コード例 #1
 * @fn      MT_SysOsalNVDelete
 * @brief   Attempt to delete an NV item
 * @param   uint8 pData - pointer to the data
 * @return  None
void MT_SysOsalNVDelete(uint8 *pBuf)
  uint16 nvId;
  uint16 nvLen;
  uint8 ret;

  /* Skip over RPC header */

  /* Get the ID */
  nvId = BUILD_UINT16(pBuf[0], pBuf[1]);
  /* Get the length */
  nvLen = BUILD_UINT16(pBuf[2], pBuf[3]);

  /* Attempt to delete the NV item */
  ret = osal_nv_delete( nvId, nvLen );

  /* Build and send back the response */
  MT_BuildAndSendZToolResponse(((uint8)MT_RPC_CMD_SRSP | (uint8)MT_RPC_SYS_SYS),
                                 MT_SYS_OSAL_NV_DELETE, 1, &ret);
コード例 #2
ファイル: BindingTable.c プロジェクト: comword/SmartIR-8051
 * @fn          BindUpgradeTableInNV
 * @brief       Verifies if the existing table in NV has different size
 *              than the table defined by parameters in the current code.
 *              If different, creates a backup table, deletes the existing
 *              table and creates the new table with the new size. After
 *              this process is done ZCD_NV_BINDING_TABLE NV item contains
 *              only valid records retrieved from the original table, up to
 *              the maximum number of records defined by gNWK_MAX_BINDING_ENTRIES
 * @param       none
 * @return      ZSuccess - the Update process was sucessful.
 *              ZFailure - otherwise.
static uint8 BindUpgradeTableInNV( void )
  uint8 status = ZSuccess;
  nvBindingHdr_t hdr;
  uint16 dupLen;
  uint16 bindLen;
  uint16 newLen;
  bool duplicateReady = FALSE;

  // Size of the Binding table based on current paramenters in the code
  newLen = sizeof(nvBindingHdr_t) + NV_BIND_ITEM_SIZE;

  // Size of the Binding table NV item, this is the whole size of the item,
  // it could inculde invalid records also
  bindLen = osal_nv_item_len( ZCD_NV_BINDING_TABLE );

  // Get the number of valid records from the Binding table
  osal_nv_read( ZCD_NV_BINDING_TABLE, 0, sizeof(nvBindingHdr_t), &hdr );

  // Identify if there is a duplicate NV item, if it is there, that means an
  // Upgrade process did not finish properly last time
  // The length function will return 0 if the Backup NV ID does not exist.
  dupLen = osal_nv_item_len( ZCD_NV_DUPLICATE_BINDING_TABLE );

  // A duplicate of the original Binding item will be done if:
  // 1) A duplicate NV item DOES NOT exist AND the size of the original Binding
  //    item in NV is different (larger/smaller) than the the length calculated
  //    from the parameters in the code. If they are the same there is no need
  //    to do the Upgrade process.
  // 2) A duplicate NV item exists (probably because the previous upgrade
  //    process was interrupted) and [the original Binding NV items exists AND
  //    has valid recods (it is important to make sure that valid records exist
  //    in the binding table because it is possible that the item was created
  //    but the data was not copied in the previous upgrade process).
  if ( ( ( dupLen == 0 ) && ( bindLen != newLen ) ) ||
       ( ( dupLen > 0 ) && ( bindLen > 0 ) && ( hdr.numRecs > 0 ) ) )
    // Create a copy from original NV item into a duplicate NV item
    if ( ( status = nwkCreateDuplicateNV( ZCD_NV_BINDING_TABLE,
                                          ZCD_NV_DUPLICATE_BINDING_TABLE ) ) == ZSuccess )
      // Delete the original NV item once the duplicate is ready
      if ( osal_nv_delete( ZCD_NV_BINDING_TABLE, bindLen ) != ZSuccess )
        status = ZFailure;
        duplicateReady = TRUE;
  else if ( ( ( dupLen > 0 ) && ( bindLen == 0 ) ) ||
            ( ( dupLen > 0 ) && ( bindLen > 0 ) && ( hdr.numRecs == 0 ) ) )
    // If for some reason a duplicate NV item was left in the system from a
    // previous upgrade process and:
    // 1) The original Binding NV item DOES NOT exist OR
    // 2) The original Binding NV item exist, but has no valid records.
    // it is necessary to rely in the data in the Duplicate item to create
    // the Binding table
    bindLen = dupLen;

    duplicateReady = TRUE;

  if ( duplicateReady == TRUE )
    // Creates the New Binding table, Copy data from backup and Delete backup NV ID
    status = BindCopyBackupToNewNV( bindLen, newLen );
  return ( status );
コード例 #3
ファイル: BindingTable.c プロジェクト: comword/SmartIR-8051
 * @fn          BindCopyBackupToNewNV
 * @brief       Creates the New NV item, copies the backup data into
 *              the New NV ID, and Deletes the duplicate NV item.
 * @param       dupLen - NV item length of the old Binding table.
 * @param       newLen - NV item length of the new Binding table to be created.
 * @return      ZSuccess - All the actions were successful.
 *              ZFailure - Any of the actions failed.
static uint8 BindCopyBackupToNewNV( uint16 dupLen, uint16 newLen )
  uint8 status = ZSuccess;
  uint16 bindLen;

  bindLen = osal_nv_item_len( ZCD_NV_BINDING_TABLE );

  if ( ( bindLen > 0 ) && ( bindLen != newLen ) )
    // The existing item does not match the New length
    osal_nv_delete( ZCD_NV_BINDING_TABLE, bindLen );

  // Create Binding Table NV item with the NEW legth
  if ( osal_nv_item_init( ZCD_NV_BINDING_TABLE, newLen, NULL ) != NV_OPER_FAILED )
    nvBindingHdr_t hdrBackup;

    // Copy ONLY the valid records from the duplicate NV table into the new table
    // at the end of this process the table content will be compacted
    if ( osal_nv_read( ZCD_NV_DUPLICATE_BINDING_TABLE, 0, sizeof(nvBindingHdr_t), &hdrBackup ) == ZSuccess )
      bindTableIndex_t i;
      uint16 validBackupRecs = 0;
      BindingEntry_t backupRec;

      // Read in the device list. This loop will stop when:
      // The total number of valid records has been reached either because:
      //          The new table is full of valid records OR
      //          The old table has less valid records than the size of the table
      for ( i = 0; ( validBackupRecs < gNWK_MAX_BINDING_ENTRIES ) && ( validBackupRecs < hdrBackup.numRecs ); i++ )
        if ( osal_nv_read( ZCD_NV_DUPLICATE_BINDING_TABLE,
                          (uint16)(sizeof(nvBindingHdr_t) + (i * NV_BIND_REC_SIZE)),
                          NV_BIND_REC_SIZE, &backupRec ) == ZSuccess )
          if ( backupRec.srcEP != NV_BIND_EMPTY )
            // Save the valid record into the NEW NV table.
            if ( osal_nv_write( ZCD_NV_BINDING_TABLE,
                                (uint16)((sizeof(nvBindingHdr_t)) + (validBackupRecs * NV_BIND_REC_SIZE)),
                                NV_BIND_REC_SIZE, &backupRec ) != ZSuccess )
               status = ZFailure;
               break; // Terminate the loop as soon as a problem with NV is detected

           status = ZFailure;
           break; // Terminate the loop as soon as a problem with NV is detected

      // Only save the header and delete the duplicate element if the previous
      // process was successful
      if ( status == ZSuccess )
        // Save off the header
        if ( osal_nv_write( ZCD_NV_BINDING_TABLE, 0,
                            sizeof(nvBindingHdr_t), &validBackupRecs ) == ZSuccess )
          // Delete the duplicate NV Item, once the data has been stored in the NEW table
          if ( osal_nv_delete( ZCD_NV_DUPLICATE_BINDING_TABLE, dupLen ) != ZSuccess )
            status = ZFailure;
          status = ZFailure;
      status = ZFailure;
    status = ZFailure;

  return ( status );