コード例 #1
ファイル: client_function.c プロジェクト: rrreeezzz/Projres
int client(int *maxfds, fd_set *readfds, int *num_clients, client_data *fd_array, annuaireData *user, waitList *waitlist){
	int sock_host;
	struct hostent *hostinfo;
	struct sockaddr_in address;
	int port = -1;
	char client_inaddr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
	message *msg = (message *) malloc(sizeof(message));

	//Si on ne peut pas recevoir le client
	if (*num_clients >= MAX_CLIENTS) {
		printf(BLUE"[Program] You tried to establish a connection with someone, but you are already connected to too many clients."RESET"\n\n");
		return -1;

	if(user != NULL){
		hostinfo = ask_server_address(&port, user);
		printf(BLUE"\n[PROGRAM] *** Enter server's address : \"address:port\" ***\n[PROGRAM] Type \"/exit\" to interrupt."RESET"\n\n");
		hostinfo = ask_server_address(&port, NULL);
	/* Cas où l'utilisateur veut quitter la routine de connexion */
	if(port == -1) {
		return -1;

	sock_host = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

	address.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *)*hostinfo -> h_addr_list;
	address.sin_family = AF_INET;
	address.sin_port = htons(port);
	inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(address.sin_addr), client_inaddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
	printf(BLUE"\n*** Attempt to establish a connection with "RED"%s:%i"BLUE" ***"RESET"\n\n", client_inaddr, port);

	/* Connection au serveur */
	if(connect(sock_host, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address)) < 0) {
		if (userInterface_fd > 0) {
			sendUiMsg("CONNECTERROR Client unreachable.\n",readfds,fd_array,num_clients);
		return -1;
	} //gérer autrement car il ne faut pas quitter si on arrive pas a se co

	opt_desc(&sock_host, maxfds, readfds);
	session_initiate(msg); //génération du message de session-initiate

	/* Ajout de l'adresse socket du client auquel on se connecte à ses données */
	memset(fd_array[*num_clients+(*waitlist).nb_connect].address_client, '\0', sizeof(fd_array->address_client));
	strcpy(fd_array[*num_clients+(*waitlist).nb_connect].address_client, client_inaddr);
	fd_array[*num_clients+(*waitlist).nb_connect].fd_client = sock_host;


	return 0;
コード例 #2
irods::error parseProgramOptions(
    int _argc,
    char* _argv[],
    boost::program_options::variables_map &_vm ) {
    namespace po = boost::program_options;
    po::options_description opt_desc( "options" );
        ( "help,h",                              "Show command usage" )
        ( "test,t",                              "Test mode" )
        ( "string,s",                            "String mode" )
        ( "file,F", po::value< std::string >(),  "Rule file" )
        ( "list,l",                              "List file" )
        ( "verbose,v",                           "Verbose output" )
        ( "available,a",                         "List available rule engine instances" )
        ( "rule-engine-plugin-instance,r", po::value< std::string >(),
                                                 "Run rule on specified instance" )
        ( "parameters", po::value< std::vector< std::string > >()->multitoken(),
                                                 "Rule input/output parameters" );
    po::positional_options_description pos_desc;
    pos_desc.add( "parameters", -1 );
    try {
            _argc, _argv ).options(
            opt_desc ).positional(
            pos_desc ).run(), _vm );
        po::notify( _vm );
    } catch (po::error& _e ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "Error in irule parseProgramOptions: [%s]", _e.what() );
        std::cerr << std::endl
                  << "Error: "
                  << _e.what()
                  << std::endl << std::endl;
        return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, "Illegal command line argument" );

    return SUCCESS();
コード例 #3
// currently only written to support iput.  needs to be expanded to
// support the full range of icommand options
static int parse_program_options(
    int              _argc,
    char**           _argv,
    rodsArguments_t& _rods_args,
    path_list_t&     _paths ) {
    namespace po = boost::program_options;

    po::options_description opt_desc( "options" );
    ( "help,h", "show command usage" )
    ( "all,a", "all - update all existing copies" )
    ( "bulk,b", "bulk upload to reduce overhead" )
    ( "force,f", "force - write data-object even it exists already; overwrite it" )
    ( "redirect,I", "redirect connection - redirect the connection to connect directly to the resource server." )
    ( "checksum,k", "checksum - calculate a checksum on the data server-side, and store it in the catalog" )
    ( "verify_checksum,K", "verify checksum - calculate and verify the checksum on the data, both client-side and server-side, without storing in the catalog." )
    ( "repl_num,n", po::value<std::string>(), "replNum  - the replica to be replaced, typically not needed" )
    ( "num_threads,N", po::value<int>(), "numThreads - the number of threads to use for the transfer. A value of 0 means no threading. By default (-N option not used) the server decides the number of threads to use.")
    ( "physical_path,p", po::value<std::string>(), "physicalPath - the absolute physical path of the uploaded file on the server" )
    ( "progress,P", "output the progress of the upload." )
    ( "rbudp,Q", "use RBUDP (datagram) protocol for the data transfer" )
    ( "recursive,r", "recursive - store the whole subdirectory" )
    ( "dest_resc,R", po::value<std::string>(), "resource - specifies the resource to store to. This can also be specified in your environment or via a rule set up by the administrator" )
    ( "ticket,t", po::value<std::string>(), "ticket - ticket (string) to use for ticket-based access" )
    ( "renew_socket,T", "renew socket connection after 10 minutes" )
    ( "verbose,v", "verbose" )
    ( "very_verbose,V", "very verbose" )
    ( "data_type,D", po::value<std::string>(), "dataType - the data type string" )
    ( "restart_file,X", po::value<std::string>(), "restartFile - specifies that the restart option is on and the restartFile input specifies a local file that contains the restart information." )
    ( "link", "ignore symlink." )
    ( "lfrestart", po::value<std::string>(), "lfRestartFile - specifies that the large file restart option is on and the lfRestartFile input specifies a local file that contains the restart information." )
    ( "retries", po::value<int>(), "count - Retry the iput in case of error. The 'count' input specifies the number of times to retry. It must be used with the -X option" )
    ( "wlock", "use advisory write (exclusive) lock for the upload" )
    ( "rlock", "use advisory read lock for the download" )
    ( "purgec", "Purge the staged cache copy after uploading an object to a" )
    ( "kv_pass", po::value<std::string>(), "pass key-value strings through to the plugin infrastructure" )
    ( "metadata", po::value<std::string>(), "atomically assign metadata after a data object is put" )
    ( "acl", po::value<std::string>(), "atomically apply an access control list after a data object is put" )
    ( "path_args", po::value<path_list_t>(&_paths)->composing(), "some files and stuffs" );

    po::positional_options_description pos_desc;
    pos_desc.add( "path_args", -1 );

    try {
                _argc, _argv ).options(
                opt_desc ).positional(
                pos_desc ).run(), global_prog_ops_var_map );
        po::notify( global_prog_ops_var_map );
    catch ( po::error& _e ) {
        std::cout << std::endl
                  << "Error: "
                  << _e.what()
                  << std::endl
                  << std::endl;
        return -1;


    // path args are passed out in a separate parameter
    //if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "path_args" ) ) {

    memset( &_rods_args, 0, sizeof( _rods_args ) );
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "help" ) ) {
        return -1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "all" ) ) {
        _rods_args.all = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "bulk" ) ) {
        _rods_args.bulk = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "force" ) ) {
        _rods_args.bulk = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "force" ) ) {
        _rods_args.force = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "redirect" ) ) {
        _rods_args.redirectConn = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "checksum" ) ) {
        _rods_args.checksum = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "verify_checksum" ) ) {
        _rods_args.verifyChecksum = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "" ) ) {
        _rods_args.verifyChecksum = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "repl_num" ) ) {
        _rods_args.replNum = 1;
        try {
            _rods_args.replNumValue = (char*)global_prog_ops_var_map[ "repl_num" ].as<std::string>().c_str();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "num_threads" ) ) {
        _rods_args.number = 1;
        try {
            _rods_args.numberValue = global_prog_ops_var_map[ "num_threads" ].as<int>();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "physical_path" ) ) {
        _rods_args.physicalPath = 1;
        try {
            _rods_args.physicalPathString = (char*)global_prog_ops_var_map[ "physical_path" ].as< std::string >().c_str();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "progress" ) ) {
        _rods_args.progressFlag = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "rbudp" ) ) {
        _rods_args.rbudp = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "recursive" ) ) {
        _rods_args.recursive = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "dest_resc" ) ) {
        _rods_args.resource = 1;
        try {
            _rods_args.resourceString = (char*)global_prog_ops_var_map[ "dest_resc" ].as< std::string >().c_str();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "ticket" ) ) {
        _rods_args.ticket = 1;
        try {
            _rods_args.ticketString = (char*)global_prog_ops_var_map[ "ticket" ].as< std::string >().c_str();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "renew_socket" ) ) {
        _rods_args.reconnect = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "verbose" ) ) {
        _rods_args.verbose = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "very_verbose" ) ) {
        _rods_args.verbose = 1;
        _rods_args.veryVerbose = 1;
        rodsLogLevel( LOG_NOTICE );
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "data_type" ) ) {
        _rods_args.dataType = 1;
        try {
            _rods_args.dataTypeString = (char*)global_prog_ops_var_map[ "data_type" ].as< std::string >().c_str();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "restart_file" ) ) {
        _rods_args.restart = 1;
        try {
            _rods_args.restartFileString = (char*)global_prog_ops_var_map[ "restart_file" ].as< std::string >().c_str();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "link" ) ) {
        _rods_args.link = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "lfrestart" ) ) {
        _rods_args.lfrestart = 1;
        try {
            _rods_args.lfrestartFileString = (char*)global_prog_ops_var_map[ "lfrestart" ].as< std::string >().c_str();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "retries" ) ) {
        _rods_args.retries = 1;
        try {
            _rods_args.retriesValue = global_prog_ops_var_map[ "retries" ].as< int >();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "wlock" ) ) {
        _rods_args.wlock = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "rlock" ) ) {
        _rods_args.rlock = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "purgec" ) ) {
        _rods_args.purgeCache = 1;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "kv_pass" ) ) {
        _rods_args.kv_pass = 1;
        try {
            _rods_args.kv_pass_string = (char*)global_prog_ops_var_map[ "kv_pass" ].as< std::string >().c_str();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "metadata" ) ) {
        try {
            _rods_args.metadata_string = (char*)global_prog_ops_var_map[ "metadata" ].as< std::string >().c_str();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;
    if( global_prog_ops_var_map.count( "acl" ) ) {
        try {
            _rods_args.acl_string = (char*)global_prog_ops_var_map[ "acl" ].as< std::string >().c_str();
        catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast& ) {
            return INVALID_ANY_CAST;

    return 0;

} // parse_program_options
コード例 #4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  po::options_description opt_desc("Edge detection client. Available options");

     "Specify path to dataset in Knossos format.")
     "Cross section dimensions. X coordinate of top-left corner.")
     "Cross section dimensions. Y coordinate of top-left corner.")
     "Cross section dimensions. X coordinate of bottom-right corner.")
     "Cross section dimensions. Y coordinate of bottom-right corner.")
     "Cross section dimensions. Z coordinate of cross-section plane.")
    ("gaussian_sigma", po::value<float>()->default_value(0.8408964), "")
    ("sup_rad1", po::value<int>(), "")
    ("sup_rad2", po::value<int>(), "")
    ("thresh_high1", po::value<int>(), "")
    ("thresh_high2", po::value<int>(), "")
    ("thresh_diff1", po::value<int>(), "")
    ("thresh_diff2", po::value<int>(), "")
    ("ep1", po::value<float>(), "")
    ("ep2", po::value<float>(), "")
    ("ep3", po::value<float>(), "")
    ("thresh_ray", po::value<int>(), "")
    ("union_ray", po::value<int>(), "")
    ("print_compounds", po::value<bool>(), "")
    ("do_matching", po::value<bool>(), "")

  options opts(opt_desc, argc, argv);

  dataset d(opts.string_var("dataset-path"));

  image i = cross_section_z(d,

      << "Exporting original image to output/edge-detection/original.pgm."
      << std::endl;

    pgm_export(i, boost::filesystem::path("../output/edge-detection/original.pgm"));

  image magnified = gaussian(i, opts.float_var("gaussian_sigma"));

      << "Exporting blurred image to output/edge-detection/blurred.pgm."
      << std::endl;

    pgm_export(magnified, boost::filesystem::path("../output/edge-detection/blurred.pgm"));

    std::stringstream coords;
    coords << opts.int_var("cross-section-x1") << "#";
    coords << opts.int_var("cross-section-x2") << "#";
    coords << opts.int_var("cross-section-y1") << "#";
    coords << opts.int_var("cross-section-y2") << "#";
    coords << opts.int_var("cross-section-z") << "#";
    int sup_rad1 = opts.int_var("sup_rad1");
    int sup_rad2 = opts.int_var("sup_rad2");
    int thresh_high1 = opts.int_var("thresh_high1");
    int thresh_high2 = opts.int_var("thresh_high2");
    int thresh_diff1 = opts.int_var("thresh_diff1");
    int thresh_diff2 = opts.int_var("thresh_diff2");
    for(int supp_radius = sup_rad1; supp_radius <= sup_rad2; supp_radius++)
      for(int thigh = thresh_high1; thigh <= thresh_high2; thigh += 10)
        for(int tlow = thigh-thresh_diff1; tlow <= thigh-thresh_diff2; tlow += 10)
            image i_edge_detection;
	    rgb_image i_before_join;
	    rgb_image i_after_join;
	    std::tie(i_edge_detection, i_before_join, i_after_join)
	      = detect_edges(magnified,thigh,tlow,supp_radius,0,
              std::stringstream ss;
              ss << "../output/edge-detection/edge_detection" << thigh << "_"<< tlow << "_" << supp_radius << ".pgm";

              std::cerr << "Exporting image to " << ss.str() << std::endl;
              pgm_export(i_edge_detection, boost::filesystem::path(ss.str()));

              std::stringstream ss;
              ss << "../output/edge-detection/edge_detection" << thigh << "_"<< tlow << "_" << supp_radius << "before.ppm";

              std::cerr << "Exporting image to " << ss.str() << std::endl;
              ppm_export(i_before_join, boost::filesystem::path(ss.str()));
              std::stringstream ss;
              ss << "../output/edge-detection/edge_detection" << thigh << "_"<< tlow << "_" << supp_radius << "after.ppm";

              std::cerr << "Exporting image to " << ss.str() << std::endl;
              ppm_export(i_after_join, boost::filesystem::path(ss.str()));

  std::cerr << "Program finished successfully." << std::endl;

  return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: image-client.cpp プロジェクト: foo/mouse-retina
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  po::options_description opt_desc("Image client reads cubes from dataset, and renders serie of images through the dataset.");

      "Specify path to dataset in Knossos format.")
     "Loop through dataset z coordinate; initial value")
     "Loop through dataset z coordinate; limit value")
     "Cross section dimensions. X coordinate of top-left corner.")
     "Cross section dimensions. Y coordinate of top-left corner.")
     "Cross section dimensions. X coordinate of bottom-right corner.")
     "Cross section dimensions. Y coordinate of bottom-right corner.")
     "Output directory.")
     "Prefix of output filename. E.g. for out-filname=slice, the program will output slice1.pgm, slice2.pgm etc.");

  options opts(opt_desc, argc, argv);
  dataset d(opts.string_var("dataset-path"));

  for(int z = opts.int_var("z-begin");
      z < opts.int_var("z-end");
      z ++)
    /*if(z % cube::dim == 0)
      const int useless_z = (z / cube::dim) - 1;

      d.unload_z_lower_than(d.min_z + useless_z);
    std::cout << "Processing z coordinate " << z << std::endl;
    image i = cross_section_z(d,
    std::cout << "Successfully loaded image from grid" << std::endl;

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << opts.string_var("out-dir") << "/"
       << opts.string_var("out-filename") << z << ".pgm";
    std::cout << "Successfully exported slice of tissue to file "
	      << ss.str() << "." << std::endl;
  return 0;