/* * 0x83: Logical Channel Descriptor * e-book_ed_2.02 corr-acro.doc */ void descriptor_PRIVATE_EictaORG_LogicalChannelDescriptor (u_char *b) { unsigned int len = b[1]; unsigned int i; out_nl(4, "--> eicta.org Logical Channel Descriptor"); b += 2; indent(+1); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { unsigned int service_id = (b[i] << 8) | b[i + 1]; unsigned int visible_service_flag = (b[i + 2] >> 7) & 1; unsigned int reserved = (b[i + 2] >> 2) & 0x1f; unsigned int logical_channel_number = ((b[i + 2] << 8) | b[i + 3]) & 0x3ff; out_NL(5); out_SW_NL(5, "service_id: ", service_id); out_SB_NL(5, "visible_service_flag: ", visible_service_flag); out_SB_NL(5, "reserved: ", reserved); out_SW_NL(5, "logical_channel_number: ", logical_channel_number); } indent(-1); out_NL(4); }
void processPS_PES_packet (u_int pid, long pkt_nr, u_char *buf, int len) { OPTION *opt = getOptionPtr(); char *strx = (opt->packet_mode == PES) ? "PES" : "PS"; indent (0); print_packet_header (opt, strx, opt->pid, pkt_nr, len); if (opt->buffer_hexdump) { printhex_buf (0, buf, len); out_NL(0); } // decode protocol if (opt->printdecode) { decodePS_PES_packet (buf, len ,opt->pid); out_nl (3,"=========================================================="); out_NL (3); } }
/* 0xA0 Logic Channel Descriptor NorDig-Unified ver 2.0, 01.07.2008 */ void descriptor_PRIVATE_NordigORG_ContentProtectionDescriptor (u_char *b) { unsigned int tag = b[0]; unsigned int len = b[1]; unsigned int protectionLevel = b[2]; out_nl(4, "--> NorDig Content Protection Descriptor "); b += 2; indent(+1); out_NL(4); out_SB_NL(2, "value: ", protectionLevel); switch(protectionLevel) { default: case 0x00: out_nl(4, "Outputs shall not be protected."); break; case 0x01: out_nl(4, "Content protection not required."); break; case 0x02: out_nl(4, "Content protection mandatory for video resolution > 576 lines."); break; case 0x03: out_nl(4, "Content protection mandatory regardless of video format and resolution."); break; } indent(-1); out_NL(4); }
void descriptor_PRIVATE_PremiereDE_ContentTransmission (u_char *b) { int len, str_tim_len; u_int time_MJD, time_UTC; // tag = b[0]; len = b[1]; out_nl (4,"--> Premiere Content Transmission descriptor "); outBit_Sx_NL (4,"transport_stream_ID: ", b, 16, 16); outBit_S2x_NL (4,"original_network_id: ", b, 32, 16, (char *(*)(u_long)) dvbstrOriginalNetwork_ID); outBit_S2Tx_NL(4,"service_ID: ", b, 48, 16, " --> refers to PMT program_number"); b += 8; len -= 6; out_NL(4); while (len>0) { out (4,"Start_date: "); time_MJD = getBits (b, 0, 0, 16); print_time_mjd (4, time_MJD); out_NL (4); str_tim_len = outBit_Sx_NL (5,"start_time_loop_length: ", b, 16, 8); b += 3; len -= 3; indent (+1); for(; str_tim_len>0; str_tim_len-=3) { out (4,"Start_time: "); time_UTC = getBits (b, 0, 0, 24); print_time_utc (4, time_UTC); out_NL (4); b += 3; len -= 3; } out_NL (4); indent (-1); } }
void section_TDT (u_char *b, int len) { u_int table_id; u_long UTC_time_MJD; u_long UTC_time_UTC; out_nl (3,"TDT-decoding...."); table_id = outBit_S2x_NL (3,"Table_ID: ", b, 0, 8, (char *(*)(u_long)) dvbstrTableID ); if (table_id != 0x70) { out_nl (3,"wrong Table ID"); return; } outBit_Sx_NL (3,"section_syntax_indicator: ", b, 8, 1); outBit_Sx_NL (6,"reserved_1: ", b, 9, 1); outBit_Sx_NL (6,"reserved_2: ", b, 10, 2); outBit_Sx_NL (3,"Section_length: ", b, 12, 12); out (3,"UTC_time: "); UTC_time_MJD = getBits (b, 0, 24, 16); UTC_time_UTC = getBits (b, 0, 40, 24); print_time40 (3, UTC_time_MJD,UTC_time_UTC); out_NL (3); }
void descriptorMHP_AIT_DII_location (u_char *b) { int len; // descriptor_tag = b[0]; len = b[1]; outBit_Sx_NL (4,"transport_protcol_label: ", b+2, 0, 8); b += 3; len --; indent(+1); while (len > 0) { out_NL (4); outBit_Sx_NL (4,"reserved: ", b, 0, 1); outBit_S2Tx_NL (4,"DII_identification: ", b, 1, 15, "refers to identification in transaction_id"); outBit_Sx_NL (4,"association_tag: ", b, 16, 16); b += 4; len -= 4; } indent(-1); }
void descriptorMHP_AIT_pre_fetch (u_char *b) { int len; int len2; // descriptor_tag = b[0]; len = b[1]; outBit_Sx_NL (4,"transport_protcol_label: ", b+2, 0, 8); b += 3; len --; indent(+1); while (len > 0) { out_NL (4); len2 = outBit_Sx_NL (4,"label_length: ", b, 0, 8); print_text_UTF8 (4, "label: ", b+1, len2); out_nl (4, " ==> [= matches DII modul label]"); b += 1 + len2; len -= 1 + len2; outBit_Sx_NL (4,"prefetch_priority: ", b, 0, 8); b++; len--; } indent(-1); }
void descriptorMHP_AIT_external_application_authorisation (u_char *b) { int len; // descriptor_tag = b[0]; len = b[1]; b += 2; indent(+1); while (len > 0) { int x; x = mhp_application_identifier (4, b); b += x; len -= x; outBit_Sx_NL (4,"application_priority: ", b, 0, 8); b++; len--; out_NL (4); } indent(-1); }
void descriptorMHP_AIT_application_name (u_char *b) { int len; u_char ISO639_language_code[4]; // descriptor_tag = b[0]; len = b[1]; b += 2; indent (+1); while (len > 0) { int len2; getISO639_3 (ISO639_language_code, b); out_nl (4,"ISO639_language_code: %3.3s", ISO639_language_code); len2 = outBit_Sx_NL (4,"application_name_length: ", b, 24, 8); print_text_468A (4, "application_name: ", b+4, len2); b += 4 + len2; len -= 4 + len2; out_NL (4); } indent (-1); }
int print_PCR_field (int v, const char *str, u_char *b, int bit_offset) { long long pcr_H, pcr_L, pcr_Ext; long long ull; int bo = bit_offset; int v1 = v+1; out_nl (v,"%s:",str); indent (+1); pcr_H = outBit_Sx_NL (v1,"baseH: ", b, bo+ 0, 1); pcr_L = outBit_Sx_NL (v1,"baseL: ", b, bo+ 1, 32); outBit_Sx_NL (v1,"reserved: ", b, bo+33, 6); pcr_Ext = outBit_Sx_NL (v1,"extension: ", b, bo+39, 9); ull = (pcr_H << 32) + pcr_L; out (v," ==> %s: ", str); // print_timebase90kHz (v, ull); print_pcr_time (v, ull,pcr_Ext); out_NL (v); indent (-1); return 6; }
void print_xTS_field (int v, const char *str, u_char *b, int bit_offset) { long long xTS_32_30; long long xTS_29_15; long long xTS_14_0; long long ull; int bo = bit_offset; int v1 = v+1; out_nl (v,"%s:",str); indent (+1); xTS_32_30 = outBit_Sx_NL (v1,"bit[32..30]: ", b, bo+0, 3); outBit_Sx_NL (v1,"marker_bit: ", b, bo+3, 1); xTS_29_15 = outBit_Sx_NL (v1,"bit[29..15]: ", b, bo+4, 15); outBit_Sx_NL (v1,"marker_bit: ", b, bo+19, 1); xTS_14_0 = outBit_Sx_NL (v1,"bit[14..0]: ", b, bo+20,15); outBit_Sx_NL (v1,"marker_bit: ", b, bo+35, 1); ull = (xTS_32_30<<30) + (xTS_29_15<<15) + xTS_14_0; out (v," ==> %s: ", str); print_timebase90kHz (v, ull); out_NL (v); indent (-1); }
void mpeg_system_header (int v, u_char *b, int len) { /* z.B. H.222 ISO 13818-1 Table 2-34 */ /* ISO 11172-1 system header */ if (len == 0) return; out_nl (v,"System_header: "); indent (+1); if (len > 0) { // -- within PES packet, not PS! outBit_Sx_NL (v,"system_header_start_code: ", b, 0, 32); } // -- get real length from system_header data len = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"header_length: ", b, 32, 16); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"marker_bit: ", b, 48, 1); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"rate_bound: ", b, 49, 22); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"marker_bit: ", b, 71, 1); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"audio_bound: ", b, 72, 6); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"fixed_flag: ", b, 78, 1); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"CSPS_flag: ", b, 79, 1); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"system_audio_lock_flag: ", b, 80, 1); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"system_video_lock_flag: ", b, 81, 1); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"marker_bit: ", b, 82, 1); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"video_bound: ", b, 83, 5); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"packet_rate_restriction_flag: ", b, 88, 1); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"reserved_byte: ", b, 89, 7); b += 12; len -= 12; // while (nextbits () == '1') { // while ((bit = getBits (b, 0,0,1)) == 0x01) { while ( (*b & 0x80) ) { if (len <= 0) break; out_NL (v); outBit_S2x_NL(v,"Stream_id: ", b, 0, 8, (char *(*)(u_long))dvbstrPESstream_ID ); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"fixed (0x02): ", b, 8, 2); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"P-STD_buffer_bound_scale: ", b, 10, 1); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"P-STD_buffer_size_bound: ", b, 11, 13); b += 3; len -= 3; if (len < 0) out_nl (1, "$$$ something wrong here (length<0)"); } indent (-1); }
void PES_decodeDATA_EBU_etc (u_char *b, int len) { // -- PES_DATA_bytes EBU // -- Data Buffer starts at PES_DATA_BYTES... // --> see parent int data_identifier; out_nl (4,"EBU data:"); indent (+1); data_identifier = outBit_S2x_NL (4,"data_identifier: ", b, 0, 8, (char *(*)(u_long)) dvbstrPESDataIdentifier); b++; len--; while (len > 0) { int len2; int dui; int n=0; out_NL (4); dui = outBit_S2x_NL (4,"data_unit_id: ", b, 0, 8, (char *(*)(u_long)) dvbstrPES_EBUDataUnitID); len2 = outBit_Sx_NL (4,"data_unit_length: ", b, 8, 8); b += 2; len -= 2; if (dui==0x02 || dui==0x03 || dui==0xC0 || dui==0xC1) { n = teletext_data_field (4, b, len2); } else if (dui==0xC3) { n = vps_data_field(4, b,len2); } else if (dui==0xC4) { n = wss_data_field (4, b,len2); } else if (dui==0xC5) { n = closed_caption_data_field (4, b,len2); } else if (dui==0xC6) { n = monochrome_data_field (4, b,len2); } else if (dui==0xFF) { /* No data field */ n = 0; } if ( (len2-n) > 0 ) { print_databytes (4,"stuffing bytes:", b+n, len2-n); } b += len2; len -= len2; } indent (-1); }
unsigned long long outBit64_Sx_NL (int verbosity, const char *text, u_char *buf, int startbit, int bitlen) { unsigned long long value; value = outBit64_Sx (verbosity,text,buf,startbit,bitlen); out_NL (verbosity); return value; }
int BIOP_ModuleInfo (int v, u_char *b, u_int len_org) { int len = len_org; int n1, i; // -- due to some misbehavior of some service providers // -- we do a simple plausi check for tap_counts_min_bytes > len i = getBits (b, 0, 96, 8); // tap_counts i = i * 7; if (i > len_org) { // this is no ModuleInfo print_databytes (v,"Data Bytes (non-standard):", b, len_org); return len_org; } out_nl (v, "BIOP::ModuleInfo:"); indent (+1); outBit_S2Tx_NL (v,"ModuleTimeOut: ", b, 0, 32, "(ms)"); outBit_S2Tx_NL (v,"BlockTimeOut: ", b, 32, 32, "(ms)"); outBit_S2Tx_NL (v,"MinBlockTime: ", b, 64, 32, "(ms)"); n1 = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"taps_count: ", b, 96, 8); b += 13, len -= 13; indent (+1); while (n1-- > 0) { int n2; // BIOP_OBJECT_USE n2 = BIOP_TAP (v, "DSM", b); b += n2; len -= n2; } indent (-1); out_NL (v); n1 = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"userInfoLength: ", b, 0, 8); // print_databytes (v,"UserInfoData:", b, n1); dsmcc_CarouselDescriptor_Loop ("userInfo", b+1, n1); b += 1+n1; len -= 1+n1; indent (-1); return len_org; }
int descriptorMHP_AIT (u_char *b) { int len; int tag; out_NL (4); tag = outBit_S2x_NL (4,"MHP_AIT-DescriptorTag: ", b, 0, 8, (char *(*)(u_long))dsmccStrMHP_AIT_DescriptorTAG); len = outBit_Sx_NL (4,"descriptor_length: ", b, 8, 8); // empty ?? if (len == 0) return len; // print hex buf of descriptor printhex_buf (9, b,len+2); switch (tag) { case 0x00: descriptorMHP_AIT_application (b); break; case 0x01: descriptorMHP_AIT_application_name (b); break; case 0x02: descriptorMHP_AIT_transport_protocol (b); break; case 0x03: descriptorMHP_AIT_dvb_j_application (b); break; case 0x04: descriptorMHP_AIT_dvb_j_application_location (b); break; case 0x05: descriptorMHP_AIT_external_application_authorisation (b); break; // case 0x06: reserved // case 0x07: reserved case 0x08: descriptorMHP_AIT_dvb_html_application (b); break; case 0x09: descriptorMHP_AIT_dvb_html_application_location (b); break; case 0x0A: descriptorMHP_AIT_dvb_html_application_boundary (b); break; case 0x0B: descriptorMHP_AIT_application_icons (b); break; case 0x0C: descriptorMHP_AIT_pre_fetch (b); break; case 0x0D: descriptorMHP_AIT_DII_location (b); break; case 0x0E: descriptorMHP_AIT_delegated_application (b); break; case 0x0F: descriptorMHP_AIT_plug_in (b); break; case 0x10: descriptorMHP_AIT_application_storage (b); break; case 0x11: descriptorMHP_AIT_ip_signalling (b); break; case 0x5F: descriptorDVB_PrivateDataSpecifier (b); break; default: if (tag < 0x80) { out_nl (0," ----> ERROR: unimplemented descriptor (MHP_AIT context), Report!"); } descriptor_PRIVATE (b,MHP_AIT); break; } return len+2; // (descriptor total length) }
u_long BIOP_TAG_dispatch (int v, u_char *b) { u_long id_tag; u_long len; id_tag = getBits (b, 0, 0, 32); // ID_tag prefetch switch (id_tag) { case 0x42494F50: // "BIOP" // BIOP::FileMessage // BIOP::DirectoryMessage // BIOP::StreamMessage // BIOP::StreamEventMessage len = BIOP_Message (v, b); break; case 0x49534f05: // TAG_LITE_OPTIONS len = BIOP_LiteOptionsProfileBody (v, b); break; case 0x49534f06: // TAG_BIOP // BIOPProfileBody len = BIOP_BIOPProfileBody (v, b); break; case 0x49534f40: // TAG_ConnBinder // DSM::ConnBinder len = BIOP_DSM_ConnBinder (v, b); break; case 0x49534f46: // TAG_SERVICE_LOCATION len = BIOP_DSM_ServiceLocation (v, b); break; case 0x49534f50: // TAG_ObjectLocation // DSM::ConnBinder len = BIOP_ObjectLocation (v, b); break; default: // unknown !!! // $$$ TODO: we wildly guess, that there is a 32b length field! // $$$ TODO: this may break the decoding process, if not true outBit_S2x_NL (v,"profileId_tag: ", b, 0, 32, (char *(*)(u_long)) dsmccStrIOP_ProfileID ); len = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"profile_data_length: ", b, 32, 32); print_databytes (v,"unkown profile_data:", b+8, len); len += 8; break; } out_NL (v); return len; }
void descriptorMHP_AIT_application (u_char *b) { int len; int len2; // descriptor_tag = b[0]; len = b[1]; len2 = outBit_Sx_NL (4,"application_profile_length: ", b, 16, 8); b += 3; len -= 1; indent (+1); while (len2 > 0) { int x; out_NL(4); x = mhp_application_profile_version (4, b); b += x; len -= x; len2 -= x; } out_NL(4); indent (-1); outBit_Sx_NL (4,"service_bound_flag: ", b, 0, 1); outBit_S2x_NL(4,"visibility: ", b, 1, 2, (char *(*)(u_long)) dsmccStrMHP_visibility_state ); outBit_Sx_NL (4,"reserved: ", b, 3, 5); outBit_Sx_NL (4,"application_priority: ", b, 8, 8); b += 2; len -= 2; while (len > 0) { outBit_Sx_NL (4,"transport_protocol_label: ", b, 0, 8); b++; len--; } }
static u_long body_FileMessage (int v, u_char *b) { u_char *b_org = b; u_long nx,n2,n5; n2 = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"objectInfo_length: ", b, 0, 16); b += 2; if (n2) { // has to be >= 8 outBit64_Sx_NL (v,"DSM::File::ContentSize: ", b, 0, 64); b += 8; n2 -= 8; if (n2 > 0) { out_nl (v, "Descriptor_loop:"); indent (+1); while (n2 > 0) { int x; x = descriptor (b, DSMCC_CAROUSEL); b += x; n2 -= x; out_NL (v); } } // if n2 > 0 indent (-1); } // if n2 out_NL (v); nx = do_ServiceContentList (v, b); b += nx; outBit_Sx_NL (v,"messageBody_length: ", b, 0, 32); n5 = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"content_length: ", b, 32, 32); print_databytes(v,"content__byte:", b+8, n5); b += 8 + n5; return (u_long) (b - b_org); }
/* * 0x84: Preferred Name List Descriptor * e-book_ed_2.02 corr-acro.doc */ void descriptor_PRIVATE_EictaORG_PreferredNameListDescriptor (u_char *b) { unsigned int len = b[1]; unsigned int i, j; out_nl(4, "--> eicta.org Preferred Name List Descriptor"); b += 2; indent(+1); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { unsigned int ISO_639_language_code = (b[i] << 16) | (b[i + 1] << 8) | b[i + 2]; unsigned int name_count = b[i + 3]; out_NL(4); out_SL_NL(4, "ISO_639_language_code: ", ISO_639_language_code); out_SB_NL(4, "name_count: ", name_count); indent(+1); for (j = 0; j < name_count; j++) { unsigned int name_id = b[i + 4]; unsigned int name_length = b[i + 5]; const char *name = &b[i + 6]; out_NL(4); out_SB_NL(4, "name_id: ", name_id); out_SB_NL(4, "name_length: ", name_length); if (name_length > 0) out_nl(4, "name: %.s", name_length, name); i += name_length + 2; } indent(-1); } indent(-1); out_NL(4); }
/* * 0x85: Preferred Name Identifier Descriptor * e-book_ed_2.02 corr-acro.doc */ void descriptor_PRIVATE_EictaORG_PreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor (u_char *b) { out_nl(4, "--> eicta.org Preferred Name Identifier Descriptor"); indent(+1); out_SB_NL(4, "name_id: ", b[2]); indent(-1); out_NL(4); }
/* * 0x86: Eacem Stream Identifier Descriptor * e-book_ed_2.02 corr-acro.doc */ void descriptor_PRIVATE_EictaORG_EacemStreamIdentifierDescriptor (u_char *b) { out_nl(4, "--> eicta.org Eacem Stream Identifier Descriptor"); indent(+1); out_SB_NL(4, "version_byte: ", b[2]); indent(-1); out_NL(4); }
void processTS_packet (u_int pid, long pkt_nr, u_char *b, int len) { OPTION *opt = getOptionPtr(); // -- subdecode prev. collected TS data // -- push new data if (opt->printdecode && opt->ts_subdecode) { ts2SecPes_subdecode (b, len, pid); } // -- new packet, output header indent (0); print_packet_header (opt, "TS", opt->pid, pkt_nr, len); // hex output (also on wrong packets) if (opt->buffer_hexdump) { printhex_buf (0, b, len); out_NL(0); } // -- decode protocol (if ts packet) if (opt->printdecode) { decodeTS_packet (b, len); out_nl (3,"=========================================================="); out_NL (3); if (opt->ts_subdecode) { // -- check if stored packet(s) length is sufficient for output ts2SecPes_checkAndDo_PacketSubdecode_Output(); } } }
int do_FE_Info (OPTION *opt) { int fd_fe = 0; if (opt->inpPidFile) { fprintf (stderr,"Error: FileMode not possible...\n"); return -1; } if((fd_fe = open(opt->devFE,O_RDONLY)) < 0){ IO_error(opt->devFE); return -1; } indent (0); out_NL (2); out_nl (2,"---------------------------------------------------------"); out_nl (2,"FrontEnd Info..."); out_nl (2,"---------------------------------------------------------"); out_NL (2); out_nl (2,"Device: %s",opt->devFE); out_NL (2); print_FE_BasicCapabilities (3, fd_fe); print_FE_CurrentParameters (2, fd_fe); close(fd_fe); return 0; }
void processSI_packet (u_int pid, long pkt_nr, u_char *buf, int len) { OPTION *opt = getOptionPtr(); indent (0); print_packet_header (opt, "SECT", opt->pid, pkt_nr, len); if (opt->buffer_hexdump) { printhex_buf (0,buf, len); out_NL(0); } // -- decode protocol if (opt->printdecode) { decodeSI_packet (buf,len ,opt->pid); out_nl (3,"=========================================================="); out_NL (3); } }
static void out_SkipBuffer (int v, int len) { int lmax; int l; lmax = (sizeof(SkipBuffer)/sizeof(u_char)); l = (len > lmax) ? lmax : len; print_databytes (v,"Skipped bytes:", SkipBuffer, l); if (l == lmax) { out_nl (v,"..."); out_NL (v); } }
void descriptorMHP_AIT_delegated_application (u_char *b) { int len; // descriptor_tag = b[0]; len = b[1]; b += 2; // indent(+1); while (len > 0) { out_NL (4); outBit64_Sx_NL (4,"application_identifier: ", b, 0, 48); b += 6; len -= 6; } // indent(-1); }
void descriptorMHP_AIT_plug_in (u_char *b) { int len; // descriptor_tag = b[0]; len = b[1]; outBit_Sx_NL (4,"application_type: ", b+2, 0, 16); b += 4; len -= 2; indent(+1); while (len > 0) { int x; out_NL(4); x = mhp_application_profile_version (4, b); b += x; len -= x; } // indent(-1); }
int BIOP_TAP (int v, const char *str, u_char *b) { u_char *b_org = b; int use; int n; out_nl (v, "%s::TAP:"); indent (+1); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"id: ", b, 0, 16); use = outBit_S2x_NL(v,"use: ", b, 16, 16, (char *(*)(u_long))dsmccStrBIOP_TAP_Use ); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"association_tag: ", b, 32, 16); n = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"selector_length: ", b, 48, 8); b += 7; // -- a TAP may have a Selector() if (n >= 2) { int stype; stype = outBit_S2x_NL(v,"selector_type: ", b, 0, 16, (char *(*)(u_long))dsmccStrBIOP_TAP_SelectorType ); indent (+1); switch (stype) { case 0x0001: // MessageSelector dsmcc_print_transactionID_32 (v, b+2); outBit_S2Tx_NL (v,"timeout: ", b, 48, 32, "usec."); break; case 0x0109: // ATSC A95: TSFS_selector outBit_Sx_NL (v,"carouselId: ", b, 16, 32); outBit_S2Tx_NL (v,"DSI_timeout: ", b, 48, 32, "usec."); if (n > 10) { print_databytes (v,"URI_byte:", b+10, n-10); } break; case 0x0000: // ISO/IEC reserved default: // unknown, default print_databytes (v,"selector_data:", b+2, n-2); break; } indent (-1); } else { if (n > 0) { print_databytes (v,"selector_data:", b, n); } } b += n; indent (-1); out_NL (v); return (int) (b - b_org); }
int dsmcc_DownloadInfoIndication (int v, u_char *b, u_int len) { int len_org = len; int n_modules; int len2; int i, x; // already read dsmcc_MessageHeader (v, b, len, &dmh); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"downloadId: ", b , 0, 32); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"blockSize: ", b+ 4, 0, 16); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"windowSize: ", b+ 6, 0, 8); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"ackPeriod: ", b+ 7, 0, 8); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"tCDownloadWindow: ", b+ 8, 0, 32); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"tCDownloadScenario: ", b+12, 0, 32); b += 16; len -= 16; x = dsmcc_CompatibilityDescriptor (b); b += x; len -= x; n_modules = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"numberOfModules: ", b, 0, 16); b += 2; len -= 2; for (i=0; i < n_modules; i++) { u_int mId; out_NL (v); out_nl (v, "Module (%d):",i); indent (+1); mId = outBit_Sx (v,"moduleId: ", b, 0, 16); out_nl (4, "%s", (mId < 0xFFF0) ? "" : " [= DAVIC application]"); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"moduleSize: " , b, 16, 32); outBit_Sx_NL (v,"moduleVersion: ", b, 48, 8); len2 = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"moduleInfoLength: ", b, 56, 8); b += 8; len -= 8; // moduleInfoByte: these fields shall convey a list of descriptors // which each define one or more attributes of the described module, // except when the moduleId is within the range of 0xFFF0-0xFFFF. In // this case, the moduleInfoByte structure contains the ModuleInfo // structure as defined by DAVIC with the privateDataByte field of that // structure as a loop of descriptors. // ISO 13818-6:2000 if (mId < 0xFFF0) { BIOP_ModuleInfo (v, b, len2); } else { print_databytes (v, "moduleInfoBytes: ", b, len2); // $$$ TODO Davic } b += len2; len -= len2; indent (-1); } out_NL (v); indent (-1); len2 = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"privateDataLength: ", b, 0, 16); print_databytes (v, "privat Data: ", b+2, len2); // $$$ TODO ??? // b += 2 + len2; // len -= 2 + len2; return len_org; }