コード例 #1
ファイル: libdfr-rv.cpp プロジェクト: krylenko/libdfr-rv
// generate batch of N samples from a target distribution p(x)
// using sampling-importance-rejection sampling w/ one resampling stage
Matrix rvSIRBatch(const int& N, const double& PDFscale)

	int j=0, k=0, m=0;
	Matrix Qsamples(1,N);
	Matrix w(1,N);
	Matrix wCDF(1,N);
	Matrix rand(1,N);
	Matrix x(1,N);
	// sample from q(x) and calculate weights (and create random array for later)
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
		Qsamples[0][i] = rvStdUniform(-1,1)*PDFscale;		// [-1,1] to handle all PDFs
		//w[0][i] = p_x(Qsamples[0][i])/Qsamples[0][i];
		// line below works, line above doesn't;
		w[0][i] = p_x(Qsamples[0][i])/PDFscale;			
		rand[0][i] = rvStdUniform(0,1);
	// normalize weights
	w = w/w.sum();
	// create CDF of weights
	wCDF[0][0] = w[0][0];
	for(int j=1;j<N;j++)
		wCDF[0][j] = wCDF[0][j-1] + w[0][j];
	//make copies as many times as numbers occur in CDF
	for(k = 0; k < N; ++k)
		m = 0;
		while(wCDF[0][m] < rand[0][k])
		x[0][k] = Qsamples[0][m];
	// reset weights to uniform values
	double wUniform = 1./N;
	return x;

コード例 #2
ファイル: libdfr-rv.cpp プロジェクト: krylenko/libdfr-rv
// generate one sample from a target distribution p(x) using rejection sampling
double rvRejectionSample(const double& M, const double& PDFscale)
	double x, u, target, rejectRatio;
	// note: PDFscale scales the related density g(x) to ensure
	// it's larger than the distribution we want to sample;
	// otherwise we'll just end up sampling g(x)
	// note: machine learning book says to use u < p(x)/Mg(x)
	// as the acceptance criteria, but actually uses u < p(x)
	// also, book says to sample from g(x) Gaussian (for Gaussian desired density)
	// but actually uses uniform density
	// the following code is "correct" but doesn't seem
	// to match desired density as well as book's method
	// to use book's method, comment out all *^ lines
	// and comment in all ** lines
	// generate initial sample
	x = rvGaussian(0,1)*PDFscale; 		// related density, here Gaussian
										// can also just choose a constant value
										// larger than the max of the target distribution
										// *^
	//x = rvStdUniform(0,1)*PDFscale;	// **
	u = rvStdUniform(0,1)*M;			// enveloping uniform distribution
	//rejectRatio = p_x(x)/u;				// threshold to accept/reject samples *^
	// generate sample x until it falls within the target distribution
	//while( u >= rejectRatio)			// *^
	while( u >= p_x(x) )				// **
		x = rvGaussian(0,1)*PDFscale;		// *^
		//x = rvStdUniform(0,1)*PDFscale;	// **
		u = rvStdUniform(0,1)*M;
		//rejectRatio = p_x(x)/u;				// *^	
	return x;
コード例 #3
void GeneticAlgorithm::Crossover(std::vector<char***> &population, float probability, float infeasibilitiesWeight, 
								 float didacticDissatisfactionWeight, float organizationalDissatisfactionWeight)
	int num_pairs = population.size() / 2;
	int size = population.size();

	std::vector<bool> free_pairs(size, true);

	// Losowanie par.
	for(int i = 0; i < num_pairs; ++i)
		int x = rand() % size;
		int y = rand() % size;

			if(x == size)
				x = 0;

		free_pairs[x] = false;

			if(y == size)
				y = 0;

		free_pairs[y] = false;

		// Krzy¿uj.
		if(rand() % 100 < probability * 100)
			std::vector<std::pair<int, float>> x_fitness;

			for(int teacher = 0; teacher < teachers_count; ++teacher)
				float xf = CalculateLocalFitnessFunction(population.data(), x, teacher,  
					didacticDissatisfactionWeight, organizationalDissatisfactionWeight);

				std::pair<int, float> p_x(teacher, xf);


			std::sort(x_fitness.begin(), x_fitness.end(), 
				[] (std::pair<int, float> &_x, std::pair<int, float> &_y) -> bool { return _x.second < _y.second; } );

			int k = teachers_count / 2;
			// TODO: wybieraæ k na podstawie œredniej.

			char ***timetable1 = new char**[teachers_count];
			char ***timetable2 = new char**[teachers_count];

			for(int t = 0; t < teachers_count; ++t)
				if(t < k)
					timetable1[x_fitness[t].first] = population[x][x_fitness[t].first];
					timetable2[x_fitness[t].first] = population[y][x_fitness[t].first];
					timetable1[x_fitness[t].first] = population[y][x_fitness[t].first];
					timetable2[x_fitness[t].first] = population[x][x_fitness[t].first];

			delete [] population[x];
			delete [] population[y];

			population[x] = timetable1;
			population[y] = timetable2;