コード例 #1
ファイル: OctreeQuery.cpp プロジェクト: cozza13/hifi
int OctreeQuery::getBroadcastData(unsigned char* destinationBuffer) {
    unsigned char* bufferStart = destinationBuffer;
    // back a boolean (cut to 1 byte) to designate if this query uses the sent view frustum
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_usesFrustum, sizeof(_usesFrustum));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_usesFrustum);
    if (_usesFrustum) {
        // TODO: DRY this up to a shared method
        // that can pack any type given the number of bytes
        // and return the number of bytes to push the pointer
        // camera details
        memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraPosition, sizeof(_cameraPosition));
        destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraPosition);
        destinationBuffer += packOrientationQuatToBytes(destinationBuffer, _cameraOrientation);
        destinationBuffer += packFloatAngleToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraFov);
        destinationBuffer += packFloatRatioToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraAspectRatio);
        destinationBuffer += packClipValueToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraNearClip);
        destinationBuffer += packClipValueToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraFarClip);
        memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraEyeOffsetPosition, sizeof(_cameraEyeOffsetPosition));
        destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraEyeOffsetPosition);
    // desired Max Octree PPS
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_maxQueryPPS, sizeof(_maxQueryPPS));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_maxQueryPPS);

    // desired voxelSizeScale
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_octreeElementSizeScale, sizeof(_octreeElementSizeScale));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_octreeElementSizeScale);

    // desired boundaryLevelAdjust
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_boundaryLevelAdjust, sizeof(_boundaryLevelAdjust));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_boundaryLevelAdjust);

    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraCenterRadius, sizeof(_cameraCenterRadius));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraCenterRadius);
    // create a QByteArray that holds the binary representation of the JSON parameters
    QByteArray binaryParametersDocument;
    if (!_jsonParameters.isEmpty()) {
        binaryParametersDocument = QJsonDocument(_jsonParameters).toBinaryData();
    // write the size of the JSON parameters
    uint16_t binaryParametersBytes = binaryParametersDocument.size();
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &binaryParametersBytes, sizeof(binaryParametersBytes));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(binaryParametersBytes);
    // pack the binary JSON parameters
    // NOTE: for now we assume that the filters that will be set are all small enough that we will not have a packet > MTU
    if (binaryParametersDocument.size() > 0) {
        memcpy(destinationBuffer, binaryParametersDocument.data(), binaryParametersBytes);
        destinationBuffer += binaryParametersBytes;
    return destinationBuffer - bufferStart;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Referential.cpp プロジェクト: CoderPaulK/hifi
int Referential::pack(unsigned char* destinationBuffer) const {
    unsigned char* startPosition = destinationBuffer;
    *destinationBuffer++ = (unsigned char)_type;
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_version, sizeof(_version));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_version);
    destinationBuffer += packFloatVec3ToSignedTwoByteFixed(destinationBuffer, _translation, 0);
    destinationBuffer += packOrientationQuatToBytes(destinationBuffer, _rotation);
    destinationBuffer += packFloatScalarToSignedTwoByteFixed(destinationBuffer, _scale, 0);
    return destinationBuffer - startPosition;
コード例 #3
ファイル: OctreePacketData.cpp プロジェクト: Giugiogia/hifi
bool OctreePacketData::appendValue(const glm::quat& value) {
    const size_t VALUES_PER_QUAT = 4;
    const size_t PACKED_QUAT_SIZE = sizeof(uint16_t) * VALUES_PER_QUAT;
    unsigned char data[PACKED_QUAT_SIZE];
    int length = packOrientationQuatToBytes(data, value);
    bool success = append(data, length);
    if (success) {
        _bytesOfValues += length;
        _totalBytesOfValues += length;
    return success;
コード例 #4
ファイル: OctreeQuery.cpp プロジェクト: AlexanderOtavka/hifi
int OctreeQuery::getBroadcastData(unsigned char* destinationBuffer) {
    unsigned char* bufferStart = destinationBuffer;
    // TODO: DRY this up to a shared method
    // that can pack any type given the number of bytes
    // and return the number of bytes to push the pointer
    // camera details
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraPosition, sizeof(_cameraPosition));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraPosition);
    destinationBuffer += packOrientationQuatToBytes(destinationBuffer, _cameraOrientation);
    destinationBuffer += packFloatAngleToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraFov);
    destinationBuffer += packFloatRatioToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraAspectRatio);
    destinationBuffer += packClipValueToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraNearClip);
    destinationBuffer += packClipValueToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraFarClip);
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraEyeOffsetPosition, sizeof(_cameraEyeOffsetPosition));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraEyeOffsetPosition);

    // bitMask of less than byte wide items
    unsigned char bitItems = 0;

    // NOTE: we need to keep these here for new clients to talk to old servers. After we know that the clients and
    // servers and clients have all been updated we could remove these bits. New servers will always force these
    // features on old clients even if they don't ask for them. (which old clients will properly handle). New clients
    // will always ask for these so that old servers will use these features.
    setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_LOW_RES_MOVING_BIT);
    setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_COLOR_AT_BIT);
    setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_DELTA_AT_BIT);
    setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_COMPRESSION);

    *destinationBuffer++ = bitItems;

    // desired Max Octree PPS
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_maxQueryPPS, sizeof(_maxQueryPPS));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_maxQueryPPS);

    // desired voxelSizeScale
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_octreeElementSizeScale, sizeof(_octreeElementSizeScale));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_octreeElementSizeScale);

    // desired boundaryLevelAdjust
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_boundaryLevelAdjust, sizeof(_boundaryLevelAdjust));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_boundaryLevelAdjust);

    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraCenterRadius, sizeof(_cameraCenterRadius));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraCenterRadius);
    return destinationBuffer - bufferStart;
コード例 #5
ファイル: OctreeQuery.cpp プロジェクト: linkedinyou/hifi
int OctreeQuery::getBroadcastData(unsigned char* destinationBuffer) {
    unsigned char* bufferStart = destinationBuffer;
    // TODO: DRY this up to a shared method
    // that can pack any type given the number of bytes
    // and return the number of bytes to push the pointer
    // camera details
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraPosition, sizeof(_cameraPosition));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraPosition);
    destinationBuffer += packOrientationQuatToBytes(destinationBuffer, _cameraOrientation);
    destinationBuffer += packFloatAngleToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraFov);
    destinationBuffer += packFloatRatioToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraAspectRatio);
    destinationBuffer += packClipValueToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraNearClip);
    destinationBuffer += packClipValueToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraFarClip);
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraEyeOffsetPosition, sizeof(_cameraEyeOffsetPosition));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraEyeOffsetPosition);

    // bitMask of less than byte wide items
    unsigned char bitItems = 0;
    if (_wantLowResMoving)     { setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_LOW_RES_MOVING_BIT); }
    if (_wantColor)            { setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_COLOR_AT_BIT); }
    if (_wantDelta)            { setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_DELTA_AT_BIT); }
    if (_wantOcclusionCulling) { setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_OCCLUSION_CULLING_BIT); }
    if (_wantCompression)      { setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_COMPRESSION); }

    *destinationBuffer++ = bitItems;

    // desired Max Octree PPS
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_maxOctreePPS, sizeof(_maxOctreePPS));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_maxOctreePPS);

    // desired voxelSizeScale
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_octreeElementSizeScale, sizeof(_octreeElementSizeScale));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_octreeElementSizeScale);

    // desired boundaryLevelAdjust
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_boundaryLevelAdjust, sizeof(_boundaryLevelAdjust));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_boundaryLevelAdjust);
    return destinationBuffer - bufferStart;
コード例 #6
ファイル: OctreePacketData.cpp プロジェクト: ZappoMan/hifi
bool OctreePacketData::appendValue(const QVector<glm::quat>& value) {
    uint16_t qVecSize = value.size();
    bool success = appendValue(qVecSize);

    if (success) {
        QByteArray dataByteArray(udt::MAX_PACKET_SIZE, 0);
        unsigned char* start = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(dataByteArray.data());
        unsigned char* destinationBuffer = start;
        for (int index = 0; index < value.size(); index++) {
            destinationBuffer += packOrientationQuatToBytes(destinationBuffer, value[index]);
        int quatsSize = destinationBuffer - start;
        success = append(start, quatsSize);
        if (success) {
            _bytesOfValues += quatsSize;
            _totalBytesOfValues += quatsSize;

    return success;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ModelItem.cpp プロジェクト: Adrianl3d/hifi
bool ModelItem::encodeModelEditMessageDetails(PacketType command, ModelItemID id, const ModelItemProperties& properties,
        unsigned char* bufferOut, int sizeIn, int& sizeOut) {

    bool success = true; // assume the best
    unsigned char* copyAt = bufferOut;
    sizeOut = 0;

    // get the octal code for the modelItem

    // this could be a problem if the caller doesn't include position....
    glm::vec3 rootPosition(0);
    float rootScale = 0.5f;
    unsigned char* octcode = pointToOctalCode(rootPosition.x, rootPosition.y, rootPosition.z, rootScale);

    // TODO: Consider this old code... including the correct octree for where the modelItem will go matters for 
    // modelItem servers with different jurisdictions, but for now, we'll send everything to the root, since the 
    // tree does the right thing...
    //unsigned char* octcode = pointToOctalCode(details[i].position.x, details[i].position.y,
    //                                          details[i].position.z, details[i].radius);

    int octets = numberOfThreeBitSectionsInCode(octcode);
    int lengthOfOctcode = bytesRequiredForCodeLength(octets);

    // add it to our message
    memcpy(copyAt, octcode, lengthOfOctcode);
    copyAt += lengthOfOctcode;
    sizeOut += lengthOfOctcode;

    // Now add our edit content details...
    bool isNewModelItem = (id.id == NEW_MODEL);

    // id
    memcpy(copyAt, &id.id, sizeof(id.id));
    copyAt += sizeof(id.id);
    sizeOut += sizeof(id.id);

    // special case for handling "new" modelItems
    if (isNewModelItem) {
        // If this is a NEW_MODEL, then we assume that there's an additional uint32_t creatorToken, that
        // we want to send back to the creator as an map to the actual id
        memcpy(copyAt, &id.creatorTokenID, sizeof(id.creatorTokenID));
        copyAt += sizeof(id.creatorTokenID);
        sizeOut += sizeof(id.creatorTokenID);
    // lastEdited
    quint64 lastEdited = properties.getLastEdited();
    memcpy(copyAt, &lastEdited, sizeof(lastEdited));
    copyAt += sizeof(lastEdited);
    sizeOut += sizeof(lastEdited);
    // For new modelItems, all remaining items are mandatory, for an edited modelItem, All of the remaining items are
    // optional, and may or may not be included based on their included values in the properties included bits
    uint16_t packetContainsBits = properties.getChangedBits();
    if (!isNewModelItem) {
        memcpy(copyAt, &packetContainsBits, sizeof(packetContainsBits));
        copyAt += sizeof(packetContainsBits);
        sizeOut += sizeof(packetContainsBits);

    // radius
    if (isNewModelItem || ((packetContainsBits & MODEL_PACKET_CONTAINS_RADIUS) == MODEL_PACKET_CONTAINS_RADIUS)) {
        float radius = properties.getRadius() / (float) TREE_SCALE;
        memcpy(copyAt, &radius, sizeof(radius));
        copyAt += sizeof(radius);
        sizeOut += sizeof(radius);

    // position
    if (isNewModelItem || ((packetContainsBits & MODEL_PACKET_CONTAINS_POSITION) == MODEL_PACKET_CONTAINS_POSITION)) {
        glm::vec3 position = properties.getPosition() / (float)TREE_SCALE;
        memcpy(copyAt, &position, sizeof(position));
        copyAt += sizeof(position);
        sizeOut += sizeof(position);

    // color
    if (isNewModelItem || ((packetContainsBits & MODEL_PACKET_CONTAINS_COLOR) == MODEL_PACKET_CONTAINS_COLOR)) {
        rgbColor color = { properties.getColor().red, properties.getColor().green, properties.getColor().blue };
        memcpy(copyAt, color, sizeof(color));
        copyAt += sizeof(color);
        sizeOut += sizeof(color);

    // shoulDie
        bool shouldDie = properties.getShouldDie();
        memcpy(copyAt, &shouldDie, sizeof(shouldDie));
        copyAt += sizeof(shouldDie);
        sizeOut += sizeof(shouldDie);

    // modelURL
    if (isNewModelItem || ((packetContainsBits & MODEL_PACKET_CONTAINS_MODEL_URL) == MODEL_PACKET_CONTAINS_MODEL_URL)) {
        uint16_t urlLength = properties.getModelURL().size() + 1;
        memcpy(copyAt, &urlLength, sizeof(urlLength));
        copyAt += sizeof(urlLength);
        sizeOut += sizeof(urlLength);
        memcpy(copyAt, qPrintable(properties.getModelURL()), urlLength);
        copyAt += urlLength;
        sizeOut += urlLength;

    // modelRotation
        int bytes = packOrientationQuatToBytes(copyAt, properties.getModelRotation());
        copyAt += bytes;
        sizeOut += bytes;

    // animationURL
        uint16_t urlLength = properties.getAnimationURL().size() + 1;
        memcpy(copyAt, &urlLength, sizeof(urlLength));
        copyAt += sizeof(urlLength);
        sizeOut += sizeof(urlLength);
        memcpy(copyAt, qPrintable(properties.getAnimationURL()), urlLength);
        copyAt += urlLength;
        sizeOut += urlLength;

    // animationIsPlaying
    if (isNewModelItem || ((packetContainsBits & 
        bool animationIsPlaying = properties.getAnimationIsPlaying();
        memcpy(copyAt, &animationIsPlaying, sizeof(animationIsPlaying));
        copyAt += sizeof(animationIsPlaying);
        sizeOut += sizeof(animationIsPlaying);

    // animationFrameIndex
    if (isNewModelItem || ((packetContainsBits & 
        float animationFrameIndex = properties.getAnimationFrameIndex();
        memcpy(copyAt, &animationFrameIndex, sizeof(animationFrameIndex));
        copyAt += sizeof(animationFrameIndex);
        sizeOut += sizeof(animationFrameIndex);

    // animationFPS
    if (isNewModelItem || ((packetContainsBits & 
        float animationFPS = properties.getAnimationFPS();
        memcpy(copyAt, &animationFPS, sizeof(animationFPS));
        copyAt += sizeof(animationFPS);
        sizeOut += sizeof(animationFPS);

    bool wantDebugging = false;
    if (wantDebugging) {
        qDebug("ModelItem id  :%u", id.id);
        qDebug(" nextID:%u", _nextID);

    // cleanup
    delete[] octcode;
    return success;