int socket_server_connect(struct socket_server *ss, uintptr_t opaque, const char * addr, int port) { struct request_package request; int len = open_request(ss, &request, opaque, addr, port); send_request(ss, &request, 'O', sizeof( + len); return; }
int socket_server::server_connect(uintptr_t opaque, const char * addr, int port) { struct request_package request; int len = open_request(&request, opaque, addr, port); if (len < 0) { return -1; } send_request(&request, 'O', sizeof( + len); return; }
int socket_server_block_connect(struct socket_server *ss, uintptr_t opaque, const char * addr, int port) { struct request_package request; struct socket_message result; open_request(ss, &request, opaque, addr, port); int ret = open_socket(ss, &, &result, true); if (ret == SOCKET_OPEN) { return; } else { return -1; } }
void handle(reg fd) { client.socket = accept_socket(fd,(server.http_sock == fd ? NULL : server.tls)); close(fd); // close the parent fd, as we'll never accept again nodelay(client.socket->fd); #ifdef LINUX client.kq = epoll_create1(0); #else client.kq = kqueue(); #endif client.request = open_request(client.socket); add_read_socket(client.socket->fd); timeout(IDLE_TIMEOUT,0); timer(); while (!client.socket->closed && !client.alarm) run(); exit(JAWAS_EXIT_DONE); }
static int open_handle (struct neon_handle * handle, uint64_t startbyte) { int ret; char * proxy_host = NULL; int proxy_port = 0; bool_t use_proxy = aud_get_bool (NULL, "use_proxy"); bool_t use_proxy_auth = aud_get_bool (NULL, "use_proxy_auth"); if (use_proxy) { proxy_host = aud_get_str (NULL, "proxy_host"); proxy_port = aud_get_int (NULL, "proxy_port"); } handle->redircount = 0; _DEBUG ("<%p> Parsing URL", handle); if (ne_uri_parse (handle->url, handle->purl) != 0) { _ERROR ("<%p> Could not parse URL '%s'", (void *) handle, handle->url); return -1; } while (handle->redircount < 10) { if (! handle->purl->port) handle->purl->port = ne_uri_defaultport (handle->purl->scheme); _DEBUG ("<%p> Creating session to %s://%s:%d", handle, handle->purl->scheme, handle->purl->host, handle->purl->port); handle->session = ne_session_create (handle->purl->scheme, handle->purl->host, handle->purl->port); ne_redirect_register (handle->session); ne_add_server_auth (handle->session, NE_AUTH_BASIC, server_auth_callback, (void *) handle); ne_set_session_flag (handle->session, NE_SESSFLAG_ICYPROTO, 1); ne_set_session_flag (handle->session, NE_SESSFLAG_PERSIST, 0); #ifdef HAVE_NE_SET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ne_set_connect_timeout (handle->session, 10); #endif ne_set_read_timeout (handle->session, 10); ne_set_useragent (handle->session, "Audacious/" PACKAGE_VERSION); if (use_proxy) { _DEBUG ("<%p> Using proxy: %s:%d", handle, proxy_host, proxy_port); ne_session_proxy (handle->session, proxy_host, proxy_port); if (use_proxy_auth) { _DEBUG ("<%p> Using proxy authentication", handle); ne_add_proxy_auth (handle->session, NE_AUTH_BASIC, neon_proxy_auth_cb, (void *) handle); } } if (! strcmp ("https", handle->purl->scheme)) { ne_ssl_trust_default_ca (handle->session); ne_ssl_set_verify (handle->session, neon_vfs_verify_environment_ssl_certs, handle->session); } _DEBUG ("<%p> Creating request", handle); ret = open_request (handle, startbyte); if (! ret) { str_unref (proxy_host); return 0; } if (ret == -1) { ne_session_destroy (handle->session); handle->session = NULL; str_unref (proxy_host); return -1; } _DEBUG ("<%p> Following redirect...", handle); ne_session_destroy (handle->session); handle->session = NULL; } /* If we get here, our redirect count exceeded */ _ERROR ("<%p> Redirect count exceeded for URL %s", (void *) handle, handle->url); str_unref (proxy_host); return 1; }
void on_open_mi_activate (GtkMenuItem * menuitem, gpointer user_data) { open_request(); }
void on_open_toolbutton_clicked (GtkToolButton * toolbutton, gpointer user_data) { open_request(); }
DWORD CALLBACK Thread() { IMDPROXY_CONNECT_REQ ConnectReq; KdPrint(("ImDskSvc: Thread created.%n")); if (Overlapped.BufRecv(hPipe, &ConnectReq.request_code, sizeof ConnectReq.request_code) != sizeof ConnectReq.request_code) { KdPrintLastError(("Overlapped.BufRecv() failed")); delete this; return 0; } if (ConnectReq.request_code != IMDPROXY_REQ_CONNECT) { delete this; return 0; } if (Overlapped.BufRecv(hPipe, ((PUCHAR)&ConnectReq) + sizeof(ConnectReq.request_code), sizeof(ConnectReq) - sizeof(ConnectReq.request_code)) != sizeof(ConnectReq) - sizeof(ConnectReq.request_code)) { KdPrintLastError(("Overlapped.BufRecv() failed")); delete this; return 0; } if ((ConnectReq.length == 0) | (ConnectReq.length > 520)) { KdPrint(("ImDskSvc: Bad connection string length received (%1!u!).%n", ConnectReq.length)); delete this; return 0; } WCRTMem<WCHAR> ConnectionString((size_t)ConnectReq.length + 2); if (!ConnectionString) { KdPrintLastError(("malloc() failed")); delete this; return 0; } if (Overlapped.BufRecv(hPipe, ConnectionString, (DWORD)ConnectReq.length) != ConnectReq.length) { KdPrintLastError(("Overlapped.BufRecv() failed")); delete this; return 0; } IMDPROXY_CONNECT_RESP connect_resp = { 0 }; ConnectionString[ConnectReq.length / sizeof *ConnectionString] = 0; // Split server connection string and string that should be sent to server // for server side connection to specific image file. LPWSTR path_part = wcsstr(ConnectionString, L"://"); if (path_part != NULL) { path_part[0] = 0; path_part++; } HANDLE hTarget; switch (IMDISK_PROXY_TYPE(ConnectReq.flags)) { case IMDISK_PROXY_TYPE_COMM: { LPWSTR FileName = wcstok(ConnectionString, L": "); KdPrint(("ImDskSvc: Connecting to '%1!ws!'.%n", FileName)); hTarget = CreateFile(FileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hTarget == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { connect_resp.error_code = GetLastError(); KdPrintLastError(("CreateFile() failed")); Overlapped.BufSend(hPipe, &connect_resp, sizeof connect_resp); delete this; return 0; } LPWSTR DCBAndTimeouts = wcstok(NULL, L""); if (DCBAndTimeouts != NULL) { DCB dcb = { 0 }; COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = { 0 }; if (DCBAndTimeouts[0] == L' ') ++DCBAndTimeouts; KdPrint(("ImDskSvc: Configuring '%1!ws!'.%n", DCBAndTimeouts)); GetCommState(hTarget, &dcb); GetCommTimeouts(hTarget, &timeouts); BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts(DCBAndTimeouts, &dcb, &timeouts); SetCommState(hTarget, &dcb); SetCommTimeouts(hTarget, &timeouts); } KdPrint(("ImDskSvc: Connected to '%1!ws!' and configured.%n", FileName)); break; } case IMDISK_PROXY_TYPE_TCP: { LPWSTR ServerName = wcstok(ConnectionString, L":"); LPWSTR PortName = wcstok(NULL, L""); if (PortName == NULL) PortName = L"9000"; KdPrint(("ImDskSvc: Connecting to '%1!ws!:%2!ws!'.%n", ServerName, PortName)); hTarget = (HANDLE)ConnectTCP(ServerName, PortName); if (hTarget == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { connect_resp.error_code = GetLastError(); KdPrintLastError(("ConnectTCP() failed")); Overlapped.BufSend(hPipe, &connect_resp, sizeof connect_resp); delete this; return 0; } bool b = true; setsockopt((SOCKET)hTarget, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (LPCSTR)&b, sizeof b); KdPrint(("ImDskSvc: Connected to '%1!ws!:%2!ws!' and configured.%n", ServerName, PortName)); break; } default: KdPrint(("ImDskSvc: Unsupported connection type (%1!#x!).%n", IMDISK_PROXY_TYPE(ConnectReq.flags))); connect_resp.error_code = (ULONGLONG)-1; Overlapped.BufSend(hPipe, &connect_resp, sizeof connect_resp); delete this; return 0; } // Connect to requested server side image path if (path_part != NULL) { size_t path_size = wcslen(path_part) << 1; size_t req_size = sizeof(IMDPROXY_CONNECT_REQ) + path_size; WCRTMem<IMDPROXY_CONNECT_REQ> open_request(req_size); if (!open_request) { KdPrintLastError(("malloc() failed")); connect_resp.error_code = (ULONGLONG)-1; Overlapped.BufSend(hPipe, &connect_resp, sizeof connect_resp); delete this; return 0; } ZeroMemory(open_request, req_size); open_request->request_code = IMDPROXY_REQ_CONNECT; open_request->length = path_size; memcpy(open_request + 1, path_part, path_size); if (!Overlapped.BufSend(hTarget, open_request, (DWORD)req_size)) { KdPrintLastError(("Failed to send connect request to server")); connect_resp.error_code = (ULONGLONG)-1; Overlapped.BufSend(hPipe, &connect_resp, sizeof connect_resp); delete this; return 0; } open_request.Free(); if (Overlapped.BufRecv(hTarget, &connect_resp, sizeof connect_resp) != sizeof connect_resp) { connect_resp.object_ptr = NULL; if (connect_resp.error_code == 0) { connect_resp.error_code = (ULONGLONG)-1; } Overlapped.BufSend(hPipe, &connect_resp, sizeof connect_resp); delete this; return 0; } } ConnectionString.Free(); HANDLE hDriver = CreateFile(IMDISK_CTL_DOSDEV_NAME, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hDriver == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { connect_resp.error_code = GetLastError(); KdPrintLastError(("Opening ImDiskCtl device failed")); CloseHandle(hTarget); Overlapped.BufSend(hPipe, &connect_resp, sizeof connect_resp); delete this; return 0; } DWORD dw; if (!DeviceIoControl(hDriver, IOCTL_IMDISK_REFERENCE_HANDLE, &hTarget, #pragma warning(suppress: 28132) sizeof hTarget, &connect_resp.object_ptr, sizeof connect_resp.object_ptr, &dw, NULL)) { connect_resp.error_code = GetLastError(); KdPrintLastError(("IOCTL_IMDISK_REFERENCE_HANDLE failed")); CloseHandle(hDriver); CloseHandle(hTarget); Overlapped.BufSend(hPipe, &connect_resp, sizeof connect_resp); delete this; return 0; } CloseHandle(hDriver); Overlapped.BufSend(hPipe, &connect_resp, sizeof connect_resp); // This will fail when driver closes the pipe, but that just indicates that // we should shut down this connection. Overlapped.BufRecv(hPipe, &dw, sizeof dw); KdPrint(("ImDskSvc: Cleaning up.%n")); CloseHandle(hTarget); delete this; return 1; }