms, &result); break; case(2): sm_hsm(¶ms, &result); break; default: sm_error("Unknown algorithm to run: %d.\n",p.algo); return -1; } if(!result.valid){ if(p.recover_from_error) { sm_info("One ICP matching failed. Because you passed -recover_from_error, I will try to recover." " Note, however, that this might not be good in some cases. \n"); sm_info("The recover is that the displacement is set to 0. No result stats is output. \n"); /* For the first scan, set estimate = odometry */ copy_d(laser_ref->estimate, 3, laser_sens->estimate); ld_free(laser_ref); laser_ref = laser_sens; } else { sm_error("One ICP matching failed. Because I process recursively, I will stop here.\n"); sm_error("Use the option -recover_from_error if you want to try to recover.\n"); ld_free(laser_ref); return 2; } } else { /* Add the result to the previous estimate */ oplus_d(laser_ref->estimate, result.x, laser_sens->estimate); /* Write the corrected log */ spit(laser_sens, file_out); /* Write the statistics (if required) */ if(file_out_stats) { JO jo = result_to_json(¶ms, &result); fputs(jo_to_string(jo), file_out_stats); fputs("\n", file_out_stats); jo_free(jo); } ld_free(laser_ref); laser_ref = laser_sens; } } ld_free(laser_ref); return 0; }