コード例 #1
ファイル: oplinit.c プロジェクト: saqibjamil/Ingres
** Name: opl_ioutjoin	- init outer join IDs for this subquery
** Description:
**      This routine will initialize an outer join descriptor for 
**      this subquery.  Note that a PSF var may be referenced in several
**	subqueries due to link backs in aggregates, etc. but only
**	one of these subqueries would contain the outer join ID.  So
**	that OPF delays inserting the join ID into the
**	subquery until a parse tree node is discovered which references
**	the join ID.
** Inputs:
**      subquery                        subquery which contains outer
**					join
**      varp                            ptr to range table entry
**					containing the outer join var
** Outputs:
**	Returns:
**	    VOID
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**      14-sep-89 (seputis)
**          initial creation
**      15-feb-93 (ed)
**	    fix outer join placement bug 49317
**	19-jan-94 (ed)
**	    remove obsolete structures
**	15-sep-00 (inkdo01)
**	    Init opl_translate to NOINIT to distinguish from legitimate
**	    parent of OPL_NOOUTER (to fix bug 87175).
	OPS_SUBQUERY       *subquery,
	PST_J_ID	   joinid)
    OPS_STATE	    *global;
    OPL_OUTER	    *outjoinp;

    global = subquery->ops_global;
    {   /* this ID has not been added to the current set */
	i4		    ojsize; /* size of structures needed to support
				    ** the outer join descriptor */

	ojsize = sizeof(*outjoinp) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_innereqc) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_ojtotal) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_onclause) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_ovmap) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_ivmap) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_bvmap) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_ojbvmap) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_idmap) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_bfmap) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_minojmap) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_maxojmap) +
		sizeof(*outjoinp->opl_ojattr) +
	outjoinp = (OPL_OUTER *)opu_memory(global, ojsize);
	MEfill(ojsize, (u_char)0, (PTR)outjoinp);
	outjoinp->opl_innereqc = (OPE_BMEQCLS *)&outjoinp[1]; /* ptr to set of equivalence classes
				    ** which represent all the inner relations
				    ** to this outer join */
	outjoinp->opl_id = subquery->ops_oj.opl_lv++; /* query tree ID associated with this
				    ** outer join, which should be found in
				    ** the op node of any qualification */
	outjoinp->opl_gid = joinid; /* global ID used in query tree produced
				    ** by parser, this is different from opl_id
				    ** since opl_id is local to the subquery
				    ** and the op nodes were renamed to 
				    ** be opl_id */
	outjoinp->opl_ojtotal= (OPV_BMVARS *)&outjoinp->opl_innereqc[1]; /* map of 
				    ** all variables which  are considered 
				    ** "inner" to this join ID, this map is used
				    ** for legal placement of variables, this
				    ** includes all secondaries etc. */
	outjoinp->opl_onclause = (OPV_BMVARS *)&outjoinp->opl_ojtotal[1]; ;
	outjoinp->opl_ovmap = (OPV_BMVARS *)&outjoinp->opl_onclause[1]; 
	outjoinp->opl_ivmap = (OPV_BMVARS *)&outjoinp->opl_ovmap[1]; 
	outjoinp->opl_bvmap = (OPV_BMVARS *)&outjoinp->opl_ivmap[1]; 
	outjoinp->opl_ojbvmap = (OPV_BMVARS *)&outjoinp->opl_bvmap[1]; 
	outjoinp->opl_idmap = (OPL_BMOJ *)&outjoinp->opl_ojbvmap[1]; 
	outjoinp->opl_bfmap = (OPB_BMBF *)&outjoinp->opl_idmap[1];
	outjoinp->opl_minojmap = (OPV_BMVARS *)&outjoinp->opl_bfmap[1];
	outjoinp->opl_maxojmap = (OPV_BMVARS *)&outjoinp->opl_minojmap[1];
	outjoinp->opl_ojattr = (OPZ_BMATTS *)&outjoinp->opl_maxojmap[1];
	outjoinp->opl_reqinner = (OPL_BMOJ *)&outjoinp->opl_ojattr[1];
	outjoinp->opl_type = OPL_UNKNOWN; /* type of outer join will
				    ** be determined later */
	outjoinp->opl_mask = 0;	    /* mask of various booleans */
	outjoinp->opl_translate = OPL_NOINIT;

	if ((subquery->ops_oj.opl_lv >= OPL_MAXOUTER)
	    (joinid > global->ops_goj.opl_glv))
	subquery->ops_oj.opl_base->opl_ojt[outjoinp->opl_id] = outjoinp;
	if (joinid == PST_NOJOIN)
	    return (outjoinp->opl_id); /* in the case of TID joins this routine
				    ** would be called to create a new joinid
				    ** descriptor for a left join */
	if (joinid > global->ops_goj.opl_glv)
	    opx_error(E_OP0395_PSF_JOINID);	    /* join id is out of range */
	if (global->ops_goj.opl_gbase->opl_gojt[joinid] != OPL_NOOUTER)
	    opx_error(E_OP038F_OUTERJOINSCOPE); /* not expecting another translation
				    ** for the same outer join */
	BTset( (i4)joinid, (char *)&subquery->ops_oj.opl_jmap); /* mark
				    ** outer join ID as being processed */
	global->ops_goj.opl_gbase->opl_gojt[joinid] = outjoinp->opl_id;
    {	/* traverse range table and check for any variables which reference
	** this join id */
	OPV_IVARS	    varno;
	OPV_RT              *vbase;	    /* ptr to base of array of ptrs
					** to joinop variables */
	OPL_PARSER	    *pouter;
	OPL_PARSER	    *pinner;

	vbase = subquery->ops_vars.opv_base; /* init ptr to base of array of
					** ptrs to joinop variables */
	pouter = subquery->ops_oj.opl_pouter;
	pinner = subquery->ops_oj.opl_pinner;
	for (varno = subquery->ops_vars.opv_rv; --varno>=0;)
	    OPV_VARS		*varp;
	    varp = vbase->opv_rt[varno];
	    if (varp->opv_grv 
		(varp->opv_grv->opv_gmask & OPV_GOJVAR)
OPV_GOJVAR is not reliably set 
		OPV_IGVARS	    gvar;
		gvar = varp->opv_gvar;	    /* outer join semantics are defined with
					    ** the primary */
		if (BTtest((i4)joinid, (char *)&pouter->opl_parser[gvar]))
		{   /* found variable which is an outer to this join id */
		    if (!varp->opv_ojmap)
		    {   /* allocate a bit map for the outer join */
			varp->opv_ojmap = (OPL_BMOJ *)opu_memory(global,
			MEfill(sizeof(*varp->opv_ojmap), (u_char)0,
		    BTset((i4)outjoinp->opl_id, (char *)varp->opv_ojmap);
		if (BTtest((i4)joinid, (char *)&pinner->opl_parser[gvar]))
		{   /* found variable which is an inner to this join id */
		    if (!varp->opv_ijmap)
		    {   /* allocate a bit map for the outer join */
			varp->opv_ijmap = (OPL_BMOJ *)opu_memory(global,
			MEfill(sizeof(*varp->opv_ijmap), (u_char)0,
		    BTset((i4)outjoinp->opl_id, (char *)varp->opv_ijmap);
		    BTset((i4)varno, (char *)outjoinp->opl_ojtotal);
    return (outjoinp->opl_id);
コード例 #2
ファイル: opvparser.c プロジェクト: saqibjamil/Ingres
** Name: opv_parser	- init global range table element given parser varno
** Description:
**      This routine will initialize the global range table element in OPF
**      corresponding to the PSF range table element.
** Inputs:
**      global                          ptr to global range table
**      gvar                            element in parser range table
**                                      which is referenced in query
** Outputs:
**      global->ops_rangetab.opv_base[gvar] initialize corresponding element
**                                      in optimizer range table
**	Returns:
**	    VOID
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**	2-jul-86 (seputis)
**          initial creation
**	6-nov-88 (seputis)
**          change RDF invalidation to include all indexes on base relation
**          since this is only notification that OPF gets that its' time
**          stamp is out of date
**      25-sep-89 (seputis)
**          - made addition to timestamp check, to refresh if this is a
**          multi-variable query and the tuple count is zero
**	9-nov-89 (seputis)
**          - added OPA_NOVID initialization for b8160, and corrected
**	    sep 25 fix for timestamps
**	12-jan-90 (seputis)
**	    - detect table ID's which are the same for different range vars
**	26-feb-91 (seputis)
**	    - add improved diagnostics for b35862
**      31-dec-91 (seputis)
**          - flush cache entry if tuple count is zero and more than one
**          range table entry, since aggregate queries and flattened queries
**          are not getting handled.
**	12-feb-93 (jhahn)
**	    Added support for statement level rules. (FIPS)
**	12-apr-93 (ed)
**	    - fix bug 50673, relax range variable check for larger OPF table
**      7-dec-93 (ed)
**          b56139 - add OPZ_TIDHISTO to mark tid attributes which
**          need histograms,... needed since target list is traversed
**          earlier than before
**      16-feb-95 (inkdo01)
**          b66907 - check for explicit refs to inconsistent tabs/idxes
**      23-feb-95 (wolf) 
**          Recent addition of MEcopy call should have been accompanied by
**	    an include of me.h
**      10-aug-98 (stial01)
**          opv_parser() Remove code to invalidate indexes. The invalidate
**          table that follows will do the job. Invalidate indexes by table id
**          can get E_OP008E_RDF_INVALIDATE, E_RD0045_ULH_ACCESS
**	31-oct-1998 (nanpr01)
**	    Reset the rdfcb->infoblk ptr before checking the error code.
**	18-june-99 (inkdo01)
**	    Init opv_ttmodel for temp table model histogram feature.
**	19-Jan-2000 (thaju02)
**	    relation descriptor may be out of date and contain a stale 
**	    secondary index count, use rdfcb->rdf_info_block->rdr_no_index 
**	    which reflects the number of index entries in the rdr_indx 
**	    array. (b100060)
**	17-Jan-2004 (schka24)
**	    Rename RDR_BLD_KEY to RDR_BLD_PHYS.
**	3-Sep-2005 (schka24)
**	    Remove if-0'ed out section that included a ref to a member
**	    that is going away (opv_ghist).
**	17-Nov-2005 (schka24)
**	    Don't propagate RDF invalidates that we cause.  Our RDF cache
**	    is out of date but that's not other servers' problem.
**	14-Mar-2007 (kschendel) SIR 122513
**	    Light "partitioned" flag if partitioned table seen.
**	18-april-2008 (dougi)
**	    Add support for table procedures.
**	8-Jul-2010 (wanfr01) b123949
**	    If rdf_gdesc failed with an error, don't use the column 
**	    information - it may not be fully initialized.
	OPS_STATE          *global,
	OPV_IGVARS	   gvar,
	OPS_SQTYPE         sqtype,
	bool		   rdfinfo,
	bool               psf_table,
	bool               abort)
    OPV_GRT             *gbase;	    /* ptr to base of global range table */

# ifdef E_OP0387_VARNO
    if ((gvar < 0) || ((gvar >= PST_NUMVARS) && (gvar >= OPV_MAXVAR)))
	opx_error(E_OP0387_VARNO ); /* range var out of range - 
                                    ** consistency check */
# endif

    gbase = global->ops_rangetab.opv_base; /* get base of global range table
                                    ** ptr to array of ptrs */
    if ( !gbase->opv_grv[gvar] )
	/* if global range variable element has not been allocated */
	OPV_GRV             *grvp;	    /* ptr to new range var element */
        if (global->ops_rangetab.opv_gv <= gvar)
            global->ops_rangetab.opv_gv = gvar+1; /* update the largest range
                                            ** table element assigned so far
        grvp = (OPV_GRV *) opu_memory(global, sizeof( OPV_GRV ) ); /* save
                                            ** and allocate ptr to global
                                            ** var */
	/* Explicitly zero out the grv entry */
	MEfill(sizeof(*grvp), (u_char)0, (PTR)grvp);
	grvp->opv_qrt = gvar;		    /* save index to
                                            ** parser range table element */
        grvp->opv_created = sqtype;         /* save global range table type */
	grvp->opv_gvid = OPA_NOVID;	    /* if this base table was implicitly
					    ** referenced then the view id of the
					    ** explicitly reference view will be
					    ** saved */
        grvp->opv_siteid = OPD_NOSITE;      /* initialize distributed site location */
	grvp->opv_same = OPV_NOGVAR;	    /* used to map tables with similiar
					    ** IDs */
	grvp->opv_compare = OPV_NOGVAR;	    /* used to map tables with similiar
					    ** IDs */
	grvp->opv_ttmodel = NULL;	    /* RDR_INFO ptr for temp table model
					    ** histograms */
	gbase->opv_grv[gvar] = grvp;	    /* place into table */

        /* get RDF information about the table */
        if (rdfinfo)
	    RDF_CB             *rdfcb;	    /* ptr to RDF control block which
                                            ** has proper db_id and sessionid
                                            ** info */
	    PST_RNGENTRY       *rngentry;   /* ptr to parse tree range entry */
	    DB_STATUS          status;      /* RDF return status */

	    i4	       ituple;

            rdfcb = &global->ops_rangetab.opv_rdfcb;
	    if (psf_table)
		/* Snag table procedures and handle them elsewhere. */
		if ((rngentry = global->ops_qheader->pst_rangetab[gvar])
						->pst_rgtype == PST_TPROC)
		    if (opv_tproc(global, gvar, grvp, rngentry) == E_DB_OK)
		    else return(TRUE);

		    pst_rngvar, rdfcb->rdf_rb.rdr_tabid); /* need 
						** table id from parser's table */
#if 0
                if ((BTnext((i4)-1, (char *)&rangep->pst_outer_rel,
                    (i4)BITS_IN(rangep->pst_outer_rel)) >= 0)
                    (BTnext((i4)-1, (char *)&rangep->pst_inner_rel,
                    (i4)BITS_IN(rangep->pst_outer_rel)) >= 0)
                    grvp->opv_gmask |= OPV_GOJVAR; /* mark whether this
                                            ** variable is within the scope of an
                                            ** outer join */
/* OPV_GOJVAR is not reliably set since the subquery bitmap should be tested 
** also for an aggregate temp, multi-to-one mappings may exist for global range
** variables
		if (global->ops_qheader->pst_rangetab[gvar]->
		    pst_rgtype == PST_SETINPUT)
		    grvp->opv_gmask |= OPV_SETINPUT; /* is this the set input
						    ** parameter for a procedure
		rdfcb->rdf_rb.rdr_types_mask = RDR_RELATION | RDR_INDEXES |
		    RDR_ATTRIBUTES | RDR_BLD_PHYS; /* get relation info 
						** - The optimizer uses attribute
						** info in query tree directly 
						** but it is needed to be requested
						** since the RDF uses attr info to
						** build RDR_BLK_KEY info.  The
						** attribute info does not need to
						** requested if RDF is changed.
						** - ask for indexes so that
						** invalidating the cache can also
						** invalidate any indexes in the
						** cache
/* When we're ready to enable column comparison stats, uncomment the
   following statement. **
		rdfcb->rdf_rb.rdr_2types_mask = RDR2_COLCOMPARE; /* column 
						** comparison stats, too */
	    rdfcb->rdf_info_blk = NULL;     /* get new ptr to info
                                            ** associated with global var */
            status = rdf_call( RDF_GETDESC, (PTR)rdfcb);
	    grvp->opv_relation = rdfcb->rdf_info_blk; /* save ptr to
                                            ** new info block */
	    if ((status != E_RD0000_OK)
		(rdfcb->rdf_error.err_code != E_RD026A_OBJ_INDEXCOUNT) /* this
					    ** is a check for distributed
					    ** index information, which could
					    ** be inconsistent but should not
					    ** cause the query to be aborted
					    ** it will cause indexes to be
					    ** avoided */
		gbase->opv_grv[gvar] = NULL;
		if (abort)
		    opx_verror( status, E_OP0004_RDF_GETDESC,
		    return (TRUE);	/* indicate failure to get RDF
				    ** descriptor */
            BTset( (i4)gvar, (char *)&global->ops_rangetab.opv_mrdf); /* indicate
                                            ** that RDF information is fixed */

	    /* Check table and all associated indexes to see if there is a
	    ** statement level index associated with this variable
	    if (grvp->opv_relation->rdr_rel->tbl_2_status_mask
		grvp->opv_gmask |= OPV_STATEMENT_LEVEL_UNIQUE;
	    for( ituple = grvp->opv_relation->rdr_no_index;
		ituple-- ;)
		if (grvp->opv_relation->rdr_indx[ituple]->idx_status
		    grvp->opv_gmask |= OPV_STATEMENT_LEVEL_UNIQUE;
	    if (psf_table)
	    {	/* check if timestamp matches and invalidate RDF cache
                ** date of last modify do not match, this is only done
		** for tables passed by PSF, the other tables should
		** be dependent on the PSF time stamp */
		DB_TAB_TIMESTAMP	*timeptr; /* ptr to last modify
                                            ** date that RDF has cached */
		DB_TAB_TIMESTAMP	*psftimeptr; /* ptr to last modify
					    ** date which parser used for the
                                            ** table */
		psftimeptr = &global->ops_qheader->pst_rangetab[gvar]->
		timeptr = &grvp->opv_relation->rdr_rel->tbl_date_modified;
                if (timeptr->db_tab_high_time != psftimeptr->db_tab_high_time
                    timeptr->db_tab_low_time != psftimeptr->db_tab_low_time
                            > 1)
		     )			    /* special zero tuple count
                                            ** case check to see if tuple count
                                            ** is way off, i.e. a table create
                                            ** followed by a number of appends
                                            ** will cause a 0 tuple count, check
					    ** for more than one variable since
					    ** refresh is only useful when joins occur
		    PTR save_fcb = rdfcb->rdf_rb.rdr_fcb;

		    /* Don't propagate this invalidate to other DBMS servers.
		    ** There's no reason to think that they are as out of
		    ** date as we are.  (plus this might be a session temp
		    ** which is strictly local!)

		    rdfcb->rdf_rb.rdr_fcb = NULL;
		    status = rdf_call( RDF_INVALIDATE, (PTR)rdfcb);
		    rdfcb->rdf_rb.rdr_fcb = save_fcb;
		    if (status != E_RD0000_OK)
			opx_verror( E_DB_ERROR, E_OP008E_RDF_INVALIDATE,
# endif
		    status = rdf_call( RDF_GETDESC, (PTR)rdfcb);
		    grvp->opv_relation = rdfcb->rdf_info_blk; /* save ptr to
					    ** new info block */
		    if (status != E_RD0000_OK)
			gbase->opv_grv[gvar] = NULL;
			opx_verror( E_DB_ERROR, E_OP0004_RDF_GETDESC,
		    timeptr = &grvp->opv_relation->rdr_rel->tbl_date_modified;
		    if (timeptr->db_tab_high_time != psftimeptr->db_tab_high_time
			timeptr->db_tab_low_time != psftimeptr->db_tab_low_time
			opx_vrecover( E_DB_ERROR, E_OP008F_RDF_MISMATCH,
			    rdfcb->rdf_error.err_code); /* PSF timestamp is
					    ** still out of date, so tell
                                            ** SCF to reparse the query */
		{   /* search thru existing tables to discover if any
		    ** tables have the same table ID */
		    OPV_IGVARS	    gvno;
		    DB_TAB_ID	    *tabidp;
		    OPV_IGVARS	    target_vno;

		    tabidp = &global->ops_qheader->pst_rangetab[gvar]->pst_rngvar;
		    target_vno = OPV_NOGVAR;

		    for (gvno = 0; gvno < OPV_MAXVAR; gvno++)
			OPV_GRV	    *grv1p;
			grv1p = gbase->opv_grv[gvno];
			if (grv1p && grv1p->opv_relation)
			    DB_TAB_ID   *gtabidp;

			    if (gvno == gvar)
			    gtabidp = &grv1p->opv_relation->rdr_rel->tbl_id;
			    if ((tabidp->db_tab_base == gtabidp->db_tab_base)
				(tabidp->db_tab_index == gtabidp->db_tab_index)
			    {	/* found 2 table ID's which are identical */
				global->ops_gmask |= OPS_IDSAME;
				if (target_vno == OPV_NOGVAR)
				{   /* map all table id's vars to the lowest
				    ** global range number of the group */
				    if (gvno > gvar)
					target_vno = gvar;
					target_vno = gvno;
				grv1p->opv_same = target_vno;
				grvp->opv_same = target_vno;
				if (target_vno != gvar)
	    if (global->ops_cb->ops_smask & OPS_MDISTRIBUTED)
		opd_addsite(global, grvp); /* add site information if a
					** distributed thread */
	    /* Check for partitioned table, turns on additional
	    ** analysis after enumeration.
	    if (grvp->opv_relation != NULL
	      && grvp->opv_relation->rdr_parts != NULL)
		global->ops_gmask |= OPS_PARTITION;
            if (grvp->opv_relation && grvp->opv_relation->rdr_rel->
                   tbl_2_status_mask & DMT_INCONSIST)
                                        /* check for inconsistent table
                                        ** (due to partial back/recov) */
               OPT_NAME     tabname;
               i2           i;
                         &tabname);           /* table name is msg token */
               for (i = sizeof(grvp->opv_relation->rdr_rel->tbl_name);
                      i > 1 && tabname.buf[i-1] == ' '; i--);
               tabname.buf[i] = 0;            /* lop blanks off name */
	    grvp->opv_relation = NULL;          /* set to NULL if not used */
コード例 #3
** Name: ops_qinit - initialize structures needed for optimization
** Description:
**	This routine will initialize the "global state" variable for one query
**      within a procedure.  It must be called prior to the optimization of
**      every query in the procedure
** Inputs:
**      global				ptr to global state variable
**          .ops_cb                     ptr to session control block
**          .ops_caller_cb              ptr to same object as opf_cb
**      statementp			ptr to statement containing query
**                                      to be optimized
** Outputs:
**      global                          all components initialized
**	Returns:
**	    E_DB_OK, E_DB_ERROR
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**	24-feb-86 (seputis)
**          initial creation
**	8-sep-86 (seputis)
**          DBP init range table only if statementp == NULL
**      6-nov-88 (seputis)
**          initial opn_statistics
**	28-jan-89 (paul)
**	    Initialize rules processing flag to FALSE. Indicates we are
**	    not currently compiling a rule action.
**	22-may-89 (neil)
**	    Put PSQ_DELCURS through same fast path as PSQ_REPCURS.
**      22-sep-89 (seputis)
**          added ops_gmask for boolean expansion
**      14-nov-89 (seputis)
**          fixed 8629, to not use repeat parameters in procedures
**	6-jun-90 (seputis)
**	    fix b30463 - moved some large memory structure handling to
**	    the procedure level rather than query level
**      28-aug-90 (seputis)
**          - fix b32757 - init opn_statistics in all cases
**	26-nov-90 (stec)
**	    Added initialization of ops_prbuf in OPS_STATE struct.
**	23-jan-91 (seputis)
**	    moved RDF_CB initialization here so that OPC can use
**	    this initialization also.
**	28-oct-92 (jhahn)
**	    Added initialization of ops_inStatementEndRules.
**      01-Jan-00 (sarjo01)
**          Bug 99120: Added opn_initcollate() call
**	5-dec-02 (inkdo01)
**	    Changes for range table expansion.
**	30-jan-2003 (somsa01)
**	    Moved the initialization of ops_gmask before checking
**	    for !statementp. This fixes E_OP0791_ADE_INSTRGEN when
**	    creating a procedure after the fixes for bug 109194.
**	4-nov-04 (inkdo01)
**	    Init opn_fragcolist for greedy enumeration.
**	15-june-06 (dougi)
**	    Add support for "before" triggers.
**	21-Oct-2010 (kiria01) b123345
**	    Do not assume PST_DV_TYPE is only present when the
**	    context is a DBP. It may also be present from temporaries
**	    created by the parser.
	OPS_STATE          *global,
	PST_STATEMENT      *statementp)
    MEfill(sizeof(OPV_GBMVARS), 0, (char *)&global->ops_rangetab.opv_mrdf);  
					/* used for deallocation */
    global->ops_rangetab.opv_gv = 0;    /* no global range variables defined */
    global->ops_rangetab.opv_base = NULL; /* - NULL indicates that the
                                        ** global range table not been allocated
                                        ** - used by error handling to
                                        ** deallocate ULM and RDF resources */

    /* Initially, we are not processing rules at the beginning of an	    */
    /* optimization or the beginning of a PST_QT_TYPE */
    global->ops_inAfterRules = global->ops_inBeforeRules = FALSE;
    global->ops_inAfterStatementEndRules = FALSE;
    global->ops_inBeforeStatementEndRules = FALSE;
    global->ops_gmask = 0;		/* init boolean mask */

    if (!statementp)
	return;				/* only initialize if statement is provided
					** otherwise, only init the global range
					** table for resource deallocation */
    global->ops_statement = statementp;
    global->ops_qheader = statementp->pst_specific.pst_tree; /*
				    ** get the query tree header root from
				    ** the statement */

    global->ops_copiedco = NULL;        /* no CO nodes have been allocated yet */
    global->ops_subquery = NULL;        /* initialize the subquery list */

    /* global->ops_astate initialized by aggregate processing phase */
    /* global->ops_estate initialized by joinop processing phase */
	global->ops_mstate.ops_usemain = FALSE; /* disable redirection of
					** memory allocation */
	global->ops_terror = FALSE;	/* TRUE if tuple too wide for 
					** intermediate relation */

    /* the number of parameters may increase in a query if any simple 
    ** aggregates are found, thus a separate count of query parameters 
    ** is kept in the state variable.
    if (global->ops_procedure->pst_isdbp)
    {	/* procedures do not have repeat query parameters, so use
	** the local variable declaration to find the largest parameter
	** number, there is an assumption that there is only one
	** PST_DECVAR statement and this can be used to determine
	** the largest allocated constant number */
	PST_STATEMENT	    *decvarp;
	decvarp = global->ops_procedure->pst_stmts;
	if (decvarp->pst_type != PST_DV_TYPE)
	    opx_error(E_OP0B81_VARIABLE_DEC); /* verify statement type, an
					** assumption is that a declaration
					** is always the first statement of
					** a procedure */
	global->ops_parmtotal = decvarp->pst_specific.pst_dbpvar->pst_nvars
	    + decvarp->pst_specific.pst_dbpvar->pst_first_varno - 1;
	global->ops_parmtotal = global->ops_qheader->pst_numparm;
	if (global->ops_procedure->pst_stmts->pst_type == PST_DV_TYPE)
	    /* Support local variables that may have been introduced
	    ** as temporaries */
	    PST_DECVAR *decvarp = global->ops_procedure->
	    global->ops_parmtotal += decvarp->pst_nvars
				+ decvarp->pst_first_varno - 1;
        /* initialize outer join descriptors */
        global->ops_goj.opl_gbase = (OPL_GOJT *) NULL;
        global->ops_goj.opl_view = (OPL_GOJT *) NULL;
        global->ops_goj.opl_fjview = (OPL_GOJT *) NULL;
        global->ops_goj.opl_glv = global->ops_qheader->pst_numjoins;
        if (global->ops_qheader->pst_numjoins > 0)
            global->ops_goj.opl_mask = OPL_OJFOUND;
        global->ops_goj.opl_mask = 0;
    global->ops_rqlist = NULL;	/* list of repeat query descriptors */

    if ((    (global->ops_qheader->pst_mode != PSQ_REPCURS)
	    (global->ops_qheader->pst_mode != PSQ_DELCURS)
	(global->ops_cb->ops_smask & OPS_MDISTRIBUTED)

	opv_grtinit( global, TRUE);	/* initialize the global range table 
                                        ** ops_rangetab structure, ... replace
                                        ** & delete cursor do not need this */

    {	/* special case short cut "hack" for replace/delete cursor stmt which
	** should not need to go through enumeration,... it should go
        ** directly to query compilation to compile the target list
        ** expressions */
   	/* for distributed the parse tree is traversed to handle the
   	** ~V case for multi-site so this section is not needed */
#if 0
/* looks like this was replaced by opv_grtinit call, with the extra
** boolean parameter */
        MEfill(sizeof(OPV_GLOBAL_RANGE), (u_char)0,
            (PTR)&global->ops_rangetab);    /* init global range table for
                                            ** query compilation */
	opv_grtinit( global, FALSE);
	global->ops_subquery = (OPS_SUBQUERY *)opu_memory(global, 
	    (i4) sizeof(OPS_SUBQUERY));
        MEfill(sizeof(OPS_SUBQUERY), (u_char)0, 
	    (PTR)global->ops_subquery);	    /* init subquery structure for
					    ** query compilation */
	global->ops_subquery->ops_sqtype = OPS_MAIN;
	global->ops_subquery->ops_root = global->ops_qheader->pst_qtree;
    /* these fields should be initialized once before the enumeration phase
    global->ops_estate.opn_cocount = 0; /* number of CO nodes available */
    global->ops_estate.opn_statistics = FALSE; /* statistics has not been
				    ** turned on yet */
    global->ops_estate.opn_colist = NULL; /* list of avail perm  CO nodes */
    global->ops_estate.opn_fragcolist = NULL; 
    global->ops_union = FALSE;	/* TRUE if union view needs to be
				    ** processed */
    global->ops_tvar = OPV_NOGVAR;  /* init var for special case update
				    ** by TID */
    {	/* distributed initialization */
	global->ops_gdist.opd_tcost = NULL;
	global->ops_gdist.opd_dv = 0;
	global->ops_gdist.opd_base = NULL;
	global->ops_gdist.opd_tbestco = NULL;
	global->ops_gdist.opd_copied = NULL;
	global->ops_gdist.opd_scopied = FALSE;
	global->ops_gdist.opd_repeat = NULL;
	global->ops_gdist.opd_gmask = 0;
	global->ops_gdist.opd_user_parameters = 0;

コード例 #4
ファイル: opvparser.c プロジェクト: saqibjamil/Ingres
** Name: opv_tproc	- Load RDF defs for table procedure range table entry
** Description:
**      This function allocates and formats simulated RDF structures for
**	a table procedure, including result column descriptors that are
**	used to resolve "column" references to the procedure.
** Inputs:
**	sess_cb				Pointer to session control block
**      rngtable                        Pointer to the user range table
**	scope				scope that range variable belongs in
**					-1 means don't care.
**	corrname			Correlation name of table procedure
**	dbp				Ptr to PSF procedure descriptor
**	rngvar				Place to put pointer to new range
**					variable
**	root				Ptr to RESDOM list of parameter specs
**	err_blk				Place to put error information
** Outputs:
**      rngvar                          Set to point to the range variable
**	err_blk				Filled in if an error happens
**	Returns:
**	    E_DB_OK			Success
**	    E_DB_ERROR			Non-catastrophic failure
**	    E_DB_FATAL			Catastrophic failure
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    Can allocate memory
** History:
**	17-april-2008 (dougi)
**	    Written for table procedures(semi-cloned from pst_stproc).
**	15-dec-2008 (dougi) BUG 121381
**	    Fix computation of result column offsets.
	OPS_STATE	*global,
	OPV_GRV		*grvp,
	PST_RNGENTRY	*rngentry)

    DMT_ATT_ENTRY	**attarray, *attrp;
    DMT_ATT_ENTRY	**parmarray, **rescarray;
    DMT_TBL_ENTRY	*tblptr;
    RDR_INFO		*rdrinfop;
    QEF_DATA		*qp;
    RDF_CB		*rdf_cb;
    RDR_RB		*rdf_rb;
    DB_PROCEDURE	*dbp;
    DB_DBP_NAME		proc_name;
    DB_OWN_NAME		proc_owner;
    i4			parameterCount, rescolCount, resrowWidth;
    u_i4		created;

    i4			i, j, totlen, offset;
    DB_STATUS           status;
    i4		err_code;

    /* First retrieve iiprocedure row using id from range table entry. */
    rdf_cb = &global->ops_rangetab.opv_rdfcb;
    rdf_rb = &rdf_cb->rdf_rb;

    STRUCT_ASSIGN_MACRO(rngentry->pst_rngvar, rdf_rb->rdr_tabid);
    rdf_rb->rdr_types_mask  = RDR_PROCEDURE;
    rdf_rb->rdr_2types_mask = 0;
    rdf_rb->rdr_instr       = RDF_NO_INSTR;

    ** need to set rdf_info_blk to NULL for otherwise RDF assumes that we
    ** already have the info_block
    rdf_cb->rdf_info_blk = (RDR_INFO *) NULL;

    status = rdf_call(RDF_GETINFO, rdf_cb);
    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
	(VOID) opx_verror(status, E_OP0004_RDF_GETDESC,
    dbp = rdf_cb->rdf_info_blk->rdr_dbp;

    /* Before proceeding - assure this is the same proc that we think it is. */
    if (rngentry->pst_timestamp.db_tab_high_time != dbp->db_created)
	/* If not, bounce back to SCF to re-parse query. */
	opx_vrecover(E_DB_ERROR, E_OP008F_RDF_MISMATCH, 

    /* Save procedure stuff for later. */
    parameterCount = dbp->db_parameterCount;
    rescolCount = dbp->db_rescolCount;
    resrowWidth = dbp->db_resrowWidth;
    created = dbp->db_created;
    STRUCT_ASSIGN_MACRO(dbp->db_dbpname, proc_name);
    STRUCT_ASSIGN_MACRO(dbp->db_owner, proc_owner);

    /* Allocate attr descriptors and address from ptr arrays. */
    i = dbp->db_parameterCount + dbp->db_rescolCount;

    attarray = (DMT_ATT_ENTRY **) opu_memory(global, (sizeof(PTR) +
		sizeof(DMT_ATT_ENTRY)) * i + sizeof(PTR));
				/* 1 extra ptr because array is 1-origin */

    /* Set up attr pointer arrays for both parms and result columns. */
    for (j = 1, attrp = (DMT_ATT_ENTRY *)&attarray[i+1],
	attarray[0] = (DMT_ATT_ENTRY *)NULL; j <= i; j++, attrp = &attrp[1])
	attarray[j] = attrp;
	MEfill(sizeof(DMT_ATT_ENTRY), (u_char)0, (char *)attrp);

    rescarray = attarray;
    parmarray = &attarray[rescolCount+1];

    /* Load iiprocedure_parameter rows for both parms and result cols. */
    rdf_rb->rdr_types_mask     = 0;
    rdf_rb->rdr_2types_mask    = RDR2_PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS;
    rdf_rb->rdr_instr          = RDF_NO_INSTR;

    rdf_rb->rdr_update_op      = RDR_OPEN;
    rdf_rb->rdr_qrymod_id      = 0;	/* get all tuples */
    rdf_rb->rdr_qtuple_count   = 20;	/* get 20 at a time */
    rdf_cb->rdf_error.err_code = 0;

    ** must set rdr_rec_access_id since otherwise RDF will barf when we
    ** try to RDR_OPEN
    rdf_rb->rdr_rec_access_id  = NULL;

    while (rdf_cb->rdf_error.err_code == 0)
	status = rdf_call(RDF_READTUPLES, rdf_cb);
	rdf_rb->rdr_update_op = RDR_GETNEXT;

	/* Must not use DB_FAILURE_MACRO because E_RD0011 returns
	** E_DB_WARN that would be missed.
	if (status != E_DB_OK)
		case E_RD0011_NO_MORE_ROWS:
		    status = E_DB_OK;

		case E_RD0013_NO_TUPLE_FOUND:
		    status = E_DB_OK;

	    }	    /* switch */
	}	/* if status != E_DB_OK */

	/* For each dbproc parameter tuple */
	for (qp = rdf_cb->rdf_info_blk->rdr_pptuples->qrym_data, j = 0;
	    j < rdf_cb->rdf_info_blk->rdr_pptuples->qrym_cnt;
	    qp = qp->dt_next, j++)
	    DB_PROCEDURE_PARAMETER *param_tup =
		(DB_PROCEDURE_PARAMETER *) qp->dt_data;
	    if (i-- == 0)
	    if (param_tup->dbpp_flags & DBPP_RESULT_COL)
		attrp = rescarray[param_tup->dbpp_number];
		attrp->att_number = param_tup->dbpp_number;
		attrp = parmarray[param_tup->dbpp_number-1];
		attrp->att_flags = DMT_F_TPROCPARM;
		attrp->att_number = param_tup->dbpp_number +

	    STRUCT_ASSIGN_MACRO(param_tup->dbpp_name, attrp->att_name);
	    attrp->att_type = param_tup->dbpp_datatype;
	    attrp->att_width = param_tup->dbpp_length;
	    attrp->att_prec = param_tup->dbpp_precision;
	    attrp->att_offset = param_tup->dbpp_offset;

    /* Reset result column offsets to remove effect of parms. */
    offset = rescarray[1]->att_offset;
    for (j = 1; j <= rescolCount; j++)
	rescarray[j]->att_offset -= offset;

    if (rdf_rb->rdr_rec_access_id != NULL)
	rdf_rb->rdr_update_op = RDR_CLOSE;
	status = rdf_call(RDF_READTUPLES, rdf_cb);
	if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))

    /* now unfix the dbproc description */
    rdf_rb->rdr_types_mask  = RDR_PROCEDURE | RDR_BY_NAME;
    rdf_rb->rdr_2types_mask = 0;
    rdf_rb->rdr_instr       = RDF_NO_INSTR;

    status = rdf_call(RDF_UNFIX, rdf_cb);
    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))

    /* Allocate table descriptor. */
    tblptr = (DMT_TBL_ENTRY *) opu_memory(global, sizeof(DMT_TBL_ENTRY));

    /* Allocate RDR_INFO block. */
    rdrinfop = (RDR_INFO *) opu_memory(global, sizeof(RDR_INFO)+sizeof(PTR));

    /* Now format them all. */

    MEfill(sizeof(DMT_TBL_ENTRY), (u_char) 0, tblptr);
    MEcopy((char *)&proc_name.db_dbp_name, sizeof(DB_DBP_NAME), 
				(char *)&tblptr->tbl_name.db_tab_name);
    STRUCT_ASSIGN_MACRO(proc_owner, tblptr->tbl_owner);
    MEfill(sizeof(DB_LOC_NAME), (u_char)' ', (char *)&tblptr->tbl_location);
    tblptr->tbl_attr_count = rescolCount + parameterCount;
    tblptr->tbl_width = resrowWidth;
    tblptr->tbl_date_modified.db_tab_high_time = created;
    tblptr->tbl_storage_type = DB_TPROC_STORE;
    /* Load cost parameters (if there). */
    tblptr->tbl_record_count = (dbp->db_estRows) ? dbp->db_estRows : DBP_ROWEST;
    tblptr->tbl_page_count = (dbp->db_estCost) ? dbp->db_estCost : DBP_DIOEST;
    tblptr->tbl_pgsize = 2048;

    /* All the other DMT_TBL_ENTRY fields are being left 0 until 
    ** something happens that suggests other values. */

    /* Finally fill in the RDR_INFO structure. */
    MEfill(sizeof(RDR_INFO), (u_char) 0, rdrinfop);
    rdrinfop->rdr_rel = tblptr;
    rdrinfop->rdr_attr = rescarray;
    rdrinfop->rdr_no_attr = tblptr->tbl_attr_count;
    rdrinfop->rdr_dbp = dbp;
    grvp->opv_relation = rdrinfop;

    BTset((i4)gvar, (char *)&global->ops_rangetab.opv_mrdf); /* indicate
						** that RDF info is fixed */
    grvp->opv_gmask |= OPV_TPROC;
    global->ops_gmask |= OPS_TPROCS;		/* show query has table procs */

    return (E_DB_OK);
コード例 #5
** Name: opz_addatts	- add joinop attributes to the array
** Description:
**      This routine will add or find the appropriate joinop attribute 
**      to the joinop attributes array given the 
**      (range variable, range variable attribute number) pair.
**	The exception to this rule occurs with function attributes which
**      always results in a new joinop  attribute being allocated.  A
**      function attribute uses "OPZ_FANUM" as the input attribute number.
** Inputs:
**      subquery                        ptr to subquery being analyzed
**      joinopvar                       index into joinop range table
**      dmfattr			        dmf attribute number
**      datatype                        ptr to ADT datatype
** Outputs:
**	Returns:
**	    joinop attribute number
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    An entry may be allocated in the joinop attributes array 
**	    (OPS_SUBQUERY->ops_attrs)
** History:
**	20-apr-86 (seputis)
**          initial creation addatts
**      06-nov-89 (fred)
**          Added support for non-histogrammable datatypes.  This support
**	    entails providing a simple, coordinated replacement for this
**	    histogram.  In our case, the datatype & length will be varchar,
**	    minimum & maximum being those for varchar, and adc_helem()
**	    replacement will be the histogram for "nohistos".
**          This code is done in OPF as opposed to ADF because I think it
**	    desirable that OPF manage the histogram replacement.  ADF will not
**	    know the appropriate values.  Furthermore, it is more desirable to
**	    teach OPF to manage w/out histograms;  however, that change is
**	    beyond the scope of this project.
**	26-dec-90 (seputis)
**	    init mask of booleans associated with attribute descriptor
**	18-jan-93 (rganski)
**	    Character Histogram Enhancements project:
**	    Initialize attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_dataval.db_length to 8
**	    before call to adc_hg_dtln(), which has been changed; this gives
**	    old behavior (limit for char types was 8). This length may be
**	    changed later when RDF gets info from iistatistics.
**	24-may-93 (rganski)
**	    Character Histograms Enhancements project:
**	    Initialize attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_dataval.db_length to 0
**	    before call to adc_hg_dtln(), which causes histogram value to be
**	    same length as attribute. This is necessary because otherwise the
**	    histogram value, which is used to determine selectivity of boolean
**	    factors, is truncated; this removes the benefits of having long
**	    histogram values. The histogram value length is adjusted in
**	    oph_catalog(), which reads the actual length from iistatistics (or
**	    truncates to 8, for old histograms).
**	6-dec-93 (ed)
**	    - bug 56139 - project union view before it is instantiated
**	09-oct-98 (matbe01)
**	    Added NO_OPTIM for NCR to eliminate runtime error that produces the
**	    message:  E_OP0889 Eqc is not available at a CO node.
**	 6-sep-04 (hayke02)
**	    Add OPZ_COLLATT attribute if OPS_COLLATION is on (resdom list,
**	    collation sequence). This change fixes problem INGSRV 2940, bug
**	    112873.
**	 8-nov-05 (hayke02)
**	    Add OPZ_VAREQVAR if OPS_VAREQVAR is on. Return if OPZ_VAREQVAR is
**	    not set and the attribute is found. This ensures that the fix for
**	    110675 is limited to OPZ_VAREQVAR PST_BOP nodes. This change
**	    fixes bug 115420 problem INGSRV 3465.
**       15-aug-2007 (huazh01)
**          ensure the datatype/length info of a created attribute matches 
**          the corresponding column type/length info on the user table. 
**          bug 117316.
	OPS_SUBQUERY       *subquery,
	OPV_IVARS	   joinopvar,
	OPZ_DMFATTR        dmfattr,
	DB_DATA_VALUE      *datatype)
	OPZ_IATTS              attribute;   /* used to save joinop attribute
					    ** number if found by opz_findatt
        RDR_INFO		*rel;
        /* FIXME - need to deal with unsigned compare problem here */
	if ( (dmfattr != OPZ_FANUM) 
             (dmfattr != OPZ_SNUM)
             (dmfattr != OPZ_CORRELATED)
	     (attribute = opz_findatt(subquery, joinopvar, dmfattr)) >= 0
	     !(subquery->ops_attrs.opz_base->opz_attnums[attribute]->opz_mask &
	     subquery->ops_mask2 & OPS_COLLATION
	     (abs(datatype->db_datatype) == DB_CHA_TYPE
	     abs(datatype->db_datatype) == DB_VCH_TYPE
	     abs(datatype->db_datatype) == DB_CHR_TYPE
	     abs(datatype->db_datatype) == DB_TXT_TYPE)) )
	    return( attribute );	    /* if this (joinopvar,dmfattr) pair 
					    ** exists and is not a function 
					    ** attribute, or subselect attribute
                                            ** then return

    {	/* create new joinop attribute */

	OPZ_IATTS		    nextattr; /* next available joinop attribute
                                            ** number
	OPS_STATE                   *global; /* ptr to global state variable */

        global = subquery->ops_global;	    /* get ptr to global state variable 
	if ( (nextattr = subquery->ops_attrs.opz_av++) >= OPZ_MAXATT)
	    opx_error(E_OP0300_ATTRIBUTE_OVERFLOW); /* exit with error
					    ** if no more room in attributes
                                            ** array
	    OPZ_ATTS               *attr_ptr;   /* ptr to newly created joinop 
					    ** attribute element */
	    OPV_VARS               *var_ptr; /* ptr to respective joinop
                                            ** variable containing attribute */

            var_ptr = subquery->ops_vars.opv_base->opv_rt[joinopvar];

	    /* allocate new joinop attribute structure and initialize */
	    subquery->ops_attrs.opz_base->opz_attnums[nextattr] = attr_ptr = 
		(OPZ_ATTS *) opu_memory( global, (i4) sizeof(OPZ_ATTS));
	    MEfill(sizeof(*attr_ptr), (u_char)0, (PTR)attr_ptr);

            /* b117316:
            ** the fix to b109879 set PST_VAR node under the RESDOM to 
            ** to nullable and increase the db_length by one, though
            ** the column corresponds to PST_VAR is defined as not null.
            ** Need to reset them to not null in order to prevent
            ** wrong db_type and db_length being used during query
            ** execution. e.g., wrong db_type and db_length could cause OPC
            ** to generate a set of ADF code which materialize tuples
            ** using incorrect offset and cause wrong result. 
            rel = var_ptr->opv_grv->opv_relation;
            if (datatype->db_datatype < 0 && 
                dmfattr > 0 && 
                rel && 
                rel->rdr_attr[dmfattr]->att_type * -1 == datatype->db_datatype &&
                rel->rdr_attr[dmfattr]->att_width + 1 == datatype->db_length)
                datatype->db_datatype = rel->rdr_attr[dmfattr]->att_type; 
                datatype->db_length = rel->rdr_attr[dmfattr]->att_width;

	    attr_ptr->opz_varnm = joinopvar; /* index into local range table */
            BTset( (i4)nextattr, (char *)&var_ptr->opv_attrmap); /* indicate 
					    ** that this joinop
                                            ** attribute belongs to this range
                                            ** variable */
	    attr_ptr->opz_gvar = var_ptr->opv_gvar; /* move global range
                                            ** variable number to attribute */
	    attr_ptr->opz_attnm.db_att_id = dmfattr;/* dmf attribute of 
                                            ** range variable  */
	    STRUCT_ASSIGN_MACRO((* datatype), attr_ptr->opz_dataval);
	    attr_ptr->opz_equcls = OPE_NOEQCLS; /* this attribute has not been
                                            ** assigned an equivalence class yet
	    attr_ptr->opz_func_att = OPZ_NOFUNCATT; /* this indicates that a
                                            ** function attribute is not
                                            ** associated with this joinop
                                            ** attribute element
	    if ((dmfattr != OPZ_FANUM) 
		(dmfattr != OPZ_SNUM)
		(dmfattr != OPZ_CORRELATED)
		(attribute >= 0))
		attr_ptr->opz_mask |= OPZ_COLLATT;
	    if (subquery->ops_mask2 & OPS_VAREQVAR)
		attr_ptr->opz_mask |= OPZ_VAREQVAR;
	    if ((var_ptr->opv_grv->opv_gmask & OPV_UVPROJECT)
		(dmfattr >= 0))
	    {	/* if union view exists in which a projection is possible 
		** (i.e. a UNION ALL view) then
		** mark the attribute which are referenced in the union view*/
		BTset((i4)dmfattr, (char *)var_ptr->opv_grv->opv_attrmap);
		/* initialize the histogram information associated with this
		** attribute
		DB_STATUS	hgstatus;	/* ADT return status */
		i4		dt_bits;

		hgstatus = adi_dtinfo(global->ops_adfcb,
					    datatype->db_datatype, &dt_bits);

		if ((hgstatus == E_AD0000_OK) && (dt_bits & AD_NOHISTOGRAM))
		    attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_dataval.db_datatype =
		    attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_dataval.db_prec =
		    attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_dataval.db_length =
		    attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_dataval.db_length = 0;
		    hgstatus = adc_hg_dtln(global->ops_adfcb, datatype, 
			&attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_dataval );
# ifdef E_OP0780_ADF_HISTOGRAM
		if ((hgstatus != E_AD0000_OK)
		    (attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_dataval.db_datatype < 0)
					    /* do not expect a nullable
                                            ** histogram datatype */
		    opx_verror( hgstatus, E_OP0780_ADF_HISTOGRAM, 
			global->ops_adfcb->adf_errcb.ad_errcode); /*
                                            ** abort if unexpected error occurs
# endif
		attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_dataval.db_data = NULL; /* init the
                                            ** data value ptr */
		attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_numcells = OPH_NOCELLS; /* histogram
                                            ** has not been fetched so no cells
                                            ** exist at this point
		attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_histmm = NULL; /* no histogram
                                            ** exists at this point
                attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_mindomain = NULL; /* no minimum
                                            ** value for this histogram yet */
                attr_ptr->opz_histogram.oph_maxdomain = NULL; /* no maximum
					    ** value for this histogram yet */
	    if (dmfattr == DB_IMTID)
		/* implicit TID found so an equivalence class needs to be
                ** created ... so we know the equivalence class of the
                ** implicit TID for this (since the implicit TID is referenced
                ** by an index or explicitly in the qualification)
		    = ope_neweqcls( subquery, nextattr );
    return( nextattr );			/* return joinop attribute which has
                                        ** been assigned