static void owl_mainwin_redraw(owl_window *w, WINDOW *recwin, void *user_data) { owl_message *m; int i, lines, isfull, viewsize; int x, y, savey, recwinlines, start; int topmsg, curmsg, markedmsgid, fgcolor, bgcolor; const owl_view *v; GList *fl; const owl_filter *f; owl_mainwin *mw = user_data; topmsg = owl_global_get_topmsg(&g); curmsg = owl_global_get_curmsg(&g); markedmsgid = owl_global_get_markedmsgid(&g); v = owl_global_get_current_view(&g); if (v==NULL) { owl_function_debugmsg("Hit a null window in owl_mainwin_redisplay."); return; } werase(recwin); recwinlines=owl_global_get_recwin_lines(&g); viewsize=owl_view_get_size(v); /* if there are no messages or if topmsg is past the end of the messages, * just draw a blank screen */ if (viewsize==0 || topmsg>=viewsize) { if (viewsize==0) { owl_global_set_topmsg(&g, 0); } mw->curtruncated=0; mw->lastdisplayed=-1; return; } /* write the messages out */ isfull=0; mw->curtruncated=0; mw->lasttruncated=0; for (i=topmsg; i<viewsize; i++) { if (isfull) break; m=owl_view_get_element(v, i); /* hold on to y in case this is the current message or deleted */ getyx(recwin, y, x); savey=y; /* if it's the current message, account for a vert_offset */ if (i==owl_global_get_curmsg(&g)) { start=owl_global_get_curmsg_vert_offset(&g); lines=owl_message_get_numlines(m)-start; } else { start=0; lines=owl_message_get_numlines(m); } /* if we match filters set the color */ fgcolor=OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; bgcolor=OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; for (fl = g.filterlist; fl; fl = g_list_next(fl)) { f = fl->data; if ((owl_filter_get_fgcolor(f)!=OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) || (owl_filter_get_bgcolor(f)!=OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT)) { if (owl_filter_message_match(f, m)) { if (owl_filter_get_fgcolor(f)!=OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) fgcolor=owl_filter_get_fgcolor(f); if (owl_filter_get_bgcolor(f)!=OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) bgcolor=owl_filter_get_bgcolor(f); } } } /* if we'll fill the screen print a partial message */ if ((y+lines > recwinlines) && (i==owl_global_get_curmsg(&g))) mw->curtruncated=1; if (y+lines > recwinlines) mw->lasttruncated=1; if (y+lines > recwinlines-1) { isfull=1; owl_message_curs_waddstr(m, recwin, start, start+recwinlines-y, owl_global_get_rightshift(&g), owl_global_get_cols(&g)+owl_global_get_rightshift(&g)-1, fgcolor, bgcolor); } else { /* otherwise print the whole thing */ owl_message_curs_waddstr(m, recwin, start, start+lines, owl_global_get_rightshift(&g), owl_global_get_cols(&g)+owl_global_get_rightshift(&g)-1, fgcolor, bgcolor); } /* is it the current message and/or deleted? */ getyx(recwin, y, x); wattrset(recwin, A_NORMAL); if (owl_global_get_rightshift(&g)==0) { /* this lame and should be fixed */ if (m==owl_view_get_element(v, curmsg)) { wmove(recwin, savey, 0); wattron(recwin, A_BOLD); if (owl_global_get_curmsg_vert_offset(&g)>0) { waddstr(recwin, "+"); } else { waddstr(recwin, "-"); } if (owl_message_is_delete(m)) { waddstr(recwin, "D"); } else if (markedmsgid == owl_message_get_id(m)) { waddstr(recwin, "*"); } else { waddstr(recwin, ">"); } wmove(recwin, y, x); wattroff(recwin, A_BOLD); } else if (owl_message_is_delete(m)) { wmove(recwin, savey, 0); waddstr(recwin, " D"); wmove(recwin, y, x); } else if (markedmsgid == owl_message_get_id(m)) { wmove(recwin, savey, 0); waddstr(recwin, " *"); wmove(recwin, y, x); } } wattroff(recwin, A_BOLD); } mw->lastdisplayed=i-1; }
CALLER_OWN SV *owl_perlconfig_message2hashref(const owl_message *m) { HV *h, *stash; SV *hr; const char *type; char *ptr, *utype, *blessas; const char *f; int i; const owl_pair *pair; const owl_filter *wrap; if (!m) return &PL_sv_undef; wrap = owl_global_get_filter(&g, "wordwrap"); if(!wrap) { owl_function_error("wrap filter is not defined"); return &PL_sv_undef; } h = newHV(); #define MSG2H(h,field) (void)hv_store(h, #field, strlen(#field), \ owl_new_sv(owl_message_get_##field(m)), 0) if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m) && owl_message_is_direction_in(m)) { /* Handle zephyr-specific fields... */ AV *av_zfields = newAV(); if (owl_message_get_notice(m)) { for (f = owl_zephyr_first_raw_field(owl_message_get_notice(m)); f != NULL; f = owl_zephyr_next_raw_field(owl_message_get_notice(m), f)) { ptr = owl_zephyr_field_as_utf8(owl_message_get_notice(m), f); av_push(av_zfields, owl_new_sv(ptr)); g_free(ptr); } (void)hv_store(h, "auth", strlen("auth"), owl_new_sv(owl_zephyr_get_authstr(owl_message_get_notice(m))), 0); } else { /* Incoming zephyrs without a ZNotice_t are pseudo-logins. To appease * existing styles, put in bogus 'auth' and 'fields' keys. */ (void)hv_store(h, "auth", strlen("auth"), owl_new_sv("NO"), 0); } (void)hv_store(h, "fields", strlen("fields"), newRV_noinc((SV*)av_zfields), 0); } for (i = 0; i < m->attributes->len; i++) { pair = m->attributes->pdata[i]; (void)hv_store(h, owl_pair_get_key(pair), strlen(owl_pair_get_key(pair)), owl_new_sv(owl_pair_get_value(pair)),0); } MSG2H(h, type); MSG2H(h, direction); MSG2H(h, class); MSG2H(h, instance); MSG2H(h, sender); MSG2H(h, realm); MSG2H(h, recipient); MSG2H(h, opcode); MSG2H(h, hostname); MSG2H(h, body); MSG2H(h, login); MSG2H(h, zsig); MSG2H(h, zwriteline); if (owl_message_get_header(m)) { MSG2H(h, header); } (void)hv_store(h, "time", strlen("time"), owl_new_sv(owl_message_get_timestr(m)),0); (void)hv_store(h, "unix_time", strlen("unix_time"), newSViv(m->time), 0); (void)hv_store(h, "id", strlen("id"), newSViv(owl_message_get_id(m)),0); (void)hv_store(h, "deleted", strlen("deleted"), newSViv(owl_message_is_delete(m)),0); (void)hv_store(h, "private", strlen("private"), newSViv(owl_message_is_private(m)),0); (void)hv_store(h, "should_wordwrap", strlen("should_wordwrap"), newSViv( owl_filter_message_match(wrap, m)),0); type = owl_message_get_type(m); if(!type || !*type) type = "generic"; utype = g_strdup(type); utype[0] = toupper(type[0]); blessas = g_strdup_printf("BarnOwl::Message::%s", utype); hr = newRV_noinc((SV*)h); stash = gv_stashpv(blessas,0); if(!stash) { owl_function_error("No such class: %s for message type %s", blessas, owl_message_get_type(m)); stash = gv_stashpv("BarnOwl::Message", 1); } hr = sv_bless(hr,stash); g_free(utype); g_free(blessas); return hr; }
SV *owl_perlconfig_message2hashref(const owl_message *m) { HV *h, *stash; SV *hr; const char *type; char *ptr, *utype, *blessas; int i, j; const owl_pair *pair; const owl_filter *wrap; if (!m) return &PL_sv_undef; wrap = owl_global_get_filter(&g, "wordwrap"); if(!wrap) { owl_function_error("wrap filter is not defined"); return &PL_sv_undef; } h = newHV(); #define MSG2H(h,field) (void)hv_store(h, #field, strlen(#field), \ owl_new_sv(owl_message_get_##field(m)), 0) if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m) && owl_message_is_direction_in(m)) { /* Handle zephyr-specific fields... */ AV *av_zfields; av_zfields = newAV(); j=owl_zephyr_get_num_fields(owl_message_get_notice(m)); for (i=0; i<j; i++) { ptr=owl_zephyr_get_field_as_utf8(owl_message_get_notice(m), i+1); av_push(av_zfields, owl_new_sv(ptr)); owl_free(ptr); } (void)hv_store(h, "fields", strlen("fields"), newRV_noinc((SV*)av_zfields), 0); (void)hv_store(h, "auth", strlen("auth"), owl_new_sv(owl_zephyr_get_authstr(owl_message_get_notice(m))),0); } j=owl_list_get_size(&(m->attributes)); for(i=0; i<j; i++) { pair=owl_list_get_element(&(m->attributes), i); (void)hv_store(h, owl_pair_get_key(pair), strlen(owl_pair_get_key(pair)), owl_new_sv(owl_pair_get_value(pair)),0); } MSG2H(h, type); MSG2H(h, direction); MSG2H(h, class); MSG2H(h, instance); MSG2H(h, sender); MSG2H(h, realm); MSG2H(h, recipient); MSG2H(h, opcode); MSG2H(h, hostname); MSG2H(h, body); MSG2H(h, login); MSG2H(h, zsig); MSG2H(h, zwriteline); if (owl_message_get_header(m)) { MSG2H(h, header); } (void)hv_store(h, "time", strlen("time"), owl_new_sv(owl_message_get_timestr(m)),0); (void)hv_store(h, "unix_time", strlen("unix_time"), newSViv(m->time), 0); (void)hv_store(h, "id", strlen("id"), newSViv(owl_message_get_id(m)),0); (void)hv_store(h, "deleted", strlen("deleted"), newSViv(owl_message_is_delete(m)),0); (void)hv_store(h, "private", strlen("private"), newSViv(owl_message_is_private(m)),0); (void)hv_store(h, "should_wordwrap", strlen("should_wordwrap"), newSViv( owl_filter_message_match(wrap, m)),0); type = owl_message_get_type(m); if(!type || !*type) type = "generic"; utype = owl_strdup(type); utype[0] = toupper(type[0]); blessas = owl_sprintf("BarnOwl::Message::%s", utype); hr = newRV_noinc((SV*)h); stash = gv_stashpv(blessas,0); if(!stash) { owl_function_error("No such class: %s for message type %s", blessas, owl_message_get_type(m)); stash = gv_stashpv("BarnOwl::Message", 1); } hr = sv_bless(hr,stash); owl_free(utype); owl_free(blessas); return hr; }