コード例 #1
ファイル: PredWrapper.cpp プロジェクト: ltm920716/gDel3D
Side PredWrapper::doInsphereAdapt( Tet tet, int v ) const
    const RealType* p[]  = { 
		getPoint( tet._v[0] )._p, 
		getPoint( tet._v[1] )._p, 
		getPoint( tet._v[2] )._p, 
		getPoint( tet._v[3] )._p, 
		getPoint( v )._p

    if ( v == _infIdx ) 
		const RealType det = -orient3d( p[ 0 ], p[ 1 ], p[ 2 ], p[ 3 ] );

        return sphToSide( det );

    if ( tet.has( _infIdx ) ) 
        const int infVi = tet.getIndexOf( _infIdx ); 
        const int* ord  = TetViAsSeenFrom[ infVi ]; 

        // Check convexity, looking from inside
        const RealType det = -orient3d( p[ ord[0] ], p[ ord[2] ], p[ ord[1] ], p[4] ); 

        return sphToSide( det); 

    const RealType det = insphere( p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4] );
    const Side s       = sphToSide( det );
    return s;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Silhouette.cpp プロジェクト: benardp/contours
bool sameSide(Vec3r P, Vec3r Q, Vec3r R, Vec3r A1, Vec3r A2)
  bool a1side = orient3d(P,Q,R,A1) > 0;
  bool a2side = orient3d(P,Q,R,A2) > 0;

  return a1side == a2side;
コード例 #3
ファイル: math.cpp プロジェクト: TheMarex/simox
void tetcircumcenter(double*a, double*b, double*c, double*d, double*circumcenter,double*cond) 
    double xba, yba, zba, xca, yca, zca, xda, yda, zda;
    double balength, calength, dalength;
    double xcrosscd, ycrosscd, zcrosscd;
    double xcrossdb, ycrossdb, zcrossdb;
    double xcrossbc, ycrossbc, zcrossbc;
    double denominator;
    double xcirca, ycirca, zcirca;

    /* Use coordinates relative to point `a' of the tetrahedron. */
    xba = b[0] - a[0];
    yba = b[1] - a[1];
    zba = b[2] - a[2];
    xca = c[0] - a[0];
    yca = c[1] - a[1];
    zca = c[2] - a[2];
    xda = d[0] - a[0];
    yda = d[1] - a[1];
    zda = d[2] - a[2];
    /* Squares of lengths of the edges incident to `a'. */
    balength = xba * xba + yba * yba + zba * zba;
    calength = xca * xca + yca * yca + zca * zca;
    dalength = xda * xda + yda * yda + zda * zda;
    /* Cross products of these edges. */
    xcrosscd = yca * zda - yda * zca;
    ycrosscd = zca * xda - zda * xca;
    zcrosscd = xca * yda - xda * yca;
    xcrossdb = yda * zba - yba * zda;
    ycrossdb = zda * xba - zba * xda;
    zcrossdb = xda * yba - xba * yda;
    xcrossbc = yba * zca - yca * zba;
    ycrossbc = zba * xca - zca * xba;
    zcrossbc = xba * yca - xca * yba;

    /* Calculate the denominator of the formulae. */
#ifdef EXACT
    /* Use orient3d() from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/robust.html     */
        /*   to ensure a correctly signed (and reasonably accurate) result, */
        /*   avoiding any possibility of division by zero.                  */
        *cond = orient3d(b,c,d,a);
        denominator = 0.5 / (*cond);
        /* Take your chances with floating-point roundoff. */
        denominator = 0.5 / (xba * xcrosscd + yba * ycrosscd + zba * zcrosscd);

        /* Calculate offset (from `a') of circumcenter. */
        xcirca = (balength * xcrosscd + calength * xcrossdb + dalength * xcrossbc) *
        ycirca = (balength * ycrosscd + calength * ycrossdb + dalength * ycrossbc) *
        zcirca = (balength * zcrosscd + calength * zcrossdb + dalength * zcrossbc) *
        circumcenter[0] = xcirca;
        circumcenter[1] = ycirca;
        circumcenter[2] = zcirca;  
コード例 #4
ファイル: geom3d.hpp プロジェクト: PeterMoller/xBimToolkit
     * \brief Determine whether p is internal to the wedge defined by
     *        the area between the planes defined by a,b,c and a,b,d
     *        angle abc, where ab is the apex of the angle.
     * @param[in] a 
     * @param[in] b 
     * @param[in] c
     * @param[in] d
     * @param[in] p 
     * @return true, if p is contained in the wedge defined by the
     *               area between the planes defined by a,b,c and
     *               a,b,d. If the wedge is reflex, p is considered to
     *               be contained if it lies on either plane. Acute
     *               wdges do not contain p if p lies on either
     *               plane. This is so that internalToWedge(a,b,c,d,p) =
     *               !internalToWedge(a,b,d,c,p)
    inline bool internalToWedge(const Vector &a,
                                const Vector &b,
                                const Vector &c,
                                const Vector &d,
                                const Vector &p) {
      bool reflex = (c < d) ?
        orient3d(a, b, c, d) >= 0.0 :
        orient3d(a, b, d, c) < 0.0;

      double d1 = orient3d(a, b, c, p);
      double d2 = orient3d(a, b, d, p);

      if (reflex) {
        // above a,b,c or below a,b,d (or coplanar with either)
        return d1 <= 0.0 || d2 >= 0.0;
      } else {
        // above a,b,c and below a,b,d
        return d1 < 0.0 && d2 > 0.0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: top.c プロジェクト: dongliangchu/Stellar_Dynearth3D
/* returns true if the tet (1,2,3,4) has
   positive orientation, and false otherwise */
bool positivetet(tetcomplex *mesh,
                 tag v1,
                 tag v2,
                 tag v3,
                 tag v4)
    return (orient3d(&behave,
                    ((struct vertex *) tetcomplextag2vertex(mesh, v1))->coord,
                    ((struct vertex *) tetcomplextag2vertex(mesh, v2))->coord,
                    ((struct vertex *) tetcomplextag2vertex(mesh, v3))->coord,
                    ((struct vertex *) tetcomplextag2vertex(mesh, v4))->coord) > 0);
コード例 #6
ファイル: hul.c プロジェクト: KonstantinosKr/triangulation
/* robust orientation */
static double orient (face *f, double *d)
  double *a, *b, *c;
  edge *e1, *e2;

  e1 = f->e;
  e2 = e1->n;
  a = e1->v[0];
  b = e1->v[1];
  c = e2->v[1];

  return orient3d (c, b, a, d);
コード例 #7
// determine if segment pq intersects triangle uvw, setting approximate
// barycentric coordinates if so.
static bool
segment_tri_intersect(const Vec3d& p,
                      const Vec3d& q,
                      const Vec3d& u,
                      const Vec3d& v,
                      const Vec3d& w,
                      double* s,
                      double* t,
                      double* a,
                      double* b,
                      double* c)
    // find where segment hits plane of triangle
    double puvw=orient3d(p.v, u.v, v.v, w.v),
           uvwq=orient3d(u.v, v.v, w.v, q.v);
    if((puvw<=0 && uvwq>=0) || (puvw>=0 && uvwq<=0))
        return false; // either no intersection, or a degenerate one
    if(puvw<0 || uvwq<0){
        double pqvw=orient3d(p.v, q.v, v.v, w.v);
        if(pqvw>0) return false;
        double puqw=orient3d(p.v, u.v, q.v, w.v);
        if(puqw>0) return false;
        double puvq=orient3d(p.v, u.v, v.v, q.v);
        if(puvq>0) return false;
        return true;
    }else{ //(puvw>0 || uvwq>0)
        double pqvw=orient3d(p.v, q.v, v.v, w.v);
        if(pqvw<0) return false;
        double puqw=orient3d(p.v, u.v, q.v, w.v);
        if(puqw<0) return false;
        double puvq=orient3d(p.v, u.v, v.v, q.v);
        if(puvq<0) return false;
        return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: PredWrapper.cpp プロジェクト: ltm920716/gDel3D
Orient PredWrapper::doOrient3DAdapt( int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3 ) const
    assert(     ( v0 != v1 ) && ( v0 != v2 ) && ( v0 != v3 )
                &&  ( v1 != v2 ) && ( v1 != v3 )
                &&  ( v2 != v3 )
                &&  "Duplicate indices in orientation!" );

    const Point3 p[] = { 
		getPoint( v0 ), getPoint( v1 ), getPoint( v2 ), getPoint( v3 ) 
	RealType det  = orient3d( p[0]._p, p[1]._p, p[2]._p, p[3]._p );

    if ( (v0 == _infIdx) || (v1 == _infIdx) || (v2 == _infIdx) || (v3 == _infIdx) ) 
        det = -det; 

    return ortToOrient( det );
コード例 #9
// helper function for tri_zcast below...
// Here we are given a robust 2d orientation of qrs in xy projection, which
// must be positive.
static bool
tri_zcast_inner(const Vec3d& p,
                double qrs,
                const Vec3d& q,
                const Vec3d& r,
                const Vec3d& s)

    // first check if point is above or below triangle in z
    double pqrs=orient3d(p.v, q.v, r.v, s.v);
    if(pqrs>=0) return false; // point is on or above triangle - no intersection

    // then check if point lies outside triangle in 2D xy projection
    double pqr=orient2d(p.v, q.v, r.v);
    if(pqr<0) return false;
    double prs=orient2d(p.v, r.v, s.v);
    if(prs<0) return false;
    double psq=orient2d(p.v, s.v, q.v);
    if(psq<0) return false;

    // note: the following tests are somewhat redundant, but it's a pretty
    // tiny optimization to eliminate the redundancy compared to the loss in
    // clarity.

    // check if point is strictly inside the triangle in xy
    if(pqr>0 && prs>0 && psq>0) return true;

    // check if point is strictly on edge qr
    if(pqr==0 && prs>0 && psq>0){
        if(q[1]<r[1]) return false;
        if(q[1]>r[1]) return true;
        if(q[0]<r[0]) return true;
        assert(q[0]>r[0]); // q!=r because triangle is not degenerate
        return false;

    // check if point is strictly on edge rs
    if(prs==0 && pqr>0 && psq>0){
        if(r[1]<s[1]) return false;
        if(r[1]>s[1]) return true;
        if(r[0]<s[0]) return true;
        assert(r[0]>s[0]); // r!=s because triangle is not degenerate
        return false;
    // check if point is strictly on edge sq
    if(psq==0 && pqr>0 && prs>0){
        if(s[1]<q[1]) return false;
        if(s[1]>q[1]) return true;
        if(s[0]<q[0]) return true;
        assert(s[0]>q[0]); // r!=s because triangle is not degenerate
        return false;
    // check if point is on vertex q
    if(p[0]==q[0] && p[1]==q[1]){
        return q[1]>=r[1] && q[1]<s[1];
    // check if point is on vertex r
    if(p[0]==r[0] && p[1]==r[1]){
        return r[1]>=s[1] && r[1]<q[1];
    // check if point is on vertex s
    if(p[0]==s[0] && p[1]==s[1]){
        return s[1]>=q[1] && s[1]<r[1];

    assert(false); // we should have covered all cases at this point
    return false; // just to quiet compiler warnings