コード例 #1
ファイル: calbr_reader.cpp プロジェクト: etihwnad/toped
DBbox auxdata::DrcPoly::overlap() const
    DBbox ovl(_pdata[0], _pdata[1]) ;
    for (word i = 1; i < _psize; i++)
        ovl.overlap(_pdata[2*i], _pdata[2*i+1]);
    return ovl;
コード例 #2
ファイル: calbr_reader.cpp プロジェクト: etihwnad/toped
DBbox auxdata::DrcSeg::overlap() const
    DBbox ovl(_sdata[0], _sdata[1]) ;
    ovl.overlap(_sdata[2], _sdata[3]);
    for (word i = 1; i < _ssize; i++)
        ovl.overlap(_sdata[4*i  ], _sdata[4*i+1]);
        ovl.overlap(_sdata[4*i+2], _sdata[4*i+3]);
    return ovl;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Rocface.C プロジェクト: xyuan/IMPACT
// Associate two windows given by a1->window() and a2->window().
void Rocface::
overlay( const COM::DataItem *a1,
	 const COM::DataItem *a2,
	 const MPI_Comm *comm,
	 const char *path) {
  COM_assertion_msg( validate_object()==0, "Invalid object");

  std::string n1 = a1->window()->name();
  std::string n2 = a2->window()->name();

  Overlay ovl( a1->window(), a2->window(), path);
  ovl.set_tolerance( _ctrl.snap); // set tolerance for snapping vertices

  // Perform overlay

  // Create new data structures for data transfer.
  std::string wn1, wn2;
  get_name( n1, n2, wn1); get_name( n2, n1, wn2);
  TRS_Windows::iterator it1 = _trs_windows.find( wn1);
  TRS_Windows::iterator it2 = _trs_windows.find( wn2);
  if ( it1 != _trs_windows.end()) {
    RFC_assertion( it2 != _trs_windows.end());
    delete it1->second; delete it2->second;
  else {
    it1 = _trs_windows.
      insert( TRS_Windows::value_type( wn1, NULL)).first;
    RFC_assertion( it2 == _trs_windows.end());
    it2 = _trs_windows.
      insert( TRS_Windows::value_type( wn2, NULL)).first;

  MPI_Comm com = (comm==NULL)?MPI_COMM_WORLD:*comm;
  it1->second = new RFC_Window_transfer(const_cast<COM::Window*>(a1->window()),
					BLUE, com);
  it2->second = new RFC_Window_transfer(const_cast<COM::Window*>(a2->window()),
					GREEN, com);

  ovl.export_windows( it1->second, it2->second);
コード例 #4
/*! Puts the shape into current quadTree object without sorting. Updates 
the overlapping box though. */
void laydata::quadTree::put(tdtdata* shape) {
   DBbox ovl(shape->overlap());ovl.normalize();
   shape->nextis(_first); _first = shape;
コード例 #5
ファイル: pia.c プロジェクト: jjgreen/pia
extern float pia_area(const point_t *a, size_t na,
		      const point_t *b, size_t nb)
  if ( (na < 3) || (nb < 3) ) return 0.0;

  box_t B = {{ FLT_MAX,  FLT_MAX},
	     {-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX}};

  range(a, na, &B);
  range(b, nb, &B);

  const float
    gamut = 500000000.0,
    mid   = gamut / 2.0;
    rngx = B.max.x - B.min.x,
    sclx = gamut / rngx,
    rngy = B.max.y - B.min.y,
    scly = gamut / rngy;
  vertex_t ipa[na + 1], ipb[nb + 1];

  fit(a, na, ipa, 0, sclx, scly, mid, B);
  fit(b, nb, ipb, 2, sclx, scly, mid, B);

  double ascale = (double)sclx * (double)scly;
  int64_t s = 0;

  for (size_t j = 0 ; j < na ; ++j)
      for (size_t k = 0 ; k < nb ; ++k)
	  if ( ovl(ipa[j].rx, ipb[k].rx) && ovl(ipa[j].ry, ipb[k].ry) )
		a1 = -area(ipa[j].ip, ipb[k].ip, ipb[k + 1].ip),
		a2 =  area(ipa[j + 1].ip, ipb[k].ip, ipb[k + 1].ip);

	      bool o = (a1<0);

	      if (o == (a2<0))
		    a3 = area(ipb[k].ip, ipa[j].ip, ipa[j + 1].ip),
		    a4 = -area(ipb[k + 1].ip, ipa[j].ip, ipa[j + 1].ip);

		  if ((a3<0) == (a4<0))
		      if (o)
			cross(ipa + j, ipa + j + 1, ipb + k, ipb + k + 1, a1, a2, a3, a4, &s);
			cross(ipb + k, ipb + k + 1, ipa + j, ipa + j + 1, a3, a4, a1, a2, &s);

  inness(ipa, na, ipb, nb, &s);
  inness(ipb, nb, ipa, na, &s);

  return s / ascale;
コード例 #6
  IntBase<VY>::prune_lower(Space& home, int* dis, int n_dis) {
    assert(n_dis > 0);

    // At least one more value will be needed
    GECODE_ME_CHECK(y.gq(home,vs.size() + 1));

    Region r(home);

    // Only one additional value is allowed
    if (y.max() == vs.size() + 1) {
      // Compute possible values
      ViewRanges<IntView>* r_dis = r.alloc<ViewRanges<IntView> >(n_dis);
      for (int i=n_dis; i--; )
        r_dis[i] = ViewRanges<IntView>(x[dis[i]]);
      Iter::Ranges::NaryInter iv(r, r_dis, n_dis);
      // Is there a common value at all?
      if (!iv())
        return ES_FAILED;
      ValSet::Ranges vsr(vs);
      Iter::Ranges::NaryUnion pv(r,iv,vsr);
      // Enforce common values
      for (int i=x.size(); i--; ) {
        GECODE_ME_CHECK(x[i].inter_r(home, pv, false));
      return ES_OK;

    // Compute independent set for lower bound
    // ovl is a bit-matrix defining whether two views overlap
    SymBitMatrix ovl(r,x.size());
    // deg[i] is the degree of x[i]
    int* deg = r.alloc<int>(x.size());
    // ovl_i[i] is an array of indices j such that x[j] overlaps with x[i]
    int** ovl_i = r.alloc<int*>(x.size());
    // n_ovl_i[i] defines how many integers are stored for ovl_i[i]
    int* n_ovl_i = r.alloc<int>(x.size());
#ifndef NDEBUG
      // Initialize all to null pointers so that things crash ;-)
      for (int i=x.size(); i--; )
        ovl_i[i] = NULL;
      // For each i there can be at most n_dis-1 entries in ovl_i[i]
      int* m = r.alloc<int>(n_dis*(n_dis-1));
      for (int i=n_dis; i--; ) {
        deg[dis[i]] = 0; 
        ovl_i[dis[i]] = m; m += n_dis-1;
    // Initialize overlap matrix by analyzing the view ranges
      // Compute how many events are needed
      // One event for the end marker
      int n_re = 1;
      // Two events for each range
      for (int i=n_dis; i--; )
        for (ViewRanges<IntView> rx(x[dis[i]]); rx(); ++rx)
          n_re += 2;

      // Allocate and initialize events
      RangeEvent* re = r.alloc<RangeEvent>(n_re);
      int j=0;
      for (int i=n_dis; i--; )
        for (ViewRanges<IntView> rx(x[dis[i]]); rx(); ++rx) {
          // Event when a range starts
          re[j].ret=RET_FST; re[j].val=rx.min(); re[j].view=dis[i]; j++;
          // Event when a range ends
          re[j].ret=RET_LST; re[j].val=rx.max(); re[j].view=dis[i]; j++;
      // Make this the last event
      re[j].ret=RET_END; re[j].val=Int::Limits::infinity;
      assert(j+1 == n_re);
      // Sort and process events

      // Current views with a range being active
      Support::BitSet<Region> cur(r,static_cast<unsigned int>(x.size()));
      // Process all events
      for (int i=0; true; i++)
        switch (re[i].ret) {
        case RET_FST:
          // Process all overlapping views
          for (Iter::Values::BitSet<Support::BitSet<Region> > j(cur); 
               j(); ++j) {
            int di = re[i].view, dj = j.val();
            if (!ovl.get(di,dj))  {
              ovl_i[di][deg[di]++] = dj; 
              ovl_i[dj][deg[dj]++] = di; 
          cur.set(static_cast<unsigned int>(re[i].view));
        case RET_LST:
          cur.clear(static_cast<unsigned int>(re[i].view));
        case RET_END:
          goto done;

    // While deg changes, n_ovl_i remains unchanged and is needed, so copy it
    for (int i=n_dis; i--; ) {
      assert(deg[dis[i]] < n_dis);
      n_ovl_i[dis[i]] = deg[dis[i]];
    // Views in the independent set
    int* ind = r.alloc<int>(n_dis);
    int n_ind = 0;

    while (n_dis > 0) {
      int i_min = n_dis-1;
      int d_min = deg[dis[i_min]];
      unsigned int s_min = x[dis[i_min]].size(); 

      // Find view with smallest (degree,size)
      for (int i=n_dis-1; i--; )
        if ((d_min > deg[dis[i]]) || 
            ((d_min == deg[dis[i]]) && (s_min > x[dis[i]].size()))) {
          i_min = i;
          d_min = deg[dis[i]];
          s_min = x[dis[i]].size();

      // i_min refers to view with smallest (degree,size)
      ind[n_ind++] = dis[i_min]; dis[i_min] = dis[--n_dis];
      // Filter out non disjoint views
      for (int i=n_dis; i--; )
        if (ovl.get(dis[i],ind[n_ind-1])) {
          // Update degree information
          for (int j=n_ovl_i[dis[i]]; j--; )
          // Eliminate view
          dis[i] = dis[--n_dis];
    // Enforce lower bound
    GECODE_ME_CHECK(y.gq(home,vs.size() + n_ind));

    // Prune, if possible
    if (vs.size() + n_ind == y.max()) {
      // Only values from the indepent set a can be taken
      ViewRanges<IntView>* r_ind = r.alloc<ViewRanges<IntView> >(n_ind);
      for (int i=n_ind; i--; )
        r_ind[i] = ViewRanges<IntView>(x[ind[i]]);
      Iter::Ranges::NaryUnion v_ind(r, r_ind, n_ind);
      ValSet::Ranges vsr(vs);
      v_ind |= vsr;
      for (int i=x.size(); i--; ) {
    return ES_OK;
コード例 #7
double DkIntersectPoly::compute() {

	// defines
	gamut = 500000000;
	minRange = nmc::DkVector(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
	maxRange = nmc::DkVector(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX);
	computeBoundingBox(vecA, &minRange, &maxRange);
	computeBoundingBox(vecB, &minRange, &maxRange);

	scale = maxRange - minRange;

	if (scale.minCoord() == 0) return 0; //rechteck mit h�he oder breite = 0

	scale.x = gamut / scale.x;
	scale.y = gamut / scale.y;

	float ascale = scale.x * scale.y;

	// check input
	if (vecA.size() < 3 || vecB.size() < 3) {
		qDebug() << "The polygons must consist of at least 3 points but they are: (vecA: " << vecA.size() << ", vecB: " << vecB.size();
		return 0;

	// compute edges
	std::vector<DkVertex> ipA;
	std::vector<DkVertex> ipB;

	getVertices(vecA, &ipA, 0);
	getVertices(vecB, &ipB, 2);

	for (unsigned int idxA = 0; idxA < ipA.size() - 1; idxA++) {
		for (unsigned int idxB = 0; idxB < ipB.size() - 1; idxB++) {

			if (ovl(ipA[idxA].rx, ipB[idxB].rx) && ovl(ipA[idxA].ry, ipB[idxB].ry)) {

				int64 a1 = -area(ipA[idxA].ip, ipB[idxB].ip, ipB[idxB + 1].ip);
				int64 a2 = area(ipA[idxA + 1].ip, ipB[idxB].ip, ipB[idxB + 1].ip);

				if (a1 < 0 == a2 < 0) {
					int64 a3 = area(ipB[idxB].ip, ipA[idxA].ip, ipA[idxA + 1].ip);
					int64 a4 = -area(ipB[idxB + 1].ip, ipA[idxA].ip, ipA[idxA + 1].ip);

					if (a3 < 0 == a4 < 0) {

						if (a1 < 0) {
							cross(ipA[idxA], ipA[idxA + 1], ipB[idxB], ipB[idxB + 1], (double)a1, (double)a2, (double)a3, (double)a4);
						else {
							cross(ipB[idxB], ipB[idxB + 1], ipA[idxA], ipA[idxA + 1], (double)a3, (double)a4, (double)a1, (double)a2);


	inness(ipA, ipB);
	inness(ipB, ipA);

	double areaD = (double)interArea / (ascale + FLT_MIN);

	return areaD;

コード例 #8
ファイル: mangle.cpp プロジェクト: albertz/clang
template <class T> void f(T, char (&buffer)[sizeof(ovl(T()))]) {}