/* * initilize controller * * maxcontrollers: want controller max num * return : useable controller num */ int controllerInit(int maxcontrollers) { int i; u8 pattern; OSMesgQueue serialMsgQ; OSMesg serialMsg; osCreateMesgQueue(&serialMsgQ, &serialMsg, 1); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SI, &serialMsgQ, (OSMesg)0); osContInit(&serialMsgQ, &pattern, &statusdata[0]); osCreateMesgQueue(&controllerMsgQ, &controllerMsgBuf, 1); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SI, &controllerMsgQ, (OSMesg)0); for(i = 0; i < MAXCONTROLLERS; i++){ if((pattern & (1<<i)) && !(statusdata[i].errno & CONT_NO_RESPONSE_ERROR)) { controllerdata_ptr[numControllers] = & controllerdata[i]; numControllers++; if(numControllers == maxcontrollers){ return numControllers; } } } /* osContStartReadData(&controllerMsgQ); */ return numControllers; }
/* * * Return the lowest number controller connected to system */ int initControllers() { OSMesgQueue serialMsgQ; OSMesg serialMsg; int i; u8 pattern; resetControllers(); osCreateMesgQueue(&serialMsgQ, &serialMsg, 1); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SI, &serialMsgQ, (OSMesg)1); osContInit(&serialMsgQ, &pattern, &statusdata[0]); osCreateMesgQueue(&controllerMsgQ, &controllerMsgBuf, 1); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SI, &controllerMsgQ, (OSMesg)0); for (i = 0; i < MAXCONTROLLERS; i++) { if ((pattern & (1<<i)) && !(statusdata[i].errno & CONT_NO_RESPONSE_ERROR)) return i; } return -1; }
static void gameproc(void *arg) { char *rsp_static_addr; /* R4300 addr where rsp_static segment loaded */ char *rsp_static_end; /* R4300 addr+1 for end of the load region */ int rsp_static_len; OSIoMesg dmaMb; /* Needed (empty) for call to osEPiStartDma */ /* Message Queue for OS messages indicating DMA completions */ osCreateMesgQueue(&DMAMessageQ, DMAMessages, DMA_MSGQUEUE_SIZE); /* Message Queue for OS messages indicating RDP done */ osCreateMesgQueue(&RDPDoneMessageQ, RDPDoneMessages, RDPDONE_MSGQUEUE_SIZE); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_DP, &RDPDoneMessageQ, dummyMsg); /* Message Queue for OS messages indicating vertical retrace */ osCreateMesgQueue(&RetraceMessageQ, RetraceMessages, RETRACE_MSGQUEUE_SIZE); osViSetEvent(&RetraceMessageQ, dummyMsg, 1); /* * Load the 'rsp_static' segment from the cartridge */ rsp_static_len = _rsp_staticSegmentRomEnd - _rsp_staticSegmentRomStart; /* Place it right after the code/data segment in the 3rd MB of memory. * Will not collide with CFB's or the Z buffer. Because the texture loads * are so frequent, this gives a significant performance enhancement. */ rsp_static_addr = _codeSegmentEnd; /* R4300 address for static segment */ rsp_static_end = _codeSegmentEnd + rsp_static_len; #ifdef DEBUG if (rsp_static_len > 0x00300000) { osSyncPrintf("** Static Segment too large **\n"); } #endif /* Note: dmaMb is working space used by osEPiStartDma */ dmaMb.hdr.pri = OS_MESG_PRI_NORMAL; dmaMb.hdr.retQueue = &DMAMessageQ; dmaMb.dramAddr = rsp_static_addr; dmaMb.devAddr = (u32)_rsp_staticSegmentRomStart; dmaMb.size = rsp_static_len; osEPiStartDma(handler, &dmaMb, OS_READ); osRecvMesg(&DMAMessageQ, NULL, OS_MESG_BLOCK); /* Wait for completion */ /* * Do the one-time setup * (Build both display lists) */ makestuff(); /* * Run the main loop of the game */ gameloop(rsp_static_addr); } /* gameproc */
/********************************************************************** * * Routine for initializing the controllers. After initialized, set the * controller interrupt to be posted to the gfxFrameMsgQ, used by the * gameproc in simple.c. * *********************************************************************/ void initCntrl(void) { OSMesgQueue serialMsgQ; OSMesg serialMsg; s32 i; osCreateMesgQueue(&serialMsgQ, &serialMsg, 1); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SI, &serialMsgQ, (OSMesg)1); if((i = osContInit(&serialMsgQ, &validcontrollers, &statusdata[0])) != 0) PRINTF("Failure initing controllers\n"); /**** Set up message and queue, for read completion notification ****/ controllermsg.type = SIMPLE_CONTROLLER_MSG; osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SI, &gfxFrameMsgQ, (OSMesg)&controllermsg); }
/* * This is the main routine of the app. */ static void mainproc(void *arg) { /* * Setup the message queues */ osCreateMesgQueue(&dmaMessageQ, &dmaMessageBuf, 1); osCreateMesgQueue(&rspMessageQ, &rspMessageBuf, 1); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SP, &rspMessageQ, NULL); osCreateMesgQueue(&rdpMessageQ, &rdpMessageBuf, 1); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_DP, &rdpMessageQ, NULL); osCreateMesgQueue(&retraceMessageQ, &retraceMessageBuf, 1); osViSetEvent(&retraceMessageQ, NULL, 1); /* * Stick the static segment right after the code/data segment */ staticSegment = _zbufferSegmentEnd; osPiStartDma(&dmaIOMessageBuf, OS_MESG_PRI_NORMAL, OS_READ, (u32) _staticSegmentRomStart, staticSegment, (u32) _staticSegmentRomEnd - (u32) _staticSegmentRomStart, &dmaMessageQ); /* * Wait for DMA to finish */ (void) osRecvMesg(&dmaMessageQ, NULL, OS_MESG_BLOCK); freeSegment = staticSegment + (u32) _staticSegmentRomEnd - (u32) _staticSegmentRomStart; initControllers(MAXCONTROLLERS); game(); }
void mainproc(void *arg) { /* Create Message Queue */ osCreateMesgQueue(&dmaMessageQ, &dmaMessageBuf, 1); osCreateMesgQueue(&rspMessageQ, &rspMessageBuf, 1); osCreateMesgQueue(&rspBrkMessageQ, &rspBrkMessageBuf, 1); osCreateMesgQueue(&rdpMessageQ, &rdpMessageBuf, 1); osCreateMesgQueue(&siMessageQ, &siMessageBuf, 1); osCreateMesgQueue(&retraceMessageQ, &retraceMessageBuf, 1); /* Connect Event to Message Queue */ osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SP, &rspMessageQ, NULL); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SP_BREAK, &rspBrkMessageQ, NULL); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_DP, &rdpMessageQ, NULL); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SI, &siMessageQ, NULL); osViSetEvent(&retraceMessageQ, NULL, 1); /* Initialize Controller */ osContInit(&siMessageQ, &contExist, contStatus); /* Call Main Function */ Main(arg); }
void mainproc(void *arg) { int i, j; int cont_no = 0; int error, readerror; u8 bitpattern; u16 button = 0, oldbutton = 0, newbutton = 0; u32 stat; char console_text[50]; osCreateMesgQueue(&pifMesgQueue, pifMesgBuf, NUM_MESSAGE); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SI, &pifMesgQueue, dummyMessage); osContInit(&pifMesgQueue, &bitpattern, &contstat[0]); for (i = 0; i < MAXCONTROLLERS; i++) { if ((bitpattern & (1<<i)) && ((contstat[i].type & CONT_TYPE_MASK) == CONT_TYPE_NORMAL)) { controller[i] = CONT_VALID; } else { controller[i] = CONT_INVALID; } } osCreateMesgQueue(&dmaMessageQ, dmaMessageBuf, 1); pi_handle = osCartRomInit(); pi_ddrom_handle = osDriveRomInit(); bzero(blockData, 0x1000); readerror = -1; init_draw(); setcolor(0,255,0); draw_puts("If you see this for a long period of time,\nsomething f****d up. Sorry."); LeoCJCreateLeoManager((OSPri)OS_PRIORITY_LEOMGR-1, (OSPri)OS_PRIORITY_LEOMGR, LeoMessages, NUM_LEO_MESGS); LeoResetClear(); setbgcolor(15,15,15); clear_draw(); setcolor(0,255,0); draw_puts("\f\n 64DD IPL dumper v0.01b by LuigiBlood & marshallh\n ----------------------------------------\n"); setcolor(255,255,255); draw_puts(" PRESS START TO DUMP"); while(1) { osContStartReadData(&pifMesgQueue); osRecvMesg(&pifMesgQueue, NULL, OS_MESG_BLOCK); osContGetReadData(&contdata[0]); if (contdata[cont_no].errno & CONT_NO_RESPONSE_ERROR) { button = oldbutton; } else { oldbutton = button; button = contdata[cont_no].button; } newbutton = ~oldbutton & button; if (newbutton & START_BUTTON) { //DUMP!! //64drive, enable write to SDRAM/ROM srand(osGetCount()); // necessary to generate unique short 8.3 filenames on memory card ciEnableRomWrites(); draw_puts("\f\n\n\n\n\n Let's dump! Don't turn off the console!\n\n"); osInvalDCache((void *)&blockData, (s32) 0x1000); dmaIoMesgBuf.hdr.pri = OS_MESG_PRI_NORMAL; dmaIoMesgBuf.hdr.retQueue = &dmaMessageQ; dmaIoMesgBuf.dramAddr = &blockData; dmaIoMesgBuf.devAddr = IPLoffset; dmaIoMesgBuf.size = 0x1000; for (IPLoffset = 0; IPLoffset < 0x400000; IPLoffset += 0x1000) { //read 64DD IPL osWritebackDCacheAll(); dmaIoMesgBuf.hdr.pri = OS_MESG_PRI_NORMAL; dmaIoMesgBuf.hdr.retQueue = &dmaMessageQ; dmaIoMesgBuf.dramAddr = (void *)&blockData; dmaIoMesgBuf.devAddr = 0xA6000000 + IPLoffset; dmaIoMesgBuf.size = 0x1000; osEPiStartDma(pi_ddrom_handle, &dmaIoMesgBuf, OS_READ); osRecvMesg(&dmaMessageQ, NULL, OS_MESG_BLOCK); //Write to 64drive osWritebackDCacheAll(); dmaIoMesgBuf.hdr.pri = OS_MESG_PRI_NORMAL; dmaIoMesgBuf.hdr.retQueue = &dmaMessageQ; dmaIoMesgBuf.dramAddr = (void *)&blockData; dmaIoMesgBuf.devAddr = 0xB0000000 + IPLoffset; dmaIoMesgBuf.size = 0x1000; osEPiStartDma(pi_handle, &dmaIoMesgBuf, OS_WRITE); osRecvMesg(&dmaMessageQ, NULL, OS_MESG_BLOCK); } //DONE!! NOW WRITE TO SD fat_start(); draw_puts("\n - DONE !!\n"); for(;;); } } }
/* * This is the main routine of the app. */ static void mainproc(void *arg) { #ifdef DEBUG int i; char *ap; u32 *argp; /* * get arguments (options) */ argp = (u32 *) RAMROM_APP_WRITE_ADDR; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(argbuf) / 4; i++, argp++) { osEPiReadIo(handler, (u32) argp, &argbuf[i]); /* Assume no DMA */ } ((char *) argbuf)[sizeof(argbuf)-1] = '\0'; /* * Parse the options */ ap = (char *) argbuf; position_str = (char *) 0; while (*ap != '\0') { while (*ap == ' ') ap++; if (*ap == '-' && *(ap + 1) == 'r') { rdp_flag = 1; ap += 2; } else if (*ap == '-' && *(ap + 1) == 'i') { ap += 2; position_str = ap; break; /* -i must be last argument */ } else ap++; } #endif /* * Setup the message queues */ osCreateMesgQueue(&dmaMessageQ, &dmaMessageBuf, 1); osCreateMesgQueue(&rdpMessageQ, &rdpMessageBuf, 1); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_DP, &rdpMessageQ, NULL); osCreateMesgQueue(&retraceMessageQ, &retraceMessageBuf, 1); osViSetEvent(&retraceMessageQ, NULL, 1); /* * Stick the static segment right after the code/data segment */ staticSegment = _zbufferSegmentEnd; dmaIOMessageBuf.hdr.pri = OS_MESG_PRI_NORMAL; dmaIOMessageBuf.hdr.retQueue = &dmaMessageQ; dmaIOMessageBuf.dramAddr = staticSegment; dmaIOMessageBuf.devAddr = (u32)_staticSegmentRomStart; dmaIOMessageBuf.size = (u32)_staticSegmentRomEnd-(u32)_staticSegmentRomStart; osEPiStartDma(handler, &dmaIOMessageBuf, OS_READ); /* * Wait for DMA to finish */ (void) osRecvMesg(&dmaMessageQ, NULL, OS_MESG_BLOCK); /* * Stick the texture segment right after the static segment */ textureSegment = staticSegment + (u32) _staticSegmentRomEnd - (u32) _staticSegmentRomStart; dmaIOMessageBuf.hdr.pri = OS_MESG_PRI_NORMAL; dmaIOMessageBuf.hdr.retQueue = &dmaMessageQ; dmaIOMessageBuf.dramAddr = textureSegment; dmaIOMessageBuf.devAddr = (u32)_textureSegmentRomStart; dmaIOMessageBuf.size = (u32)_textureSegmentRomEnd-(u32)_textureSegmentRomStart; osEPiStartDma(handler, &dmaIOMessageBuf, OS_READ); /* * Wait for DMA to finish */ (void) osRecvMesg(&dmaMessageQ, NULL, OS_MESG_BLOCK); initControllers(MAXCONTROLLERS); game(); }