void wxStfChildFrame::ShowTable(const stf::Table &table,const wxString& caption) { // Create and show notebook if necessary: if (m_notebook==NULL && !m_mgr.GetPane(m_notebook).IsOk()) { m_notebook=CreateNotebook(); m_mgr.AddPane( m_notebook, wxAuiPaneInfo().Caption(wxT("Analysis results")). Floatable().Dock().Left().Name( wxT("Notebook") ) ); } else { // Re-open notebook if it has been closed: if (!m_mgr.GetPane(m_notebook).IsShown()) { m_mgr.GetPane(m_notebook).Show(); } } wxStfGrid* pGrid = new wxStfGrid( m_notebook, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(0,20), wxDefaultSize ); wxStfTable* pTable(new wxStfTable(table)); pGrid->SetTable(pTable,true); // the grid will take care of the deletion pGrid->SetEditable(false); pGrid->SetDefaultCellAlignment(wxALIGN_RIGHT,wxALIGN_CENTRE); for (std::size_t n_row=0; n_row<=table.nRows()+1; ++n_row) { pGrid->SetCellAlignment(wxALIGN_LEFT,(int)n_row,0); } m_notebook->AddPage( pGrid, caption, true ); // "commit" all changes made to wxAuiManager m_mgr.Update(); wxStfView* pView=(wxStfView*)GetView(); if (pView != NULL && pView->GetGraph()!= NULL) { pView->GetGraph()->Enable(); pView->GetGraph()->SetFocus(); } }
void Application::createLevelTable( ddd::LevelWindow* window, const unsigned long levelID, const unsigned long gameID) { sBufferBaseWindow = window; TScript * pScript( TWindowManager::GetInstance()->GetScript() ); TLuaTable * pTable( TLuaTable::Create( pScript->GetState() ) ); pTable->Assign( "levelID", static_cast<lua_Number>(levelID) ); pTable->Assign( "gameID", static_cast<lua_Number>(gameID) ); executeLuaFunction( 1, pTable ); }
Real funcSum_all_accel(boost::function<Real(unsigned int i)> f, std::size_t max_i, Real tolerance) { const Real p_0(f(0)); if (p_0 == 0.0) { return 0.0; } std::vector<Real> pTable(max_i); pTable[0] = p_0; for(std::size_t i=1; i < max_i; ++i) { pTable[i] = f(i); } Real sum; Real error; gsl_sum_levin_utrunc_workspace* workspace(gsl_sum_levin_utrunc_alloc(max_i)); gsl_sum_levin_utrunc_accel( pTable.data(), pTable.size(), workspace, &sum, &error); #ifdef ECELL_GREENS_FUNCTIONS_DEBUG_OUTPUT if (std::abs(error) >= std::abs(sum * tolerance)) { std::cerr << (boost::format("series acceleration error: %.16g" " (rel error: %.16g), terms_used = %d (%d given)") % std::abs(error) % std::abs(error / sum) % workspace->terms_used % pTable.size() ).str() << std::endl; } #endif // ECELL_GREENS_FUNCTIONS_DEBUG_OUTPUT gsl_sum_levin_utrunc_free(workspace); return sum; }