/* Create a connection to the OVSDB at db_path and create a dB cache * for this daemon. */ void classifierd_ovsdb_init(const char *db_path) { VLOG_DBG("%s: db_path = %s\n",__FUNCTION__,db_path); /* Initialize IDL through a new connection to the dB. */ idl = ovsdb_idl_create(db_path, &ovsrec_idl_class, false, true); idl_seqno = ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl); ovsdb_idl_set_lock(idl, "ops_classifierd"); /* Reject writes to columns which are not marked write-only using * ovsdb_idl_omit_alert(). */ ovsdb_idl_verify_write_only(idl); /* Choose some OVSDB tables and columns to cache. */ ovsdb_idl_add_table(idl, &ovsrec_table_system); ovsdb_idl_add_table(idl, &ovsrec_table_subsystem); /* Monitor the following columns, marking them read-only. */ ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &ovsrec_system_col_cur_cfg); /* Initialize ovsdb interfaces for ACL */ acl_ovsdb_init(idl); } /* classifierd_ovsdb_init */
static void usermgmt_init(const char *remote) { /* Create connection to OVSDB. */ idl = ovsdb_idl_create(remote, &ovsrec_idl_class, false, true); idl_seqno = ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl); ovsdb_idl_set_lock(idl, "ops_usermgmt"); /* Get notified when either of these change. */ ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &ovsrec_user_col_username); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &ovsrec_user_col_password); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ovsdb_idl *idl; struct ctl_command *commands; struct shash local_options; unsigned int seqno; size_t n_commands; char *args; set_program_name(argv[0]); fatal_ignore_sigpipe(); vlog_set_levels(NULL, VLF_CONSOLE, VLL_WARN); vlog_set_levels_from_string_assert("reconnect:warn"); sbrec_init(); sbctl_cmd_init(); /* Log our arguments. This is often valuable for debugging systems. */ args = process_escape_args(argv); VLOG(ctl_might_write_to_db(argv) ? VLL_INFO : VLL_DBG, "Called as %s", args); /* Parse command line. */ shash_init(&local_options); parse_options(argc, argv, &local_options); commands = ctl_parse_commands(argc - optind, argv + optind, &local_options, &n_commands); if (timeout) { time_alarm(timeout); } /* Initialize IDL. */ idl = the_idl = ovsdb_idl_create(db, &sbrec_idl_class, false, false); run_prerequisites(commands, n_commands, idl); /* Execute the commands. * * 'seqno' is the database sequence number for which we last tried to * execute our transaction. There's no point in trying to commit more than * once for any given sequence number, because if the transaction fails * it's because the database changed and we need to obtain an up-to-date * view of the database before we try the transaction again. */ seqno = ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl); for (;;) { ovsdb_idl_run(idl); if (!ovsdb_idl_is_alive(idl)) { int retval = ovsdb_idl_get_last_error(idl); ctl_fatal("%s: database connection failed (%s)", db, ovs_retval_to_string(retval)); } if (seqno != ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl)) { seqno = ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl); if (do_sbctl(args, commands, n_commands, idl)) { free(args); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } if (seqno == ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl)) { ovsdb_idl_wait(idl); poll_block(); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct unixctl_server *unixctl; bool exiting; int retval; ovs_cmdl_proctitle_init(argc, argv); set_program_name(argv[0]); parse_options(argc, argv); fatal_ignore_sigpipe(); daemonize_start(); retval = unixctl_server_create(NULL, &unixctl); if (retval) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } unixctl_command_register("exit", "", 0, 0, ovn_controller_exit, &exiting); daemonize_complete(); ovsrec_init(); sbrec_init(); ofctrl_init(); lflow_init(); /* Connect to OVS OVSDB instance. We do not monitor all tables by * default, so modules must register their interest explicitly. */ struct idl_loop ovs_idl_loop = IDL_LOOP_INITIALIZER( ovsdb_idl_create(ovs_remote, &ovsrec_idl_class, false, true)); ovsdb_idl_add_table(ovs_idl_loop.idl, &ovsrec_table_open_vswitch); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ovs_idl_loop.idl, &ovsrec_open_vswitch_col_external_ids); chassis_register_ovs_idl(ovs_idl_loop.idl); encaps_register_ovs_idl(ovs_idl_loop.idl); binding_register_ovs_idl(ovs_idl_loop.idl); physical_register_ovs_idl(ovs_idl_loop.idl); get_initial_snapshot(ovs_idl_loop.idl); /* Connect to OVN SB database. */ char *ovnsb_remote = get_ovnsb_remote(ovs_idl_loop.idl); struct idl_loop ovnsb_idl_loop = IDL_LOOP_INITIALIZER( ovsdb_idl_create(ovnsb_remote, &sbrec_idl_class, true, true)); get_initial_snapshot(ovnsb_idl_loop.idl); /* Main loop. */ exiting = false; while (!exiting) { struct controller_ctx ctx = { .ovs_idl = ovs_idl_loop.idl, .ovs_idl_txn = idl_loop_run(&ovs_idl_loop), .ovnsb_idl = ovnsb_idl_loop.idl, .ovnsb_idl_txn = idl_loop_run(&ovnsb_idl_loop), }; const struct ovsrec_bridge *br_int = get_br_int(ctx.ovs_idl); const char *chassis_id = get_chassis_id(ctx.ovs_idl); if (chassis_id) { chassis_run(&ctx, chassis_id); encaps_run(&ctx, br_int, chassis_id); binding_run(&ctx, br_int, chassis_id); } if (br_int) { struct hmap flow_table = HMAP_INITIALIZER(&flow_table); lflow_run(&ctx, &flow_table); if (chassis_id) { physical_run(&ctx, br_int, chassis_id, &flow_table); } ofctrl_run(br_int, &flow_table); hmap_destroy(&flow_table); } unixctl_server_run(unixctl); unixctl_server_wait(unixctl); if (exiting) { poll_immediate_wake(); } idl_loop_commit_and_wait(&ovnsb_idl_loop); idl_loop_commit_and_wait(&ovs_idl_loop); if (br_int) { ofctrl_wait(); } poll_block(); } /* It's time to exit. Clean up the databases. */ bool done = false; while (!done) { struct controller_ctx ctx = { .ovs_idl = ovs_idl_loop.idl, .ovs_idl_txn = idl_loop_run(&ovs_idl_loop), .ovnsb_idl = ovnsb_idl_loop.idl, .ovnsb_idl_txn = idl_loop_run(&ovnsb_idl_loop), }; const struct ovsrec_bridge *br_int = get_br_int(ctx.ovs_idl); const char *chassis_id = get_chassis_id(ctx.ovs_idl); /* Run all of the cleanup functions, even if one of them returns false. * We're done if all of them return true. */ done = binding_cleanup(&ctx, chassis_id); done = chassis_cleanup(&ctx, chassis_id) && done; done = encaps_cleanup(&ctx, br_int) && done; if (done) { poll_immediate_wake(); } idl_loop_commit_and_wait(&ovnsb_idl_loop); idl_loop_commit_and_wait(&ovs_idl_loop); poll_block(); } unixctl_server_destroy(unixctl); lflow_destroy(); ofctrl_destroy(); idl_loop_destroy(&ovs_idl_loop); idl_loop_destroy(&ovnsb_idl_loop); free(ovnsb_remote); free(ovs_remote); exit(retval); } static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]) { enum { OPT_PEER_CA_CERT = UCHAR_MAX + 1, VLOG_OPTION_ENUMS, DAEMON_OPTION_ENUMS }; static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, VLOG_LONG_OPTIONS, DAEMON_LONG_OPTIONS, STREAM_SSL_LONG_OPTIONS, {"peer-ca-cert", required_argument, NULL, OPT_PEER_CA_CERT}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; char *short_options = ovs_cmdl_long_options_to_short_options(long_options); for (;;) { int c; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'h': usage(); case 'V': ovs_print_version(OFP13_VERSION, OFP13_VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); VLOG_OPTION_HANDLERS DAEMON_OPTION_HANDLERS STREAM_SSL_OPTION_HANDLERS case OPT_PEER_CA_CERT: stream_ssl_set_peer_ca_cert_file(optarg); break; case '?': exit(EXIT_FAILURE); default: abort(); } } free(short_options); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 0) { ovs_remote = xasprintf("unix:%s/db.sock", ovs_rundir()); } else if (argc == 1) { ovs_remote = xstrdup(argv[0]); } else { VLOG_FATAL("exactly zero or one non-option argument required; " "use --help for usage"); } } static void usage(void) { printf("%s: OVN controller\n" "usage %s [OPTIONS] [OVS-DATABASE]\n" "where OVS-DATABASE is a socket on which the OVS OVSDB server is listening.\n", program_name, program_name); stream_usage("OVS-DATABASE", true, false, false); daemon_usage(); vlog_usage(); printf("\nOther options:\n" " -h, --help display this help message\n" " -V, --version display version information\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void ovn_controller_exit(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED, void *exiting_) { bool *exiting = exiting_; *exiting = true; unixctl_command_reply(conn, NULL); }