コード例 #1
ファイル: solver.c プロジェクト: thebillli/2014-15
int depth_search (int x, int y, struct room **rooms, int goal_x, int goal_y, FILE *file){
    if (x == goal_x && y == goal_y)
        return 1;
    (*rooms+get_index(x, y))->visited = 1;
    // x_offset is the offset on cols
    int x_offset = 0;
    // y_offset is the offset on rows
    int y_offset = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        // print the full path traveld
#ifdef FULL        
        if (fprintf(file, "%d, %d\n", i%COLS, i/COLS) < 0){
            fprintf(stderr, "There is an error with the output file");
            return 1;
        if (i == 0){
            y_offset = 0;
            x_offset = 1;
        else if (i == 1){
            y_offset = 0;
            x_offset = -1;
        else if (i == 2){
            y_offset = 1;
            x_offset = 0;
            y_offset = -1;
            x_offset = 0;
        // proceed if neighbor is in the maze other wise return to the for loop
        if (out_of_bound(x + x_offset, y + y_offset)==0){
            struct room *neighbor = *rooms+get_index(x + x_offset, y + y_offset);
            if (get_stat(x_offset, y_offset, (*rooms+get_index(x, y))) == 0 && neighbor->visited == 0){
                // if the current room is connected with the neighbor and the neighbor has not been visited
                // recurse on neighbor
                if (depth_search(x + x_offset, y + y_offset, rooms, goal_x, goal_y, file)){
                    // set the next pointer in the current room to the neighbor to complete the path, a list of
                    // rooms
                    (*rooms+get_index(x, y))->next = neighbor;
                    return 1;
    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: generator.c プロジェクト: thebillli/2014-15
// y is the y coordinate, the row number, and x is the x coordinate, the col number
void drunken_walk (int y, int x, struct room rooms[ROWS*COLS]){
    rooms[get_index(y, x)].visited = 1;
    int x_offset = 0;
    int y_offset = 0;
    int array[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
    shuffle_array(array, 4);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (array[i] == 0){
            y_offset = 0;
            x_offset = 1;
        else if (array[i] == 1){
            y_offset = 0;
            x_offset = -1;
        else if (array[i] == 2){
            y_offset = 1;
            x_offset = 0;
            y_offset = -1;
            x_offset = 0;
        if (out_of_bound(y + y_offset, x + x_offset))
            set_stat(x_offset, y_offset, &rooms[get_index(y, x)], 1);
            struct room *neighbor = &rooms[get_index(y + y_offset, x + x_offset)];
            if (neighbor->visited == -1){
                set_stat(x_offset, y_offset, &rooms[get_index(y, x)], 0);
                drunken_walk(y + y_offset, x + x_offset, rooms);
            else if (get_stat(-x_offset, -y_offset, neighbor) != -1)
                set_stat(x_offset, y_offset, &rooms[get_index(y, x)], get_stat(-x_offset, -y_offset, neighbor));
                set_stat(x_offset, y_offset, &rooms[get_index(y, x)], 1);
コード例 #3
ファイル: solver.c プロジェクト: thebillli/2014-15
//The input format should be <input maze file> <output path file> <starting x-position>
//<starting y-position> <ending x-position> <ending y-position>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    struct room rooms[ROWS * COLS];
    struct room *ptr = rooms;
    if (argc != 7){
        fprintf(stderr, "The input format should be <input maze file> <output path file> <starting x-position> <starting y-position> <ending x-position> <ending y-position>");
        return 1;
    for (int j = 1; j < 7; j++){
        if (argv[j] == NULL){
            fprintf(stderr, "The input is not valid");
            return 1;
    int start_x = atoi(argv[3]);
    int start_y = atoi(argv[4]);
    int end_x = atoi(argv[5]);
    int end_y = atoi(argv[6]);
    if (out_of_bound(start_x, start_y) || out_of_bound(end_x, end_y)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Either the start point or the end point is not valid");
        return 1;
    FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    if (file == NULL){
        fprintf(stderr, "The input file name is not valid");
        return 1;
    // using bit operation to get information about the openings in the given maze
    for (int i = 0; i < ROWS * COLS; i++){
        unsigned int a = 0;
        fscanf(file, "%1x", &a);
        rooms[i].x = i % COLS;
        rooms[i].y = i / COLS;
        rooms[i].north = 0x1 & a;
        rooms[i].south = 0x1 & a>>1;
        rooms[i].west = 0x1 & a>>2;
        rooms[i].east = 0x1 & a>>3;
        rooms[i].visited = 0;
    FILE *output = fopen(argv[2], "w");
    if (output == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "The output file name is not valid");
        return 1;
    // compiled the program differently according to macro
    // if FULL is defined print the coordinates of every room that has been traversed in order. The same
    // coordinates may appear twice or more due to backtracking
#ifdef FULL
    if (fprintf(output, "FULL\n") < 0){
        fprintf(stderr, "There is an error with the output file");
        return 1;
    depth_search(start_x, start_y, &ptr, end_x, end_y, output);
    // if FULL is not defined print the coordinates of the rooms in the path from start to end
    depth_search(start_x, start_y, &ptr, end_x, end_y, output);
    if (fprintf(output, "PRUNED\n") < 0){
        fprintf(stderr, "There is an error with the output file");
        return 1;
    int i = get_index(start_x, start_y);
    while (rooms[i].x != end_x || rooms[i].y != end_y) {
        if (fprintf(output, "%d, %d\n", rooms[i].x, rooms[i].y) < 0){
            fprintf(stderr, "There is an error with the output file");
            return 1;
        i = get_index(rooms[i].next->x, rooms[i].next->y);
    if (fprintf(output, "%d, %d", end_x, end_y) < 0){
        fprintf(stderr, "There is an error with the output file");
        return 1;
        fprintf(stderr, "There is an error with the output file.");
        return 1;
    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: fprop2d.c プロジェクト: antdvid/FronTier
EXPORT void f_curve_propagate2d(
	Front		*fr,
	POINTER		wave,
	CURVE		*oldc,
	CURVE		*newc,
	double		dt)
	BOND		*oldb = oldc->first;
	BOND		*newb = newc->first;
	double		V[MAXD];
	int		dim = fr->interf->dim;	
	double		L[MAXD],U[MAXD];	/* propagation boundary */

	debug_print("f_curve_propagate","Entered f_curve_propagate2d\n");

	if ((fr->_point_propagate == NULL)   ||
	    (oldc == NULL)                   ||
	    (newc == NULL)                   ||
	    (correspond_curve(oldc) != newc) ||
	    (correspond_curve(newc) != oldc))

	while (oldb) 
	    if ((oldb != oldc->last) && (!n_pt_propagated(newb->end)))
	    	n_pt_propagated(newb->end) = YES;
		if (out_of_bound(oldb->end,L,U,dim) &&
		    wave_type(oldc) != MOVABLE_BODY_BOUNDARY &&
		    wave_type(oldc) != ICE_PARTICLE_BOUNDARY) 
		    Locstate newsl,newsr;
		    Locstate oldsl,oldsr;
	    if (fr->bond_propagate != NULL)
	    	set_bond_length(newb,dim); /* Update new bond length */
	    if (oldb == oldc->last)
	    oldb = oldb->next;
	    newb = newb->next;
	if (wave_type(oldc) == MOVABLE_BODY_BOUNDARY ||
	    wave_type(oldc) == ICE_PARTICLE_BOUNDARY)
            /* Propagate center of mass */
/*            int i,dim;
            dim = fr->rect_grid->dim;
            for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
                center_of_mass_velo(newc)[i] = center_of_mass_velo(oldc)[i];
                center_of_mass(newc)[i] = center_of_mass(oldc)[i] +
	    angular_velo(newc) = angular_velo(oldc);
	    spherical_radius(newc) = spherical_radius(oldc);*/
	debug_print("f_curve_propagate","Leaving f_curve_propagate2d\n");
}		/*end f_curve_propagate2d*/