MSBuiltinVector<Type>::MSBuiltinVector (unsigned int length_, const Type & filler_) : MSBaseVector<Type,MSAllocator<Type> > ((MSVectorImpl *)0) { this->_pImpl = new MSBuiltinVectorImpl(&ops(),&ops(),length_,(void *)&filler_); }
void nsCSSValue::AppendToString(nsCSSProperty aProperty, nsAString& aResult) const { // eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN gets used for some recursive calls below. NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE((0 <= aProperty && aProperty <= eCSSProperty_COUNT_no_shorthands) || aProperty == eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN, "property ID out of range"); nsCSSUnit unit = GetUnit(); if (unit == eCSSUnit_Null) { return; } if (eCSSUnit_String <= unit && unit <= eCSSUnit_Attr) { if (unit == eCSSUnit_Attr) { aResult.AppendLiteral("attr("); } nsAutoString buffer; GetStringValue(buffer); if (unit == eCSSUnit_String) { nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSString(buffer, aResult); } else if (unit == eCSSUnit_Families) { // XXX We really need to do *some* escaping. aResult.Append(buffer); } else { nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSIdent(buffer, aResult); } } else if (eCSSUnit_Array <= unit && unit <= eCSSUnit_Steps) { switch (unit) { case eCSSUnit_Counter: aResult.AppendLiteral("counter("); break; case eCSSUnit_Counters: aResult.AppendLiteral("counters("); break; case eCSSUnit_Cubic_Bezier: aResult.AppendLiteral("cubic-bezier("); break; case eCSSUnit_Steps: aResult.AppendLiteral("steps("); break; default: break; } nsCSSValue::Array *array = GetArrayValue(); bool mark = false; for (size_t i = 0, i_end = array->Count(); i < i_end; ++i) { if (mark && array->Item(i).GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { if (unit == eCSSUnit_Array && eCSSProperty_transition_timing_function != aProperty) aResult.AppendLiteral(" "); else aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } if (unit == eCSSUnit_Steps && i == 1) { NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(array->Item(i).GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated && (array->Item(i).GetIntValue() == NS_STYLE_TRANSITION_TIMING_FUNCTION_STEP_START || array->Item(i).GetIntValue() == NS_STYLE_TRANSITION_TIMING_FUNCTION_STEP_END), "unexpected value"); if (array->Item(i).GetIntValue() == NS_STYLE_TRANSITION_TIMING_FUNCTION_STEP_START) { aResult.AppendLiteral("start"); } else { aResult.AppendLiteral("end"); } continue; } nsCSSProperty prop = ((eCSSUnit_Counter <= unit && unit <= eCSSUnit_Counters) && i == array->Count() - 1) ? eCSSProperty_list_style_type : aProperty; if (array->Item(i).GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { array->Item(i).AppendToString(prop, aResult); mark = true; } } if (eCSSUnit_Array == unit && aProperty == eCSSProperty_transition_timing_function) { aResult.AppendLiteral(")"); } } /* Although Function is backed by an Array, we'll handle it separately * because it's a bit quirky. */ else if (eCSSUnit_Function == unit) { const nsCSSValue::Array* array = GetArrayValue(); NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(array->Count() >= 1, "Functions must have at least one element for the name."); /* Append the function name. */ const nsCSSValue& functionName = array->Item(0); if (functionName.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated) { // We assume that the first argument is always of nsCSSKeyword type. const nsCSSKeyword functionId = static_cast<nsCSSKeyword>(functionName.GetIntValue()); nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSIdent( NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSKeywords::GetStringValue(functionId)), aResult); } else { functionName.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult); } aResult.AppendLiteral("("); /* Now, step through the function contents, writing each of them as we go. */ for (size_t index = 1; index < array->Count(); ++index) { array->Item(index).AppendToString(aProperty, aResult); /* If we're not at the final element, append a comma. */ if (index + 1 != array->Count()) aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } /* Finally, append the closing parenthesis. */ aResult.AppendLiteral(")"); } else if (IsCalcUnit()) { NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Calc, "unexpected unit"); CSSValueSerializeCalcOps ops(aProperty, aResult); css::SerializeCalc(*this, ops); } else if (eCSSUnit_Integer == unit) { aResult.AppendInt(GetIntValue(), 10); } else if (eCSSUnit_Enumerated == unit) { if (eCSSProperty_text_decoration_line == aProperty) { PRInt32 intValue = GetIntValue(); if (NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_NONE == intValue) { AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::LookupPropertyValue(aProperty, intValue), aResult); } else { // Ignore the "override all" internal value. // (It doesn't have a string representation.) intValue &= ~NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_OVERRIDE_ALL; nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue( aProperty, intValue, NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_UNDERLINE, NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_PREF_ANCHORS, aResult); } } else if (eCSSProperty_marks == aProperty) { PRInt32 intValue = GetIntValue(); if (intValue == NS_STYLE_PAGE_MARKS_NONE) { AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::LookupPropertyValue(aProperty, intValue), aResult); } else { nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue(aProperty, intValue, NS_STYLE_PAGE_MARKS_CROP, NS_STYLE_PAGE_MARKS_REGISTER, aResult); } } else if (eCSSProperty_unicode_bidi == aProperty) { PR_STATIC_ASSERT(NS_STYLE_UNICODE_BIDI_NORMAL == 0); PRInt32 intValue = GetIntValue(); if (NS_STYLE_UNICODE_BIDI_NORMAL == intValue) { AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::LookupPropertyValue(aProperty, intValue), aResult); } else { nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue( aProperty, intValue, NS_STYLE_UNICODE_BIDI_EMBED, NS_STYLE_UNICODE_BIDI_PLAINTEXT, aResult); } } else { const nsAFlatCString& name = nsCSSProps::LookupPropertyValue(aProperty, GetIntValue()); AppendASCIItoUTF16(name, aResult); } } else if (eCSSUnit_EnumColor == unit) { // we can lookup the property in the ColorTable and then // get a string mapping the name nsCAutoString str; if (nsCSSProps::GetColorName(GetIntValue(), str)){ AppendASCIItoUTF16(str, aResult); } else { NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(false, "bad color value"); } } else if (eCSSUnit_Color == unit) { nscolor color = GetColorValue(); if (color == NS_RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) { // Use the strictest match for 'transparent' so we do correct // round-tripping of all other rgba() values. aResult.AppendLiteral("transparent"); } else { PRUint8 a = NS_GET_A(color); if (a < 255) { aResult.AppendLiteral("rgba("); } else { aResult.AppendLiteral("rgb("); } NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(comma, ", "); aResult.AppendInt(NS_GET_R(color), 10); aResult.Append(comma); aResult.AppendInt(NS_GET_G(color), 10); aResult.Append(comma); aResult.AppendInt(NS_GET_B(color), 10); if (a < 255) { aResult.Append(comma); aResult.AppendFloat(nsStyleUtil::ColorComponentToFloat(a)); } aResult.Append(PRUnichar(')')); } } else if (eCSSUnit_URL == unit || eCSSUnit_Image == unit) { aResult.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING("url(")); nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSString( nsDependentString(GetOriginalURLValue()), aResult); aResult.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING(")")); } else if (eCSSUnit_Element == unit) { aResult.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING("-moz-element(#")); nsAutoString tmpStr; GetStringValue(tmpStr); nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSIdent(tmpStr, aResult); aResult.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING(")")); } else if (eCSSUnit_Percent == unit) { aResult.AppendFloat(GetPercentValue() * 100.0f); } else if (eCSSUnit_Percent < unit) { // length unit aResult.AppendFloat(GetFloatValue()); } else if (eCSSUnit_Gradient == unit) { nsCSSValueGradient* gradient = GetGradientValue(); if (gradient->mIsRepeating) { if (gradient->mIsRadial) aResult.AppendLiteral("-moz-repeating-radial-gradient("); else aResult.AppendLiteral("-moz-repeating-linear-gradient("); } else { if (gradient->mIsRadial) aResult.AppendLiteral("-moz-radial-gradient("); else aResult.AppendLiteral("-moz-linear-gradient("); } if (gradient->mIsToCorner) { aResult.AppendLiteral("to"); NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated && gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "unexpected unit"); if (!(gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.GetIntValue() & NS_STYLE_BG_POSITION_CENTER)) { aResult.AppendLiteral(" "); gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_background_position, aResult); } if (!(gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.GetIntValue() & NS_STYLE_BG_POSITION_CENTER)) { aResult.AppendLiteral(" "); gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_background_position, aResult); } aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } else if (gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None || gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None || gradient->mAngle.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { if (gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_background_position, aResult); aResult.AppendLiteral(" "); } if (gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_background_position, aResult); aResult.AppendLiteral(" "); } if (gradient->mAngle.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { gradient->mAngle.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult); } aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } if (gradient->mIsRadial && (gradient->mRadialShape.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None || gradient->mRadialSize.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None)) { if (gradient->mRadialShape.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(gradient->mRadialShape.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "bad unit for radial gradient shape"); PRInt32 intValue = gradient->mRadialShape.GetIntValue(); NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(intValue != NS_STYLE_GRADIENT_SHAPE_LINEAR, "radial gradient with linear shape?!"); AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(intValue, nsCSSProps::kRadialGradientShapeKTable), aResult); aResult.AppendLiteral(" "); } if (gradient->mRadialSize.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(gradient->mRadialSize.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "bad unit for radial gradient size"); PRInt32 intValue = gradient->mRadialSize.GetIntValue(); AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(intValue, nsCSSProps::kRadialGradientSizeKTable), aResult); } aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } for (PRUint32 i = 0 ;;) { gradient->mStops[i].mColor.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult); if (gradient->mStops[i].mLocation.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { aResult.AppendLiteral(" "); gradient->mStops[i].mLocation.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult); } if (++i == gradient->mStops.Length()) { break; } aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } aResult.AppendLiteral(")"); } else if (eCSSUnit_Pair == unit) { GetPairValue().AppendToString(aProperty, aResult); } else if (eCSSUnit_Triplet == unit) { GetTripletValue().AppendToString(aProperty, aResult); } else if (eCSSUnit_Rect == unit) { GetRectValue().AppendToString(aProperty, aResult); } else if (eCSSUnit_List == unit || eCSSUnit_ListDep == unit) { GetListValue()->AppendToString(aProperty, aResult); } else if (eCSSUnit_PairList == unit || eCSSUnit_PairListDep == unit) { GetPairListValue()->AppendToString(aProperty, aResult); } switch (unit) { case eCSSUnit_Null: break; case eCSSUnit_Auto: aResult.AppendLiteral("auto"); break; case eCSSUnit_Inherit: aResult.AppendLiteral("inherit"); break; case eCSSUnit_Initial: aResult.AppendLiteral("-moz-initial"); break; case eCSSUnit_None: aResult.AppendLiteral("none"); break; case eCSSUnit_Normal: aResult.AppendLiteral("normal"); break; case eCSSUnit_System_Font: aResult.AppendLiteral("-moz-use-system-font"); break; case eCSSUnit_All: aResult.AppendLiteral("all"); break; case eCSSUnit_Dummy: case eCSSUnit_DummyInherit: NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(false, "should never serialize"); break; case eCSSUnit_String: break; case eCSSUnit_Ident: break; case eCSSUnit_Families: break; case eCSSUnit_URL: break; case eCSSUnit_Image: break; case eCSSUnit_Element: break; case eCSSUnit_Array: break; case eCSSUnit_Attr: case eCSSUnit_Cubic_Bezier: case eCSSUnit_Steps: case eCSSUnit_Counter: case eCSSUnit_Counters: aResult.Append(PRUnichar(')')); break; case eCSSUnit_Local_Font: break; case eCSSUnit_Font_Format: break; case eCSSUnit_Function: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc_Plus: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc_Minus: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc_Times_L: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc_Times_R: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc_Divided: break; case eCSSUnit_Integer: break; case eCSSUnit_Enumerated: break; case eCSSUnit_EnumColor: break; case eCSSUnit_Color: break; case eCSSUnit_Percent: aResult.Append(PRUnichar('%')); break; case eCSSUnit_Number: break; case eCSSUnit_Gradient: break; case eCSSUnit_Pair: break; case eCSSUnit_Triplet: break; case eCSSUnit_Rect: break; case eCSSUnit_List: break; case eCSSUnit_ListDep: break; case eCSSUnit_PairList: break; case eCSSUnit_PairListDep: break; case eCSSUnit_Inch: aResult.AppendLiteral("in"); break; case eCSSUnit_Millimeter: aResult.AppendLiteral("mm"); break; case eCSSUnit_PhysicalMillimeter: aResult.AppendLiteral("mozmm"); break; case eCSSUnit_Centimeter: aResult.AppendLiteral("cm"); break; case eCSSUnit_Point: aResult.AppendLiteral("pt"); break; case eCSSUnit_Pica: aResult.AppendLiteral("pc"); break; case eCSSUnit_EM: aResult.AppendLiteral("em"); break; case eCSSUnit_XHeight: aResult.AppendLiteral("ex"); break; case eCSSUnit_Char: aResult.AppendLiteral("ch"); break; case eCSSUnit_RootEM: aResult.AppendLiteral("rem"); break; case eCSSUnit_Pixel: aResult.AppendLiteral("px"); break; case eCSSUnit_Degree: aResult.AppendLiteral("deg"); break; case eCSSUnit_Grad: aResult.AppendLiteral("grad"); break; case eCSSUnit_Radian: aResult.AppendLiteral("rad"); break; case eCSSUnit_Hertz: aResult.AppendLiteral("Hz"); break; case eCSSUnit_Kilohertz: aResult.AppendLiteral("kHz"); break; case eCSSUnit_Seconds: aResult.Append(PRUnichar('s')); break; case eCSSUnit_Milliseconds: aResult.AppendLiteral("ms"); break; } }
/* * wts_ops -- * Perform a number of operations in a set of threads. */ void wts_ops(void) { TINFO *tinfo, total; WT_CONNECTION *conn; WT_SESSION *session; time_t now; int ret, running; uint32_t i; conn = g.wts_conn; /* Open a session. */ session = NULL; if (g.logging == LOG_OPS) { if ((ret = conn->open_session(conn, NULL, NULL, &session)) != 0) die(ret, "connection.open_session"); (void)time(&now); (void)session->msg_printf(session, "===============\nthread ops start: %s===============", ctime(&now)); } if (SINGLETHREADED) { memset(&total, 0, sizeof(total)); = 1; (void)ops(&total); } else { /* Create thread structure. */ if ((tinfo = calloc((size_t)g.c_threads, sizeof(*tinfo))) == NULL) die(errno, "calloc"); for (i = 0; i < g.c_threads; ++i) { tinfo[i].id = (int)i + 1; tinfo[i].state = TINFO_RUNNING; if ((ret = pthread_create( &tinfo[i].tid, NULL, ops, &tinfo[i])) != 0) die(ret, "pthread_create"); } /* Wait for the threads. */ for (;;) { = total.insert = total.remove = total.update = 0; for (i = running = 0; i < g.c_threads; ++i) { += tinfo[i].search; total.insert += tinfo[i].insert; total.remove += tinfo[i].remove; total.update += tinfo[i].update; switch (tinfo[i].state) { case TINFO_RUNNING: running = 1; break; case TINFO_COMPLETE: tinfo[i].state = TINFO_JOINED; (void)pthread_join(tinfo[i].tid, NULL); break; case TINFO_JOINED: break; } } track("read/write ops", 0ULL, &total); if (!running) break; (void)usleep(100000); /* 1/10th of a second */ } free(tinfo); } if (session != NULL) { (void)time(&now); (void)session->msg_printf(session, "===============\nthread ops stop: %s===============", ctime(&now)); if ((ret = session->close(session, NULL)) != 0) die(ret, "session.close"); } }
OpenGlVec<T,N> operator-(const T& val) const { return ops(minus, val); }
OpenGlVec<T,N> operator/(const T& val) const { return ops(div, val); }
OpenGlVec<T,N> operator*(const T& scal) const { return ops(times, scal); }
OpenGlVec<T,N> operator+(const T& val) const { return ops(add, val); }
MSIndexVector::MSIndexVector() : MSVector() { _pImpl = new MSBuiltinVectorImpl(&ops(),&ops()); }
MSIndexVector::MSIndexVector (unsigned int length_) : MSVector() { _pImpl = new MSBuiltinVectorImpl(&ops(),&ops(),length_); }
/* * wts_ops -- * Perform a number of operations in a set of threads. */ void wts_ops(void) { TINFO *tinfo, total; WT_CONNECTION *conn; WT_SESSION *session; pthread_t backup_tid, compact_tid; int ret, running; uint32_t i; conn = g.wts_conn; /* * We support replay of threaded runs, but don't log random numbers * after threaded operations start, there's no point. */ if (!SINGLETHREADED) g.rand_log_stop = 1; /* Initialize the table extension code. */ table_append_init(); /* Open a session. */ if (g.logging != 0) { if ((ret = conn->open_session(conn, NULL, NULL, &session)) != 0) die(ret, "connection.open_session"); (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "=============== thread ops start ==============="); } if (SINGLETHREADED) { memset(&total, 0, sizeof(total)); = 1; (void)ops(&total); } else { g.threads_finished = 0; /* * Create thread structure; start worker, backup, compaction * threads. */ if ((tinfo = calloc((size_t)g.c_threads, sizeof(*tinfo))) == NULL) die(errno, "calloc"); for (i = 0; i < g.c_threads; ++i) { tinfo[i].id = (int)i + 1; tinfo[i].state = TINFO_RUNNING; if ((ret = pthread_create( &tinfo[i].tid, NULL, ops, &tinfo[i])) != 0) die(ret, "pthread_create"); } if ((ret = pthread_create(&backup_tid, NULL, hot_backup, NULL)) != 0) die(ret, "pthread_create"); if (g.c_compact && (ret = pthread_create(&compact_tid, NULL, compact, NULL)) != 0) die(ret, "pthread_create"); /* Wait for the threads. */ for (;;) { total.commit = total.deadlock = total.insert = total.remove = total.rollback = = total.update = 0; for (i = 0, running = 0; i < g.c_threads; ++i) { total.commit += tinfo[i].commit; total.deadlock += tinfo[i].deadlock; total.insert += tinfo[i].insert; total.remove += tinfo[i].remove; total.rollback += tinfo[i].rollback; += tinfo[i].search; total.update += tinfo[i].update; switch (tinfo[i].state) { case TINFO_RUNNING: running = 1; break; case TINFO_COMPLETE: tinfo[i].state = TINFO_JOINED; (void)pthread_join(tinfo[i].tid, NULL); break; case TINFO_JOINED: break; } } track("ops", 0ULL, &total); if (!running) break; (void)usleep(100000); /* 1/10th of a second */ } free(tinfo); /* Wait for the backup, compaction thread. */ g.threads_finished = 1; (void)pthread_join(backup_tid, NULL); if (g.c_compact) (void)pthread_join(compact_tid, NULL); } if (g.logging != 0) { (void)g.wt_api->msg_printf(g.wt_api, session, "=============== thread ops stop ==============="); if ((ret = session->close(session, NULL)) != 0) die(ret, "session.close"); } }
void Restore::execREAD_CONFIG_REQ(Signal* signal) { jamEntry(); const ReadConfigReq * req = (ReadConfigReq*)signal->getDataPtr(); Uint32 ref = req->senderRef; Uint32 senderData = req->senderData; ndbrequire(req->noOfParameters == 0); const ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator * p = m_ctx.m_config.getOwnConfigIterator(); ndbrequire(p != 0); #if 0 Uint32 noBackups = 0, noTables = 0, noAttribs = 0; ndbrequire(!ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_DISCLESS, &m_diskless)); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_PARALLEL_BACKUPS, &noBackups); // ndbrequire(!ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_NO_TABLES, &noTables)); ndbrequire(!ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DICT_TABLE, &noTables)); ndbrequire(!ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_NO_ATTRIBUTES, &noAttribs)); noAttribs++; //RT 527 bug fix c_backupPool.setSize(noBackups); c_backupFilePool.setSize(3 * noBackups); c_tablePool.setSize(noBackups * noTables); c_attributePool.setSize(noBackups * noAttribs); c_triggerPool.setSize(noBackups * 3 * noTables); // 2 = no of replicas c_fragmentPool.setSize(noBackups * NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noTables); Uint32 szMem = 0; ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_BACKUP_MEM, &szMem); Uint32 noPages = (szMem + sizeof(Page32) - 1) / sizeof(Page32); // We need to allocate an additional of 2 pages. 1 page because of a bug in // ArrayPool and another one for DICTTAINFO. c_pagePool.setSize(noPages + NO_OF_PAGES_META_FILE + 2); Uint32 szDataBuf = (2 * 1024 * 1024); Uint32 szLogBuf = (2 * 1024 * 1024); Uint32 szWrite = 32768; ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_BACKUP_DATA_BUFFER_MEM, &szDataBuf); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_BACKUP_LOG_BUFFER_MEM, &szLogBuf); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_BACKUP_WRITE_SIZE, &szWrite); c_defaults.m_logBufferSize = szLogBuf; c_defaults.m_dataBufferSize = szDataBuf; c_defaults.m_minWriteSize = szWrite; c_defaults.m_maxWriteSize = szWrite; { // Init all tables ArrayList<Table> tables(c_tablePool); TablePtr ptr; while(tables.seize(ptr)){ new (ptr.p) Table(c_attributePool, c_fragmentPool); } tables.release(); } { ArrayList<BackupFile> ops(c_backupFilePool); BackupFilePtr ptr; while(ops.seize(ptr)){ new (ptr.p) BackupFile(* this, c_pagePool); } ops.release(); } { ArrayList<BackupRecord> recs(c_backupPool); BackupRecordPtr ptr; while(recs.seize(ptr)){ new (ptr.p) BackupRecord(* this, c_pagePool, c_tablePool, c_backupFilePool, c_triggerPool); } recs.release(); } // Initialize BAT for interface to file system { Page32Ptr p; ndbrequire(c_pagePool.seizeId(p, 0)); c_startOfPages = (Uint32 *)p.p; c_pagePool.release(p); NewVARIABLE* bat = allocateBat(1); bat[0].WA = c_startOfPages; bat[0].nrr = c_pagePool.getSize()*sizeof(Page32)/sizeof(Uint32); } #endif m_file_pool.setSize(1); Uint32 cnt = 2*MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_TABLE; cnt += PAGES; cnt += List::getSegmentSize()-1; cnt /= List::getSegmentSize(); cnt += 2; m_databuffer_pool.setSize(cnt); ReadConfigConf * conf = (ReadConfigConf*)signal->getDataPtrSend(); conf->senderRef = reference(); conf->senderData = senderData; sendSignal(ref, GSN_READ_CONFIG_CONF, signal, ReadConfigConf::SignalLength, JBB); }
get_cache_entry_root, \ matchfn, \ can_delete_cache_entry, \ delete_cache_entry_item, \ NULL, \ &cache_messages, /* Each hierbox window is represented by an instance of struct hierbox, * which has a corresponding instance of struct listbox_data. That * instance of struct listbox_data will point one of the following two * struct listbox_ops instances depending on which type of search the * user is performing in that hierbox. The two struct listbox_ops * instances differ only in the match callback. */ const static struct listbox_ops cache_entry_listbox_ops_match_contents = { ops(match_cache_entry_contents) }; const static struct listbox_ops cache_entry_listbox_ops = { ops(match_cache_entry) }; #undef ops static widget_handler_status_T push_cache_hierbox_search_button(struct dialog_data *dlg_data, struct widget_data *button) { struct listbox_data *box = get_dlg_listbox_data(dlg_data); box->ops = &cache_entry_listbox_ops;
MSBuiltinVector<Type>::MSBuiltinVector (MSTypeData<Type,MSAllocator<Type> > *pData_, unsigned int len_) : MSBaseVector<Type,MSAllocator<Type> > ((MSVectorImpl *)0) { this->_pImpl = new MSBuiltinVectorImpl(&ops(),&ops(),pData_,len_); }
MSBuiltinVector<Type>::MSBuiltinVector (const char * pString_) : MSBaseVector<Type,MSAllocator<Type> > ((MSVectorImpl *)0) { this->_pImpl = new MSBuiltinVectorImpl(&ops(),&ops()); this->_pImpl->setFromString (pString_); }
TEST(ParameterValidation, advertiseStarDataType) { ros::NodeHandle nh; ros::AdvertiseOptions ops("blah", 0, "blah", "*", "blah"); ASSERT_THROWS(nh.advertise(ops)); }
MSIndexVector::MSIndexVector (unsigned int length_, const unsigned int filler_) : MSVector() { _pImpl = new MSBuiltinVectorImpl(&ops(), &ops(), length_, (void *)&filler_); }
void Backup::execREAD_CONFIG_REQ(Signal* signal) { const ReadConfigReq * req = (ReadConfigReq*)signal->getDataPtr(); Uint32 ref = req->senderRef; Uint32 senderData = req->senderData; ndbrequire(req->noOfParameters == 0); const ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator * p = m_ctx.m_config.getOwnConfigIterator(); ndbrequire(p != 0); c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed = 10 * (1024 * 1024); c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_sr = 100 * (1024 * 1024); c_defaults.m_disk_synch_size = 4 * (1024 * 1024); c_defaults.m_o_direct = true; Uint32 noBackups = 0, noTables = 0, noAttribs = 0, noFrags = 0; ndbrequire(!ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_DISCLESS, &c_defaults.m_diskless)); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_O_DIRECT, &c_defaults.m_o_direct); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_CHECKPOINT_SPEED_SR, &c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_sr); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_CHECKPOINT_SPEED, &c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_DISK_SYNCH_SIZE, &c_defaults.m_disk_synch_size); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_COMPRESSED_BACKUP, &c_defaults.m_compressed_backup); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_COMPRESSED_LCP, &c_defaults.m_compressed_lcp); m_backup_report_frequency = 0; ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_BACKUP_REPORT_FREQUENCY, &m_backup_report_frequency); /* We adjust the disk speed parameters from bytes per second to rather be words per 100 milliseconds. We convert disk synch size from bytes per second to words per second. */ c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed /= (4 * 10); c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_sr /= (4 * 10); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_PARALLEL_BACKUPS, &noBackups); // ndbrequire(!ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_NO_TABLES, &noTables)); ndbrequire(!ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DICT_TABLE, &noTables)); ndbrequire(!ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_NO_ATTRIBUTES, &noAttribs)); ndbrequire(!ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DIH_FRAG_CONNECT, &noFrags)); noAttribs++; //RT 527 bug fix c_nodePool.setSize(MAX_NDB_NODES); c_backupPool.setSize(noBackups + 1); c_backupFilePool.setSize(3 * noBackups + 1); c_tablePool.setSize(noBackups * noTables + 1); c_triggerPool.setSize(noBackups * 3 * noTables); c_fragmentPool.setSize(noBackups * noFrags + 1); Uint32 szDataBuf = (2 * 1024 * 1024); Uint32 szLogBuf = (2 * 1024 * 1024); Uint32 szWrite = 32768, maxWriteSize = (256 * 1024); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_BACKUP_DATA_BUFFER_MEM, &szDataBuf); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_BACKUP_LOG_BUFFER_MEM, &szLogBuf); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_BACKUP_WRITE_SIZE, &szWrite); ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_BACKUP_MAX_WRITE_SIZE, &maxWriteSize); if (maxWriteSize < szWrite) { /** * max can't be lower than min */ maxWriteSize = szWrite; } if ((maxWriteSize % szWrite) != 0) { /** * max needs to be a multiple of min */ maxWriteSize = (maxWriteSize + szWrite - 1) / szWrite; maxWriteSize *= szWrite; } /** * add min writesize to buffer size...and the alignment added here and there */ Uint32 extra = szWrite + 4 * (/* align * 512b */ 128); szDataBuf += extra; szLogBuf += extra; c_defaults.m_logBufferSize = szLogBuf; c_defaults.m_dataBufferSize = szDataBuf; c_defaults.m_minWriteSize = szWrite; c_defaults.m_maxWriteSize = maxWriteSize; c_defaults.m_lcp_buffer_size = szDataBuf; Uint32 szMem = 0; ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_DB_BACKUP_MEM, &szMem); szMem += 3 * extra; // (data+log+lcp); Uint32 noPages = (szMem + sizeof(Page32) - 1) / sizeof(Page32) + (c_defaults.m_lcp_buffer_size + sizeof(Page32) - 1) / sizeof(Page32); // We need to allocate an additional of 2 pages. 1 page because of a bug in // ArrayPool and another one for DICTTAINFO. c_pagePool.setSize(noPages + NO_OF_PAGES_META_FILE + 2, true); { // Init all tables SLList<Table> tables(c_tablePool); TablePtr ptr; while (tables.seizeFirst(ptr)){ new (ptr.p) Table(c_fragmentPool); } while (tables.releaseFirst()); } { SLList<BackupFile> ops(c_backupFilePool); BackupFilePtr ptr; while (ops.seizeFirst(ptr)){ new (ptr.p) BackupFile(* this, c_pagePool); } while (ops.releaseFirst()); } { SLList<BackupRecord> recs(c_backupPool); BackupRecordPtr ptr; while (recs.seizeFirst(ptr)){ new (ptr.p) BackupRecord(* this, c_tablePool, c_backupFilePool, c_triggerPool); } while (recs.releaseFirst()); } // Initialize BAT for interface to file system { Page32Ptr p; ndbrequire(c_pagePool.seizeId(p, 0)); c_startOfPages = (Uint32 *)p.p; c_pagePool.release(p); NewVARIABLE* bat = allocateBat(1); bat[0].WA = c_startOfPages; bat[0].nrr = c_pagePool.getSize()*sizeof(Page32)/sizeof(Uint32); } ReadConfigConf * conf = (ReadConfigConf*)signal->getDataPtrSend(); conf->senderRef = reference(); conf->senderData = senderData; sendSignal(ref, GSN_READ_CONFIG_CONF, signal, ReadConfigConf::SignalLength, JBB); }
MSIndexVector::MSIndexVector (const char *pString_) : MSVector() { _pImpl = new MSBuiltinVectorImpl(&ops(),&ops()); _pImpl->setFromString (pString_); }
OpenGlVec<T,N> operator*(const OpenGlVec<T,N>& vec) const { return ops(times, vec); }
MSIndexVector::MSIndexVector (MSIndexVector::Data *pData_, unsigned int len_) : MSVector() { _pImpl = new MSBuiltinVectorImpl(&ops(), &ops(), (void *)pData_, len_); }
OpenGlVec<T,N> operator+(const OpenGlVec<T,N>& vec) const { return ops(add, vec); }
//-***************************************************************************** void ICameraSchema::init( const Abc::Argument &iArg0, const Abc::Argument &iArg1 ) { ALEMBIC_ABC_SAFE_CALL_BEGIN( "ICameraSchema::init()" ); AbcA::CompoundPropertyReaderPtr _this = this->getPtr(); Abc::Arguments args; iArg0.setInto( args ); iArg1.setInto( args ); m_coreProperties = Abc::IScalarProperty( _this, ".core", args.getErrorHandlerPolicy() ); // none of the things below here are guaranteed to exist if ( this->getPropertyHeader( ".childBnds" ) != NULL ) { m_childBoundsProperty = Abc::IBox3dProperty( _this, ".childBnds", iArg0, iArg1 ); } if ( this->getPropertyHeader( ".arbGeomParams" ) != NULL ) { m_arbGeomParams = Abc::ICompoundProperty( _this, ".arbGeomParams", args.getErrorHandlerPolicy() ); } if ( this->getPropertyHeader( ".userProperties" ) != NULL ) { m_userProperties = Abc::ICompoundProperty( _this, ".userProperties", args.getErrorHandlerPolicy() ); } // read the film back operations const AbcA::PropertyHeader * header = this->getPropertyHeader(".filmBackOps"); // read it from the scalar property if ( header != NULL && header->isScalar() ) { Abc::IScalarProperty opsProp( _this, ".filmBackOps", args.getErrorHandlerPolicy() ); size_t numOps = opsProp.getDataType().getExtent(); std::vector < std::string > ops( numOps ); opsProp.get( &ops.front() ); m_ops.resize( ops.size() ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < numOps; ++i ) { m_ops[i] = FilmBackXformOp( ops[i] ); } } // read it from the array property else if ( header != NULL && header->isArray() ) { Abc::IStringArrayProperty opsProp( _this, ".filmBackOps", iArg0, iArg1 ); Abc::StringArraySamplePtr ops; opsProp.get( ops ); size_t numOps = ops->size(); m_ops.resize( numOps ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < numOps; ++i ) { m_ops[i] = FilmBackXformOp( (*ops)[i] ); } } header = this->getPropertyHeader( ".filmBackChannels" ); if ( header != NULL && header->isScalar() ) { m_smallFilmBackChannels = Abc::IScalarProperty( _this, ".filmBackChannels", args.getErrorHandlerPolicy() ); } else if ( header != NULL && header->isArray() ) { m_largeFilmBackChannels = Abc::IDoubleArrayProperty( _this, ".filmBackChannels", iArg0, iArg1 ); } ALEMBIC_ABC_SAFE_CALL_END_RESET(); }
OpenGlVec<T,N> operator-(const OpenGlVec<T,N>& vec) const { return ops(minus, vec); }
void JSWriter::writeClass(UMLClassifier *c) { if(!c) { kDebug()<<"Cannot write class of NULL concept!" << endl; return; } QString classname = cleanName(c->getName()); QString fileName = c->getName().lower(); //find an appropriate name for our file fileName = findFileName(c,".js"); if (fileName.isEmpty()) { emit codeGenerated(c, false); return; } QFile filejs; if(!openFile(filejs, fileName)) { emit codeGenerated(c, false); return; } QTextStream js(&filejs); ////////////////////////////// //Start generating the code!! ///////////////////////////// //try to find a heading file (license, coments, etc) QString str; str = getHeadingFile(".js"); if(!str.isEmpty()) { str.replace(QRegExp("%filename%"),fileName); str.replace(QRegExp("%filepath%"),; js << str << m_endl; } //write includes UMLPackageList includes; findObjectsRelated(c,includes); for (UMLPackage *conc = includes.first(); conc; conc = { QString headerName = findFileName(conc, ".js"); if ( !headerName.isEmpty() ) { js << "#include \"" << headerName << "\"" << m_endl; } } js << m_endl; //Write class Documentation if there is somthing or if force option if(forceDoc() || !c->getDoc().isEmpty()) { js << m_endl << "/**" << m_endl; js << " * class " << classname << m_endl; js << formatDoc(c->getDoc()," * "); js << " */" << m_endl << m_endl; } //check if class is abstract and / or has abstract methods if(c->getAbstract() && !hasAbstractOps(c)) js << "/******************************* Abstract Class ****************************" << m_endl << " " << classname << " does not have any pure virtual methods, but its author" << m_endl << " defined it as an abstract class, so you should not use it directly." << m_endl << " Inherit from it instead and create only objects from the derived classes" << m_endl << "*****************************************************************************/" << m_endl << m_endl; js << classname << " = function ()" << m_endl; js << "{" << m_endl; js << m_indentation << "this._init ();" << m_endl; js << "}" << m_endl; js << m_endl; UMLClassifierList superclasses = c->getSuperClasses(); for (UMLClassifier *obj = superclasses.first(); obj; obj = { js << classname << ".prototype = new " << cleanName(obj->getName()) << " ();" << m_endl; } js << m_endl; if (! c->isInterface()) { UMLAttributeList atl = c->getAttributeList(); js << "/**" << m_endl; QString temp = "_init sets all " + classname + " attributes to their default value." " Make sure to call this method within your class constructor"; js << formatDoc(temp, " * "); js << " */" << m_endl; js << classname << ".prototype._init = function ()" << m_endl; js << "{" << m_endl; for(UMLAttribute *at = atl.first(); at ; at = { if (forceDoc() || !at->getDoc().isEmpty()) { js << m_indentation << "/**" << m_endl << formatDoc(at->getDoc(), m_indentation + " * ") << m_indentation << " */" << m_endl; } if(!at->getInitialValue().isEmpty()) { js << m_indentation << "this.m_" << cleanName(at->getName()) << " = " << at->getInitialValue() << ";" << m_endl; } else { js << m_indentation << "this.m_" << cleanName(at->getName()) << " = \"\";" << m_endl; } } } //associations UMLAssociationList aggregations = c->getAggregations(); if (forceSections() || !aggregations.isEmpty ()) { js << m_endl << m_indentation << "/**Aggregations: */" << m_endl; writeAssociation(classname, aggregations , js ); } UMLAssociationList compositions = c->getCompositions(); if( forceSections() || !compositions.isEmpty()) { js << m_endl << m_indentation << "/**Compositions: */" << m_endl; writeAssociation(classname, compositions , js ); } js << m_endl; js << "}" << m_endl; js << m_endl; //operations UMLOperationList ops(c->getOpList()); writeOperations(classname, &ops, js); js << m_endl; //finish file //close files and notfiy we are done filejs.close(); emit codeGenerated(c, true); }
float mops() const { return (count() * ops()) / (1e6 * total());}
TEST(ParameterValidation, subscribeNoCallback) { ros::NodeHandle nh; ros::SubscribeOptions ops("blah", 0, "blah", "blah"); ASSERT_THROWS(nh.subscribe(ops)); }
//============================================================================= // METHOD : SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::restoreState() //============================================================================= PyFrameObject* SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::restoreState() { DEBUG("[WS] Restoring state ========================================"); // We need a separate scope so that we can invoke saveState at the end without deadlock { std::cerr << "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" << std::endl; std::cerr << "RESTORE STATE START" << std::endl; std::cerr << "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" << std::endl; // Synchronize so that nothing can be done while saving SPELLmonitor m(m_lock); SPELLsafePythonOperations ops("SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::restoreState()"); // Create a fresh thread state PyThreadState* tstate = PyThreadState_Get(); DEBUG("[WS] Restoring interpreter parameters"); tstate->recursion_depth = m_storage->loadLong(); DEBUG(" - Recursion depth : " + ISTR(tstate->recursion_depth)); tstate->tick_counter = m_storage->loadLong(); DEBUG(" - Tcik counter : " + ISTR(tstate->tick_counter)); tstate->gilstate_counter = m_storage->loadLong(); DEBUG(" - GIL counter : " + ISTR(tstate->gilstate_counter)); int numFrames = m_storage->loadLong(); DEBUG(" - Number of frames: " + ISTR(numFrames)); if (numFrames < 0) { THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to restore state", "Failed to restore interpreter parameters", SPELL_ERROR_WSTART); } DEBUG("[WS] Restoring frames"); m_frames.clear(); m_recursionDepth = 0; // Restore the frames now. Consider that the top frame is already there // Use the originally created frame to copy globals PyFrameObject* prevFrame = NULL; for( int count = 0; count < numFrames; count++ ) { // In recursion depth zero, use the original frame // to copy the globals from std::string frameId = PYSSTR(m_storage->loadObject()); m_topFrame = new SPELLwsFrame( frameId, m_startup, m_frames.size(), prevFrame ); m_frames.push_back(m_topFrame); // For the head frame, store its address in the interpreter thread state if (m_recursionDepth == 0) { if (tstate->frame) delete tstate->frame; tstate->frame = m_topFrame->getFrameObject(); } m_recursionDepth++; prevFrame = m_topFrame->getFrameObject(); } // Update the recursion depth tstate->recursion_depth = m_recursionDepth; DEBUG("[WS] Checking errors"); SPELLpythonHelper::instance().checkError(); DEBUG("[WS] Switching to save state mode"); // Reset the storage now, to mode write delete m_storage; m_storage = new SPELLwsStorage( m_persistentFile, SPELLwsStorage::MODE_WRITE ); std::cerr << "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" << std::endl; std::cerr << "RESTORE STATE END" << std::endl; std::cerr << "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" << std::endl; } // Re-save the current state, so that the new persistent files are ok saveState(); DEBUG("[WS] Checking errors"); SPELLpythonHelper::instance().checkError(); // Reset values m_startup.recoveryFile = ""; m_startup.performRecovery = false; DEBUG("[WS] State recovered ==========================================="); return m_topFrame->getFrameObject(); }
TEST(ParameterValidation, advertiseEmptyMD5Sum) { ros::NodeHandle nh; ros::AdvertiseOptions ops("blah", 0, "", "blah", "blah"); ASSERT_THROWS(nh.advertise(ops)); }
expression_tree Power(const expression_tree::operands_t& ops_to_copy, enviroment& env) { expression_tree::operands_t ops(ops_to_copy); if ( ops.size() == 0 ) { return expression_tree::make_exact_number( mpq_class(1) ); } if ( ops.size() == 1 ) { return expression_tree( ops[0] ); } assert( ops.size() == 2 ); assert( ops[0].get_type() != expression_tree::APPROXIMATE_NUMBER ); assert( ops[1].get_type() != expression_tree::APPROXIMATE_NUMBER ); //if exponent is an integer, then there are possible simplifications if ( ops[1].is_integer() ) { //(a^b)^c == a^(bc) if c is an integer if ( ops[0].is_operator("Power") ) { const expression_tree::operands_t& power_ops = ops[0].get_operands(); assert( power_ops.size() == 2 ); ops[1] = expression_tree::make_operator("Times", power_ops[1], ops[1]).evaluate(env); ops[0] = power_ops[0]; } } //x^0 == 0 //x^1 == x //But 0^0 is Indeterminate, TODO!!?? DEBUG : Expand[Det[{{n,n,n},{n+1,n+1,n+2},{n+3,n+2,n+1}}]] if ( ops[1].get_type() == expression_tree::EXACT_NUMBER ) { if ( ops[1].get_exact_number() == 0 ) { if ( ops[0].get_type() == expression_tree::EXACT_NUMBER ) { env.raise_error( "Power", "Indeterminate expression 0^0 encountered." ); return expression_tree::make_symbol( "Indeterminate" ); } else { return expression_tree::make_exact_number( 1 ); } } else if ( ops[1].get_exact_number() == 1 ) { return ops[0]; } } if ( ops[0].get_type() != expression_tree::EXACT_NUMBER || ops[1].get_type() != expression_tree::EXACT_NUMBER ) { return expression_tree::make_operator( "Power", ops ); //nonnumber nonpowering } //TODO check if fits //If the don't fit into these, then why bother calculating? long exponent = 0; unsigned long inverse_exponent = 0; bool exponent_conversion_success = mpz_get_si_checked(exponent, ops[1].get_exact_number().get_num()); bool inverse_exponent_conversion_success = mpz_get_ui_checked(inverse_exponent, ops[1].get_exact_number().get_den()); if ( !exponent_conversion_success || !inverse_exponent_conversion_success ) { env.raise_error( "Power", "exponent overflow" ); return expression_tree::make_operator( "Power", ops ); } if ( ops[0].get_exact_number() < 0 ) { if ( inverse_exponent != 1 ) { env.raise_error( "Power", "can't raise a negative base to a rational exponent" ); return expression_tree::make_symbol( "Indeterminate" ); } } else if ( ops[0].get_exact_number() == 0 ) { if ( exponent > 0 ) { return expression_tree( ops[0] ); // mpq_class(0) why reconstruct? } else if ( exponent == 0 ) { env.raise_error( "Power", "Indeterminate 0^0" ); return expression_tree::make_symbol( "Indeterminate" ); } else { //exponent < 0 env.raise_error( "Power", "Infinite expression 0^-exp" ); return expression_tree::make_symbol( "Infinity" ); } } else { //ops[0].get_exact_number() > 0 //everything is mathOK here } //shortcut for Power[a, -1] if ( exponent == -1 && inverse_exponent == 1 ) { mpq_class result = mpq_class(1) / ops[0].get_exact_number(); return expression_tree::make_exact_number( result ); } bool negative_exponent = false; if ( exponent < 0 ) { negative_exponent = true; exponent = -exponent; } mpq_class resultq = mpq_pow_ui_class( ops[0].get_exact_number(), exponent ); if (negative_exponent) { resultq = mpq_class(1) / resultq; } if ( inverse_exponent == 1 ) { return expression_tree::make_exact_number( resultq ); } else { //ops[1] is now equals 1/d. We did the numerator's job above. //ops[1] = mpq_class( mpz_class(1), ops[1].get_exact_number().get_den() ); //implicit constructor //TODO check if fits //unsigned long inverse_exponent = ops[1].get_exact_number().get_den().get_ui(); mpz_class numerator_result; mpz_class denominator_result; bool numerator_success = mpz_root_class( numerator_result, resultq.get_num(), inverse_exponent); bool denominator_success = mpz_root_class( denominator_result, resultq.get_den(), inverse_exponent); if ( numerator_success && denominator_success ) { mpq_class result( numerator_result, denominator_result ); return expression_tree::make_exact_number( result ); } else if ( numerator_success ) { //&& !denominator_success /* Creating : Times[numerator_result, Power[resultq.get_den(), -1/inverse_exponent]] */ expression_tree::operands_t ops_power; expression_tree::operands_t ops_times; mpq_class negated_exponent( mpq_class(-1)*mpq_class(1, inverse_exponent) ); ops_power.push_back( expression_tree::make_exact_number( mpq_class(resultq.get_den()) ) ); ops_power.push_back( expression_tree::make_exact_number( negated_exponent ) ); //could use 1/inverse_exponent also expression_tree power_expr = expression_tree::make_operator( "Power", ops_power ); //don't have to evaulate, can't do anything anyway if ( numerator_result == 1 ) { return power_expr; } else { ops_times.push_back( expression_tree::make_exact_number( mpq_class(numerator_result) ) ); ops_times.push_back( power_expr ); return expression_tree::make_operator("Times", ops_times)/*.evaluate()*/; } } else if ( denominator_success ) { //&& !numerator_success /* Creating : Times[Power[resultq.get_num(), 1/inverse_exponent], 1/denominator_result] */ expression_tree::operands_t ops_powerlhs; expression_tree::operands_t ops_times; ops_powerlhs.push_back( expression_tree::make_exact_number( mpq_class(resultq.get_num()) ) ); ops_powerlhs.push_back( expression_tree::make_exact_number( mpq_class(1, inverse_exponent) ) ); expression_tree powerlhs_tree = expression_tree::make_operator("Power", ops_powerlhs); if ( denominator_result == 1 ) { return powerlhs_tree; } else { ops_times.push_back( powerlhs_tree ); ops_times.push_back( expression_tree::make_exact_number(mpq_class( mpz_class(1), denominator_result )) ); return expression_tree::make_operator("Times", ops_times)/*.evaluate()*/; //FIXME might evaulate this? no... } } else { //!denominator_success && !numerator_success /* Creating : Power[resultq, exponent/inverse_exponent] */ expression_tree::operands_t ops_power; ops_power.push_back( expression_tree::make_exact_number( resultq ) ); ops_power.push_back( expression_tree::make_exact_number( mpq_class(1, inverse_exponent) ) ); return expression_tree::make_operator("Power", ops_power); } } }
MSBuiltinVector<Type>::MSBuiltinVector (unsigned int length_) : MSBaseVector<Type,MSAllocator<Type> > ((MSVectorImpl *)0) { this->_pImpl = new MSBuiltinVectorImpl(&ops(),&ops(),length_); }