int MFAnyStrPtr(WYSIWYG *wn, CNTRLS *control, int frame, char *data, int to_ac) { if (trace_misc) p_info(PI_TRACE, "entering MFAnyStrPtr(p%1d:%#x %s data:%#x)\n", control->off_rel, *(&REL_DATA(frame) p0 + control-> off_rel), to_ac ? "-->" : "<--", data); if (to_ac) { if (*(&REL_DATA(frame) p0 + control -> off_rel) && data) strcpy(data, *(&REL_DATA(frame) p0 + control -> off_rel)); } else if (data) { if (*(&REL_DATA(frame) p0 + control -> off_rel)) *(&REL_DATA(frame) p0 + control -> off_rel) = p_realloc(*(&REL_DATA(frame) p0 + control -> off_rel), strlen(data)+1); else *(&REL_DATA(frame) p0 + control -> off_rel) = p_alloc(strlen(data)+1); strcpy(*(&REL_DATA(frame) p0 + control -> off_rel), data); } if (trace_misc) p_info(PI_TRACE, "leaving MFAnyStrPtr(p%1d:%#x %s data:%#x (%s))\n", control->off_rel, *(&REL_DATA(frame) p0 + control-> off_rel), to_ac ? "-->" : "<--", data, data ? data : "NULL"); return(0); /* Just so it returns something */ }
void YpPush(const char *input) { if (nYpInputs>=maxYpInputs) { int newSize= maxYpInputs+4; ypInputs= p_realloc(ypInputs, sizeof(char *)*newSize); maxYpInputs= newSize; } ypInputs[nYpInputs++]= p_strcpy(input); }
static int CheckConstSpace(void) { if (nConstants >= maxConstants) { long newSize= (maxConstants? maxConstants<<1 : 16); constantTable= p_realloc(constantTable, sizeof(Symbol)*newSize); maxConstants= newSize; } return 0; }
static void RecordLineNumber(long pc) { if ((nYpReList&0xff)==0) { long newSize= nYpReList+0x100; ypReList= p_realloc(ypReList, sizeof(long)*newSize); } ypReList[nYpReList++]= pc; /* record pc and... */ ypReList[nYpReList++]= YpLineNumber(); /* ...corresponding line number */ }
static int ConstantReference(long pc) { if (nConstantRefs >= maxConstantRefs) { long newSize= (maxConstantRefs? maxConstantRefs<<1 : 16); constantRefs= p_realloc(constantRefs, sizeof(long)*newSize); maxConstantRefs= newSize; } constantRefs[nConstantRefs++]= pc; return 0; }
static void AddPrefix(char *prefix) { if (nYpPrefixes>=maxYpPrefixes) { int newSize= maxYpPrefixes+4; ypPrefixes= p_realloc(ypPrefixes, sizeof(char *)*newSize); maxYpPrefixes= newSize; } YNameToHead(&prefix); ypPrefixes[nYpPrefixes++]= prefix; }
static void PushMarkStack(int pushing) { if (nMatrixMarkers >= maxMatrixMarkers) { long newSize= maxMatrixMarkers+4; matrixMarkers= p_realloc(matrixMarkers, sizeof(MatrixMarker)*newSize); maxMatrixMarkers= newSize; } matrixMarkers[nMatrixMarkers].stackDepth= stackDepth+pushing; matrixMarkers[nMatrixMarkers++].evalled= 0; }
static void PushBreak(int isBreak, long pc) { if (nextBSP >= breakStackSize) { breakStack= p_realloc(breakStack, sizeof(BreakStack)*(breakStackSize+16)); breakStackSize+= 16; } breakStack[nextBSP].id= (loopDepth<<1)|isBreak; breakStack[nextBSP].pc= pc; nextBSP++; }
static int CheckCodeSpace(long n) { if (nextPC+n > vmCodeSize) { long newSize= (vmCodeSize? vmCodeSize<<1 : 64); vmCode= p_realloc(vmCode, sizeof(Instruction)*newSize); memset(&vmCode[vmCodeSize], 0, sizeof(Instruction)*(newSize-vmCodeSize)); vmCodeSize= newSize; } return 0; }
int u__poll(struct pollfd *fds, unsigned long int nfds, int timeout) { int i, n, bit, word; int maxfd = -1; struct timeval tm, *ptm; for (i=0 ; i<nfds ; i++) if (fds[i].fd>maxfd) maxfd = fds[i].fd; if (maxfd+1 > poll_n*(8*sizeof(unsigned int))) { n = poll_n? (poll_n<<1) : 8; poll_mask = p_realloc(poll_mask, 2*n*sizeof(unsigned int)); poll_n = n; } n = maxfd<0? -1 : maxfd/(8*sizeof(unsigned int)); for (i=0 ; i<=n ; i++) poll_mask[i]= poll_mask[poll_n+i]= 0; for (i=0 ; i<nfds ; i++) { if (fds[i].fd>=0) { word = fds[i].fd/(8*sizeof(unsigned int)); bit = 1 << (fds[i].fd%(8*sizeof(unsigned int))); if (fds[i].events&(POLLIN|POLLPRI)) poll_mask[word]|= bit; poll_mask[poll_n+word]|= bit; fds[i].revents = 0; } else { fds[i].revents = POLLNVAL; } } if (timeout>=0) { ptm = &tm; tm.tv_sec = timeout/1000; tm.tv_usec = 1000*(timeout%1000); } else { ptm = 0; } /* select may return EBADF, poll cannot * select cannot return EAGAIN, poll may * the critical EINTR errno is the same for either * return value is same for select as poll */ n = select(maxfd+1, (void *)poll_mask, (void *)0, (void *)(poll_mask+poll_n), ptm); if (n>0) { for (i=0 ; i<nfds && n>0 ; i++) if (fds[i].fd>=0) { word = fds[i].fd/(8*sizeof(unsigned int)); bit = 1 << (fds[i].fd%(8*sizeof(unsigned int))); if (poll_mask[word] & bit) fds[i].revents |= POLLIN; if (poll_mask[poll_n+word] & bit) fds[i].revents |= POLLERR; } } return n; }
/* ARGSUSED */ static void u_fd0_ready(void *c) { char *line = u_input_line; int n; /* before calling fgets, check to be sure that this process is * not in the background (via UNIX shell job control) */ if (u_in_background()) return; do { if (u_input_max < (line-u_input_line)+1024) { if (u_input_max > 16000) break; n = line - u_input_line; u_input_line = p_realloc(u_input_line, u_input_max+1024); u_input_max += 1024; line = u_input_line + n; } if (!fgets(line, 1024, stdin)) { int at_eof = feof(stdin); clearerr(stdin); if (++u_term_errs>3 || at_eof) { /* cannot read stdin -- maybe serious error, remove it */ u_event_src(0, (void (*)(void *))0, (void *)0); return; } } else { u_term_errs = 0; /* reset error counter on each successful read */ } n = strlen(line); line += n; } while (n==1023 && line[-1]!='\n'); if (line[-1]=='\n') line[-1] = '\0'; if (u_stdin) u_stdin(u_input_line); else p_stderr("\a"); /* beep to indicate rejection */ if (u_input_max>1024) { u_input_line = p_realloc(u_input_line, 1024); u_input_max = 1024; } }
static int VariableReference(Literal name) { if (nVariableRefs >= maxVariableRefs) { long newSize= (maxVariableRefs? maxVariableRefs<<1 : 16); variableRefs= p_realloc(variableRefs, sizeof(long)*newSize); maxVariableRefs= newSize; } variableRefs[nVariableRefs++]= nextPC; vmCode[nextPC++].index= name; literalTypes[name]|= L_REFERENCE; return 0; }
bool TBTempBuffer::Reserve(int size) { if (size > m_data_size) { char *new_data = p_realloc(m_data, size); if (!new_data) return false; m_data = new_data; m_data_size = size; } return true; }
void buffer_verify_pool(buffer_t *_buf) { const struct real_buffer *buf = (const struct real_buffer *)_buf; void *ret; if (buf->pool != NULL && buf->pool->datastack_pool && buf->alloc > 0) { /* this doesn't really do anything except verify the stack frame */ ret = p_realloc(buf->pool, buf->w_buffer, buf->alloc, buf->alloc); i_assert(ret == buf->w_buffer); } }
p_scr * g_connect(char *displayName) { p_scr *s = 0; int i, j, i0=-1, len=0, number=0; /* split display into base name and screen number (separated by dot) */ if (displayName) while (displayName[len]) len++; if (len) { for (i=len-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) if (displayName[i]=='.') break; if (i>=0) { int i0 = i; for (i++ ; i<len && displayName[i]<='9' && displayName[i]>='0' ; i++) number = 10*number + (displayName[i]-'0'); if (i == len) len = i0; else number = 0; } } if (!len) displayName = 0; if (g_screens) { for (i=0 ; i<n_screens ; i++) { j = 0; if (g_screens[i].name) { for ( ; j<len ; j++) if (g_screens[i].s && g_screens[i].name[j]!=displayName[j]) break; } if (j==len && (len? (!g_screens[i].name[j]) : !g_screens[i].name)) { if (number == g_screens[i].number) break; else if (i0<0) i0 = i; } } if (i<n_screens) s = g_screens[i].s; } if (!s) { if (i0<0) s = p_connect(displayName); else s = p_multihead(g_screens[i0].s, number); if (!s) return s; g_test_pending(s); for (i=0 ; i<n_screens ; i++) if (!g_screens[i].s) break; if (i==n_screens && !(i & (i-1))) { int n = i? 2*i : 1; g_screens = p_realloc(g_screens, sizeof(g_scr)*n); } g_screens[i].number = number; g_screens[i].name = displayName? p_strncat(0, displayName, len) : 0; g_screens[i].s = s; if (i==n_screens) n_screens++; } return s; }
static void y_add_item(void *plist, long *pn, void *item) { void **list = *(void ***)plist; long n = *pn; if (!list) { *(void ***)plist = list = p_malloc(sizeof(void *)*32); n = 0; } else if (n>31 && !((n-1)&n)) { *(void ***)plist = list = p_realloc(list, sizeof(void *)*2*n); } list[n] = item; *pn = n+1; }
static p_file *PushInclude(const char *filename, int fullparse) { p_file *file= 0; char *name= 0; long i; if (YIsAbsolute(filename)) { /* absolute pathname doesn't need any prefix */ file= open_include(filename, fullparse); if (!file) return 0; name= p_strcpy(filename); } else { char *tmp; for (i=0 ; i<=nYpPrefixes ; i++) { if (i<nYpPrefixes) { tmp= p_strncat(ypPrefixes[i], filename, 0); name= YExpandName(tmp); p_free(tmp); } else { /* this branch is probably a bug -- * if . is not on path probably should not find file... * maybe protects against empty path? */ name= YExpandName(filename); if (!YIsAbsolute(name)) break; } file= open_include(name, fullparse); if (file) break; p_free(name); } if (!file) return 0; } if (nYpIncludes>=maxYpIncludes) { int newSize= maxYpIncludes+4; ypIncludes= p_realloc(ypIncludes, sizeof(IncludeFile)*newSize); maxYpIncludes= newSize; } if (fullparse) ClearSourceList(name); ypIncludes[nYpIncludes].file= file; ypIncludes[nYpIncludes].filename= name; ypIncludes[nYpIncludes].lastLineRead= 0; ypIncludes[nYpIncludes++].index = -1; prevErrLine= -1; return file; }
void y_push_include(p_file *file, const char *filename) { if (nYpIncludes >= maxYpIncludes) { int newSize = maxYpIncludes + 4; ypIncludes = p_realloc(ypIncludes, sizeof(IncludeFile)*newSize); maxYpIncludes = newSize; } ypIncludes[nYpIncludes].file = file; ypIncludes[nYpIncludes].filename = p_strcpy(filename); ypIncludes[nYpIncludes].lastLineRead = 0; ypIncludes[nYpIncludes++].index = -1; prevErrLine= -1; }
static void buffer_alloc(struct real_buffer *buf, size_t size) { i_assert(buf->w_buffer == NULL || buf->alloced); if (size == buf->alloc) return; i_assert(size > buf->alloc); buf->w_buffer = p_realloc(buf->pool, buf->w_buffer, buf->alloc, size); buf->alloc = size; buf->r_buffer = buf->w_buffer; buf->alloced = TRUE; }
static int TargetReference(Literal label) { if (nGotoTargets >= maxGotoTargets) { long newSize= (maxGotoTargets? maxGotoTargets<<1 : 16); gotoTargets= p_realloc(gotoTargets, sizeof(long)*newSize); maxGotoTargets= newSize; } if (!(literalTypes[label]&L_TARGET)) { literalTypes[label]|= L_TARGET; nTarget++; /* count first forward reference to each label */ } gotoTargets[nGotoTargets++]= nextPC; vmCode[nextPC++].index= label; return 0; }
CodeBlock YpFor(CodeBlock init, CodeBlock test, CodeBlock body) { long inc= nextPC; if (nextInc && incCode[nextInc-1].count==loopDepth) { /* move for-increment code out of incCode into vmCode */ long delta= inc-body; /* distance inc block will move */ long n= incCode[nextInc-=2].index; long lastConstant= incCode[--nextInc].index; long lastVariable= incCode[--nextInc].index; long firstConstant= incCode[--nextInc].index; long firstVariable= incCode[--nextInc].index; long i; /* patch up line number information */ if (reparsing) { long nLineNums= incCode[--nextInc].index; long size= nYpReList>0? ((nYpReList-1)&0xffffff00)+0x100 : 0; if (nYpReList+nLineNums > size) { size= ((nYpReList+nLineNums-1)&0xffffff00)+0x100; ypReList= p_realloc(ypReList, sizeof(long)*size); } nextInc-= nLineNums; for (i=0 ; i<nLineNums ; i+=2) { ypReList[nYpReList+i]= incCode[nextInc+i].index + delta; /* pc */ ypReList[nYpReList+i+1]= incCode[nextInc+i+1].index; /* line # */ } nYpReList+= nLineNums; } /* move code */ i= (nextInc-= n); /* nextInc points to first word of inc */ if (CheckCodeSpace(n)) return init; while (n--) vmCode[nextPC++]= incCode[i++]; /* adjust constant and variable references */ while (firstConstant<lastConstant) constantRefs[firstConstant++]+= delta; while (firstVariable<lastVariable) variableRefs[firstVariable++]+= delta; } if (CheckCodeSpace(2)) return init; vmCode[nextPC++].Action= previousOp= &Branch; if (test==NONE) { SetBranchTarget(nextPC++, body); } else { SetBranchTarget(nextPC++, test); SetBranchTarget(body-1, nextPC); } PopBreak(nextPC, inc); return init; }
void YpEndInc(CodeBlock inc) { long nLineNums= 0; long initialPC= inc; long n= nextPC-initialPC; nextPC= initialPC; /* set vmCode pc to overwrite for-increment code */ if (reparsing) { long i= nYpReList-2; while (nLineNums<nYpReList && ypReList[i-nLineNums]>=initialPC) nLineNums+= 2; nLineNums++; /* 1 extra to record count */ } if (nextInc+n+nLineNums+6 > incCodeSize) { long newSize= (nextInc+n+nLineNums+76); incCode= p_realloc(incCode, newSize*sizeof(Instruction)); incCodeSize= newSize; } /* move for-increment code out of vmCode buffer */ while (n--) incCode[nextInc++]= vmCode[initialPC++]; /* move line number information out of ypReList */ if (reparsing) { long i; nLineNums--; nYpReList-= nLineNums; for (i=0 ; i<nLineNums ; i++) incCode[nextInc+i].index= ypReList[nYpReList+i]; nextInc+= nLineNums; incCode[nextInc++].index= nLineNums; } /* variable reference PCs will need adjustment later */ incCode[nextInc++].index= firstVariable; incCode[nextInc++].index= firstConstant; incCode[nextInc++].index= nVariableRefs; incCode[nextInc++].index= nConstantRefs; incCode[nextInc++].index= initialPC-nextPC; /* they've switched places */ incCode[nextInc++].count= loopDepth; }
/* Record the given globTab index in the sourceList. This index corresponds to either a func definition, a struct definition, or an extern statement outside of any functions. */ long RecordSource(long index) { long isrc = -1; if (nYpIncludes) { long *list, len; if (HashAdd(&sourceTab, ypIncludes[nYpIncludes-1].filename, 0L)) { list = sourceList[hashIndex]; len = lenSourceList[hashIndex]; } else { HASH_MANAGE(sourceTab, long *, sourceList); HASH_MANAGE(sourceTab, long, lenSourceList); sourceList[hashIndex] = list = 0; lenSourceList[hashIndex] = len = 0; } if (!(len&7)) sourceList[hashIndex] = list = p_realloc(list, sizeof(long)*(len+8)); list[len++] = index; lenSourceList[hashIndex] = len; isrc = hashIndex; } return isrc; }
/* It's caller's responsibility to release the returned string. */ static char * get_keysym_name(xkb_keysym_t keysym) { const ssize_t bufsize = 64; char *buf = p_new(char, bufsize); ssize_t len; if((len = xkb_keysym_get_name(keysym, buf, bufsize)) == -1) { p_delete(&buf); return NULL; } if(len + 1 > bufsize) { p_realloc(&buf, len + 1); if(xkb_keysym_get_name(keysym, buf, len + 1) != len) { p_delete(&buf); return NULL; } } return buf; }
/** Newindex function for graph widget. * \param L The Lua VM state. * \param token The key token. * \return The number of elements pushed on stack. */ static int luaA_graph_newindex(lua_State *L, awesome_token_t token) { size_t len; widget_t *widget = luaA_checkudata(L, 1, &widget_class); graph_data_t *d = widget->data; const char *buf; int width; position_t pos; color_t color; switch(token) { case A_TK_HEIGHT: d->height = luaL_checknumber(L, 3); break; case A_TK_WIDTH: width = luaL_checknumber(L, 3); if(width >= 2 && width != d->width) { d->width = width; d->size = d->width - 2; p_realloc(&d->draw_from, d->size); p_realloc(&d->draw_to, d->size); for(int i = 0; i < d->plots.len; i++) { plot_t *plot = &d->[i]; p_realloc(&plot->values, d->size); p_realloc(&plot->lines, d->size); p_clear(plot->values, d->size); p_clear(plot->lines, d->size); plot->index = 0; plot->current_max = 0; plot->max_index = 0; } } else return 0; break; case A_TK_BG: if((buf = luaL_checklstring(L, 3, &len))) { if(color_init_reply(color_init_unchecked(&color, buf, len))) d->bg = color; else return 0; } break; case A_TK_BORDER_COLOR: if((buf = luaL_checklstring(L, 3, &len))) { if(color_init_reply(color_init_unchecked(&color, buf, len))) d->border_color = color; else return 0; } break; case A_TK_GROW: buf = luaL_checklstring(L, 3, &len); switch((pos = position_fromstr(buf, len))) { case Left: case Right: d->grow = pos; break; default: return 0; } break; default: return 0; } widget_invalidate_bywidget(widget); return 0; }
static void x_analyze(x_display *xdpy, int fam) { int i, j, n, face, pixsize, nsizes; char *name; if (tmp_fonts) tmp_free(); tmp_fonts = XListFonts(xdpy->dpy, pattern[((unsigned int)fam)>>2], 1024, &n); for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) { name = x_face(tmp_fonts[i], &face); if (!name) continue; /* extract pixels field */ pixsize = 0; if (name[0]!='*') while (name[0] && name[0]>='0' && name[0]<='9') pixsize = 10*pixsize + *(name++) - '0'; else name++; if (name[0]!='-') continue; /* protect against superlong font names */ if (!pixsize && strlen(tmp_fonts[i])>120) continue; face += fam; nsizes = xdpy->available[face].nsizes; if (x_lookup(pixsize, xdpy->available[face].sizes, nsizes)) continue; if (nsizes%12==0) { int *sizes = xdpy->available[face].sizes; char **names = xdpy->available[face].names; xdpy->available[face].sizes = p_realloc(sizes, sizeof(int)*(nsizes+12)); if (!xdpy->available[face].sizes) { xdpy->available[face].sizes = sizes; return; } xdpy->available[face].names = p_realloc(names,sizeof(char*)*(nsizes+13)); if (!xdpy->available[face].names) { xdpy->available[face].names = names; return; } } j = x_insert(pixsize, xdpy->available[face].sizes, xdpy->available[face].names, nsizes); xdpy->available[face].nsizes++; if (pixsize) { xdpy->available[face].names[j] = p_strcpy(tmp_fonts[i]); } else { /* scalable font needs wildcard name */ char nm[128], *pnm = nm; int n = 7; name = tmp_fonts[i]; while (n--) while ((*(pnm++)= *(name++))!='-'); /* skip over pixels, points fields */ *(pnm++)= '*'; *(pnm++)= '-'; *(pnm++)= '*'; *(pnm++)= '-'; for (n=2 ; n-- ;) while (name[0] && *(name++)!='-'); /* copy hres, vres, spacing fields */ for (n=3 ; n-- ;) while (name[0] && (*(pnm++)= *(name++))!='-'); /* skip over average width field */ *(pnm++)= '*'; *(pnm++)= '-'; while (name[0] && *(name++)!='-'); /* copy remainder (character set fields) */ while ((*(pnm++)= *(name++))); xdpy->available[face].names[j] = p_strcpy(nm); } } tmp_free(); }
static void *ListAppend(void *ptr) { if (!(nlist&0x1f)) memlist= p_realloc(memlist, (nlist+32)*sizeof(void *)); return memlist[nlist++]= ptr; }
void YpFunc(int isMain, int eol) { long codeSize, i, pc; Function *parsedFunc= 0; DataBlock *oldDB; Symbol *cTable; if (!eol || ypErrors) { if (!eol) YpError("garbage after func or struct definition"); ClearParser((void *)0); return; } if (isMain && nextPC==0) return; /* NOTE- if stackDepth!=0 here, there is a bug in the parser... (unless a previous error involving matrix multiplication?) */ if (previousOp!=&Return) YpReturn(NONE); if (isMain) nLocal= 0; /* end of function marked by code.Action==&Return followed by code.Action==0, followed by code.index==codeSize to enable error recovery to find beginning of function */ if (CheckCodeSpace(2)) { ClearParser((void *)0); return; } vmCode[nextPC++].Action= previousOp= 0; vmCode[nextPC].index= codeSize= 1+nPos+(hasPosList&1)+nKey+nLocal+ nextPC; nextPC++; /* fill in all forward-referenced goto targets */ if (nTarget) { YpError("missing goto label at end of func"); ClearParser((void *)0); return; } for (i=0 ; i<nGotoTargets ; i++) { pc= gotoTargets[i]; SetBranchTarget(pc, (literalTypes[vmCode[pc].index]>>3)); } nGotoTargets= 0; /* shorten constant table to its final size */ if (nConstants) { constantTable= p_realloc(constantTable, nConstants*sizeof(Symbol)); maxConstants= nConstants; } /* fill in all references to constants */ if (!reparsing) cTable= constantTable; else cTable= reparsing->constantTable; for (i=0 ; i<nConstantRefs ; i++) { pc= constantRefs[i]; vmCode[pc].constant= cTable+vmCode[pc].index; } nConstantRefs= 0; /* locate or create all referenced variable names in globTab -- reuse literalTypes array to hold globTab index */ if (CheckCodeSpace(1+nPos+(hasPosList&1)+nKey+nLocal)) { ClearParser((void *)0); return; } if (isMain) { for (i=0 ; i<literalTable.nItems ; i++) if (literalTypes[i]&(L_REFERENCE|L_LOCAL)) literalTypes[i]= Globalize(literalTable.names[i], 0L); vmCode[nextPC++].index= Globalize(isMain==1? "*main*" : literalTable.names[0], 0L); } else { for (i=0 ; i<literalTable.nItems ; i++) { /* Note that function name is first, then positional parameters, then optional *va* parameter, then keyword parameters. */ if (literalTypes[i]&(L_REFERENCE|L_LOCAL)) { if ((literalTypes[i]&(L_REFERENCE|L_LOCAL)) == (L_REFERENCE|L_LOCAL)) vmCode[nextPC++].index= literalTypes[i]= Globalize(literalTable.names[i], 0L); else literalTypes[i]= Globalize(literalTable.names[i], 0L); } } } /* fill in all references to variables */ for (i=0 ; i<nVariableRefs ; i++) { pc= variableRefs[i]; vmCode[pc].index= literalTypes[vmCode[pc].index]; } nVariableRefs= 0; /* done with literal table */ HashClear(&literalTable); /* sets literalTable.maxItems==0 */ p_free(literalTypes); literalTypes= 0; if (!reparsing) parsedFunc= NewFunction(constantTable, nConstants, nPos, nKey, nLocal, hasPosList, maxStackDepth, vmCode, codeSize); else ypReMatch= YpReCompare(reparsing, constantTable, nConstants, nPos, nKey, nLocal, hasPosList, maxStackDepth, vmCode, codeSize); nConstants= maxConstants= 0; constantTable= 0; if (reparsing) return; i= parsedFunc->code[0].index; oldDB= globTab[i].value.db; globTab[i].value.db= (DataBlock *)parsedFunc; if (globTab[i].ops==&dataBlockSym) { Unref(oldDB); } else globTab[i].ops= &dataBlockSym; /* A main function must be pushed onto the stack here; anything else (func or struct definitions) is recorded in the sourceList for the current include file (see also YpExtern). */ if (isMain) PushTask(parsedFunc); else parsedFunc->isrc = RecordSource(i); }
/* do interpreted callback to process message from process */ static void spawn_callback(void *vproc, int err) { spawn_proc *proc = vproc; char *msg = 0; Array *msga; Instruction code[12]; Symbol *ctable; long callback = -1; if (err != 2) { long nbytes = 0; if (proc && proc->proc) callback = err? proc->callerr : proc->callout; if (callback<0) { /* probably a bug, but unclear that calling YError * would prevent the possible fault loop */ return; } /* read the message from process * - this just reads all available bytes, up to 2048 */ msg = p_malloc(2048); nbytes = p_recv(proc->proc, msg, 2048); if (nbytes <= 0) { p_free(msg); /* can get this when an unrelated process finishes, just ignore */ /* YError("spawn process read error in callback"); */ /* also could get this if the fd gave POLLERR, possibly should * find some way to figure out what's going on */ return; } msg = p_realloc(msg, nbytes+1); msg[nbytes] ='\0'; } else { if (!proc || proc->callout<0) return; callback = proc->callout; proc->callout = -1; p_spawf(proc->proc, 1); proc->proc = 0; } if (callback < 0) return; /* task constant table contains only message string */ msga = NewArray(&stringStruct, (Dimension *)0); msga->value.q[0] = msg; ctable = p_malloc(sizeof(Symbol)); ctable->ops = &dataBlockSym; ctable->value.db = (DataBlock *)msga; /* fill in function code */ code[0].Action = &PushVariable; code[1].index = callback; code[2].Action = &PushString; code[3].constant = ctable; code[4].Action = &Eval; code[5].count = 1; code[6].Action = &DropTop; code[7].Action = &PushNil; code[8].Action = &Return; code[9].Action = 0; code[10].index = 11; /* NewFunction moves this to beginning */ code[11].index = Globalize("*callback*", 0L); PushTask(NewFunction(ctable, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, code, 11)); }
void *i_realloc(void *mem, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) { return p_realloc(default_pool, mem, old_size, new_size); }