コード例 #1
/** Function oyDrawScreenImage
 *  @brief   generate a Oyranos image from a given context for display
 *  The function asks the 'oydi' node to provide parameters to render a
 *  oyImage_s from a prepared oyConversion_s context.
 *  @param[in]     context             the Oyranos graph
 *  @param[in,out] ticket              rendering context for tracking
 *                                     rectangles
 *  @param[in]     display_rectangle   absolute coordinates of visible image
 *                                     in relation to display
 *  @param[in,out] old_display_rectangle
 *                                     rembering of display_rectangle
 +  @param[in,out] old_roi_rectangle   remembering of ticket's ROI (optional)
 *  @param[in]     system_type         the system dependent type specification
 *                                     - "X11" is well supported
 *                                     - "oy-test" for internal tests
 *  @param[in]     data_type_request   oyUINT8 or oyUINT16
 *  @param[in]     display             the system display with system_type:
 *                                     - "X11": a Display object
 *  @param[in]     window              the system window with system_type:
 *                                     - "X11": a Window ID
 *  @param[in]     dirty               explicite redraw
 *  @param[out]    image               the image from graph to display
 *  @return                            0 - success, -1 - issue, >=  1 - error
 *  @version Oyranos: 0.9.6
 *  @date    2016/09/22
 *  @since   2010/09/05 (Oyranos: 0.1.11)
int  oyDrawScreenImage               ( oyConversion_s    * context,
                                       oyPixelAccess_s   * ticket,
                                       oyRectangle_s     * display_rectangle,
                                       oyRectangle_s     * old_display_rectangle,
                                       oyRectangle_s     * old_roi_rectangle,
                                       const char        * system_type,
                                       oyDATATYPE_e        data_type_request,
                                       void              * display,
                                       void              * window,
                                       int                 dirty,
                                       oyImage_s         * image )
  int result = 0;

      double X,Y,W,H;
      int channels = 0;
      oyFilterNode_s * node_out = 0;
      oyRectangle_s * disp_rectangle = 0,
                    * ticket_roi = 0;
      oyOptions_s * image_tags = 0;
      oyDATATYPE_e data_type = oyUINT8;
      oyPixel_t pt = 0;

      oyRectangle_GetGeo( display_rectangle, &X, &Y, &W, &H );

        return 1;
      if( W <= 0 || H <= 0)
        return -1;

      image_tags = oyImage_GetTags( image );

      if(window && strcmp("X11", system_type) == 0)
#if defined(XCM_HAVE_X11)
        /* add X11 window and display identifiers to output image */
        oyOption_s * o = 0;
        Display *disp = (Display*) display;
        Window  w = (Window) window;
        int count = oyOptions_CountType( image_tags,
                                         "//" OY_TYPE_STD "/display/window_id",
                                         oyOBJECT_BLOB_S );
        if(!count && w)
          oyBlob_s * win_id = oyBlob_New(0),
                   * display_id = oyBlob_New(0);
            oyBlob_SetFromStatic( win_id, (oyPointer)w, 0, 0 );
            o = oyOption_FromRegistration( "//" OY_TYPE_STD "/display/window_id",
                                           0 );
            oyOption_MoveInStruct( o, (oyStruct_s**)&win_id );
            oyOptions_MoveIn( image_tags, &o, -1 );

            oyBlob_SetFromStatic( display_id, (oyPointer)disp, 0, 0 );
            o = oyOption_FromRegistration( "//" OY_TYPE_STD "/display/display_id",
                                           0 );
            oyOption_MoveInStruct( o, (oyStruct_s**)&display_id );
            oyOptions_MoveIn( image_tags, &o, -1 );

            oyOptions_SetFromText( &image_tags,
                                   "//" OY_TYPE_STD "/display/display_name",
                                   DisplayString(disp), OY_CREATE_NEW );

          } else
            printf("%s:%d WARNING: no X11 Window obtained or\n"
                   "   no oyBlob_s allocateable\n", __FILE__,__LINE__);

      } else if(strcmp("oy-test", system_type) == 0)
        oyOptions_SetFromText( &image_tags,
                               "//" OY_TYPE_STD "/display/display_name",
                               system_type, OY_CREATE_NEW );

      /* check if the actual data can be displayed */
      pt = oyImage_GetPixelLayout( image, oyLAYOUT );
      data_type = oyToDataType_m( pt );
      channels = oyToChannels_m( pt );
      if(pt != 0 &&
         ((channels != 4 && channels != 3) || data_type != data_type_request))
        printf( "%s:%d WARNING: wrong image data format: %s\n%s\n"
                "need 4 or 3 channels with %s\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,
                oyOptions_FindString( image_tags, "filename", 0 ),
                image ? oyObject_GetName( image->oy_, oyNAME_NICK ) : "",
                oyDataTypeToText( data_type_request ) );
        return 1;

      /* Inform about the images display coverage.  */
      disp_rectangle = (oyRectangle_s*) oyOptions_GetType( image_tags, -1,
                                    "display_rectangle", oyOBJECT_RECTANGLE_S );
      oyRectangle_SetGeo( disp_rectangle, X,Y,W,H );

      node_out = oyConversion_GetNode( context, OY_OUTPUT );
      ticket_roi = oyPixelAccess_GetArrayROI( ticket );
      /* decide wether to refresh the cached rectangle of our static image */
      if( node_out &&
          /* Did the window area move? */
         ((!oyRectangle_IsEqual( disp_rectangle, old_display_rectangle ) ||
           /* Something explicite to update? */
           (old_roi_rectangle &&
            !oyRectangle_IsEqual( ticket_roi, old_roi_rectangle ))||
           /* Did the image move? */
           oyPixelAccess_GetStart( ticket,0 ) !=
           oyPixelAccess_GetOldStart( ticket,0 ) ||
           oyPixelAccess_GetStart( ticket,1 ) !=
           oyPixelAccess_GetOldStart( ticket,1 )) ||
           dirty > 0))
#ifdef DEBUG_
        printf( "%s:%d new display rectangle: %s +%d+%d\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,
                oyRectangle_Show(disp_rectangle), X, Y ),

        /* convert the image data */
        oyConversion_RunPixels( context, ticket );

        if(oy_debug && getenv("OY_DEBUG_WRITE"))
          oyImage_s * out = oyConversion_GetImage( context, OY_OUTPUT );
          oyImage_WritePPM( out, "debug_image_out.ppm", "image_display output image");
          oyImage_Release( &out );

        /* remember the old rectangle */
        oyRectangle_SetByRectangle( old_display_rectangle, disp_rectangle );
        oyRectangle_SetByRectangle( old_roi_rectangle, ticket_roi );
        oyPixelAccess_SetOldStart(ticket,0, oyPixelAccess_GetStart(ticket,0));
        oyPixelAccess_SetOldStart(ticket,1, oyPixelAccess_GetStart(ticket,1));
      } else
        result = -1;

      oyFilterNode_Release( &node_out );
      oyOptions_Release( &image_tags );
      oyRectangle_Release( &disp_rectangle );
      oyRectangle_Release( &ticket_roi );

  if(oy_debug >= 4)
    fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d %s() result: %d\n", strrchr(__FILE__,'/'),__LINE__,__func__, result );
  return result;
コード例 #2
/** @brief   implement oyCMMFilter_GetNext_f()
 *  @version Oyranos: 0.9.6
 *  @date    2016/04/04
 *  @since   2013/06/10 (Oyranos: 0.9.5)
int      oyraFilter_ImageExposeRun   ( oyFilterPlug_s    * requestor_plug,
                                       oyPixelAccess_s   * ticket )
  int result = 0, error = 0;
  oyFilterSocket_s * socket = 0;
  oyFilterNode_s * input_node = 0,
                 * node = 0;
  oyFilterPlug_s * plug = 0;
  oyImage_s * image = 0;

  int dirty = 0;

  socket = oyFilterPlug_GetSocket( requestor_plug );
  node = oyFilterSocket_GetNode( socket );

  image = (oyImage_s*)oyFilterSocket_GetData( socket );
    result = 1;
    goto clean_expose1;

    oyra_msg( oyMSG_WARN, (oyStruct_s*)ticket, OY_DBG_FORMAT_
              "image [%d](%d)\n",OY_DBG_ARGS_,oyStruct_GetId((oyStruct_s*)image),oyImage_GetWidth(image) );

    oyRectangle_s * ticket_roi = oyPixelAccess_GetArrayROI( ticket );
    double  expose = 1.0;
    oyOptions_s * node_opts = oyFilterNode_GetOptions( node, 0 );

      dirty = 1;

      result = dirty;
      goto clean_expose2;

    plug = oyFilterNode_GetPlug( node, 0 );

    /* select node */
    input_node = oyFilterNode_GetPlugNode( node, 0 );

    /* find filters own expose factor */
    error = oyOptions_FindDouble( node_opts,
                                  "//" OY_TYPE_STD "/expose/expose",
                                  0, &expose );
    if(error) WARNc2_S("%s %d", _("found issues"),error);

    if(oy_debug > 2)
      oyra_msg( oyMSG_WARN, (oyStruct_s*)ticket, OY_DBG_FORMAT_
                "%s expose: %f",OY_DBG_ARGS_, oyPixelAccess_Show(ticket), expose);

    if(expose != 1.0)
      oyImage_s * output_image = oyPixelAccess_GetOutputImage( ticket );
      oyArray2d_s * array_out = oyPixelAccess_GetArray( ticket );
      oyProfile_s * p = oyImage_GetProfile( output_image );
      icColorSpaceSignature sig = oyProfile_GetSignature( p, oySIGNATURE_COLOR_SPACE );
      int layout_dst = oyImage_GetPixelLayout( output_image, oyLAYOUT );
      int channels_dst = oyToChannels_m( layout_dst );
      int byte_swap = oyToByteswap_m( layout_dst );
      int ticket_array_pix_width;

      /* avoid division by zero */
      if(!channels_dst) channels_dst = 1;

      ticket_array_pix_width = oyArray2d_GetWidth( array_out ) / channels_dst;

        int w,h,x,y, i, start_x,start_y;
        unsigned int max = 1;
        oyRectangle_s * ticket_roi = oyPixelAccess_GetArrayROI( ticket );
        oyRectangle_s_  roi_= {oyOBJECT_RECTANGLE_S,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0};
        oyRectangle_s * roi = (oyRectangle_s*)&roi_;
        uint8_t ** array_out_data;
        /* get pixel layout infos for copying */
        oyDATATYPE_e data_type_out = oyToDataType_m( layout_dst );
        int bps_out = oyDataTypeGetSize( data_type_out );

        /* get the source pixels */
        result = oyFilterNode_Run( input_node, plug, ticket );

        /* get the channel buffers */
        array_out_data = oyArray2d_GetData( array_out );
        w = oyArray2d_GetWidth( array_out ) / channels_dst;
        h = oyArray2d_GetHeight( array_out );

        oyRectangle_SetByRectangle( roi, ticket_roi );
        oyRectangle_Scale( roi, ticket_array_pix_width );
        start_x = OY_ROUND(roi_.x);
        start_y = OY_ROUND(roi_.y);

          case oyUINT8: max = 255; break;
          case oyUINT16: max = 65535; break;
          case oyUINT32: max = UINT32_MAX; break;
          default: break;

        /* expose the samples */
#if defined(USE_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel for private(x,y,i)
        for(y = start_y; y < h; ++y)
          for(x = start_x; x < w; ++x)
            if( (sig == icSigRgbData ||
                 sig == icSigXYZData ||
                 sig == icSigLabData ||
                 sig == icSigYCbCrData)
                && channels_dst >= 3)
              double rgb[3], v;

              for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                case oyUINT8:
                  rgb[i] = array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out];
                case oyUINT16:
                  uint16_t v = *((uint16_t*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]);
                  if(byte_swap) v = oyByteSwapUInt16(v);
                  rgb[i] = v;
                case oyUINT32:
                  uint32_t v = *((uint32_t*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]);
                  if(byte_swap) v = oyByteSwapUInt32(v);
                  rgb[i] = v;
                case oyHALF:
                  v = *((uint16_t*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]);
                  rgb[i] = v;
                case oyFLOAT:
                  v = *((float*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]);
                  rgb[i] = v;
                case oyDOUBLE:
                  v = *((double*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]);
                  rgb[i] = v;

              oySensibleClip ( rgb, sig, max, expose );

              for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                v = rgb[i];
                case oyUINT8:
                  array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out] = v;
                case oyUINT16:
                  { uint16_t u16 = v;
                  *((uint16_t*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]) = byte_swap ? oyByteSwapUInt16(u16) : u16;
                case oyUINT32:
                  { uint32_t u32 = v;
                  *((uint32_t*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]) = byte_swap ? oyByteSwapUInt16(u32) : u32;
                case oyHALF:
                  *((uint16_t*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]) = v;
                case oyFLOAT:
                  *((float*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]) = v;
                case oyDOUBLE:
                  *((double*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]) = v;
            for(i = 0; i < channels_dst; ++i)
              int v;
              case oyUINT8:
                v = array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out] * expose;
                if(v > 255) v = 255;
                array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out] = v;
              case oyUINT16:
                v = *((uint16_t*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]);
                if(byte_swap) v = oyByteSwapUInt16(v);
                v *= expose;
                if(v > 65535) v = 65535;
                *((uint16_t*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]) = byte_swap ? oyByteSwapUInt16(v) : v;
              case oyUINT32:
                *((uint32_t*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]) *= expose;
              case oyHALF:
                 *((uint16_t*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]) *= expose;
              case oyFLOAT:
                *((float*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]) *= expose;
              case oyDOUBLE:
                *((double*)&array_out_data[y][x*channels_dst*bps_out + i*bps_out]) *= expose;


      oyArray2d_Release( &array_out );

      oyImage_Release( &output_image );
      oyProfile_Release( &p );
    } else /* expose == 1.0 */
      result = oyFilterNode_Run( input_node, plug, ticket );

    oyOptions_Release( &node_opts );
    oyFilterPlug_Release( &plug );

    oyRectangle_Release( &ticket_roi );
    oyFilterNode_Release( &input_node );

  oyImage_Release( &image );
  oyFilterSocket_Release( &socket );
  oyFilterNode_Release( &node );

  return result;