int dump_hook_init(PDRIVER_OBJECT drv_obj) { PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY table; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS high_addr; PLIST_ENTRY entry; NTSTATUS status; int resl = 0; ExInitializeFastMutex(&dump_sync); ExAcquireFastMutex(&dump_sync); /* find PsLoadedModuleListHead */ entry = ((PLIST_ENTRY)(drv_obj->DriverSection))->Flink; while (entry != drv_obj->DriverSection) { table = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InLoadOrderLinks); entry = entry->Flink; if ( (table->BaseDllName.Length == 0x18) && (p32(table->BaseDllName.Buffer)[0] == 0x0074006E) ) { ps_loaded_mod_list = pv(table->InLoadOrderLinks.Blink); break; } } ExReleaseFastMutex(&dump_sync); do { if (ps_loaded_mod_list == NULL) break; status = PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine(load_img_routine); if (NT_SUCCESS(status) == FALSE) break; high_addr.HighPart = 0; high_addr.LowPart = 0xFFFFFFFF; dump_mem = MmAllocateContiguousMemory(DUMP_MEM_SIZE, high_addr); if (dump_mem == NULL) break; dump_mdl = IoAllocateMdl(dump_mem, DUMP_MEM_SIZE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (dump_mdl == NULL) break; MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool(dump_mdl); memset(dump_mem, 0, DUMP_MEM_SIZE); resl = 1; } while (0); if (resl == 0) { if (dump_mdl != NULL) IoFreeMdl(dump_mdl); if (dump_mem != NULL) MmFreeContiguousMemory(dump_mem); } return resl; }
int dbg_get_version(syscall *data) { if (data->out_size == sizeof(u32)) { p32(data->out_data)[0] = DBG_VERSION; return 1; } return 0; }
void _stdcall serpent256_decrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, serpent256_key *key) { u32 *k = key->expkey; u32 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4; r0 = p32(in)[0]; r1 = p32(in)[1]; r2 = p32(in)[2]; r3 = p32(in)[3]; K(r0,r1,r2,r3,32); SI7(r0,r1,r2,r3,r4); KL(r1,r3,r0,r4,r2,31); SI6(r1,r3,r0,r4,r2); KL(r0,r2,r4,r1,r3,30); SI5(r0,r2,r4,r1,r3); KL(r2,r3,r0,r4,r1,29); SI4(r2,r3,r0,r4,r1); KL(r2,r0,r1,r4,r3,28); SI3(r2,r0,r1,r4,r3); KL(r1,r2,r3,r4,r0,27); SI2(r1,r2,r3,r4,r0); KL(r2,r0,r4,r3,r1,26); SI1(r2,r0,r4,r3,r1); KL(r1,r0,r4,r3,r2,25); SI0(r1,r0,r4,r3,r2); KL(r4,r2,r0,r1,r3,24); SI7(r4,r2,r0,r1,r3); KL(r2,r1,r4,r3,r0,23); SI6(r2,r1,r4,r3,r0); KL(r4,r0,r3,r2,r1,22); SI5(r4,r0,r3,r2,r1); KL(r0,r1,r4,r3,r2,21); SI4(r0,r1,r4,r3,r2); KL(r0,r4,r2,r3,r1,20); SI3(r0,r4,r2,r3,r1); KL(r2,r0,r1,r3,r4,19); SI2(r2,r0,r1,r3,r4); KL(r0,r4,r3,r1,r2,18); SI1(r0,r4,r3,r1,r2); KL(r2,r4,r3,r1,r0,17); SI0(r2,r4,r3,r1,r0); KL(r3,r0,r4,r2,r1,16); SI7(r3,r0,r4,r2,r1); KL(r0,r2,r3,r1,r4,15); SI6(r0,r2,r3,r1,r4); KL(r3,r4,r1,r0,r2,14); SI5(r3,r4,r1,r0,r2); KL(r4,r2,r3,r1,r0,13); SI4(r4,r2,r3,r1,r0); KL(r4,r3,r0,r1,r2,12); SI3(r4,r3,r0,r1,r2); KL(r0,r4,r2,r1,r3,11); SI2(r0,r4,r2,r1,r3); KL(r4,r3,r1,r2,r0,10); SI1(r4,r3,r1,r2,r0); KL(r0,r3,r1,r2,r4,9); SI0(r0,r3,r1,r2,r4); KL(r1,r4,r3,r0,r2,8); SI7(r1,r4,r3,r0,r2); KL(r4,r0,r1,r2,r3,7); SI6(r4,r0,r1,r2,r3); KL(r1,r3,r2,r4,r0,6); SI5(r1,r3,r2,r4,r0); KL(r3,r0,r1,r2,r4,5); SI4(r3,r0,r1,r2,r4); KL(r3,r1,r4,r2,r0,4); SI3(r3,r1,r4,r2,r0); KL(r4,r3,r0,r2,r1,3); SI2(r4,r3,r0,r2,r1); KL(r3,r1,r2,r0,r4,2); SI1(r3,r1,r2,r0,r4); KL(r4,r1,r2,r0,r3,1); SI0(r4,r1,r2,r0,r3); K(r2,r3,r1,r4,0); p32(out)[0] = r2; p32(out)[1] = r3; p32(out)[2] = r1; p32(out)[3] = r4; }
void _stdcall serpent256_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, serpent256_key *key) { u32 *k = key->expkey; u32 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4; r0 = p32(in)[0]; r1 = p32(in)[1]; r2 = p32(in)[2]; r3 = p32(in)[3]; K(r0,r1,r2,r3,0); S0(r0,r1,r2,r3,r4); LK(r2,r1,r3,r0,r4,1); S1(r2,r1,r3,r0,r4); LK(r4,r3,r0,r2,r1,2); S2(r4,r3,r0,r2,r1); LK(r1,r3,r4,r2,r0,3); S3(r1,r3,r4,r2,r0); LK(r2,r0,r3,r1,r4,4); S4(r2,r0,r3,r1,r4); LK(r0,r3,r1,r4,r2,5); S5(r0,r3,r1,r4,r2); LK(r2,r0,r3,r4,r1,6); S6(r2,r0,r3,r4,r1); LK(r3,r1,r0,r4,r2,7); S7(r3,r1,r0,r4,r2); LK(r2,r0,r4,r3,r1,8); S0(r2,r0,r4,r3,r1); LK(r4,r0,r3,r2,r1,9); S1(r4,r0,r3,r2,r1); LK(r1,r3,r2,r4,r0,10); S2(r1,r3,r2,r4,r0); LK(r0,r3,r1,r4,r2,11); S3(r0,r3,r1,r4,r2); LK(r4,r2,r3,r0,r1,12); S4(r4,r2,r3,r0,r1); LK(r2,r3,r0,r1,r4,13); S5(r2,r3,r0,r1,r4); LK(r4,r2,r3,r1,r0,14); S6(r4,r2,r3,r1,r0); LK(r3,r0,r2,r1,r4,15); S7(r3,r0,r2,r1,r4); LK(r4,r2,r1,r3,r0,16); S0(r4,r2,r1,r3,r0); LK(r1,r2,r3,r4,r0,17); S1(r1,r2,r3,r4,r0); LK(r0,r3,r4,r1,r2,18); S2(r0,r3,r4,r1,r2); LK(r2,r3,r0,r1,r4,19); S3(r2,r3,r0,r1,r4); LK(r1,r4,r3,r2,r0,20); S4(r1,r4,r3,r2,r0); LK(r4,r3,r2,r0,r1,21); S5(r4,r3,r2,r0,r1); LK(r1,r4,r3,r0,r2,22); S6(r1,r4,r3,r0,r2); LK(r3,r2,r4,r0,r1,23); S7(r3,r2,r4,r0,r1); LK(r1,r4,r0,r3,r2,24); S0(r1,r4,r0,r3,r2); LK(r0,r4,r3,r1,r2,25); S1(r0,r4,r3,r1,r2); LK(r2,r3,r1,r0,r4,26); S2(r2,r3,r1,r0,r4); LK(r4,r3,r2,r0,r1,27); S3(r4,r3,r2,r0,r1); LK(r0,r1,r3,r4,r2,28); S4(r0,r1,r3,r4,r2); LK(r1,r3,r4,r2,r0,29); S5(r1,r3,r4,r2,r0); LK(r0,r1,r3,r2,r4,30); S6(r0,r1,r3,r2,r4); LK(r3,r4,r1,r2,r0,31); S7(r3,r4,r1,r2,r0); K(r0,r1,r2,r3,32); p32(out)[0] = r0; p32(out)[1] = r1; p32(out)[2] = r2; p32(out)[3] = r3; }
void tst_expr_rand(unsigned num_files) { ast_manager m; m.register_plugin(symbol("bv"), alloc(bv_decl_plugin)); m.register_plugin(symbol("array"), alloc(array_decl_plugin)); expr_rand er(m); er.initialize_bv(20); er.seed(rand_seed); parameter p1(1); parameter p2(2); parameter p8(8); parameter p32(32); family_id bvfid = m.mk_family_id("bv"); sort* bv1 = m.mk_sort(bvfid, BV_SORT, 1, &p1); sort* bv2 = m.mk_sort(bvfid, BV_SORT, 1, &p2); sort* bv8 = m.mk_sort(bvfid, BV_SORT, 1, &p8); sort* bv32 = m.mk_sort(bvfid, BV_SORT, 1, &p32); er.initialize_array(3, bv8, bv32); er.initialize_array(3, bv1, bv1); er.initialize_array(3, bv1, bv2); er.initialize_array(3, bv2, bv1); er.initialize_array(3, bv2, bv2); er.initialize_array(3, bv8, bv8); er.initialize_array(3, bv32, bv32); er.initialize_basic(20); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_files; ++i) { expr_ref e(m); er.get_next(m.mk_bool_sort(), e); ast_smt_pp pp(m); pp.set_logic(symbol("QF_AUFBV")); std::ostringstream buffer; buffer << "random_bv_" << i << ".smt"; std::cout << buffer.str() << "\n"; std::ofstream file(buffer.str().c_str()); pp.display(file, e.get()); file.close(); } }
void sha512_pkcs5_2( int i_count, const void *pwd, size_t pwd_len, const char *salt, size_t salt_len, char *dk, size_t dklen ) { u8 buff[128]; u8 blk[SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE]; u8 hmac[SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE]; u32 block = 1; size_t c_len, j; int i; while (dklen != 0) { /* first interation */ mincpy(buff, salt, salt_len); p32(buff + salt_len)[0] = BE32(block); sha512_hmac(pwd, pwd_len, buff, salt_len + 4, hmac); autocpy(blk, hmac, SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE); /* next interations */ for (i = 1; i < i_count; i++) { sha512_hmac(pwd, pwd_len, hmac, SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE, hmac); for (j = 0; j < SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE; j++) { blk[j] ^= hmac[j]; } } c_len = min(dklen, SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE); mincpy(dk, blk, c_len); dk += c_len; dklen -= c_len; block++; } /* prevent leaks */ zeroauto(buff, sizeof(buff)); zeroauto(blk, sizeof(blk)); zeroauto(hmac, sizeof(hmac)); }
int bios_call(int num, rm_ctx *ctx) { /* copy initial context to real mode buffer */ if (ctx != NULL) { mincpy(&bdat->rmc, ctx, sizeof(rm_ctx)); } /* get interrupt seg/off */ if ( (num == 0x13) && (bdat->old_int13 != 0) ) { bdat->segoff = bdat->old_int13; } else { bdat->segoff = p32(0)[num]; } bdat->rmc.efl = FL_IF; /* call to real mode */ bdat->call_rm(); /* copy changed context */ if (ctx != NULL) { mincpy(ctx, &bdat->rmc, sizeof(rm_ctx)); } return (bdat->rmc.efl & FL_CF) == 0; }
bool Surface::collapse(Edge& e) { timespec t0,t1,t; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&t0); Point* p1 = e.p1; Point* p2 = e.p2; assert(p1); assert(p2); if(p1->faces.size() ==0 || p2->faces.size()==0) //Do not simplify boundary corners { //cerr << "*ERROR: EMPTY VERTEX.\n"; failed_collapses++; //cout << redtty << "failed.\n" << deftty; return false; } //Iterating faces vector<Face*> for_removal; //clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&t0); for(vector<Face*>::iterator fit = p1->faces.begin(); fit!=p1->faces.end(); ++fit) { bool removeface = false; vector<Point*>::iterator auxp1; for(vector<Point*>::iterator pit = (*fit)->points.begin(); pit != (*fit)->points.end() ; ++pit) { if((*pit) == p2) { removeface = true; break; } else if ((*pit) == p1) { auxp1 = pit; } } if(removeface) //p1 and p2 share face, remove it. { for_removal.push_back((*fit)); } else //Swap p1 for p2 for this face { //Face is about to be modified. Checking intersection. Point3 p30((*fit)->points[0]->x,(*fit)->points[0]->y,(*fit)->points[0]->z); Point3 p31((*fit)->points[1]->x,(*fit)->points[1]->y,(*fit)->points[1]->z); Point3 p32((*fit)->points[2]->x,(*fit)->points[2]->y,(*fit)->points[2]->z); Triangle3 face(p30,p31,p32); for(face_vec_it fit2 = m_faces.begin(); fit2 != m_faces.end(); ++fit2) { Face* f = (*fit2); Point3 pf0(f->points[0]->x,f->points[0]->y,f->points[0]->z); Point3 pf1(f->points[1]->x,f->points[1]->y,f->points[1]->z); Point3 pf2(f->points[2]->x,f->points[2]->y,f->points[2]->z); Triangle3 face2(pf0,pf1,pf2); if(CGAL::do_intersect(face,face2)) { cerr << "***Faces " << (*fit)->id << " X " << f->id << endl; } } (*auxp1) = p2; p2->faces.push_back((*fit)); } } //cerr << "Removing faces: "; for(vector<Face*>::iterator it = for_removal.begin(); it != for_removal.end(); ++it) { //cerr << (*it)->id << " "; removeFace(*it); (*it)->removed = true; //delete (*it); } //Set position of p2 as midpoint between p1-p2 p2->x = e.placement->x; p2->y = e.placement->y; p2->z = e.placement->z; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&t1); t = diff(t0,t1); time_faces+= getNanoseconds(t); //TODO: more efficient to use std::remove_if clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&t0); removeEdge(m_edges[]); vector<Edge*> edges_to_remove; edge_vec_it eit = p1->to.begin(); //Remove double edges to while(eit != p1->to.end()) { Edge* e = (*eit); bool found = false; edge_vec_it it = p2->to.begin(); while(it != p2->to.end()) { Edge* e2 = (*it); if(e->p1->id == e2->p1->id) { //cerr << "Found " << e->id << " " << e->p1->id << " " << e->p2->id << endl; edges_to_remove.push_back(e); found = true; break; } it++; } if(!found) { e->p2 = p2; if(e->p1->id == e->p2->id) edges_to_remove.push_back(e); } eit++; } //Remove double edges from eit = p1->from.begin(); while(eit!=p1->from.end()) { Edge* e = (*eit); bool found = false; edge_vec_it it = p2->from.begin(); while(it != p2->from.end()) { Edge* e2 = (*it); if(e->p2->id == e2->p2->id) { //cerr << "Found from " << e->id << " " << e->p1->id << " " <<e->p2->id << endl; edges_to_remove.push_back(e); found =true; break; } it++; } if(!found) { e->p1=p2; if(e->p1->id == e->p2->id) edges_to_remove.push_back(e); } eit++; } eit = edges_to_remove.begin(); while(eit != edges_to_remove.end()) { removeEdge(*eit); eit++; } //Append p1 edges to p2 p2->to.insert(p2->to.end(), p1->to.begin(), p1->to.end()); p2->from.insert(p2->from.end(),p1->from.begin(), p1->from.end()); clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&t1); t = diff(t0,t1); time_edges += getNanoseconds(t); //Can remove point p1 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&t0); removePoint(p1); clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&t1); t = diff(t0,t1); time_point+=getNanoseconds(t); return true; }
static int dc_add_single_kf(dc_pass *pass, wchar_t *path) { kf_ctx *k_ctx; HANDLE h_file; int resl, i; int succs; u32 bytes; h_file = NULL; k_ctx = NULL; do { if ( (k_ctx = secure_alloc(sizeof(kf_ctx))) == NULL ) { resl = ST_NOMEM; break; } h_file = CreateFile( path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (h_file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { h_file = NULL; resl = ST_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } /* initialize sha512 for hashing keyfile */ sha512_init(&k_ctx->sha); do { succs = ReadFile(h_file, k_ctx->kf_block, KF_BLOCK_SIZE, &bytes, NULL); if ( (succs == 0) || (bytes == 0) ) { break; } sha512_hash(&k_ctx->sha, k_ctx->kf_block, bytes); } while (1); /* done hasing */ sha512_done(&k_ctx->sha, k_ctx->hash); /* zero unused password buffer bytes */ zeromem( p8(pass->pass) + pass->size, (MAX_PASSWORD*2) - pass->size); /* mix the keyfile hash and password */ for (i = 0; i < (SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(u32)); i++) { p32(pass->pass)[i] += p32(k_ctx->hash)[i]; } pass->size = max(pass->size, SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE); resl = ST_OK; } while (0); if (h_file != NULL) { CloseHandle(h_file); } if (k_ctx != NULL) { secure_free(k_ctx); } return resl; }
GeometryTools::IntersectionStatus inPlaneLineIntersect( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4, double l1NormalizedTolerance, double l2NormalizedTolerance, double *x, double *y, double* fractionAlongLine1, double* fractionAlongLine2) { double mua, mub; double denom, numera, numerb; denom = (y4-y3) * (x2-x1) - (x4-x3) * (y2-y1); numera = (x4-x3) * (y1-y3) - (y4-y3) * (x1-x3); numerb = (x2-x1) * (y1-y3) - (y2-y1) * (x1-x3); double EPS = 1e-40; // Are the line coincident? if (fabs(numera) < EPS && fabs(numerb) < EPS && fabs(denom) < EPS) { #if 0 *x = 0; *y = 0; *fractionAlongLine1 = 0; *fractionAlongLine2 = 0; return GeometryTools::LINES_OVERLAP; #else cvf::Vec3d p12(x2-x1, y2-y1, 0); cvf::Vec3d p13(x3-x1, y3-y1, 0); cvf::Vec3d p34(x4-x3, y4-y3, 0); double length12 = p12.length(); double length34 = p34.length(); // Check if the p1 p2 line is a point if (length12 < EPS ) { cvf::Vec3d p34(x4-x3, y4-y3, 0); *x = x1; *y = y1; *fractionAlongLine1 = 1; *fractionAlongLine2 = p13.length()/p34.length(); return GeometryTools::LINES_OVERLAP; } cvf::Vec3d p14(x4-x1, y4-y1, 0); cvf::Vec3d p32(x2-x3, y2-y3, 0); cvf::Vec3d e12 = p12.getNormalized(); double normDist13 = e12*p13 / length12; double normDist14 = e12*p14 / length12; // Check if both points on the p3 p4 line is outside line p1 p2. if( (normDist13 < 0 - l1NormalizedTolerance && normDist14 < 0-l1NormalizedTolerance )|| (normDist13 > 1 +l1NormalizedTolerance && normDist14 > 1+l1NormalizedTolerance ) ) { *x = 0; *y = 0; *fractionAlongLine1 = 0; *fractionAlongLine2 = 0; return GeometryTools::NO_INTERSECTION; } double normDist32 = e12*p32 / length34; //double normDist31 = -e12*p13 / length34; // Set up fractions along lines to the edge2 vertex actually touching edge 1. /// if two, select the one furthest from the start bool pt3IsInside = false; bool pt4IsInside = false; if ((0.0 - l1NormalizedTolerance) <= normDist13 && normDist13 <= (1.0 +l1NormalizedTolerance) ) pt3IsInside = true; if ((0.0 - l1NormalizedTolerance) <= normDist14 && normDist14 <= (1.0 +l1NormalizedTolerance) ) pt4IsInside = true; if (pt3IsInside && !pt4IsInside) { *fractionAlongLine1 = normDist13; *fractionAlongLine2 = 0.0; *x = x3; *y = y3; } else if (pt4IsInside && !pt3IsInside) { *fractionAlongLine1 = normDist14; *fractionAlongLine2 = 1.0; *x = x4; *y = y4; } else if (pt3IsInside && pt4IsInside) { // Return edge 2 vertex furthest along edge 1 if (normDist13 <= normDist14) { *fractionAlongLine1 = normDist14 ; *fractionAlongLine2 = 1.0; *x = x4; *y = y4; } else { *fractionAlongLine1 = normDist13; *fractionAlongLine2 = 0.0; *x = x3; *y = y3; } } else // both outside on each side { // Return End of edge 1 *fractionAlongLine1 = 1.0; *fractionAlongLine2 = normDist32; *x = x2; *y = y2; } return GeometryTools::LINES_OVERLAP; #endif } /* Are the line parallel */ if (fabs(denom) < EPS) { *x = 0; *y = 0; *fractionAlongLine1 = 0; *fractionAlongLine2 = 0; return GeometryTools::NO_INTERSECTION; } /* Is the intersection along the the segments */ mua = numera / denom; mub = numerb / denom; *x = x1 + mua * (x2 - x1); *y = y1 + mua * (y2 - y1); *fractionAlongLine1 = mua; *fractionAlongLine2 = mub; if (mua < 0 - l1NormalizedTolerance || 1 + l1NormalizedTolerance < mua || mub < 0 - l2NormalizedTolerance || 1 + l2NormalizedTolerance < mub) { return GeometryTools::LINES_INTERSECT_OUTSIDE; } else if (fabs(mua) < l1NormalizedTolerance || fabs(1-mua) < l1NormalizedTolerance || fabs(mub) < l2NormalizedTolerance || fabs(1-mub) < l2NormalizedTolerance ) { if (fabs(mua) < l1NormalizedTolerance) *fractionAlongLine1 = 0; if (fabs(1-mua) < l1NormalizedTolerance) *fractionAlongLine1 = 1; if (fabs(mub) < l2NormalizedTolerance) *fractionAlongLine2 = 0; if (fabs(1-mub) < l2NormalizedTolerance) *fractionAlongLine2 = 1; return GeometryTools::LINES_TOUCH; } else { return GeometryTools::LINES_CROSSES; } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CS325Graphics window(argc, argv); float delta = 0.1; Point2D p1(CS325Graphics::X_MIN, CS325Graphics::Y_MAX / 4.5); Point2D p2(CS325Graphics::X_MAX, CS325Graphics::Y_MAX / 4.5); Point2D p3(CS325Graphics::X_MIN, CS325Graphics::Y_MIN); Point2D p4(CS325Graphics::X_MAX, CS325Graphics::Y_MAX); //Points 41, 42, 45, 46 control the sandbox. DON"T MESS WITH THEM! Point3D p30(0.5, 0.5,-3.5); Point3D p31(0.5, -0.5,-3.5); Point3D p32(-0.5,-0.5,-3.5); Point3D p33(-0.5, 0.5,-3.5); Point3D p34(0.5, 0.5,-1.5); Point3D p35(0.5, -0.5,-1.5); Point3D p36(-0.5,-0.5,-1.5); Point3D p37(-0.5, 0.5,-1.5); Point3D p40( -70.8, 28.8, -50.8); Point3D p41( 50.8,-2.8, 50.8); Point3D p42(-50.8,-2.8, 50.8); Point3D p43(-58.8, 25.8, 50.8); Point3D p44( 50.8, 50.8, -50.8); Point3D p45( 50.8,-2.8, -50.8); Point3D p46(-50.8,-2.8, -50.8); Point3D p47(-84.8,-2.8, -50.8); Point3D p49(-8.5,22.0, 50.8); Point3D p48(70,20,50.8); Point3D p50(3.5, 0.5,-3.5); Point3D p51(3.5, -0.5,-3.5); Point3D p52(2.5,-0.5,-3.5); Point3D p53(2.5, 0.5,-3.5); Point3D p54(3.5, 0.5,-1.5); Point3D p55(3.5, -0.5,-1.5); Point3D p56(2.5,-0.5,-1.5); Point3D p57(2.5, 0.5,-1.5); Point3D p60(3.5, 0.5, 13.5); Point3D p61(3.5, -0.5, 13.5); Point3D p62(2.5,-0.5, 13.5); Point3D p63(2.5, 0.5, 13.5); Point3D p64(3.5, 0.5, 16.5); Point3D p65(3.5, -0.5, 16.5); Point3D p66(2.5,-0.5, 16.5); Point3D p67(2.5, 0.5, 16.5); Point2D viewPos; Vector2D viewDir; Vector3D deltaV; viewDir.setAngle(0); // move view position for(int i = 0; i < MOVE_TEST; i){ /*window.DrawLineOnScreen(p1, p2);*/ //window.DrawLineOnScreen(p4, p3); window.DrawLineInSpace(p30, p31); window.DrawLineInSpace(p31, p32); window.DrawLineInSpace(p32, p33); window.DrawLineInSpace(p33, p30); window.DrawLineInSpace(p34, p35); window.DrawLineInSpace(p35, p36); window.DrawLineInSpace(p36, p37); window.DrawLineInSpace(p37, p34); window.DrawLineInSpace(p30, p34); window.DrawLineInSpace(p31, p35); window.DrawLineInSpace(p32, p36); window.DrawLineInSpace(p33, p37); window.DrawLineInSpace(p50, p51); window.DrawLineInSpace(p51, p52); window.DrawLineInSpace(p52, p53); window.DrawLineInSpace(p53, p50); window.DrawLineInSpace(p54, p55); window.DrawLineInSpace(p55, p56); window.DrawLineInSpace(p56, p57); window.DrawLineInSpace(p57, p54); window.DrawLineInSpace(p50, p54); window.DrawLineInSpace(p51, p55); window.DrawLineInSpace(p52, p56); window.DrawLineInSpace(p53, p57); window.DrawLineInSpace(p60, p61); window.DrawLineInSpace(p61, p62); window.DrawLineInSpace(p62, p63); window.DrawLineInSpace(p63, p60); window.DrawLineInSpace(p64, p65); window.DrawLineInSpace(p65, p66); window.DrawLineInSpace(p66, p67); window.DrawLineInSpace(p67, p64); window.DrawLineInSpace(p60, p64); window.DrawLineInSpace(p61, p65); window.DrawLineInSpace(p62, p66); window.DrawLineInSpace(p63, p67); //window.DrawLineInSpace(p40, p41); window.DrawLineInSpace(p41, p42); window.DrawLineInSpace(p42, p43); //window.DrawLineInSpace(p43, p40); //window.DrawLineInSpace(p44, p45); window.DrawLineInSpace(p45, p46); //window.DrawLineInSpace(p46, p47); //window.DrawLineInSpace(p47, p44); window.DrawLineInSpace(p40, p45); window.DrawLineInSpace(p41, p45); window.DrawLineInSpace(p42, p46); window.DrawLineInSpace(p43, p47); window.DrawLineInSpace(p40, p47); window.DrawLineInSpace(p41, p49); window.DrawLineInSpace(p42, p49); window.DrawLineInSpace(p41, p48); window.DrawLineInSpace(p45, p48); if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)) // the DOWN arrow was pressed, let's do something { delta = -.1; viewPos.setY(viewPos.getY() + cos(-viewDir.getAngle())*delta); viewPos.setX(viewPos.getX() + sin(-viewDir.getAngle())*delta); window.SetViewPosition(viewPos); cout << "view pos: " << viewPos.toString() << endl; window.DisplayNow(); Sleep(50); } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)) // the UP arrow was pressed, let's do something { delta = .1; viewPos.setY(viewPos.getY() + cos(-viewDir.getAngle())*delta); viewPos.setX(viewPos.getX() + sin(-viewDir.getAngle())*delta); window.SetViewPosition(viewPos); cout << "view pos: " << viewPos.toString() << endl; window.DisplayNow(); Sleep(50); } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)) // the RIGHT arrow was pressed, let's do something { delta = .1; viewDir.setAngle(viewDir.getAngle()+delta); window.SetViewDirection(viewDir); cout << "view dir: " << viewDir.getAngle() << endl; window.DisplayNow(); Sleep(50); } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)) // the LEFT arrow was pressed, let's do something { delta = -.1; viewDir.setAngle(viewDir.getAngle()+delta); window.SetViewDirection(viewDir); cout << "view dir: " << viewDir.getAngle() << endl; window.DisplayNow(); Sleep(50); } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) { return 1; } } }
NTSTATUS dc_drv_control_irp(PDEVICE_OBJECT dev_obj, PIRP irp) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION irp_sp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(irp); NTSTATUS status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; // returned status ULONG length = 0; // returned length // void *data = irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; u32 in_len = irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength; u32 out_len = irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength; switch (irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode) { case DC_GET_VERSION: if (irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength != sizeof(ULONG)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } *((PULONG)irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) = DC_DRIVER_VER; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; length = sizeof(ULONG); break; case DC_CTL_CLEAR_PASS: dc_clean_pass_cache(); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case DC_CTL_ADD_SEED: if (irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength == 0) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } cp_rand_add_seed(irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // prevent leaks RtlSecureZeroMemory(irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength); break; case DC_CTL_GET_RAND: if (irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength == 0) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } if ( (data = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(irp->MdlAddress, NormalPagePriority)) == NULL ) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } if (cp_rand_bytes(data, irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength) == 0) { status = STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; } status = STATUS_SUCCESS; length = irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength; break; case DC_CTL_LOCK_MEM: if (irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength != sizeof(DC_LOCK_MEMORY)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } status = mm_lock_user_memory( PsGetProcessId(IoGetRequestorProcess(irp)), ((PDC_LOCK_MEMORY)irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer)->ptr, ((PDC_LOCK_MEMORY)irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer)->length ); break; case DC_CTL_UNLOCK_MEM: if (irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength != sizeof(PVOID*)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } status = mm_unlock_user_memory( PsGetProcessId(IoGetRequestorProcess(irp)), *((PVOID*)irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) ); break; case DC_CTL_GET_FLAGS: if (irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength != sizeof(DC_FLAGS)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } ((PDC_FLAGS)irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer)->conf_flags = dc_conf_flags; ((PDC_FLAGS)irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer)->load_flags = dc_load_flags; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; length = sizeof(DC_FLAGS); break; case DC_CTL_SET_FLAGS: if (irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength != sizeof(DC_FLAGS)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } dc_conf_flags = ((PDC_FLAGS)irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer)->conf_flags; if ( !(dc_conf_flags & CONF_CACHE_PASSWORD) ) dc_clean_pass_cache(); dc_init_encryption(); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case DC_CTL_BSOD: mm_clean_secure_memory(); dc_clean_keys(); KeBugCheck(IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL); break; case DC_GET_DUMP_HELPERS: // This IOCTL is allowed only from kernel mode if (irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode) { status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } if (irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength != sizeof(DC_DUMP_HELPERS)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } memcpy(irp->UserBuffer, &dc_dump_helpers, sizeof(DC_DUMP_HELPERS)); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; length = sizeof(DC_DUMP_HELPERS); break; // case DC_CTL_STATUS: { dc_ioctl *dctl = data; dc_status *stat = data; dev_hook *hook; if ( (in_len == sizeof(dc_ioctl)) && (out_len == sizeof(dc_status)) ) { dctl->device[MAX_DEVICE] = 0; if (hook = dc_find_hook(dctl->device)) { if (hook->pdo_dev->Flags & DO_SYSTEM_BOOT_PARTITION) { hook->flags |= F_SYSTEM; } dc_get_mount_point(hook, stat->mnt_point, sizeof(stat->mnt_point)); stat->crypt = hook->crypt; stat->dsk_size = hook->dsk_size; stat->tmp_size = hook->tmp_size; stat->flags = hook->flags; stat->mnt_flags = hook->mnt_flags; stat->disk_id = hook->disk_id; stat->paging_count = hook->paging_count; stat->vf_version = hook->vf_version; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; length = sizeof(dc_status); dc_deref_hook(hook); } } } break; case DC_CTL_BENCHMARK: { if ( (in_len == sizeof(int)) && (out_len == sizeof(dc_bench_info)) ) { if (dc_k_benchmark(p32(data)[0], pv(data)) == ST_OK) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; length = sizeof(dc_bench_info); } } } break; case DC_BACKUP_HEADER: { dc_backup_ctl *back = data; if ( (in_len == sizeof(dc_backup_ctl)) && (out_len == in_len) ) { back->device[MAX_DEVICE] = 0; back->status = dc_backup_header(back->device, &back->pass, back->backup); /* prevent leaks */ burn(&back->pass, sizeof(back->pass)); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; length = sizeof(dc_backup_ctl); } } break; case DC_RESTORE_HEADER: { dc_backup_ctl *back = data; if ( (in_len == sizeof(dc_backup_ctl)) && (out_len == in_len) ) { back->device[MAX_DEVICE] = 0; back->status = dc_restore_header(back->device, &back->pass, back->backup); /* prevent leaks */ burn(&back->pass, sizeof(back->pass)); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; length = sizeof(dc_backup_ctl); } } break; default: { dc_ioctl *dctl = data; if ( (in_len == sizeof(dc_ioctl)) && (out_len == sizeof(dc_ioctl)) ) { /* limit null-terminated string length */ dctl->device[MAX_DEVICE] = 0; /* process IOCTL */ dctl->status = dc_ioctl_process(irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode, dctl); /* prevent leaks */ burn(&dctl->passw1, sizeof(dctl->passw1)); burn(&dctl->passw2, sizeof(dctl->passw2)); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; length = sizeof(dc_ioctl); } } break; } return dc_complete_irp(irp, status, length); }
static int pe2mod(wchar_t *in, wchar_t *out) { IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *d_head; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *n_head; IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *t_sect; boot_mod *b_mod = NULL; HMODULE image = NULL; u32 *reloc = NULL; int resl = 1; u32 r_num, offs; HANDLE h_out; u32 i, found; u32 code_off; u32 bytes, n; u8 *s_data; u32 s_size; do { if ( (image = LoadLibraryEx(in, NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES)) == NULL ) { break; } d_head = pv(dSZ(image) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)); n_head = addof(d_head, d_head->e_lfanew); t_sect = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(n_head); found = 0; /* find '.text' section */ for (i = 0; i < n_head->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, t_sect++) { if (_stricmp(t_sect->Name, ".text") == 0) { found = 1; break; } } if (found == 0) { wprintf(L"Invalid PE image %s, section '.text' is not found\n", in); break; } if ( (reloc = calloc(1, n_head->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage)) == NULL ) { break; } if ( (b_mod = calloc(1, n_head->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage)) == NULL ) { break; } if (r_num = pe_save_relocs(d_head, reloc)) { /* save needed relocs */ for (i = 0, n = 0; i < r_num; i++) { if (in_reg(reloc[i], t_sect->VirtualAddress, t_sect->Misc.VirtualSize) != 0) { b_mod->relocs[n++] = reloc[i]; } } b_mod->n_rels = n; code_off = _align(sizeof(boot_mod) + n * sizeof(u32), 16); } else { code_off = _align(sizeof(boot_mod), 16); } s_data = addof(d_head, t_sect->VirtualAddress); s_size = t_sect->SizeOfRawData; /* find minimum section RAW size */ for (i = t_sect->SizeOfRawData - 1; i != 0; i--, s_size--) { if (s_data[i] != 0) break; } b_mod->mod_sign = 'DCBM'; b_mod->raw_size = s_size + code_off; b_mod->virt_size = t_sect->Misc.VirtualSize + code_off; b_mod->entry_rva = n_head->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint - t_sect->VirtualAddress + code_off; memcpy(addof(b_mod, code_off), s_data, s_size); /* rebase image and fix relocs */ for (i = 0; i < b_mod->n_rels; i++) { offs = b_mod->relocs[i] - t_sect->VirtualAddress + code_off; p32(addof(b_mod, offs))[0] -= n_head->OptionalHeader.ImageBase + t_sect->VirtualAddress - code_off; b_mod->relocs[i] = offs; } h_out = CreateFile( out, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if (h_out != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (WriteFile(h_out, b_mod, b_mod->raw_size, &bytes, NULL) != 0) { wprintf(L"Boot module OK (Virtual size: %d, Raw size: %d, EP: %d)\n", b_mod->virt_size, b_mod->raw_size, b_mod->entry_rva); resl = 0; } CloseHandle(h_out); } else { wprintf(L"Can not write to %s", out); } } while (0); if (reloc != NULL) { free(reloc); } if (b_mod != NULL) { free(b_mod); } if (image != NULL) { FreeLibrary(image); } return resl; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // parse command unsigned int pos = 1; unsigned int mask = (argc >= 2) ? 0 : 0xFFFF; while(pos < argc) { unsigned int sceneNumber = atoi(argv[pos++]); mask |= 1 << sceneNumber; } // Initialize phong p32(32.0f); phong p64(64.0f); phong p16(16.0f); diffuse d; constantAlbedo red(color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); constantAlbedo green(color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); constantAlbedo blue(color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); constantAlbedo white(color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); std::vector<triangle> sphere = createSphere( vec3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f, 16, 16 ); std::vector<triangle> plane = createPlane( vec3d(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), vec3d(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f), vec3d(2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) ); material redMaterial; redMaterial.addComponent( reflectanceComponent(&red, &d) ); redMaterial.addComponent( reflectanceComponent(&white, &p32) ); material greenMaterial; greenMaterial.addComponent( reflectanceComponent(&green, &d) ); greenMaterial.addComponent( reflectanceComponent(&white, &p64) ); material blueMaterial; blueMaterial.addComponent( reflectanceComponent(&blue, &d) ); blueMaterial.addComponent( reflectanceComponent(&white, &p16) ); material whiteMaterial; whiteMaterial.addComponent( reflectanceComponent(&white, &d) ); triangleMesh redSphere(sphere, redMaterial); triangleMesh greenSphere(sphere, greenMaterial); triangleMesh blueSphere(sphere, blueMaterial); triangleMesh whitePlane(plane, whiteMaterial); sceneGraphObject redSphereObject(redSphere); sceneGraphObject greenSphereObject(greenSphere); sceneGraphObject blueSphereObject(blueSphere); sceneGraphObject whitePlaneObject(whitePlane); camera cam( vec3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f), vec3d(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), vec3d(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 35.0f * M_PI / 180.0f, 512, 512 ); directionalLightsource ls( color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), vec3d(0.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f) ); directionalLightsource frontal( color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), vec3d(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f) ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if((mask & 2) != 0) { sceneGraphNode sg1; sg1.addChildNode(redSphereObject); std::cout << "Generating Image 1." << std::endl; image result1 = generateImage(cam, sg1, ls);"hw4-result1.ppm"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if((mask & 4) != 0) { sceneGraphNode sg2node1(translation3d(vec3d(+1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); sg2node1.addChildNode(redSphereObject); sceneGraphNode sg2node2(translation3d(vec3d(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); sg2node2.addChildNode(blueSphereObject); sceneGraphNode sg2; sg2.addChildNode(sg2node1); sg2.addChildNode(sg2node2); std::cout << "Generating Image 2." << std::endl; image result2 = generateImage(cam, sg2, ls);"hw4-result2.ppm"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if((mask & 8) != 0) { sceneGraphNode sg3node1(scale3d(2.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); sg3node1.addChildNode(greenSphereObject); sceneGraphNode sg3; sg3.addChildNode(sg3node1); std::cout << "Generating Image 3." << std::endl; image result3 = generateImage(cam, sg3, ls);"hw4-result3.ppm"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if((mask & 16) != 0) { sceneGraphNode sg2node1(translation3d(vec3d(+1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); sg2node1.addChildNode(redSphereObject); sceneGraphNode sg2node2(translation3d(vec3d(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); sg2node2.addChildNode(blueSphereObject); sceneGraphNode sg2; sg2.addChildNode(sg2node1); sg2.addChildNode(sg2node2); sceneGraphNode sg4node1(rotationY3d(M_PI)); sg4node1.addChildNode(sg2); sceneGraphNode sg4; sg4.addChildNode(sg4node1); std::cout << "Generating Image 4." << std::endl; image result4 = generateImage(cam, sg4, ls);"hw4-result4.ppm"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if((mask & 32) != 0) { sceneGraphNode sg5node0(scale3d(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); sceneGraphNode sg5node1(rotationY3d(0.5 * M_PI)); sceneGraphNode sg5node2(rotationX3d(0.5 * M_PI)); sceneGraphNode sg5node3(translation3d(vec3d(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f))); sceneGraphNode sg5node4(rotationX3d(0.5 * M_PI)); sceneGraphNode sg5node5(translation3d(vec3d(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f))); sceneGraphNode sg5node6(rotationX3d(0.5 * M_PI)); sceneGraphNode sg5node7(translation3d(vec3d(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f))); sceneGraphNode sg5node8(rotationX3d(0.5 * M_PI)); sceneGraphNode sg5node9(translation3d(vec3d(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f))); sceneGraphNode sg5; sg5.addChildNode(sg5node0); sg5node0.addChildNode(sg5node1); sg5node1.addChildNode(sg5node2); sg5node2.addChildNode(sg5node3); sg5node3.addChildNode(redSphereObject); sg5node3.addChildNode(sg5node4); sg5node4.addChildNode(sg5node5); sg5node5.addChildNode(greenSphereObject); sg5node5.addChildNode(sg5node6); sg5node6.addChildNode(sg5node7); sg5node7.addChildNode(blueSphereObject); sg5node7.addChildNode(sg5node8); sg5node8.addChildNode(sg5node9); sg5node9.addChildNode(blueSphereObject); std::cout << "Generating Image 5." << std::endl; image result5 = generateImage(cam, sg5, ls);"hw4-result5.ppm"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if((mask & 64) != 0) { sceneGraphNode cubeside( translation3d(vec3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)) ); cubeside.addChildNode(whitePlaneObject); sceneGraphNode cubeNode1( rotationY3d(0.0f / 2.0f * M_PI) ); cubeNode1.addChildNode(cubeside); sceneGraphNode cubeNode2( rotationY3d(1.0f / 2.0f * M_PI) ); cubeNode2.addChildNode(cubeside); sceneGraphNode cubeNode3( rotationY3d(2.0f / 2.0f * M_PI) ); cubeNode3.addChildNode(cubeside); sceneGraphNode cubeNode4( rotationY3d(3.0f / 2.0f * M_PI) ); cubeNode4.addChildNode(cubeside); sceneGraphNode cubeNode5( rotationX3d(0.5f * M_PI) ); cubeNode5.addChildNode(cubeside); sceneGraphNode cubeNode6( rotationX3d(-0.5f * M_PI) ); cubeNode6.addChildNode(cubeside); sceneGraphNode cube; cube.addChildNode(cubeNode1); cube.addChildNode(cubeNode2); cube.addChildNode(cubeNode3); cube.addChildNode(cubeNode4); cube.addChildNode(cubeNode5); cube.addChildNode(cubeNode6); sceneGraphNode sg6( rotation3d(0.25*M_PI, vec3d(1.0f, 0.75f, 0.5f)) ); sg6.addChildNode(cube); std::cout << "Generating Image 6." << std::endl; image result6 = generateImage(cam, sg6, frontal);"hw4-result6.ppm"); } // Done. return 0; }
void boot_main() { list_entry *entry; hdd_inf *hdd; prt_inf *prt, *active; char *error; int login, i; int n_mount; active = NULL; error = NULL; login = 0; n_mount = 0; /* init crypto */ dc_init_crypto(conf.options & OP_HW_CRYPTO); /* prepare MBR copy buffer */ autocpy(conf.save_mbr + 432, p8(0x7C00) + 432, 80); if (dc_scan_partitions() == 0) { error = "partitions not found\n"; goto error; } if (hdd = find_hdd(boot_dsk)) { /* find active partition on boot disk */ entry = hdd->part_head.flink; while (entry != &hdd->part_head) { prt = contain_record(entry, prt_inf, entry_hdd); entry = entry->flink; if (prt->active != 0) { active = prt; break; } } } retry_auth:; if (conf.logon_type & LT_GET_PASS) { login = dc_get_password(); if ( (conf.options & OP_NOPASS_ERROR) && (login == 0) ) { dc_password_error(active); if (conf.error_type & ET_RETRY) { goto retry_auth; } else { /* halt system */ __halt(); } } } /* add embedded keyfile to password buffer */ if (conf.logon_type & LT_EMBED_KEY) { sha512_ctx sha; u8 hash[SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE]; sha512_init(&sha); sha512_hash(&sha, conf.emb_key, sizeof(conf.emb_key)); sha512_done(&sha, hash); /* mix the keyfile hash and password */ for (i = 0; i < (SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(u32)); i++) { p32(bd_dat->password.pass)[i] += p32(hash)[i]; } bd_dat->password.size = max(bd_dat->password.size, SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE); /* prevent leaks */ zeroauto(hash, sizeof(hash)); zeroauto(&sha, sizeof(sha)); } if (bd_dat->password.size != 0) { if (n_mount = dc_mount_parts()) { /* hook BIOS interrupts */ bios_hook_ints(); } else { /* clean password buffer to prevent leaks */ zeroauto(&bd_dat->password, sizeof(dc_pass)); } } if ( (n_mount == 0) && (login != 0) ) { dc_password_error(active); if (conf.error_type & ET_RETRY) { goto retry_auth; } else { /* halt system */ __halt(); } } switch (conf.boot_type) { case BT_MBR_BOOT: { if (hdd == NULL) { error = "boot disk not found\n"; goto error; } boot_from_mbr(hdd, n_mount); } break; case BT_MBR_FIRST: { if ( (hdd = find_bootable_hdd()) == NULL ) { error = "boot disk not found\n"; goto error; } boot_from_mbr(hdd, n_mount); } break; case BT_ACTIVE: { if (active == NULL) { error = "active partition not found\n"; goto error; } else { boot_from_partition(active, n_mount); } } break; case BT_AP_PASSWORD: { /* find first partition with appropriate password */ entry = prt_head.flink; while (entry != &prt_head) { prt = contain_record(entry, prt_inf, entry_glb); entry = entry->flink; if ( (prt->extend == 0) && (prt->mnt_ok != 0) ) { boot_from_partition(prt, n_mount); } } error = "bootable partition not mounted\n"; goto error; } break; case BT_DISK_ID: { /* find partition by disk_id */ entry = prt_head.flink; while (entry != &prt_head) { prt = contain_record(entry, prt_inf, entry_glb); entry = entry->flink; if ( (prt->extend == 0) && (prt->mnt_ok != 0) && (prt->disk_id == conf.disk_id) ) { boot_from_partition(prt, n_mount); } } error = "disk_id equal partition not found\n"; goto error; } break; } error:; if (error != NULL) { puts(error); } while (1); }
static void print_espstats(const struct espstat *espstat) { #define p32(f, m) if (espstat->f || sflag <= 1) \ printf("\t%u" m, (unsigned int)espstat->f, plural(espstat->f)) #define p64(f, m) if (espstat->f || sflag <= 1) \ printf("\t%ju" m, (uintmax_t)espstat->f, plural(espstat->f)) #define hist(f, n, t) \ ipsec_hist_new((f), sizeof(f)/sizeof(f[0]), (n), (t)); p32(esps_hdrops, " packet%s shorter than header shows\n"); p32(esps_nopf, " packet%s dropped; protocol family not supported\n"); p32(esps_notdb, " packet%s dropped; no TDB\n"); p32(esps_badkcr, " packet%s dropped; bad KCR\n"); p32(esps_qfull, " packet%s dropped; queue full\n"); p32(esps_noxform, " packet%s dropped; no transform\n"); p32(esps_badilen, " packet%s dropped; bad ilen\n"); p32(esps_wrap, " replay counter wrap%s\n"); p32(esps_badenc, " packet%s dropped; bad encryption detected\n"); p32(esps_badauth, " packet%s dropped; bad authentication detected\n"); p32(esps_replay, " possible replay packet%s detected\n"); p32(esps_input, " packet%s in\n"); p32(esps_output, " packet%s out\n"); p32(esps_invalid, " packet%s dropped; invalid TDB\n"); p64(esps_ibytes, " byte%s in\n"); p64(esps_obytes, " byte%s out\n"); p32(esps_toobig, " packet%s dropped; larger than IP_MAXPACKET\n"); p32(esps_pdrops, " packet%s blocked due to policy\n"); p32(esps_crypto, " crypto processing failure%s\n"); p32(esps_tunnel, " tunnel sanity check failure%s\n"); hist(espstat->esps_hist, ipsec_espnames, "ESP output"); #undef p32 #undef p64 #undef hist }
static void print_ipcompstats(const struct ipcompstat *ipcompstat) { uint32_t version; #define p32(f, m) if (ipcompstat->f || sflag <= 1) \ printf("\t%u" m, (unsigned int)ipcompstat->f, plural(ipcompstat->f)) #define p64(f, m) if (ipcompstat->f || sflag <= 1) \ printf("\t%ju" m, (uintmax_t)ipcompstat->f, plural(ipcompstat->f)) #define hist(f, n, t) \ ipsec_hist_new((f), sizeof(f)/sizeof(f[0]), (n), (t)); #ifndef IPCOMPSTAT_VERSION version = 0; #else version = ipcompstat->version; #endif p32(ipcomps_hdrops, " packet%s shorter than header shows\n"); p32(ipcomps_nopf, " packet%s dropped; protocol family not supported\n"); p32(ipcomps_notdb, " packet%s dropped; no TDB\n"); p32(ipcomps_badkcr, " packet%s dropped; bad KCR\n"); p32(ipcomps_qfull, " packet%s dropped; queue full\n"); p32(ipcomps_noxform, " packet%s dropped; no transform\n"); p32(ipcomps_wrap, " replay counter wrap%s\n"); p32(ipcomps_input, " packet%s in\n"); p32(ipcomps_output, " packet%s out\n"); p32(ipcomps_invalid, " packet%s dropped; invalid TDB\n"); p64(ipcomps_ibytes, " byte%s in\n"); p64(ipcomps_obytes, " byte%s out\n"); p32(ipcomps_toobig, " packet%s dropped; larger than IP_MAXPACKET\n"); p32(ipcomps_pdrops, " packet%s blocked due to policy\n"); p32(ipcomps_crypto, " crypto processing failure%s\n"); hist(ipcompstat->ipcomps_hist, ipsec_compnames, "COMP output"); if (version >= 1) { p32(ipcomps_threshold, " packet%s sent uncompressed; size < compr. algo. threshold\n"); p32(ipcomps_uncompr, " packet%s sent uncompressed; compression was useless\n"); } #undef p32 #undef p64 #undef hist }
NTSTATUS dc_drv_control_irp(PDEVICE_OBJECT dev_obj, PIRP irp) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION irp_sp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(irp); NTSTATUS status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; void *data = irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; u32 in_len = irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength; u32 out_len = irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength; u32 code = irp_sp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode; u32 bytes = 0; switch (code) { case DC_GET_VERSION: { if (out_len == sizeof(u32)) { p32(data)[0] = DC_DRIVER_VER; bytes = sizeof(u32); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } break; case DC_CTL_CLEAR_PASS: { dc_clean_pass_cache(); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } break; case DC_CTL_STATUS: { dc_ioctl *dctl = data; dc_status *stat = data; dev_hook *hook; if ( (in_len == sizeof(dc_ioctl)) && (out_len == sizeof(dc_status)) ) { dctl->device[MAX_DEVICE] = 0; if (hook = dc_find_hook(dctl->device)) { if (hook->pdo_dev->Flags & DO_SYSTEM_BOOT_PARTITION) { hook->flags |= F_SYSTEM; } dc_get_mount_point(hook, stat->mnt_point, sizeof(stat->mnt_point)); stat->crypt = hook->crypt; stat->dsk_size = hook->dsk_size; stat->tmp_size = hook->tmp_size; stat->flags = hook->flags; stat->mnt_flags = hook->mnt_flags; stat->disk_id = hook->disk_id; stat->paging_count = hook->paging_count; stat->vf_version = hook->vf_version; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; bytes = sizeof(dc_status); dc_deref_hook(hook); } } } break; case DC_CTL_ADD_SEED: { if (in_len != 0) { cp_rand_add_seed(data, in_len); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; /* prevent leaks */ burn(data, in_len); } } break; case DC_CTL_GET_RAND: { dc_rand_ctl *rctl = data; if (in_len == sizeof(dc_rand_ctl)) { __try { ProbeForWrite(rctl->buff, rctl->size, sizeof(u8)); if (cp_rand_bytes(rctl->buff, rctl->size) != 0) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = GetExceptionCode(); } } } break; case DC_CTL_BENCHMARK: { if ( (in_len == sizeof(int)) && (out_len == sizeof(dc_bench_info)) ) { if (dc_k_benchmark(p32(data)[0], pv(data)) == ST_OK) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; bytes = sizeof(dc_bench_info); } } } break; case DC_CTL_BSOD: { lock_inc(&dc_dump_disable); dc_clean_pass_cache(); mm_unlock_user_memory(NULL, NULL); dc_clean_keys(); KeBugCheck(IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL); } break; case DC_CTL_GET_CONF: { dc_conf *conf = data; if (out_len == sizeof(dc_conf)) { conf->conf_flags = dc_conf_flags; conf->load_flags = dc_load_flags; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; bytes = sizeof(dc_conf); } } break; case DC_CTL_SET_CONF: { dc_conf *conf = data; if (in_len == sizeof(dc_conf)) { dc_conf_flags = conf->conf_flags; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if ( !(dc_conf_flags & CONF_CACHE_PASSWORD) ) { dc_clean_pass_cache(); } dc_init_encryption(); } } break; case DC_CTL_LOCK_MEM: { PEPROCESS process = IoGetRequestorProcess(irp); dc_lock_ctl *smem = data; if ( (process != NULL) && (in_len == sizeof(dc_lock_ctl)) && (out_len == in_len) ) { smem->resl = mm_lock_user_memory(smem->data, smem->size, process); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; bytes = sizeof(dc_lock_ctl); } } break; case DC_CTL_UNLOCK_MEM: { PEPROCESS process = IoGetRequestorProcess(irp); dc_lock_ctl *smem = data; if ( (process != NULL) && (in_len == sizeof(dc_lock_ctl)) && (out_len == in_len) ) { mm_unlock_user_memory(smem->data, process); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; bytes = sizeof(dc_lock_ctl); smem->resl = ST_OK; } } break; case DC_BACKUP_HEADER: { dc_backup_ctl *back = data; if ( (in_len == sizeof(dc_backup_ctl)) && (out_len == in_len) ) { back->device[MAX_DEVICE] = 0; back->status = dc_backup_header(back->device, &back->pass, back->backup); /* prevent leaks */ burn(&back->pass, sizeof(back->pass)); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; bytes = sizeof(dc_backup_ctl); } } break; case DC_RESTORE_HEADER: { dc_backup_ctl *back = data; if ( (in_len == sizeof(dc_backup_ctl)) && (out_len == in_len) ) { back->device[MAX_DEVICE] = 0; back->status = dc_restore_header(back->device, &back->pass, back->backup); /* prevent leaks */ burn(&back->pass, sizeof(back->pass)); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; bytes = sizeof(dc_backup_ctl); } } break; default: { dc_ioctl *dctl = data; if ( (in_len == sizeof(dc_ioctl)) && (out_len == sizeof(dc_ioctl)) ) { /* limit null-terminated string length */ dctl->device[MAX_DEVICE] = 0; /* process IOCTL */ dctl->status = dc_ioctl_process(code, dctl); /* prevent leaks */ burn(&dctl->passw1, sizeof(dctl->passw1)); burn(&dctl->passw2, sizeof(dctl->passw2)); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; bytes = sizeof(dc_ioctl); } } break; }