void SceneObject::paint(QPainter &painter, const KoViewConverter &converter, KoShapePaintingContext &context) { Q_UNUSED(context); //painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(172, 196, 206))); painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0))); #if 1 painter.drawRect(converter.documentToView(QRectF(QPoint(0, 0), size()))); #else QRectF rect = converter.documentToView(boundingRect()); QRectF rect = converter.documentToView(QRectF(QPoint(0, 0), size())); painter.drawRect(rect); #endif kDebug(31000) << "boundingRect: " << boundingRect(); kDebug(31000) << "outlineRect: " << outlineRect(); #if 0 // Taken from the vector shape QRectF rect(QPointF(0,0), m_size); painter.save(); // Draw a simple cross in a rectangle just to indicate that there is something here. painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(172, 196, 206))); painter.drawRect(rect); painter.drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomRight()); painter.drawLine(rect.bottomLeft(), rect.topRight()); painter.restore(); #endif }
QPainterPath SchedulePoint::shape() const { // provide shape of each point QRectF rect = outlineRect(); QPainterPath path; path.addRoundRect(rect,roundness(rect.width()), roundness(rect.height())); return path; }
QPainterPath usecaseclass::shape() const { QRectF rect = outlineRect(); QPainterPath path; path.addRoundRect(rect, roundness(rect.width()), roundness(rect.height())); return path; }
/* * StatusWndDraw3DBox - called by StatusWndDrawLine or externally * if StatusWndDrawLine is not used. */ void StatusWndDraw3DBox( statwnd *sw, WPI_PRES pres ) { HPEN old_pen; int i; WPI_RECT r; old_pen = _wpi_selectobject( pres, penLight ); for( i = 0; i <= sw->numSections; i++ ) { getRect( sw, &r, i ); outlineRect( sw, pres, &r ); makeInsideRect( &r ); _wpi_fillrect( pres, &r, colorButtonFace, brushButtonFace ); } _wpi_selectobject( pres, old_pen ); } /* StatusWndDraw3DBox */
void usecaseclass::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget * /* widget */) { QPen pen(myOutlineColor); painter->setPen(pen); painter->setBrush(myBackgroundColor); QRectF rect = outlineRect(); //QPainter painter(this); painter->drawEllipse(-40,-30,80,60); painter->setPen(myTextColor); painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter, myText); Nnode->setPos(this->pos().x(),this->pos().y()+30); Wnode->setPos(this->pos().x()-40,this->pos().y()); Enode->setPos(this->pos().x()+40,this->pos().y()); Snode->setPos(this->pos().x(),this->pos().y()-30); this->scene()->addItem(Nnode); this->scene()->addItem(Wnode); this->scene()->addItem(Enode); this->scene()->addItem(Snode); if (option->state & QStyle::State_Selected) { Nnode->show(); Wnode->show(); Enode->show(); Snode->show(); } else { Nnode->hide(); Wnode->hide(); Enode->hide(); Snode->hide(); } }
void SchedulePoint::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget * /*widget*/) { // draw point itself if(option->state & QStyle::State_Selected) { } if(m_disabled) { painter->setBrush(QColor(150,150,150)); painter->setPen(QColor(110,110,110)); } else if(m_selected) { pen.setWidth(3); pen.setColor(QColor(255, 189, 43)); painter->setPen(pen); myBackgroundColor = tempToColor(temp); painter->setBrush(myBackgroundColor); } else { myBackgroundColor = tempToColor(temp); pen.setColor(Qt::white); pen.setWidth(1); painter->setPen(pen); painter->setBrush(myBackgroundColor); } QRectF rect = outlineRect(); painter->drawRoundRect(rect, roundness(rect.width()), roundness(rect.height())); painter->setPen(Qt::white); painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter, myText); }
QRectF Program::boundingRect() const { //const int Margin = 1; return outlineRect();//.adjusted(-Margin, -Margin, +Margin, +Margin); }
QRectF SchedulePoint::boundingRect() const { // provide size of each point for collision detection const int margin = 1; return outlineRect().adjusted(-margin, -margin, +margin, +margin); }
QRectF usecaseclass::boundingRect() const { const int Margin = 1; return outlineRect().adjusted(-Margin, -Margin, +Margin, +Margin); }